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Questions to ask yourself as you start your CAS programme:

This is your starting point. Keep on referring back to it as you plan your CAS activities and
projects – are you still pursuing these qualities and goals?

What qualities do you admire in other people?

Friendly and helpful people are very unique. They are the sort of folks that are constantly
willing to help out or grin. They are so hospitable that you feel at ease and accepted when
you are with them. Their friendliness inspires others to be more friendly and spreads
happiness. These people are like shining stars, demonstrating the power of little acts of
kindness in a world when it may often feel like it is hard to find kindness.

What qualities do you hope to develop in yourself through CAS and why? (Look at the
Learner Profile)

I'm resolved to make significant progress in the future. I want to put in more effort and
education to achieve it. Think about a time when I accomplish my objectives.

I'll put my enthusiasm for learning and development as my daily priority. I'll get in touch
with peers and mentors who motivate me. Together, with diligence and a thirst for
knowledge, we'll create a wonderful future.

What do you enjoy doing?

I like to watch movies and play video games. Comedy My smile never fades after watching a
funny YouTube video. Friendship time is something I treasure. Since it's just my mother and
I in an empty house and I spend the most of my time in front of the computer, my home life
can be rather boring, therefore I much prefer going to school.

What have you always wanted to do or learn how to do?

Since I was a little child, I've had a great ambition to become an engineer. I was utterly
enthralled by the engineering and mechanics of automobiles, and I loved to see computer
programmers because of the amazing things they could do. I want to learn how to code and
use it to create automobiles because I have a goal of designing my own distinctive, eye-
catching vehicle that will wow everyone.

What challenges could you set for yourself as part of CAS?

I'm eager to start my voyage. I'm committed to learning the C programming language in
order to advance my goals of becoming an engineer. In addition, I'm trying to get fitter for
reasons more than just beauty and confidence. Along with my pals, I'm committed to
building enduring memories of goodness by providing assistance to those in need. Overall,
I'm working on bettering myself and my community while also making a positive impact.

What social issues are you particularly concerned about (e.g. the environment,

Undoubtedly, I have serious worries about homelessness as a significant societal issue. It's
depressing to watch people and families without secure housing, struggling on a daily basis,
and dealing with the harsh reality of life on the streets.

I want to make a real difference in the fight against homelessness. I think it's a basic human
right to have access to secure, affordable housing. In addition to pushing for favorable laws
and helping with groups that help the homeless population, I want to work toward
increasing awareness of the issue.

I want to significantly contribute to assisting homeless people regain stability, receive access
to necessary services, and eventually move to more secure and satisfying lives by giving my
time, resources, and support.

What activities would move you closer to these goals and interests?

For me to pursue engineering, improving my coding, physics, and math abilities is essential.
But I also understand that boosting my self-confidence is as important, therefore I want to
do this by getting stronger. I want to increase my self-confidence and build important skills
like discipline and resilience that will help me both personally and professionally by focusing
on my physical fitness. I'll be able to develop into the assured and experienced engineer I
hope to be by juggling various different projects. It's a voyage of development in many

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