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Microalgae to biofuels lifecycle assessment — Multiple

pathway evaluation
Jason C. Quinn a,⁎, T. Gordon Smith b, Cara Meghan Downes c, Casey Quinn b
Utah State University, United States
Colorado State University, United States
New Mexico State University, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A variety of researchers have constructed and presented lifecycle assessments of the microalgae-to-biofuel pro-
Received 3 April 2013 cess, however, inconsistencies in system boundary definitions and high-level process modeling have led to a
Received in revised form 19 September 2013 wide range of results. This study integrates engineering process models validated through experimental and
Accepted 6 November 2013
modeling research to perform an environmental assessment of four microalgae-to-biofuel production scenarios
Available online xxxx
leveraging the Argonne National Laboratory GREET model. The baseline scenario consists of a down flow open
pond growth system, three phase de-watering step (settling, dissolved air flotation, and a centrifuge), hexane ex-
Lifecycle assessment traction and nutrient recovery using anaerobic digestion. The net energy ratio (NER), defined as energy con-
Microalgae sumed over the produced energy, and greenhouse gases (GHG) for the baseline scenario are 0.7 MJ MJ−1 and
Model −41.7 g CO2-eq MJ−1 respectively. Three alternative scenarios are also evaluated: 1) Improved microalgal pro-
Greenhouse gases ductivity, 2) supercritical CO2 extraction, and 3) no nutrient recycle. This research shows that supercritical CO2
Net energy ratio extraction is neither currently energetically- nor environmentally favorable and that nutrient recycle plays an in-
Anaerobic digestion tegral role in achieving favorable NER and GHGs. The study highlights on the systems level, two findings related
to the NER; 1) the NER is minimally impacted with increased productivity and 2) increasing microalgae lipid
content detrimentally affects the NER which is attributed to the reduction in the total energy that can be captured
by the anaerobic digester.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction combustion energy plants or other CO2 sources and has the potential
to utilize nutrients from wastewater treatment plants [3]. These advan-
The next generation of biofuel feedstock processes must be critically tages have led to a continuing interest in microalgae as an alternative
analyzed to quantify the potential scalability and corresponding envi- feedstock for biofuel production.
ronmental impact. Compared to first-generation biofuel feedstocks, Lifecycle assessment (LCA) has emerged as the fundamental tool to
microalgae are characterized by higher solar energy yield, year-round evaluate the sustainability of next generation biofuels. The LCA litera-
cultivation, the use of lower quality or brackish water, and the use of ture makes use of the metrics of net energy ratio (NER, defined here
less- and lower-quality land [1–6]. The theoretical maximum production as the ratio of energy consumed to fuel energy produced) and green-
of oil from microalgae has been calculated at 350,000 L·ha−1·yr−1 house gas (GHG) emissions per unit of energy produced as the function-
(38,000 gal·acre − 1 ·yr − 1 ) and is dramatically larger than that of al units. The results from LCA are highly sensitive to definitions of
traditional terrestrial crops [7]. Scalable experimental data have system boundaries, lifecycle inventories, process efficiencies, and func-
shown a near term realizable production of 46,000 L·ha − 1 ·yr − 1 tional units [10,13,14]. A variety of researchers have constructed and
(5000 gal·acre− 1·yr−1), compared to 2500 L·ha− 1·yr− 1 (270 gal· presented LCAs of the microalgae-to-biofuel process, however, inconsis-
acre − 1·yr− 1 ) of ethanol from corn or 580 L·ha − 1 ·yr − 1 (60 gal· tencies in system boundaries and high-level process modeling with
acre− 1·yr− 1) of biodiesel from soybeans [8–12]. Researchers have large uncertainties in sub-process modeling have led to a wide range
shown that microalgae feedstock cultivation can be coupled with of results [15–41]. A survey of the literature shows the NER for
microalgae biofuel production at scale ranges from a low value of 0.2
Abbreviations: CO2-eq, carbon dioxide equivalent; DW, dry weight; GHG, greenhouse (comparable to petroleum) reported by Luo et al. [31] to 7.8 reported
gas; LCA, lifecycle assessment; LEA, lipid extracted algae; NER, net energy ratio; SC-CO2, by Brentner et al. [19] with an extreme value of 1086 reported by Beal
supercritical carbon dioxide; T&D, transportation and distribution; VS, volatile solids; et al. [18] based on the extrapolation of small-scale laboratory data.
IPCC, International Panel on Climate Change.
⁎ Corresponding author at: 4130 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322, United States. Tel.: +1
The GHG results from the surveyed literature range between −75.29 g-
435 797 0341. CO2-eq MJ−1 reported by Batan et al. [17] and 534 g-CO2-eq MJ−1 report-
E-mail address: (J.C. Quinn). ed by Brentner et al. [19] with other studies reporting values between

2211-9264/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: J.C. Quinn, et al., Microalgae to biofuels lifecycle assessment — Multiple pathway evaluation, Algal Res. (2013), http://
2 J.C. Quinn et al. / Algal Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

these extremes [16–22,28,30,31,33,38,40]. The large variability in the NER of the main process steps to produce biofuel from microalgae;
and GHGs in previous LCA studies is due to the wide range of microalgae production, lipid extraction, and end-use of LEA. The follow-
processes investigated as well as the assumptions made with regard ing section details the production system and the various assumptions
system boundaries, key parameter values, sources of fossil energy, and for the LCA. Specifically, four scenarios are evaluated; 1) Baseline,
co-product allocation, which all complicate comparison of results 2) Improved production, 3) Supercritical CO2 extraction, and 4) No
among studies [10,13,14,42–44]. The majority of the studies surveyed nutrient recycle, where the LEA is used directly (un-dried) as cattle
now integrates anaerobic digestion as a way to effectively recover nutri- feed. In addition, the baseline scenario (50% lipids) is compared to the
ents and generate on-site heat and energy from the lipid extracted algae ANL base case (25% lipids) to reveal the effect of lipid concentration
(LEA) [20,21,23–25,30,32,37–40]. In the meta-analysis of Liu et al. [30] on the NER. The baseline system is modeled to represent a near-term
an anaerobic digester was added to studies that excluded it in an effort large-scale production facility. The simulation architecture is presented
to harmonize a baseline scenario and compare results from various re- in Fig. 1. The modular construction of the systems engineering model
searchers. The integration of the anaerobic digestion system has been facilitates the evaluation of alternative processes on a systems level.
shown to favorably impact the NER and GHGs.
This study focuses on a LCA founded on the integration of a systems 2.1. Microalgae production
engineering model informed by experimental and modeling research to-
gether with the Argonne National Laboratory's Greenhouse Gases, Regu- A three stage bioreactor system for both growing Nannochloropsis
lated Emissions, and Energy USE in Transportation (GREET) model to salina and increasing the lipid content is used for the production of
directly compare multiple process paths [25,45]. The boundary for the lipid rich biomass. Stage I is a low volume, closed bioreactor maintained
analysis is such that a comparison to literature and soy-based biofuel with sufficient levels of all nutrients and is intended to supply a contin-
can be transparently performed. The work focuses on the evaluation of uous clean inoculum for the large-scale facility. Stage II is a high volume
alternative process scenarios to determine process tradeoffs on a systems open raceway design optimized for algal growth. The open raceway
level. The discussion focuses on the environmental impact of changes in section includes staggered down-flow U-tube configurations placed
the process parameters on system results, the environmental implica- around the pond that incorporate the principles of airlift reactors to
tions of the integration of an anaerobic digestion system, and comparison move the culture and supply CO2 (details presented in the Supplemen-
of results from this study to previous environmental impact assessments. tary material). Stage III takes the outflow of stage II and imposes the
physical–chemical conditions needed to induce lipid accumulation.
2. Methods The system outlined is designed to achieve high biomass productivities
and lipid concentrations with improved passive thermal control [46].
The systems engineering process model serves as the foundation for
the assessment of the various scenarios in terms of environmental im- 2.2. LCA scenario assumptions
pact and sustainability. Confidence in the results from these assess-
ments is directly related to the validity of the foundational modeling. The following sections detail the differences between the four LCA
For this reason care has been taken to ensure that each process model scenarios with a summary of the GREET inputs for the various cases
is independently validated and seamlessly integrated into the systems presented in Table 1. A majority of the assumptions for the baseline sce-
modeling. Validation and proper function were assessed through the in- nario are translated to the other three scenarios in an effort to directly
tegration of experimental and literature data and the use of sub-system compare the results of major process changes on a systems level.
sensitivity analysis.
The modularity of the systems engineering model facilitates the 2.2.1. Scenario 1: Baseline
evaluation of a variety of alternative processing scenarios for a
microalgae-to-biofuel process. Systems engineering models were inte- Growth system. As mentioned above, the production system
grated with the ANL GREET model to evaluate each process in terms modeled is based on a 3 stage bioreactor system. The energy required
of the NER and environmental impact. This research focused on three to move the culture between bioreactors and processing facilities is

Fig. 1. Simulation architecture for the integration of systems engineering model and lifecycle modeling, red dotted line represents system boundary of the study and is representative of
well-to-pump. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Please cite this article as: J.C. Quinn, et al., Microalgae to biofuels lifecycle assessment — Multiple pathway evaluation, Algal Res. (2013), http://
J.C. Quinn et al. / Algal Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
Detailed inputs to LCA for the four scenarios simulated.

Scenario Baseline IP SC-CO2 No AD Units

Whole microalgae biomass 26.1 26.1 26.1 26.1 MJ kg−1
Lipid-extracted biomass 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 MJ kg−1
Oil 50 50 50 50 %
Productivity 25 50 25 25 g m−2 d−1
Circulation energy 38 38 38 38 kWh ha−1 d−1
Urea 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.1 kg kg-algae−1
Diammonium phosphate 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.053 kg kg-algae−1

Dissolved air flotation
Energy consumption 0.133 0.133 0.133 0.133 kWh kg−1
Coagulant used 10 10 10 10 g kg-algae−1
Energy 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 kWh m−3
Recovery efficiency 95 95 95 95 %

Pressure homogenization
Efficiency 90 90 – 90 %
Energy consumption 0.183 0.183 – 0.183 kWh kg-dry−1
Efficiency 0.95 0.95 – 0.95
Hexane consumption 5.3 5.3 – 5.3 g kg-oil−1
Heat required 4.95 4.95 – 4.95 MJ kg-oil−1
Electricity required 1.94 1.94 – 1.94 MJ kg-oil−1

Nutrient recovery
Methane yield 0.33 0.33 0.33 – m3 kg-VS−1
Biogas CH4 fraction 0.67 0.67 0.67 – Volume basis
Energy required 2.45 2.45 2.45 – MJ kg-digested−1

assumed to be 4.8 × 10−5 kWh L−1 and the energy to mix the reactors wet hexane extraction. The process includes solvent recovery with a
is 38 kWh ha−1 d−1, approximately 25% less than the energy required loss of 0.0053 g-solvent g-oil−1 and requires 5.4 × 10−4 kWh g-oil−1
for a traditional paddlewheel raceway pond [25]. The productivity of the [29,39,44,50].
system is assumed to be 25 g m− 2 d−1 with a lipid content of 50%
based on the systems assumed to be commercially operating [47–51]. Nutrient recovery. The baseline system used an anaerobic digester
to recover nutrients and generate electricity and heat. The following as- Nutrients. Microalgae cultivation requires a variety of nutrients sumptions are used, a mass ratio of 0.9 volatile solids (VS) to total solids,
including but not limited to nitrogen, phosphorous, CO2, water, and methane yield of 0.33 L g-VS−1at a methane fraction of 67%, required
sunlight. Nitrogen in the form of urea and phosphorous in the form of heat of 5.4 × 10−4 kWh g-digested−1, 1.4 × 10−4 kWh g-digested−1
ammonium hydrogen phosphate are supplied to the culture based on of electricity, and 2% methane loss [60–64]. Details on the selected
the Redfield ratio of C:N:P of 103:9.8:1 [52]. It is assumed that the assumptions are presented in the Supplementary material.
microalgae are comprised of 50% carbon [53]. The CO2 supplied to the
system was assumed to be co-located with flue gas containing 15% Displacement credits. The lipid extracted microalgae can be uti-
CO2 [54,55]. It is assumed that the CO2 is transported via low pressure lized in several ways; through digestion for production of heat and en-
pipeline to the facility. Transmission of carbon from the flue gas to the ergy, as fertilizer, or as cattle feed. Each involves its own particular
culture is assumed to be done with an efficiency of 85%. A sump depth energy or GHG credits. The digested solids from the anaerobic digester
of 1.5 m provides the mechanism for culture movement and the deliv- are assumed to replace purchased fertilizer with energy and environ-
ery of a 2% CO2 stream with details presented in the Supplementary ma- mental credits based on the ANL GREET model [45].
terial [47,56].
2.2.2. Scenario 2: Improved production (IP) De-water. The de-water system includes three de-watering This scenario is based on improved biomass production. The biomass
steps: settling (bioflocculation), dissolved air flotation, and a centri- productivity was increased to 50 g m−2 d−1 with the lipid percentage
fuge. Upon harvest, it is assumed that the microalgae are passively of the baseline scenario maintained, 50%. It is assumed that no addition-
settled to a density of 10 g L− 1 [57]. The slurry is then concentrated al energy is required for improved growth relative to Scenario 1. It is
to 10% solids, consuming 1.33 × 10− 4 kWh g− 1
DW via dissolved air flo- noted that Scenario 2 is feasible but in general not a realistic growth
tation with a retention efficiency of 90% [58]. The slurry is then trans- scenario based on the literature and current experimental data
ferred to a centrifuge and concentrated to 20% solids consuming [7,53,65,66], however, continued improvements in traditional terrestri-
3.29 × 10 − 3 kWh kg-effluent− 1 [59]. It is assumed that the dis- al crop yields indicate this level of production is not unreasonable in the
solved air flotation process retains 90% of the microalgae solids and future and does not exceed theoretical limits [7,66]. All other assump-
the centrifuge process retains 95%. tions with regard to the growth process are kept the same. The input
assumptions for Scenario 2 are presented in Table 1. Extraction. The system uses a two-step extraction process;
pressure homogenization and hexane extraction. The pressure 2.2.3. Scenario 3: Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (SC-CO2)
homogenization is assumed to be 90% efficient and consumes Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction has been used to
1.83 × 10−4 kWh g−1 DW [48]. This process is followed by a 95% efficient extract lipids from microalgae at the laboratory scale [67]. Experimental

Please cite this article as: J.C. Quinn, et al., Microalgae to biofuels lifecycle assessment — Multiple pathway evaluation, Algal Res. (2013), http://
4 J.C. Quinn et al. / Algal Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. ASPEN Plus model of supercritical CO2 extraction.

data to model the energy requirements for the process at large-scale is and well-to-pump (WTP) greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). For this
currently unavailable. An ASPEN Plus model was developed to model study, the NER is defined as the ratio of the net amount of energy
the energy and efficiency of a SC-CO2 extraction process. The process in- used to produce biofuel to the total energy contained in the biofuel,
cludes compressing CO2 to high pressure in order to effectively dissolve thus a NER of less than unity is desirable. The WTP boundary is defined
the lipids. The process flow simulated in ASPEN Plus is presented in as the portion of the overall pathway that includes all the steps starting
Fig. 2. A detailed schematic and description of the process including with microalgae growth through delivery of fuel to the filling station.
pressures and temperatures of each stage is presented in the Supple- The remainder of the pathway involves using the fuel in a vehicle and
mentary material. is defined as pump-to-wheels (PTW). For comparison to other studies,
The assumptions for Scenario 3 are based on a dry supercritical CO2 the consumption of the fuel in a compression ignition direct injection
extraction process since a wet process is unlikely to work because of engine (PTW) generates approximately 72.0 g-CO2-eq MJ−1 (calcula-
complications arising due to high water concentrations [68,69]. It is as- tion and assumptions are presented in the Supplementary material).
sumed that the CO2 is compressed from atmospheric pressure and tem- Well-to-wheel results are the combination of WTP and PTW.
perature to 7000 kPa and 300 K at a flow rate of 10 kg h−1. The
required energy for the extraction of lipids using SC-CO2 includes 3.1. Net energy ratio (NER)
both the energy to dry the microalgae and to compress the CO2,
0.03 kWh g-oil−1. The extraction efficiency of the process is assumed The GREET results for the four scenarios and the baseline results
to be 90%. It is important to note that the effect of using a dry feedstock from Frank et al. [25] are presented on the metric of the NER in
as feed for the AD is not included in this analysis, i.e., for nutrient recov- Table 2. For comparison purposes, the NER for the production of diesel
ery, it is assumed that the required water to rehydrate the LEA for suffi- from conventional petroleum is 0.2 [72].
cient digestibility will be recovered from the biomass drying stage. The From a technoeconomic standpoint, higher lipid content is desirable
ANL GREET inputs for Scenario 3 are presented in Table 1. as it reduces equipment cost and footprint proportionately. For this rea-
son, the baseline of this study assumes a lipid percentage of 50% com-
2.2.4. Scenario 4: No nutrient recycle (no AD) pared to the baseline of Frank et al. [25] of 25%, resulting in the
Scenarios 1–3 utilize an anaerobic digester to not only recover nutri- baseline of this study producing more lipids which is desirable for a bio-
ents but also supply on-site electricity and heat. The no nutrient recycle fuel product. Comparing the baseline process to that of Frank et al. [25],
scenario assumes that the wet lipid extracted microalgae is used to dis- the increase in lipid content increases the NER of the system by 20% due
place a current product such as cattle feed [70,71]. The input assump- to a decrease in the amount of mass going to the anaerobic digester.
tions for Scenario 4 are presented in Table 1. This in turn decreases the waste heat and electricity generated as co-
products in the co-located downstream processing digester, which
3. Results and discussion actually leads to an undesirable increase in the NER. This is a critical in-
sight regarding the NER portion of the LCA, namely, that for achieving a
The results for the four scenarios and the baseline results from lower NER, the most important design consideration is having an overall
Frank et al. [25] are presented in two metrics, net energy ratio (NER) process that captures as much of the energy content as possible that is
contained in both the lipids and the LEA rather than focusing only on
Table 2 lipid content. Unfortunately, using this approach to lower the NER is
Net energy ratio (NER) results for the four scenarios of this study as compared to baseline likely to have a negative effect on process economics, related to
results of Frank et al. [25]. NER is defined here as the energy to produce the fuel over the the lower lipid content of the algae. Doubling the productivity
energy contained in the fuel. (Scenario 2) has a positive effect on the NER but only decreases the
Stage Baseline IP SC- No AD Frank et al. [25] NER by 5% as compared to the Baseline scenario. This illustrates that
CO2 increasing the biomass yield has minimal impacts on the NER.
Growth and first de-water 0.13 0.10 0.13 0.22 0.23 The high energy consumption centered on the SC-CO2 extraction il-
Remaining de-water 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.08 lustrates the impracticality of an extraction system that consumes
Lipid extraction 0.20 0.20 2.61 0.23 0.24 0.03 kWh g-oil−1. The majority of the energy required in this scenario
Anaerobic digester 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.00 0.29
is involved in the drying of the biomass prior to extraction. A variety
CO2 delivery 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02
Anaerobic digester credit −0.33 −0.33 −0.36 0.00 −0.84 of researchers have confirmed the need to develop wet extraction
Conversion 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 technologies in order for the process to be environmentally and
Transportation and distribution 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 economically favorable [17,25,30].
Feedstock input 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.36 The elimination of the anaerobic digester illustrates the impact of
Total 0.68 0.65 3.07 1.03 0.56
on-site heat and energy production and nutrient recycle from the LEA

Please cite this article as: J.C. Quinn, et al., Microalgae to biofuels lifecycle assessment — Multiple pathway evaluation, Algal Res. (2013), http://
J.C. Quinn et al. / Algal Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 5

on the NER. In this scenario, the NER is double that of the baseline and from soy- and microalgae-based biofuels in CIDI vehicles are the same.
these results confirm the importance and need to fully understand the The emissions associated with the combustion of the fuel were deter-
performance of an anaerobic system operated on LEA. In terms of ener- mined to be 72.0 g CO2-eq MJ−1, making the baseline pump-to-wheel
gy analysis, the performance of this sub-system is as important as un- GHG emissions to 31.3 g CO2-eq MJ−1 (details on calculations are pre-
derstanding the growth performance of the microalgae-to-biofuel sented in the Supplementary material). This result is 3 times lower
process in terms of quantifying the energy consumption and environ- than conventional diesel, 93.08 g CO2-eq MJ−1.
mental impact on a systems level.
3.3. Comparison to literature
3.2. Greenhouse gas emissions
A variety of literature LCAs have been performed with the NER re-
The GHG results for the various scenarios are presented in Table 3 in sults ranging from microalgae-based biofuels being comparable to tra-
units of net grams of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq) per mega joule ditional fuels to worse by two orders of magnitude. Recent meta-
of biofuel produced (MJ). Carbon dioxide equivalent includes carbon di- analysis has made efforts to decrease the variability by using modeling
oxide emissions, methane emissions based on an Intergovernmental techniques that harmonize boundaries and processes. The baseline pro-
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) standard 100 year impact of 25, and ni- cess model for the recent meta-analysis included the integration of an
trous oxide emissions based on an IPCC standard 100 year impact of 298 anaerobic digestion unit [30]. A survey of the literature shows that the
[73]. The GHG results presented are for a WTP boundary as illustrated in integration of an anaerobic digestion unit positively impacts the NER
Table 3 and it includes transportation and distribution (T&D) of fuel to of the microalgae-to-biofuel process, Fig. 3. The NERs presented in
the pump. Fig. 3 are limited to the baseline or low values of the literature surveyed
The impact of the anaerobic digester is also illustrated by the GHG re- due to the majority of the articles reporting a range of the NER due to
sults. The baseline, improved growth, and Frank et al. [25] all take advan- process sensitivity. The NER for systems that do not include an anaero-
tage of a large credit for biogas generation and combustion from the bic digester can have favorable energy results, however only one of the
anaerobic digester for onsite heat and energy combined with nutrient re- studies surveyed that integrate an anaerobic digester exceeds a NER of
cycle. Focusing on the credit that is associated with the anaerobic digest- 1. The results from the literature are consistent with the results from
er, an improved growth configuration where lipid percentage in the this study; integration of an anaerobic digester positively impacts the
biomass is increased will decrease the amount of biomass fed to the an- NER of the microalgae-to-biofuel system.
aerobic digester and in turn decreases the amount of onsite heat and en- This study through the integration of engineering process models
ergy that can be generated. This corresponds to a smaller GHG credit due validated through experimental and modeling research illustrates the
to a decrease in biogas production leading to an increase in electrical con- systems level effects of an anaerobic digester on the overall energy
sumption. Scenario 4 which does not utilize the anaerobic digester, the balance and GHGs for a microalgae-to-biofuel process. The process
GHG emissions are close to the breakeven point illustrating the integral sensitivity analysis demonstrated the importance of a wet extraction
part the anaerobic digester has on the overall environmental impact. process and the need to effectively recycle LEA. The study shows that
In addition to the “strain-to-pump” analysis designed to be equiva- higher lipid content in the biomass is detrimental to the NER due to a
lent to the well-to-pump boundary, the results from this study can be reduction in the total energy that can be captured by the anaerobic di-
expanded to include the combustion of the fuel for a “strain-to-wheel” gester. Systems level assessments show the interconnection between
LCA boundary, which is equivalent to the traditional well-to-wheel for
conventional diesel. The “strain-to-wheel” analysis includes all stages
of “strain-to-pump” as well as the combustion of fuel in transportation
vehicles. For this expanded analysis it is assumed that soybean-
derived and microalgae-based diesel fuels are used in 100% pure form
in compression–ignition, direct-injection (CIDI) engine vehicles. Due
to the lack of emissions data from the combustion of microalgae-
based biofuel, it was assumed that the fuel economy and emissions

Table 3
GHG emissions for the 4 scenarios compared to Frank et al. [25]. Results are presented in
g CO2-eq MJ−1.

Stage Baseline IP SC-CO2 No AD Frank

et al.

Algae growth and 1st 13.9 10.3 21.7 32.6 30.8

Remaining de-watering 5.2 5.0 8.4 8.1 9.4
Transport of algae biomass to 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Oil extraction 20.6 20.0 542.6 29.0 25.6
Anaerobic digester 13.1 12.9 18.7 0.0 36.0
Biogas clean-up and recovery 2.1 2.0 3.4 0.0 4.8
CO2 transfer to pond
Biomass and biogas combustion −24.7 −24.7 −26.8 0.0 −63.6
Soil application of AD residue 3.0 3.0 3.1 0.0 5.7
Displacement credit for AD −3.6 −3.6 −3.8 0.0 −7.2
residue as fertilizer
Biodiesel transportation and 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Feedstock 2.1 2.0 2.8 3.4 3.6
Biofuel transport 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7
Fig. 3. Net energy ratio (NER) for previous literature studies and this study highlighting
CO2 growth credit −75.8 −75.8 −75.8 −75.8 −75.8
the effects of the integration of anaerobic digestion (AD). NER is defined here as the energy
Total −41.7 −46.5 496.7 −0.3 −28.4
over the produced energy, NER b 1 is desirable.

Please cite this article as: J.C. Quinn, et al., Microalgae to biofuels lifecycle assessment — Multiple pathway evaluation, Algal Res. (2013), http://
6 J.C. Quinn et al. / Algal Research xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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