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WW2 or WWII or world War 2

I can say I am lucky to be born at this time. For yes maybe I missed alot in the past years but at least I
come to witness it in a virtual sace zone. The history of this world is full of the brightest parts of life for
human kind. Take an example of the evolution of mankind and others. Maybe if u take me back to the
time of Jesus or wat back in times of the Bible story the garden of Eden. Well the past might have been
bright but also was it that dark. On that note I suggest u get a nice place where you can take all this in. I
have tried to leave put the horror and terror and any thing that would re-injure the healed wounds. Yes
now first sip something its tym to play with the history of this world and what is history with out the
evidence of dates or timings. The famous movie the three hundred men an action packed film of the
acient Greece setting might have left out a few truths. Well the truth is King Leonidas led a troop of
about six thousand to seven thousand Greek soldiers with only 300 spatans to the famous battle at the
Thermopylae. The aim was to stop the Persian King Xerxers from getting to Greece and enslaving her
people. Well one War I wish I cud have witnessed for the reason of bravery of those men who were out
numbered but that didn't stop them from doing what they believed was right. And yes the died as free
men and fought to the last and we remember and admire their faith and bravery. Oh that is one whose
witnesses cannot be traced on the surface of this earth. Guess what? There is one which we have on
record and allow me take you through this thriller

Have you heard of the Armistice Day? Yes you have you American, allow me take you through its
cause. Well Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia due to the assassination of the Australian Archduke
Franz Ferdinand by Bosian Serb student Gavrilo Princip. To cut to the chase well on 28th July, 1914 the
first world War commenced. The Italians and the Germans joined the Austria-Hungary side while the
other greats of Europe that is France and Great Britain joined the Serbia and it was a devastating period
for everyone since the European giants didn't leave their colonies out of this business. Although the
Italians double crossed the Germans due to the hatred they had for the Austria-Hungary. Indeed
everyone in the period especially the mothers who were lucky and out of the war zones, couldn't stop
praying to their Gods for the lifes of their sons. Well a number of American citizens were involved due to
their association with Britain. And this went on until the eleventh hour on 11th November, 1918 when
the sound of the gun's was no more. Yes the Armistice is a Latin word meaning stand still and this was
signed to end the military operations of the world war 1. Another significant signing was the treaty of
Versailles that also ensured peace after the world war 1. And after the world war 2 the day was
recognized by the American government and uts celebrated to date. Well that was an eye opener shud I
say carten raiser.

Back before all that in the Braunau am Inn in northwestern Australia close to the empire of German,
the time I can't tell for sure. There is this lady patient in marriage for she was the third wife of a man
whose name I won't disclose as of yet for it resides in many minds of those who walk this earth to date.
Well this lady who goes by the name Wara Pölzl had bore a son. Yes a son and joy all over the place and
the some whose fathers name was Allison Hitler took up his father's name and he was named Adolf
Hitler. Yes I told u the name is know by many. Well the Hitler didn't go deep into academics but as a
young youth he tried joining Vienna to study art after the death of his mother. All didn't go well since he
was not accepted due to lack of talent. To cut the long story short during the first world War he
dedicated himself to the Germany troops and he was put on the front line. A dangerous role in the war
for he was transferring information from the heads to the front line troops but for a soldier that was his
role. At the end of the war he freedom to avoid arrest for infringement on the laws or for war crimes he
had participated in.

Well for what he had was a mind of a politician and this played out when in 1919 he joined a German
workers' association called the Nazi and in 1920 he was the leader of this party. Everything worked out
in his favor when by the year 1933 the Nazi had theist seats in the Reichstag. With this he was appointed
chancellor of Germany by the German president Paul von Hindenberg. Adolf Hitler was over ambitious
for territory expansion, and his desire to unite the Germans and his persue of Lebensraum "living space"
where German would be able to become an economy that is self-sufficient and militarily strong. And
with these goals at all costs he was to go all out to achieving them. So he kicked off by going after Poland
yes the famous Poland invasion. At the time Poland had military support from France and the Great

And after this France and Germany declared war on Germany, well German was joined by Italy and
Japan. And this was a match for the Giants as for the world war one when the big guys start exchanging
violence their subordinates the forced into action. Well the United States of America was still not so
involved until Japan bombing Pearl Harbor in December 1941. The US then declared war on Japan and
days later Italy and German declared war on US and there the countries engaged fully in the war. Many
nations participated in this war over 70countries took place and the fighting took place on three
continents Africa, Asia and Europe. German attack on Russia had the Soviet army also charging against
German to put an end to the reckless violence it was sparking in search for greatness. Yes though not all
countries participated military wise especially the African countries but their citizens served during war
as cleaners of barracks and health aiders and this was counted as participation in the world war two. US
had some blanders in the war for example the failed attack on Germans in Dieppe Northern France and
even Canada was of aid. But the us had over estimated its amarry especially the tanks and this cost them
the raid.

Well you may ask yourself why Italy aided German in the World war 2. Well Italy at the end of the world
war one they hadn't achieved what they had hoped for and that was the Turkey and some African
territories. Plus it felt that the Versailles treaty was unfair since German had to disarm itself and also
drop all its African colonies on addition of paying for the damages. In response to what Japan had done,
for it didn't go unnoticed and unpunished. America on 2nd September 1945 made an attack on Japan by
dropping the dangerous bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. The magnitude of the attack
overwhelmed the Japanese and they surrendered. By this time German had already surrendered on 8
May 1945 and after Japan surrendering this put an end to the world war two. This war is the biggest war
to ever happen on the Planet we leave on and its a memory that painfully will never leave the face of
the earth as for its effects we still witness. But all for what just a greed of power and seek of control by
just one man. Well we still remember and appreciate the heros who gave in there life for the safety of
their citizens and served their nation with out holding back. Thank you for the peace and for the
freedom you won us. Eeeh am done

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