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A Research Study
Presented to the Faculty of
Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program
Urdaneta City National High School
Urdaneta City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in Research IV


Alarcio, Rob Lawrence O.

Echanes, Roshan Feliz C.
Tanate, Anne Jeline Q.

School Year 2022-2023

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Urdaneta City
Learning Resource Center
Urdaneta City 2428 Pangasinan
Telefax no: (075) 204-2462

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Research IV, this research study

entitled “SEA BRICKS”, has prepared and submitted by Roshan Feliz C. Echanes, Rob

Lawrence O. Alarcio, and Anne Jeline Q. Tanate, for approval.


Research IV Teacher/Adviser

Approved by the committee on Oral Examination




Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Subject Research IV.

Head Teacher VI

School Principal IV


First and foremost, we want to express our sincere gratitude to God. Without God

we would not have made this possible, He gave us all the knowledge and guidance that

we needed for making this study possible.

To our research teacher Ms. Lourdes Medrano, we thank he for guiding and

supporting us throughout our research journey. For the teachers who helped us finish

our research study Mr. Fredilou Asunscion, Mrs. Ryalyn Kang, and Mrs. Teresita Aviles,

you are all greatly appreciated.

We would also like to extend our deepest appreciation to our family Mr. and Mrs

Echanes, Mr. and Mrs. Alarcio, and Mr. and Mrs. Tanate, who have supported us

throughout the way. Our ability to complete this project would not have been possible

without their help and undying support.

We would also like to express our appreciation to our classmates, Jorunn

Melodee Cuyo, Maliyah Grace De Vera, Rob Lawrence Alarcio, and Janelle Alexa

Naranja, and to the whole 10-STE Einstein for helping us with some of the challenges

we faced when writing our research paper.

Additionally, we would like to thank our classmates, 10-STE Einstein who have

helped us in any way they can. To Jeanelle Faith Abella Pascua, and Arianne Jude De

Vera, we would like to extend our gratitude towards them for assisting us in overcoming

some of the obstacles we encountered while writing our research paper.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to Mr. Romel F. Millones. School,

principal IV and Mrs. Larina Taborda, Head teacher VI of the science department, for the

full support they gave us in conducting and finishing our research study.

We would also like to congratulate each and every one of us on completing our

studies and making it through the end. None of this would not be possible without the

cooperation and idea exchange. We all did a great job and performed wonderfully.





We would like to dedicate this research paper to our Research teacher, Ms.

Lourdes M. Medrano, who assisted and accompanied us throughout the journey of our

research paper.

We dedicate this research study to the community; it may be a big help to all of

the construction workers.

We also dedicate this study to our parents who never stopped supporting us

throughout the way. And for always guiding us in our journey.

We would also like to dedicate this to our friends and classmates who helped us,

as well as supported us and provided for our needs.


The researchers conducted this study to help the community by utilizing waste

mussel shells instead of the shells being thrown away in such places. And to also help

the brick industry. This study was conducted to utilize mussel shells in brick making. It

determined the difference and the extent likeability of the three samples of sea bricks in

terms of affordability, appearance, and texture, and the durability of the bricks. The

processes used in this study to make the sea bricks are collecting, crushing, pulverizing,

mixing, molding, and drying.

Findings showed that there is a difference among the three samples of sea bricks

in terms of affordability, appearance, and texture with regards to the extent likeability of

the respondents. The results showed that sample 1 and sample 3 was preferred by the

respondents in terms of affordability; sample 2 was preferred by the respondents in

terms of appearance; and sample 1 was preferred by the respondents in terms of


The researchers concluded that there is a significant difference among the three

samples of sea bricks in terms of affordability, appearance, and texture. It is

recommended that the sea brick should be subjected to high heat after the air-drying

process in drying the brick because it has the least flaws and most compact product

rather than other drying processes like sun drying and air drying without the product

being subjected to high heat.

Title page......................................................................................................................... i

Approval Sheet................................................................................................................ ii

Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................... iii

Dedication........................................................................................................................ iv

Abstract........................................................................................................................... v

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... 1

Background of the Study................................................................ 1

Statement of the Problem............................................................... 2

Hypothesis/es................................................................................. 2

Significance of the Study................................................................ 3

Scope and Delimitations................................................................. 4

Definition of Terms......................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES........................... 6

Related Literature........................................................................... 6

Related Studies.............................................................................. 7

Conceptual Framework.................................................................. 9

Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY..................................................................................... 10

Research Design............................................................................ 10

Population and Sampling............................................................ 10

Materials and Methods................................................................... 11

Instrument/s to be Used................................................................. 12

Collection of Data....................................................................... 13

Data Analysis Tools........................................................................ 14

Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS.............................................................. 15

Tabular and Interpretation of Data.................................................. 15

Chapter 5 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AN RECOMMENDATIONS...................... 20

Summary of Findings..................................................................... 20

Conclusions.................................................................................... 21
Recommendations......................................................................... 21

BIBLIOGRAPHY.............................................................................................................. 23

Appendices...................................................................................................................... 25

A................................................................................................................................ 25

B................................................................................................................................ 26

C............................................................................................................................... 28

CURRICULUM VITAE...................................................................................................... 37

Background of the Study

In 2020 and 2021, COVID-19 had a damaging effect on the brick market. To stop

the virus from spreading, all construction and other activity were suspended, which had

a negative impact on the market. However, due to rising development and construction

activity, the market is expected to expand steadily in the years to come. In the

developing world, the large, polluting, and coal-burning brick industry is nearly totally

non-automated. The demand for bricks is rising as a result of this increase. The need for

residential and non-residential structures, increasing urbanization, and infrastructure

development projects are what are driving the worldwide brick industry. All residential,

commercial, and industrial structures are often constructed using brick as one of the

principal building materials. Brick demand is therefore boosted by global facility

renovation and growth trends in the building sector.

For residential, commercial, and industrial construction, concrete blocks and

bricks are used because they have a number of benefits, including offering thermal

resistance if the proper construction precautions are performed. Because concrete

bricks can be manufactured more systematically, more robustly, and more quickly than

plasterboard walls, building time was shortened. The product is also used to make

fireplace structures, chimneys, and non-bearing walls since it has greater compressive

strengths and durability, is still inexpensive, and is environmentally beneficial.

Asia now dominates the brick market on a global scale and is predicted to

continue to do so over the forecast period. Asia has experienced tremendous

urbanization in recent years as growing nations from the region—like China, India,

Japan, and Indonesia—become a hub for the global building sector. As a result, it is


anticipated that throughout the forecast period, the market in the region under study

would be driven by developing trends in the construction industries in the various Asian


With the above-mentioned alarming facts in mind, the researchers developed an

idea to use mussel shells as the main component for brick production rather than

commercial materials like concrete, clay, and lime. Pulverized mussel shells can be

converted into high-quality, long-lasting bricks that mirror the qualities of those that

eliminate the unpleasant, odorous shells that litter seashores. This study is also

environmental-friendly because the primary adhesive will be cement.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the use of the mussel shells (Mytilus edulis) as a brick.

Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the extent of likeability of the three (3) samples?

a. appearance;

b. affordability; and

c. texture?

2. What is the significant difference among the three (3) samples of sea brick in terms


a. appearance;

b. affordability; and

c. texture?


In this study, the stated hypotheses were tested in null form:

1. H ˳: The extent of likability was different for each sample.


a. appearance;

b. affordability; and

c. texture

2. H ˳: There was a difference among the three (3) samples of sea bricks in terms of:

a. appearance;

b. affordability; and

c. texture

Significance of the Study

The focus of this study is to determine how useful the sea brick made from

mussel shells (Mytilus edulis) affects people’s daily lives. The purpose of conducting this

study is characterized by the following sectors:

Everyone inside a community, can now be benefited by this research which will

help to avoid the growth and spread of insects such as mosquitoes that live inside shells

and are carriers of disease-causing germs and viruses. The odor of mussel shells is

mainly caused by a mollusk dying inside the shell and then decomposing. As soon as an

animal dies, it will attract flies and germs in the process. The presence of bacteria and

the emission of cadaverine and putrescine cause the body of the animal to release a foul

stench not long after it has died.

Our environment, due to the solid wastes such as mussel waste shells found near

the seashore, that makes the sea look grim and disgusting, will be put to other uses,

such as making them into ceramic tiles. Mussel shells acts as substrate for the

reproduction of flies and other oil-causing insects, which are carriers of disease-causing

bacteria and viruses.

The brick producers will benefit from this study for its cost of production is low.

Brick is made of clay or shale formed, dried, and fired into manufacturing process. The

researchers will utilize cement as an adhesive. The sea bricks will be made the same

way regular bricks are made, with the exception that the materials to be used will be less

expensive and that the process will be easier.

Consumers will benefit from this research for the bricks’ high quality and

affordability. The mussel shells are known fossils that contain 97.5 percent calcium

carbonate (CaCO3), a good source of calcium oxide (CaO) that rendered these shells

robust and hard. The inclusion of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) would make it an

appropriate component for bricks.

Future researchers can also utilize this study as a source of related literature to do

research on mussel shells as an inexpensive alternative to bricks. This will give them an

idea of what procedure they should employ to conduct a study that will result in a distinct

finding and conclusion for the specific audience.

Scope and Delimitation

This study basically concentrates on the utilization of mussel shells (Mytilus

edulis) as bricks which can benefit everyone because of the bricks’ high quality and


There are three samples that was used in the study. For Sample A, the researchers

used 100g of pulverized mussel shell, 50g pulverized oyster shell, 200g of sand, 50of

cement, and 1 cup of water. For sample B and C, the researchers also used 50g of

pulverized oyster shell, 200g of sand, 50g of cement, and 1 cup of water except that the

amount of pulverized shells are different, 200g for sample two and 300g for sample C.

The difference among the samples in terms of durability, texture, appearance, and

affordability was determined in this study. The survey questionnaire was conducted at

the City of Urdaneta in the month of June 2023. The three samples of Sea Bricks, which

are the bricks derived from pulverized oyster shell, cement, sand, and water with

different amounts of pulverized mussel shells was evaluated by the construction workers

of Urdaneta City.

The entire research took 9 months to complete, from October 2022 to June 2023.

Thus, the experimentation was conducted at one of the researchers’ residence in

Urdaneta City in the month of October 2022 to June 2023 with proper protocols and

safety precautions.

Definition of Terms

To avoid the occurrence of misinterpretation, the following terms used in this study

were defined theoretically and operationally.

Appearance - is an outward aspect or look. (Meriam Webster Dictionary) It

refers to the characteristic of the brick. The appearance of the sea brick was evaluated

by the researchers. It is considered “Very Pleasant” when the bricks do not have cracks

and it is considered “Very Unpleasant” when the bricks have cracks.

Affordability - is the ability to be afforded or having a cost that is not too high.

(Meriam Webster Dictionary) It refers to the characteristic of the bricks. The affordability

of the sea brick was evaluated by the chosen respondents.

Brick - is a handy-sized unit of building or paving material typically being

rectangular and made of moist clay hardened by heat. (Meriam Webster Dictionary) It is

the product of the study.

Durability - is the ability to exist for a long time without significant deterioration in

quality or value. (Meriam Webster Dictionary) It refers to the characteristic of the tiles.

The durability of the sea brick will be tested using the Fatigue Test.

Mussel shell - is a type of shell that has a dark elongated shell that came from a

various marine bivalve mollusk. (Meriam Webster Dictionary) In this study, it refers to the

main material to be used.

Texture - is the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance. (Oxford

Dictionary) It refers to the characteristic of the bricks. The texture of the sea brick was

evaluated by the chosen respondents.



This chapter includes a collection of literature and studies conducted by

researchers, as well as the concepts of well-known educators, in order to clarify and

support the study's selected variables or factors. These were the sources that helped us

come up with the idea for this study.


Using bacteria to grow cement, an idea developed after 111 failed experiments and

motivated by the calcium carbonate composition of the shell. It's a significant endeavor

because, unlike traditional cement production, the creation of "biocement" doesn't emit

carbon dioxide (Dosier, 2018).

Rather than contributing to the world's waste problem, Sea Stone recommends

using discarded seashells to make environmentally and commercially sustainable

material. While the qualities of the concrete and Sea Stone are similar, an energy-

intensive heating process would be necessary to completely recreate the strength of

regular concrete required in large-scale projects such as buildings. (Crook, 2022).

Agricultural lime is in high demand due to its wide range of applications, which

include agricultural production and processing. The lime potential of three shellfish

species, Crassostrea iredalei (Oyster shell), Decatopecten radula (Pecten shell), and

Anodontia edentula (Mangrove clam shell), as a promising raw material for the Philippine

lime industry and an alternative to commercially produced agricultural lime. Shells are a

calcium-rich resource that can be used to make Calcium Oxide (CaO) or lime, which is a

key remedy for the problem of high soil acidity. They have the potential to replace

limestone as a supply of commercial agricultural lime. (Hapinat, 2019).


The abundance of marine species has made the country one of the top ten marine

fisheries producers in the world. As a result, the country is ranked as the tenth largest

producer of cultivated seafood in the world. As a result of these factors, the fisheries

industry becomes critical to the country's economy because it not only contributes to

food security, nutrition, and export profits, but it also provides a significant source of

livelihood and income for people living in the country's coastal areas (Solasco, 2020).


According to the study conducted by Kim, et. al (2018) that due to the high calcium

oxide content, material properties suggest that seashell trash, like limestone, might be

an inert material. However, proper treatment, such as high-temperature heating and

crushing to reach the desired fineness, is preferred for a higher-quality material. The

source of matrix utilized can help to prevent pollution because the shells are considered

waste after usage.

A research conducted by Hart (2022) concludes that by reviewing publications on

various applications of waste shell-derived biomaterials, this work stresses

environmental sustainability. The qualities of biomaterials made from discarded shells

are given and discussed. The properties of the materials suggest they are similar to

limestone, and their biological–natural origin, as well as the high calcium carbonate

content with a trace amount of other mineral elements, make them ideal for cement

production, heterogeneous catalysts, and hydroxyapatite production for biomedical and

wastewater treatment applications.

A study of Silva, et. al, (2019) stated that calcium carbonate is a common raw

ingredient in a variety of industries, including construction, food supplements,

pharmaceutics, animal feed, and plastic manufacture. Marine wastes such as

crustaceans and bivalve shells can provide calcium carbonate. The offered solution is an

oyster shell by-product created by a local artificial stone firm. The fake stone's main

component is a composite material comprised of oyster shells mixed with a polymeric

resin. The artificial stone's mechanical parameters, such as flexural strength, hardness,

Weibull modulus, and fracture analysis, were recorded.

This study of Manao (n.d) intends to make eco-friendly and affordable bricks by

combining the powdered mussel shells, sand, and cement with an appropriate ratio.

Work on the different ratios of sand, cement, and mussel shell and cure the bricks 7

days to 28 days. The calcium carbonate found in large quantities in mussel shells is

essential for making bricks. Making mussel shells is therefore useful for making bricks.

A research conducted by Vertudez (n.d.) conclude mussel shells are composed of

calcium carbonate (CaCO3). According to a study, shells are sources of calcium oxide

(CaO), which is a perfect component for tiles. Recent studies have shown that crushed

mussel shells can perform as a viable aggregate or grit in concrete and mortars.

Cement is the basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, and plaster. Combining water with a

cement-like material forms a cement paste by the process of hydration. The cement

paste glues the aggregate together, fills voids within it, and makes it flow more freely. A

lower water to concrete ratio yields a stronger, more durable concrete, while more water

gives a freer-flowing concrete with a higher slump.

A research that Gerola (2018) conducted, found that mussel shells are known for

its high amount of calcium carbonate, a hard substance recommended as additive to the

concrete structures to ensure strength of the tile. Studies show that the utilization of

pulverized mussel shells in cement tiles are proved to be beneficial not only for

consumers, but also for manufacturers.

The study that Guantero (2029) conducted, concludes that calcium carbonate

(CaCO3) is a chemical with a high compressive strength and boiling point that is used to

make bricks. Because the shells contain calcium carbonate (CaCO3), they could be

used as a source of calcium oxide (CaO), which has been demonstrated to strengthen

blocks and dental fillings. Shells are also used as an abrasive in powdered cleaners,

sealants, adhesives, putty, and glues, paints (water-based), animal feeds, pesticides,

plastics, PVC pipes, carpet underlays, and paper.

Conceptual Paradigm

Input Process Output

Mussel Shells
Oyster Shells
Sand Sea Bricks


Figure 1. This shows the input, processes, and output of the study.


This chapter will discuss the study's research methods, respondents, sampling

technique, research instruments, data collection procedure, and statistical treatment that

will be used for appropriate data analysis and interpretation.

Research Design

The method that was used in this study is experimental research design.

Experimental research is a plan of action wherein experiment is properly organized to

ensure that the right type of quantity of data are available to answer the questions of

interest as clearly and efficiently as possible. Since the study is all about comparing the

three (3) samples of sea bricks, wherein different amounts of pulverized mussel shells

with the same amount of pulverized oyster shells, cement, sand, and water are

combined to make a brick. The three (3) products will be tested in terms of durability,

texture, appearance, and affordability to see whether the said characteristics are the

most preferable among the three (3) samples of sea bricks.

Population and Sample of the Study

There were 20 respondents in this study from the construction workers of Urdaneta

City. They were chosen using the random sampling.

Materials and Methods

A. Gathering Materials

There were five (5) kilograms of mussel shells and one kilogram of oyster

shells collected from the seashell vendors and seafood restaurant owners. The

shells were washed with running water, then dried under the sun for a day. After

letting it dry, it was placed in a clean container.


The mussel shells and oyster shells were crushed inside a layered cloth

with a hammer, separately. After crushing the mussel shells and oyster shells

into small pieces, it was fully pulverized after it was put inside a food processor.

The pulverized mussel shells and oyster shells were put on a strainer to

segregate the big pieces of the shells from the powdered ones. The pulverized

mussel shells were measured using the balance scale, in three different

measurements, 100g, 200g, and 300g for Samples A, B and C. Then, the

pulverized oyster shells, sand and cement was also be measured using the

balance scale, with the same measurements for the three samples, 50g of

pulverized oyster shells, 200g of sand, and 50g of cement, respectively. After

that, 711ml of water were used for the samples, 237 ml for each sample.

B. Preparation of the Sea Bricks

For Sample A: 100g of pulverized mussel shells.

The 100g of pulverized mussel shells were carefully mixed with one cup

of water, 300g of sand, and 200g of cement for three to four minutes. The 10

drops of blue colored food dye were gradually added. Then it was placed in a

molder sized 20cm by 10cm by 10 cm. Then, the brick was put outside in a dim

place to fully dry for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes of the brick drying, it was then

put inside an oven with 270 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes. After the brick being

heated, it was stay put on the oven for 30 minutes to avoid the cracking of the


For Sample B and C: 200g and 300g of pulverized mussel shells.

The 200g and 300g of pulverized mussel shells was also processed in the

same procedure that was used for sample A. The two different measurements of

pulverized mussel shells (200g, and 300g, separately) was carefully mixed with

the same amount of pulverized oyster shells, water, sand, and cement for the

same amount of time. The 20 drops of blue colored food dye were gradually

added in sample B, and adding 30 drops on sample C. Then was placed in the

same size of molder. Then was put outside in the same place to fully dry for 10

minutes. Then, it was also put inside an oven with the same temperature for the

same amount of time. After that, it was also stay put on the oven for the same

amount of time to avoid the cracking of the brick.

Instrument/s used

The instruments used in this study are survey forms that served as partial interviews

which was used in the collection of data that tests the validity, credibility, and reliability of

the study being conducted.

A survey form was prepared by the researchers to collect and produce actual

responses of the chosen respondents. Researchers had a ready-made set of

questionnaires. In the questionnaire, the Likert scale by Rensis Likert, was used to see

each sample's differences by showing the respondents the actual product for them to

evaluate the three (3) samples of Sea Bricks in terms of its appearance, affordability,

and texture. The first two columns stated the sample number and price of the sea bricks,

and the respondents will decide if the stated price is affordable with the corresponding

scales (strongly affordable, affordable, moderately affordable, not affordable, strongly

not affordable) according to the amount of materials that will be used in making each

sample of sea bricks. The second part of the questionnaire also include columns

wherein the first two columns that state the sample number of the sea bricks, and

respondents will decide if the appearance and texture of the brick is pleasant to the eyes

and acceptable to the skin with the corresponding scales (very pleasant, pleasant,

moderately pleasant, unpleasant, very unpleasant).


Collection of Data

The extent likability of the three (3) samples of Sea Bricks was rated and

evaluated by the respondents in terms of appearance, affordability, and texture using a

survey form with a questionnaire. The questionnaire was personally distributed to the

respondents face to face for them to answer while evaluating the texture and

appearance of the sea bricks. It was retrieved at once after the respondents are finished

answering. The data that was gathered was evaluated, analyzed, and interpreted using

the Likert Scale below.


Scale Weighted Mean Descriptive Rating

5 4.21 - 5.00 Very Pleasant

4 3.41 - 4.20 Pleasant

3 2.61 - 3.40 Moderately Pleasant

2 1.81 - 2.60 Unpleasant

1 1.00 - 1.80 Very Unpleasant


Scale Weighted Mean Descriptive Rating

5 4.21 - 5.00 Strongly Affordable

4 3.41 - 4.20 Affordable

3 2.61 - 3.40 Moderately Affordable

2 1.81 - 2.60 Not Affordable

1 1.00 - 1.80 Strongly Not Affordable



Scale Weighted Mean Descriptive Rating

5 4.21 - 5.00 Very Smooth

4 3.41 - 4.20 Slightly Smooth

3 2.61 - 3-40 Smooth

2 1.81 - 2.60 Slightly Rough

1 1.00 - 1.80 Very Rough

The durability of the sea bricks was measured by using the fatigue test wherein it

will assess how the bricks degrade over time. This test sets out to add weight to the tile

until the brick breaks. This produces the result of how long the brick should last under

heavy conditions.

Data Analysis Tools

To determine the difference among the three samples of sea bricks in terms of

affordability, texture, and appearance, a survey questionnaire was used for the data.

The research questions that were sent to respondents represents as a framework

on the collection and analysis of data and was guided with three main categories

including (a.) impact of different price preferences; (b.) impact of different appearances

and textures; (c.) ways on improving the research subject according to its gathered

satisfactory levels.

These categories helped the researchers prepare and organize findings, explore

and coding data, collect and represent findings thoroughly, interpret and validate the

credibility and accuracy of the findings. Data that was gathered in this study was

subjected to statistical analysis wherein descriptive statistics are utilized.



This chapter contains the gathered data, the analysis and interpretation of data.

Presentation of Data

Table 1.1 presents the collected data or the evaluation of the extent of likeability

of the (3) three samples in terms of appearance.

Table 1.1 Evaluation of the likeability of the Three (3) Samples of Sea Bricks in

terms of appearance

Samples Weighted Mean Rank Descriptive Rating

A 3.8 3 Moderately Pleasant

B 4.6 1 Pleasant

C 3.25 2 Moderately Pleasant

In terms of appearance, Table 1.1 shows that Sample B has the highest

weighted mean, while Sample A has the lowest weighted mean. This implies that

Sample B has the best appearance out of all the samples that was evaluated by the


Table 1.2 presents the collected data or the evaluation of the extent of likeability

of the (3) three samples in terms of affordability .

Table 1.2 Evaluation of the likeability of the Three (3) Samples of Sea Bricks in

terms of affordability

Samples Weighted Mean Rank Descriptive Rating

A 3.9 1.5 Moderately Affordable

B 3.9 1.5 Moderately Affordable

C 3.6 3 Moderately Affordable


In terms of affordability, Table 1.2 shoes that Samples A and B both has equal

weighted means, while Sample C, has the lowest weighted mean among the three (3)

samples of Sea Bricks. This implies that both Samples A and B are the most affordable

among the three (3) samples evaluated by the respondents.

Table 1.3 presents the collected data or the evaluation of the extent of likeability

of the (3) three samples in terms of texture.

Table 1.3 Evaluation of the likeability of the Three (3) Samples of Sea Bricks in

terms of texture

Samples Weighted Mean Rank Descriptive Rating

A 4.4 2 Slightly Smooth

B 4.25 1 Very Smooth

C 3.6 3 Smooth

In terms of texture, Table 1.3 shows that Sample B has the highest weighted

mean while Sample C has the lowest weighted mean. This implies that among the three

(3) samples of Sea Bricks, Sample B has the best texture, which is very smooth.

Table 2.1 presents the ANOVA results in terms of appearance.

Source of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p-value

Between Groups 18.433 2 9.217 11.483 .000

Within groups 45.750 57 .803

Total 64.183 59
Table 2.1 Significant difference among the three (3) samples of Sea Bricks in

terms of appearance

In table 2.1, the ANOVA test showed a p-value of .000 which is lesser than 0.05,

this means that the null hypothesis was rejected. This implies that the three (3) samples

of Sea Brick do not differ in acceptability in favor of Sample B.


Table 2.2 shows the ANOVA results in terms of affordability.

Table 2.2 Significant difference among the three (3) samples of Sea Bricks in

terms of affordability

Source of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p-value

Between Groups 1.200 2 .600 4.36 .649

Within groups 78.400 57 1.375

Total 79.600 59

In table 2.2, the ANOVA test showed a p-value of .649 which is greater than 0.05. This

means that the null hypothesis was accepted. This implies that the three (3) samples differ in

affordability in favor of Samples A and B. Findings showed that Sea Bricks are affordable.

Table 2.3 shows the ANOVA results in terms of texture.

Table 2.3 Significant difference among the three (3) samples of Sea Bricks in

terms of texture

Source of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p-value

Between Groups 8.033 2 4.017 5.432 .007

Within groups 42.150 57 .739

Total 50.183 59
In terms of texture, the ANOVA test showed a p-value of 5.432 which is greater

than 0.05 which means that the null hypothesis was accepted. This implies that the three

(3) samples differ in texture in favor Sample B.



This chapter summarizes the study by giving the key findings, as well as the

study's conclusions and suggestions.

Summary of Findings

The researchers thought of making a brick made out of mussel shells to make

the brick more durable. The researchers used the experimental design to acquire better

results to the study.. The study was carried out to see if the utilization of mussel shells in

brick making could be possible. Three (3) samples have been made, each sample had a

different amount of mussel shells included, while other mixtures had the same amount in

every sample.

The chosen respondents were the construction workers of Urdaneta City. There

were 20 construction workers who participated in the study. The instrument used for

data gathering was a survey questionnaire. These were distributed to the chosen

respondents. The research was carried out between October 2022-June 2023.

Findings showed that the respondents preferred samples B than sample A and C in

terms of appearance. While some 15 (75%) voted for samples B and rated them as

strongly “very pleasant”, while 8 (40%) voted “pleasant” for both sample A and C. In

affordability, the respondents preferred samples A and C over sample B in terms of

affordability and price. 8 (40%) voted for samples A and C and rated them as “strongly

affordable”, while 10 (50%) voted “affordable” for sample B. This means that out of all

the samples, sample B is the most affordable when it comes to the respondents. While

sample A and C both have 40% for the Strongly Affordable. When it comes to not

affordability, both samples A and C voted 3 (15%). While sample B has 2 (10%) votes.


Sample C is the most strongly not affordable, with B (10%) votes. This means that out of

all the sample, sample C is the most not strongly affordable. The respondents preferred

sample A rather than sample B and C in terms of texture. 12 (60%) voted for samples A

and rated them as "very smooth", while 11 (55%) voted for samples B, and 9 (25%)

voted for sample C as "smooth". The result indicates that sample B has the smoothest



1. The researchers found that sample B was the most affordable. When it comes to

appearance, sample B was the very pleasant one. While sample A was very

smooth in texture.

2. In conclusion, the extent of the likability of the three samples in terms of

appearance is sample B had a pleasant appearance. When it comes to

affordability, samples A and B are the most affordable among the three samples.

While in texture, sample B has the best texture among the three because it is

very smooth.


These are some recommendations for future researchers that should have taken

consideration if they have the interest for future studies:

1. In sample A, equal amount of pulverized mussel shell and cement is highly

recommended in making presentable bricks.



FORECASTS (2023 - 2028)

(2023) Concrete Blocks and Bricks Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By
Type (Cement Block (Hollow, Fully Solid, and Cellular) and Brick (Clay, Fly Ash
Clay, Sand Lime, and Others)), By Application (Residential, Commercial, and
Industrial),and Regional Forecast, 2022-2029

(2023) The Brick Industry Worldwide


Crook, L. (2020) Sea Stone is a concrete-like material made from shells

Dosier, G. (2018) Seashell inspiration: Growing cement bricks with bacteria
cement bricks-with-bacteria

Guantero, D. (2019) Waste Clam Shells as an Alternative Ceramic Tiles

Hart, A. (2020) Mini-review of waste shell-derived materials’ applications

Kim, H., Alengaram, J., Jumaat, Z., Lee, S., Wan, I., and Choon, W. (2018) Recycling of
seashell waste in conrete: A review

Manao, A. (n. d.) Mussel Shells as Bricks



Sea Bricks

Name: (Optional)

I. Direction: Below is a list of criteria to be used in evaluating the sea bricks in terms of
price and affordability. Read the prices of each sample, and then put a check mark (/)
under the column that fits your evaluation. The following are the descriptive ratings and
their numerical counterpart.

Scale Descriptive Rating

5 Strongly Affordable

4 Affordable

3 Moderately Affordable

2 Not Affordable

1 Strongly Not Affordable

Samples (20 by 10 by 10 Prices Sea Bricks (Scale)

cm) 5 4 3 2 1
Sample 1: Php 20.00
100g of pulverized mussel
300g of sand
50g of cement
1 cup of water
Sample 2: Php 25.00
200g of pulverized mussel
300g of sand
50g of cement
1 cup of water
Sample 3: Php 30.00
300g of pulverized mussel
300g of sand
50g of cement
1 cup of water

II. Direction: Below is another list of criteria to be used in evaluating the sea bricks in
terms of appearance and texture. Evaluate the pictures of each sample, and then put a
check mark (/) under the column that fits your evaluation (how pleasant the appearances
of the bricks are on the eyes). The following are the descriptive ratings and their
numerical counterpart.
Scale Descriptive Rating

5 Very Pleasant

4 Pleasant

3 Moderately Pleasant

2 Unpleasant

1 Very Unpleasant

Samples Sea Bricks (Scale)

5 4 3 2 1
Sample 1


Sample 2


Sample 3




Crushing the mussel shells into small pieces.

Strain it before placing the crashed shell into the blender to be pulverized.

Using a food processor to become fully pulverized.


Putting in the pulverized shell on the container and measure its weight.

Prepare and measure the ingredients of the brick.

Pour all the mixture into the container and then mix it.

Pour the mixture into the molder.

Place the brick in a dark, cool room to dry for 10 minutes.

Put the pre-harden mixture in the oven.


Put inside an oven at 270 degree Celsius for 5 minutes.

Stay put on the oven for 30 minutes to avoid the cracking of the brick.


Finished Product.

Collecting data on cost, texture, and appearance.



Name: Roshan Feliz C. Echanes

Birthday: December 10, 2006

Address: Block 32, Lot 4, Phase 3,

AGL Heights, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Father: Rommel E. Echanes Occupation: Electrician

Mother: Sharon C. Echanes Occupation: Physical Therapist

Educational Achievements:

Elementary School

Grade 1: With High Honor Merryland Montessori and High School

Grade 2: With High Honor Divine Grace Montessori and HS

Grade 3: With High Honor Divine Grace Montessori and HS

Grade 4: With Honor BADIPA Elementary School

Grade 5: With High Honor BADIPA Elementary School

Grade 6: With High Honor BADIPA Elementary School

High School

Grade 7: With Honor Urdaneta City National High School

Grade 8: With High Honor Urdaneta City National High School

Grade 9: With High Honor Urdaneta City National High School


Name: Anne Jeline Q. Tanate

Birthday: March 17, 2007

Address: 4A Mabini St. Ext. Bayaoas,

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Father: Benedicto S. Tanate Occupation: Contractor

Mother: Analyn Q. Tanate Occupation: Housewife

Educational Achievements:

Elementary School

Grade 1: With High Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 2: With High Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 3: With High Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 4: With High Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 5: With High Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 6: With High Honor Urdaneta I Central School

High School

Grade 7: With High Honor Urdaneta City National High School

Grade 8: With High Honor Urdaneta City National High School

Grade 9: With High Honor Urdaneta City National High School


Name: Rob Lawrence O. Alarcio

Birthday: January 20, 2007

Address: #16 Mc Arthur Highway San

Vicente Central, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Father: Eraño D. Alarcio Occupation: Courier

Mother: Michelle O. Alarcio Occupation: Teacher

Educational Achievements:

Elementary School

Grade 1: With Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 2: With Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 3: With Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 4: With Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 5: With Honor Urdaneta I Central School

Grade 6: With Honor Urdaneta I Central School

High School

Grade 7: With Honor Urdaneta City National High School

Grade 8: With Honor Urdaneta City National High School

Grade 9: With High Honor Urdaneta City National High School

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