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Assessment Method How to Adapt Assessment Method in DL

Diagnostic Test I will let the students answer the pre-test in the Self
Learning, Module and take note of their responses so that
I can assess their prior knowledge about the subject. In
this way I can have a base in crafting Activities for
Quiz I will send a five-item quiz inserted to the Self Learning
Module. Based on the result, I will take note of the
misconceptions and clarify them to the learners via group
chat or text messages
Activities I will send activity sheets together with self-learning
module as enrichment to their learning
Unit Test I will send Unit Test to assess their learning in every
module per week.
Periodic Test I will send Periodic Test to assess their learning
throughout the quarter

1. What assessment methods are common among the group members?

Answer: Diagnostic Test, Quiz, Activities, Unit Test and Periodic Test
2. What are the challenges in doing assessment in distance learning?
a. The students cannot ask further clarification with regards to the task given since
there is no face to face instructions.
b. There might be difficulty in the part of the students’ learning since the teacher
cannot discuss face to face the subject matter which may affect their responses
to the given assessment.
3. Despite the challenges, what opportunities can you and your colleagues explore to make
assessment doable in Distance Learning?
Answer: Despite the challenges it is an opportunity for the teachers to be efficient,
innovative, and explore more ways in giving assessments to learners since distance
learning is the new normal in education.

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