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Received: 14 December 2017

| Revised: 15 November 2018

| Accepted: 12 December 2018

DOI: 10.1111/ssm.12329


Elementary teachers’ mathematical beliefs and mathematics

anxiety: How do they shape instructional practices?

Pamela Hughes1 | Susan Swars Auslander2 | David W. Stinson1 | C. Kevin Fortner3

Department of Middle and Secondary
Education, Georgia State University,
Atlanta, Georgia This quantitative study investigated the relationships among practicing elementary
Department of Early Childhood and teachers’ (N = 153) beliefs about mathematics and its teaching and learning, mathe-
Elementary Education, Georgia State
matics anxiety, and instructional practices in mathematics. When viewed singly, the
University, Atlanta, Georgia
3 findings reveal the teachers with higher levels of mathematics anxiety tend to use less
Department of Educational Policy
Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, standards‐based instruction and those with beliefs oriented toward a problem‐solving
Georgia view of mathematics reported more standards‐based teaching. A combined analysis
shows that after controlling for mathematical beliefs, teaching longevity, and educa-
Susan Swars Auslander, Department of tional degree attainment, there is no relationship between teachers’ mathematics
Early Childhood and Elementary Education, anxiety and instructional practices. These findings suggest a spurious relationship
Georgia State University, P.O. Box 3978,
Atlanta, GA 30302‐3978. between anxiety and practices, with beliefs having the strongest relationship with
Email: practices. Several suggestions for positively influencing the mathematical beliefs and
affect in general of elementary teachers while learning mathematics are offered.

attitudes/beliefs, curriculum, elementary teachers and teaching, learning processes, reform

1 | IN T RO D U C T ION mathematics lessons delivered via review, demonstration, and

repeated practice. Changing these engrained “traditional,”
Adopted by most states in the United States, the Standards for procedural beliefs and practices is arduous and made all the
Mathematical Practice in the Common Core State Standards more challenging by the tendencies of this population to have
for Mathematics (CCSS‐M) depict classroom learning environ- mathematics anxiety (Bekdemir, 2010; Conference Board of
ments that develop conceptual understandings of mathematics, the Mathematical Sciences [CBMS], 2012).
along with procedural fluency built upon these understandings, Though some argue the teacher beliefs‐practice link is less
and have dialogic discourse as an important element of instruc- causal and more dynamic, with the impact of beliefs molded
tion. Elementary teachers should engage students in authentic by other facets, such as resources and goals and modified by
problem‐solving tasks and productive discussions intended contextual constraints (Schoenfeld, 2015; Skott, 2015), there
to develop students’ individual and shared understandings of is “broad acceptance that mathematics teachers’ beliefs about
mathematics concepts and practices in ways that nurture their mathematics influence the ways in which they teach the sub-
abilities to make sense of mathematics and also reason and ject” (Beswick, 2012, p. 127). Over time, research has estab-
communicate mathematically (Charalambous & Hill, 2012; lished a relationship between teachers’ affect, which includes
National Council for Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], beliefs and attitudes, and teaching by showing that affective
2014). Developing such learning environments, however, is factors shape teacher thinking and behaviors, including in-
difficult for many elementary teachers, as too many believe stu- structional decision‐making and use of curriculum materials
dents should be taught as they were (Harbin & Newton, 2013; (Beswick, 2006; Cross Francis, 2015; Philipp, 2007; Polly et al.,
Hiebert, 2003; Maasepp & Bobis, 2014/2015; NCTM, 2014), 2013; Wilkins, 2008). There have been recent efforts to clarify
through memorization of facts, formulas, and procedures with teacher affect, specifically its conceptualization as “productive

School Science and Mathematics. 2019;1–10. © 2019 School Science and Mathematics Association | 1
|    HUGHES et al.

disposition for teaching mathematics” (Jacobson & Kilpatrick, with a certain degree of commitment, and relatively stable;
2015, p. 402) constituting mathematics teachers’ malleable ori- and “expected to significantly influence individuals’ percep-
entation, including beliefs, attitudes, and emotions, toward the tions and interpretations of experiential encounters and their
subject of mathematics and its teaching and learning, which is contributions to the practices in which they engage” (Skott,
necessarily entangled with knowledge and practice. 2015, p. 6). Attitudes are considered as “manners of acting,
With a need for “increased articulation and coordination feeling, or thinking that show one’s disposition or opinion”
of research on teacher affect in mathematics” (Jacobson & (Philipp, 2007, p. 259). Two affective constructs relevant to
Kilpatrick, 2015, p. 402), quantitative study of teacher affect this study are beliefs about mathematics and its teaching and
and its relationship with instruction affords the possibility learning and also mathematics anxiety, a form of attitude.
of providing more general understanding of the nature and Beliefs about mathematics, or the nature of mathematics,
consistency of potential linkages. Most studies of affective are formed across teachers’ seminal years as students in K–12
factors and instructional practices examine only two of these classrooms, and the resultant beliefs can be robust (Schoenfeld,
variables simultaneously and has prospective elementary 2015). A mathematical belief framework has been proposed
teachers as participants, rather than multi‐dimensional study that includes three perspectives: the instrumentalist view, the
of practicing elementary teachers. Thus, the goal of this in- Platonist view, and the problem‐solving view (Ernest, 1989).
quiry was to investigate the relationships among elementary The instrumentalist view sees mathematics as a utilitarian col-
teachers’ beliefs about mathematics and its teaching and lection of unrelated facts, rules, and skills; the Platonist view
learning, mathematics anxiety, and instructional practices in regards mathematics as a static body of certain knowledge that
mathematics. The findings advance the literature by expand- is discovered and created by the gods; and the problem‐solving
ing the knowledge base about the possible interrelatedness view perceives mathematics as an ever changing, expanding
of teacher affect and teaching practices in elementary class- field created by humans that is cultural in nature. Within this
rooms and provide insights for needed emphases during uni- third perspective, mathematics involves an inquiry process
versity‐based mathematics methods and content courses and of coming to know it; mathematics is never a finished prod-
school‐based professional learning of mathematics. uct but rather is continually subject to changes and revisions.
According to Ernest’s framework, teachers’ personal views or
philosophies of mathematics and what it means to do mathe-
2 | THEORETICAL matics influence their beliefs about mathematics teaching and
PERSPECTIVES AND RELATED learning, with others supporting this assertion (Beswick, 2006;
RESEARCH Handal, 2003). The instrumentalist and Platonist views most
closely align with traditional instruction (Hiebert, 2003); the
Reform in mathematics education in the United States has problem‐solving view most closely aligns with NCTM’s rec-
been largely guided by the recommendations of NCTM. ommendations for instruction in mathematics classrooms.
NCTM’s (2014) recent document, Principles to Actions, rec- The mathematics anxiety of elementary teachers has been
ommends the use of a research‐based framework including of long‐standing concern, with research showing this anxi-
eight Mathematics Teaching Practices comprised of a core ety to be prevalent (Beilock, Gunderson, Ramirez, & Levine,
set of high‐leverage practices and essential teaching skills. 2010; Hembree, 1990). Mathematics anxiety has been defined
This framework supports the “characterization of mathemat- as a negative emotional response that arises when confronted
ics learning as an active process, in which each student builds with a mathematical task (Beilock et al., 2010), or feelings
his or her own mathematical knowledge from personal experi- of tension, helplessness, or mental disorganization when
ences, coupled with feedback from peers, teachers and other required to manipulate numbers and shapes (Richardson &
adults, and themselves” (NCTM, 2014, p. 9). According to Suinn, 1972). Recent research provides insight into the com-
these eight practices, teachers should: establish mathematics plexity of mathematics anxiety, including that individuals
goals to focus learning, implement tasks that promote reason- may interpret this anxiety as specific and distinct fears (e.g.,
ing and problem solving, use and connect mathematical repre- lack of mathematical competency as loss of social belong-
sentations, facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse, pose ing), with associated strategies for coping with these fears
purposeful questions, build procedural fluency from concep- (Stoehr, 2017). Studies have focused mostly on prospective
tual understanding, support productive struggle in the learning elementary teachers and less on practicing elementary teach-
of mathematics, and elicit and use evidence of student thinking. ers, showing mathematics anxiety is negatively related to
There are many factors that shape teachers’ instructional mathematics achievement goals (Gonzalez‐DeHass, Furner,
practices, with mathematical affect as one. Affect is “com- Vasquez‐Colina, & Morris, 2017), mathematics teaching
prised of emotions, attitudes, and beliefs” (Philipp, 2007, p. efficacy (Swars, Smith, Smith, & Hart, 2009), and mathe-
259). Beliefs have been characterized as: mental constructs matical performance (Novak & Tassell, 2017). Over time,
that are subjectively true for an individual; value‐laden, held research has revealed that mathematics anxiety has important
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implications for classroom instructional practices that in turn hundred fifty‐three elementary teachers elected to partici-
influence students’ attitudes and achievement (Aslan, 2013; pate, which provided a return rate of 30% and representa-
Bush, 1989; Gresham, 2007; Hadley & Dorward, 2011; Karp, tion from all 19 elementary schools in the district. For the
1991; Ma, 1999). For example, elementary teachers who ex- respondents, years of teaching experience were: 8% with
perience mathematics anxiety tend to use more traditional 0–5 years, 44% with 6–15 years, and 48% with 16 years of
approaches during instruction and spend less time teaching more; thus, they were largely experienced rather than nov-
mathematics. Further, a study of prospective elementary ice teachers. Educational attainment of the participants in-
teachers showed they projected their own mathematics anx- cluded 28% with a bachelor’s degree, 43% with a master’s
iety to expectations formed about students, thus potentially degree, and 29% with an educational specialist or doctoral
affecting their capacity to development inclusive classroom degree. Participants were asked to provide the number of
learning environments (Mizala, Martinez, & Martinez, 2015). mathematics courses completed during their undergraduate
Research using quantitative methods shows the inter- degree, with the options of: 0, 1, 2, or 3+. Interestingly, the
connectedness of mathematical affect and instructional number of those who were enrolled in 3 or more mathemat-
practices of both prospective and practicing elementary ics courses (n = 105) is considerably larger than the other
teachers. For example, a study of 53 elementary teachers’ groups: 0 (n = 2), 1 (n = 11), and 2 (n = 35).
beliefs about the teaching and learning of mathematics evi- The school district is located in a suburban county in the
denced a significant relationship with instructional practices southeastern United States and served 10,849 elementary
(i.e., those with more teacher‐centered beliefs used more students during the year of the study. The teacher retention
teacher‐centered practices, and vice versa) (Polly et al., rate for the entire school district was 95%, and the aver-
2013). Also, inquiry involving 301 prospective elemen- age number of years of teaching experience was 13.7 years
tary teachers showed those with more cognitively oriented with few first‐year teachers. The lack of teacher turnover
mathematical pedagogical beliefs had lower mathematics is worth noting in light of the disconcerting rate of teacher
anxiety (Haciomeroglu, 2013). Furthermore, a study of 481 mobility and attrition on the national scale. The student
elementary teachers revealed teachers’ attitudes and be- population was made up of: 64% Caucasian, 21% African
liefs about mathematics were related to their instructional American, 8% Hispanic, 2% Asian, and 5% Multiracial. Of
practices (Wilkins, 2008). Specifically, teachers with more these students, 13% were eligible for the free/reduced‐price
positive attitudes toward mathematics were more likely to lunch program.
believe in the effectiveness of inquiry‐based instruction and The elementary schools were provided a common
use it more frequently in their classrooms. Beliefs had the curriculum with most of it drawn from the state created
strongest effect on instructional practices, even more so curriculum, called the Mathematics Frameworks Units,
than content knowledge, and were found to partially medi- which was guided by the state standards aligned with the
ate the effect of attitudes on instructional practices. CCSS‐M. Additionally, teachers were provided a variety
of other resources focusing on Number Talks, mathemat-
ics vocabulary, and problem solving. The CCSS‐M were
adopted by the state in 2010, with roll‐out including com-
munication and administrator training during 2010–11 and
This quantitative study was guided by the following research
teacher training during 2011–12. Initial classroom imple-
mentation of the standards was expected in fall 2012, with
full implementation in fall 2014. At the time of data col-
1. What are the relationships between the mathematics
lection, the teachers were starting their second year of full
anxiety, mathematical beliefs, and mathematics instruc-
implementation of the CCSS‐M.
tional practices of elementary teachers?
2. In a combined model, is mathematics anxiety or mathe-
matical beliefs a better predictor of mathematics instruc- 4.2 | Data collection
tional practices of elementary teachers?
Data were collected via an online survey that contained three
embedded instruments: the Mathematics Anxiety Rating
Scale: Short Version (MARS‐SV, Suinn & Winston, 2003),
4 | M ET H OD
the Teacher Beliefs Survey (TBS, Beswick, 2005), and the
Elementary Teachers Commitment to Mathematics Education
4.1 | Participants and context
Reform Survey (ETCMER, Ross, McDougall, Hogaboam‐
All elementary teachers in one public school district, ap- Gray, & LeSage, 2003). These instruments were chosen
proximately 500, were invited through email to partici- based on their acceptance and wide use, high levels of reli-
pate in the study and complete the online survey. One ability and validity, and relevance to the research questions.
|    HUGHES et al.

Additional questions requested demographic information 2003). Based on a review of key NCTM documents and 153
from the teachers (e.g., years of teaching experience, years of empirical studies, the developers created a blueprint for stan-
mathematics teaching experience, highest educational degree dards‐based teaching containing nine dimensions of reform‐
attainment, and number of mathematics courses taken during based mathematics teaching practices, such as teacher use of:
undergraduate degree completion). The research coordina- complex, open‐ended problems during instruction; manipu-
tor for the school district emailed all elementary teachers at latives and tools to support students’ problem solving; and
the beginning of the school year, inviting them to participate student‐to‐student interaction during learning. Furthermore,
and providing a link to the online survey, along with two fol- instruction is centered on students’ construction of their
low‐up reminder emails. The teachers were given 3 weeks to mathematical ideas through discovery, and the teacher’s role
respond before the online survey was closed. is that of co‐learner and creator of a mathematical commu-
The MARS‐SV is a 30‐item instrument consisting of nity. The survey developed from this blueprint uses a 5‐point
brief scenarios pertaining to mathematics and the degree response scale, with higher scores indicating more standards‐
to which they trigger mathematics anxiety. It contains two based instruction. Using Cronbach’s alpha, a reliability co-
factors constituting the core dimensions measured, including efficient of 0.88 was obtained in two independent analyses.
mathematics test anxiety and mathematics numerical anxiety. Elementary teachers established content and face validity
The MARS‐SV was developed by Suinn and Winston (2003) through review.
and provides a shorter version of the 98‐item Mathematics
Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS, Richardson & Suinn, 1972).
The instrument uses a Likert‐type scale, with higher scores
4.3 | Data analysis
indicating greater levels of mathematics anxiety. Cronbach’s Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential sta-
alpha was found to be 0.96, an indication of high internal con- tistics. Multiple regression analyses were conducted with
sistency, along with a determination of test‐retest reliability mathematics instructional practices as the dependent vari-
of 0.90 (Suinn & Winston, 2003). Concurrent validity of the able. Such analyses can establish that a set of independent
MARS‐SV with the MARS was conducted using a Pearson variables explains a proportion of the variance in a depend-
correlation, with r = 0.92 indicating a high correlation be- ent variable at a statistically significant level, as well as es-
tween the short and long versions of the instrument. tablish the relative predictive importance of the independent
The 26‐item TBS (Beswick, 2005) measures teachers’ variables (Creswell, 2003). The analysis identified three
beliefs about the nature of mathematics and corresponding groups of participants according to years of teaching experi-
beliefs regarding its teaching and learning. It contains two ence: novice (0–5 years), mid‐career (6–15 years), and vet-
subscales aligned with Ernest’s (1989) conceptualizations eran (16 + years). The participants in the sample were also
of mathematics, with 14 items on the problem‐solving view divided into three groups according to their educational at-
subscale and 12 items on the instrumentalist view subscale. A tainment: bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and specialist/
teacher who has a problem‐solving view believes mathemat- doctoral degree. Teaching longevity and educational degree
ics is an ever changing, expanding field created by humans attainment were included as control variables in the regres-
that is cultural in nature. Mathematics involves an inquiry sion models.
process of coming to know it; it is never a finished prod-
uct but rather continually subject to changes and revisions.
Corresponding beliefs about pedagogy include instruction 5 | RESULTS
that is learner centered and involves students’ autonomous
exploration of their own interests. A teacher who has an in- 5.1 | Descriptive findings from the
strumentalist view believes mathematics is a utilitarian col- instruments
lection of unrelated facts, rules, and skills. Associated beliefs
about pedagogy include teaching that is content‐focused with The MARS‐SV mathematics anxiety measure uses a 5‐point
an emphasis on performance and learning via passive recep- response scale, with 1 representing low anxiety and 5 represent-
tion of knowledge and mastery of skills. The items have a ing high anxiety. The participants had an overall mean score of
5‐point response scale, with higher scores indicating more 2.35 (SD = 0.90), which reveals they had a moderate to low
alignment with a problem‐solving view. For the subscales, level of mathematics anxiety. The four items with the highest
the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient associated with mean scores across the participants are shown in Table 1, which
the problem‐solving view subscale is 0.78 and the instrumen- gives a sense of which scenarios would trigger the most mathe-
talist view subscale is 0.77. matics anxiety. Items with the highest means involve situations
The 20‐item ETCMER measures elementary teachers’ within academic contexts, with specific connections to testing.
self‐report of the implementation of instructional practices In contrast, the item with the lowest mean score (1.45) is related
consistent with mathematics education reform (Ross et al., to the reading of a cash register receipt after a purchase, focused
HUGHES et al.    
| 5

TABLE 1 MARS‐SV overall and highest mean scores with practices—standards‐based and not—in their classrooms.
standard deviations Table 3 shows the four items with the highest mean scores to
provide insights into which instructional practices are most
commonly used. Of the four practices, two indicate a more
MARS‐SV (Overall) 2.35 0.90
standards‐based approach and two indicate practices consid-
14. Being given a homework assignment of 3.32 1.25 ered to be less standards‐based (e.g., an emphasis on correct
many difficult problems due the next class
answers and students working together is not very produc-
tive). For analysis, items are coded such that higher scores
11. Taking the methematics section of a 3.31 1.28
on the ETCMER indicate more standards‐based instructional
college entrance exam
practices by teachers.
13. Being given a “pop quiz” in class 3.30 1.17
5. Thinking about an upcoming math test 3.28 1.26
5 minutes before 5.2 | Multiple regression analyses of the
affective constructs and instructional practices
more so on the use of mathematics and numbers in everyday Table 4 presents the results of multiple regression analy-
life. ses focused on the research questions. All models include
The TBS mathematical beliefs measure uses a 5‐point controls for teaching longevity and educational degree at-
response scale, with 5 representing “Strongly Agree” and tainment of the participants. The dependent variable in all
1 representing “Strongly Disagree.” Higher scores indicate models is the reported instructional practices of teachers
teacher beliefs more aligned with a problem‐solving view of (ECTMER).
mathematics and its teaching and learning. Lower scores in- In Model 1, which reports the relationship between
dicate teacher beliefs more consistent with an instrumentalist mathematics anxiety (MARS‐SV) and instructional prac-
view of mathematics and its teaching and learning. The over- tices (ECTMER), the findings show a 1‐point increase in
all mean score was 3.54 (SD = 0.39), which indicates the ele- the teachers’ mathematics anxiety scale is associated with a
mentary teachers leaned somewhat toward a problem‐solving 0.186‐point decrease in the instructional practices scale when
view. Table 2 shows the four items with the highest mean controlling for differences in teachers’ experience and degree
scores, illuminating the problem‐solving view of the partici- attainment. When focusing exclusively on the relationship
pants, including the importance of a comfortable learning en- between mathematics anxiety and instructional practices,
vironment in mathematics for all students where they engage teachers with greater mathematics anxiety tend to utilize
in problem solving and reflect on learning. fewer standards‐based instructional practices.
The ETCMER instructional practices measure uses a 5‐ Model 2 reports the results of a regression model fo-
point response scale ranging from 5 representing “Strongly cused on the second research question regarding the
Agree” to 1 representing “Strongly Disagree.” The over- relationship between mathematical beliefs (TBS) and in-
all mean score was 3.12 (SD = 0.45), a moderate score on structional practices (ECTMER). The findings reveal that
the scale showing teachers reported a mix of instructional teachers with more problem‐solving views of mathemat-
ics are more likely to utilize standards‐based instructional
practices. Specifically, holding constant differences in
TABLE 2 TBS overall and highest mean scores with standard
teachers’ experience and degree attainment, teachers who
score 1 point higher on the measure of mathematical be-
M SD liefs (TBS) reported instructional practices that are about
TBS (Overall) 3.54 0.39 0.738 points higher on the measure of instructional prac-
23. Teachers can create for all students a 4.25 0.67 tices (ECTMER).
nonthreatening environment for learning Model 3 focuses on the final research question and exe-
mathematics cutes a model that includes measures of mathematics anxiety
7. It is important teachers to understand the 4.14 0.72 and mathematical beliefs in the same regression analysis. In
structured way in which mathematics concepts this combined model, there is no statistically significant re-
and skills relate to each other lationship between the measures of mathematics anxiety and
1. A vital task for the teacher is motivating 4.11 0.85 instructional practices, but there is a statistically significant
children to solve their own mathematical relationship between the measures of mathematical beliefs
problems and instructional practices. In this model, holding constant
5. It is important for children to be given 4.09 0.92 teachers’ mathematics anxiety, teaching experience, and de-
opportunities to reflect on and evaluate their gree attainment, a 1‐point increase in the teachers’ mathemat-
learning ical beliefs scale is associated with a 0.716‐point increase in
|    HUGHES et al.

TABLE 3 ETCMER overall and

highest mean scores with standard
ETCMER (overall) 3.12 0.45 deviations
7. Every child in my room should feel that mathematics is 4.38 0.80
something he/she can do
11. When students are working on math problems, I put more 3.94 0.92
emphasis on getting the correct answer than on the
process followed
6. It is not very productive for students to work together 3.76 1.00
during math time
17. I teach students how to explain their mathematical ideas 3.61 0.93

TABLE 4 Models predicting instructional practices (ECTMER)

(1) (2) (3)

Mathematics anxiety and

Model Mathematics anxiety Mathematical beliefs mathematical beliefs
Mathematics anxiety −0.186** (0.048) −0.018 (0.045)
Mathematical beliefs 0.738 (0.060) 0.716** (0.087)
Teaching longevity (Middle) −0.216 (0.158) −0.217 (0.113) −0.227+ (0.119)
Teaching longevity (Veteran) −0.300+ (0.162) −0.349** (0.115) −0.357** (0.120)
Degree level (Master’s) 0.064 (0.099) 0.035 (0.081) 0.037 (0.082)
Degree level (Specialist/Doctorate) 0.123 (0.107) 0.071 (0.089) 0.071 (0.090)
** **
Constant 3.732 (0.193) 0.736 (0.193) 0.864* (0.402)
N 153 153 153
R 0.149 0.408 0.409
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
p < 0.10 *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01.

the instructional practice scale, indicating that teachers with beliefs, and degree attainment. No controls for degree attain-
more problem‐solving views of mathematics tend to utilize ment were statistically significant predictors of instructional
more standards‐based instructional practices, regardless of practices in these models.
their level of mathematics anxiety.
Focusing on the differences across models with the variables
of interest, the findings show the relationship between teach- 6 | DISCUSSION
ers’ mathematical beliefs and instructional practices remains
relatively stable across Models 2 and 3 (coefficients of 0.738 The results of this study confirm, extend, and challenge
and 0.716 respectively), but the coefficients on teachers’ math- the extant literature. The findings indicate the teachers as a
ematics anxiety strongly differ across Models 1 and 3 (coeffi- group had a lower to neutral sense of mathematics anxiety.
cients of −0.186 and 0.018, respectively). With the inclusion The data also show those with lower levels of anxiety tend
of mathematical beliefs, the results for mathematical anxiety to use more standards‐based instructional practices and those
lose statistical significance, suggesting a spurious relation- with more anxiety tend to use less standards‐based instruc-
ship between mathematics anxiety and instructional practices. tion. The general finding of this analysis is consistent with
Teachers’ mathematical beliefs are a much better predictor of the extant literature (Bush, 1989; Gresham, 2007; Hadley &
their instructional practices compared to mathematics anxiety. Dorward, 2011; Karp, 1991; Ma, 1999), as mathematics anx-
Also noteworthy among the results is that teachers with iety has shown to influence classroom instructional practices,
increasing levels of experience are less likely to incorporate including that elementary teachers who experience anxiety
standards‐based instructional practices as measured by the tend to use more traditional approaches. It is noteworthy that
ECTMER. Veteran teachers, those with 16 or more years of overall the elementary teachers in this study did not seem to
experience, had ECTMER scores about 0.357 points lower suffer from high levels of mathematics anxiety, contrary to
than novice teachers (0–5 years of experience) when hold- other claims in the literature about this specific population.
ing constant teachers’ mathematics anxiety, mathematical However, when considering this result and others from the
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study, one must be mindful these elementary teachers were & Bobis, 2014/2015; NCTM, 2014), through memoriza-
largely veteran teachers and had completed multiple math- tion of facts, formulas, and procedures with mathematics
ematics courses, perhaps influencing the findings. lessons delivered via review, demonstration, and repeated
When considering mathematical beliefs, the data suggest practice.
the elementary teachers generally held a neutral view, with Multiple linear regressions were conducted to determine
these beliefs slightly leaning toward a problem‐solving view of whether mathematics anxiety and mathematical beliefs could
mathematics. This small inclination toward the problem‐solv- be considered predictors of teachers’ instructional practices.
ing view implies teacher beliefs that mathematics is an ever The results initially produced significant results for anxi-
changing, expanding field created by humans and cultural in ety and practices, but when beliefs were incorporated into the
nature, and classroom instruction should be learner centered design, the relationship no longer existed. Regression anal-
and involve students’ autonomous exploration of their own in- ysis was used to test these variables controlling for teaching
terests. Teachers with an instrumentalist view of mathematics longevity and educational degree attainment. As before, the
(i.e., mathematics is a utilitarian collection of unrelated facts, relationship between anxiety, when controlling for the afore-
rules, and skills; teaching should be content‐focused with an mentioned demographic factors, disappeared when beliefs
emphasis on performance; and learning via passive reception of were incorporated into the model. These findings suggest
knowledge and mastery of skills) were less inclined to use stan- a spurious relationship between anxiety and practices, as it
dards‐based instruction. Those teachers with the problem‐solv- is actually beliefs that are a better predictor of their instruc-
ing view of mathematics were more apt to use standards‐based tional practices compared to mathematics anxiety. The ele-
teaching. Other research has similarly indicated that teachers’ mentary teachers’ beliefs had the strongest overall influence
mathematical beliefs shape instructional choices and practices on their use of standards‐based instruction. This finding is in
(Barkatsas & Malone, 2005; Beswick, 2005; Cross Francis, line with Wilkins’ (2008) study in which mathematical be-
2015; Handal, 2003; Phillip, 2007; Polly et al., 2013; Wilkins, liefs were found to partially mediate the effects of attitudes
2008). But it must be mentioned there are instances in the liter- (of which anxiety is a type) on instructional practices.
ature when teachers’ beliefs and practices do not align, possibly
due to other influencing factors, with ongoing work to clarify
and refine beliefs as a construct and their part (or not) in shap- 7 | IM PLICATIONS
ing practices.
When considering the extent to which the reported in- Given these findings about the key role of mathematical be-
structional practices of the teachers were standards‐based liefs in relationship to instructional practices, the extant litera-
or not, a moderate overall mean score was found indicating ture suggests specific ways of positively changing the beliefs
teachers use a mix of teaching practices—standards‐based of prospective and practicing elementary teachers while
and not—in the classroom. Given that the teachers were in learning mathematics. One avenue for prompting changes in
their second year of full implementation of the CCSS‐M beliefs and affect in general is teacher reflection. Teachers
(after a couple of years of training and initial implementa- are often unaware of the mathematical affect that drives their
tion), with these standards necessitating a standards‐based actions; Schoenfeld (2015, p. 403) asserts: “It is difficult to
pedagogy, such as that described in NCTM’s documents, change something if you don’t know you should be attending
this report of moderate use of these practices is somewhat to it. If there is an underlying reason for the practices we en-
surprising. However, the introduction of the CCSS‐M re- gage in, then reflecting on those reasons may give us reason
quires many teachers to change what and how they teach to problematize the practices.” Through reflection,
(Griffin & David, 2014), and this shift is a difficult process.
For the teachers in this study, the veteran teachers were less teachers learn new ways to make sense of what
likely to incorporate such an instructional emphasis and for they observe, enabling them to see differently
these experienced teachers, the revolving door of standards those things that they had been seeing while
in the state may have been an issue. That is, across the past developing the ability to see things previous
10 years, the CCSS‐M was the third set of academic stan- unnoticed. While teachers are learning to see
dards for K–12 education, thus potentially contributing to differently, they challenge their existing beliefs,
an understandable degree of skepticism about change and leading to associated belief changes. (Philipp,
adoption of new instructional practices that support the 2007, pp. 280–281)
standards. Also, for all of the teachers in this study, per-
haps their formative years of experiencing mathematics Reflecting on affect toward mathematics provides an op-
instruction as students in K–12 classrooms lead them to portunity for hidden emotions, attitudes, and beliefs to become
believe their own students should be taught in the same overt, thus this awareness in and of itself is important for change.
manner (Harbin & Newton, 2013; Hiebert, 2003; Maasepp Such reflection can prompt consciousness of inconsistencies
|    HUGHES et al.

and conflicts in beliefs and attitudes, thus perhaps creating a Based Mathematics Instruction, categorizing tasks into those
mindset for change and generation of more complete and com- with lower‐level and higher‐level demands. For example,
plementary belief systems. For those elementary teachers with some characteristics of cognitively demanding tasks includ-
high levels of mathematics anxiety, engaging in reflective activ- ing requiring: complex and non‐algorithmic thinking with
ity can be particularly beneficial. no suggested solution pathway; exploration of the nature of
Another emphasis shown to positively influence elemen- mathematical concepts, processes, or relationships; signifi-
tary teachers’ beliefs and affect in general is having them cant effort and persistence (e.g., productive struggle); student
experience mathematics as a sense‐making activity, provid- self‐monitoring; and careful analysis of the task, including
ing time and opportunities to think about, discuss, and ex- potential constraints that limit solutions and solution strat-
plain mathematical ideas (CBMS, 2012; Liljedahl, 2005; egies. These tasks have the potential to engage teachers in
Schoenfeld, 2015; Swars et al., 2009). For example, Liljedahl complex forms of thinking with the goal of increasing teach-
(2005) studied mathematical discovery and affect, specif- ers’ abilities to reason and solve problems, while increasing
ically the effect of AHA! experiences (i.e., the moment of their confidence as mathematical thinkers. Also, teachers
mathematical illumination) with prospective elementary perceive the relevance of these tasks given their applications
teachers. Through posing problems, allowing substantial to the elementary classroom. Professional learning of math-
time for working on problems immediately after being as- ematics with elementary teachers could involve analysis of
signed, providing time to revisit already assigned problems, and engagement in cognitively demanding tasks focused on
working with peers in small groups, and engaging in reflec- elementary mathematics, along with the development of a
tion about the AHA! experience, attitudes and beliefs about collection of such tasks.
mathematics were positively transformed. Simply telling The findings of this study show the importance of elemen-
teachers that mathematics is a sense‐making discipline is not tary teacher affect, particularly beliefs, as it relates to choices
enough—they need to experience it for themselves in sup- about instructional methods. Given the widespread adoption
ported, successful ways. of the CCSS‐M in the United States providing an unparalleled
Studying children’s thinking during mathematics pro- opportunity for systemic change in mathematics education,
fessional learning also provides a potential avenue for pos- the instructional practices that teachers use to teach these
itive shifts in beliefs about mathematics (Lannin & Chval, standards are paramount. The findings from this study suggest
2013; Philipp et al., 2007). It has been posited that instead instructional practices are influenced by teacher affect, which
of trying to interest elementary teachers in mathematics should be a target for change during university preparation and
for the sake of mathematics itself, teacher learning should teacher professional development. Studying children’s think-
provide connections to children’s thinking, in which teach- ing, using cognitively‐demanding instructional tasks, focusing
ers are fundamentally concerned. One means of doing so on mathematics as a sense‐making activity, and engaging in
is through the professional development materials from teacher reflection are all possible avenues for better equipping
the Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI, Carpenter, confident teachers of elementary mathematics.
Fennema, Franke, Levi, & Empson, 2014) Project. CGI is
an approach to teaching and learning mathematics focus-
ing on teachers using knowledge of children’s mathemat- 8 | LIM ITATIONS
ical thinking to make instructional decisions. It includes
research‐based knowledge about children’s mathematical The design of this study and the variables used may limit
thinking and well‐defined taxonomies of problem types the causal links that can be made, as there could be other
and children’s strategies for mathematical operations. The confounding variables such as contextual factors and content
use of CGI in university courses and professional develop- knowledge also influencing teachers’ instructional practices.
ment shows that participating elementary teachers changed For example, perhaps teachers are influenced by the beliefs
their mathematical beliefs (Swars, Smith, Smith, & Hart, and policies espoused by their school, principal, and peers,
2009; Fennema et al., 1996; Peterson, Fennema, Carpenter, so that if a school environment does not support the use of
& Loef, 1989; Vacc & Bright, 1999). standards‐based instruction a teacher will not use these meth-
The use of cognitively demanding tasks focused on ele- ods even if there is a personal belief in their effectiveness. An
mentary mathematics is also a means of changing elemen- additional limitation is that all participants were elementary
tary teachers’ beliefs and affect in general (Lannin & Chval, teachers in one school system, so it would be important to
2013). For example, Stein, Smith, Henningsen, and Silver replicate this study with other populations of teachers, in-
(2009) encourage the analysis of mathematics instructional cluding those who have more balanced representation of nov-
tasks by teachers for “the level and kind of thinking in which ice, mid‐career, and veteran teachers. Furthermore, because
students engage” (p. 1) in order to successfully solve the task. this study relied on accessible and willing participants, this
They offer a useful framework in Implementing Standards non‐random voluntary nature of participant recruitment may
HUGHES et al.    
| 9

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