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Before reading the poem “it's dangerous to read Newspapers” predicted themes of propaganda,

miss information and the effects that the media has on the world. However, after reading this
poem I don't really feel those are common themes. The poem almost seems to be a statement
on the Vietnam War. The poem starts off by contrasting a peaceful life with morbid visuals of
dead bodies and bombs. implying that whilst some are living in youthful bliss, others are being
destroyed. After reading further, perhaps this person is a politician. The poem talks as though
this person is making an impact and is the cause of what is implied as the Vietnam War.
Furthermore, the person seems to feel guilty about what he has done. I think the final line is for
dramatic effect. To really emphasize the impact of the war and the weight of this person's
decisions. If I had to guess why she picked this title, Iwould say that it is like the person is
saying: “don't read the papers because you will see the truth about what I'm doing.” and he is

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