ManuscriptSpeech Carlo

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Good day, everyone! Hello, Classmates and Ma'am.

In the Philippines, we
firmly believe that "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW." But when it comes to
minors who commit violent crimes, such as assault, robbery, and murder, it
raises a significant question: Should we charged them the same way as
adults in the eyes of the law?
Listen up!

Firstly, age shouldn't exempt anyone from being accountable for their
actions under the law. Allowing young offenders to escape consequences
might give the wrong impression that they can act without repercussions.
That's not in line with our belief in "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW." We
need to take action, but it should be fair.

Punishing minors isn't about being harsh; it's about guiding them to
understand their mistakes and giving them an opportunity to improve. This
approach aligns with the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006.

For instance or example, charging minors means we're telling them, "You
made a mistake, and you must make amends." It's a way to provide them
with a fresh start and help them learn from their errors. We believe in
granting second chances and aiding them in becoming better individuals.

Charging minors doesn't imply sending them to adult prisons; it means

providing assistance, such as counseling and ensuring they receive an
education, so they can grow into responsible citizens.

In conclusion, when we ask whether minors who commit serious offenses

should be charged, the answer is "YES." Charging them is not about being
punitive but about aiding them in learning from their actions. It's about
fairness and giving young people a chance to make positive changes. We
should charge minors who commit violent crimes because everyone should
be responsible for their actions, regardless of age, as ignorance of the law
excuses no one. Ultimately, the goal is not just punishment but making
things better for everyone. Thank you.

By the way, I am Carlo J. Domaguing, and these are my perspectives.

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