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Some people believe that celebrities are getting paid too much money and a lot of jobs are

not paid
equally. To some extent, I agree with this statement and in this essay, I will offer some reasons for
my answer.

Many people suppose that well-known people should not be paid as much money as essential
jobs such as doctors, nurses, firefighters, police. Because those jobs can save people lives and help a
lot of people in daily life. Most of the essential jobs always take a lot of time to practice, they worked
hard to overcome all the challenges, they have spent many years in university to earn the job they
wanted. But some of them did not get paid equally and sometimes they get paid lower than famous
people and some of the celebrities waste their money on houses, expensive cars.

On the other hand, popular people do not have privacy because other people and paparazzi will
take photographs of them anytime, they might be criticized for their attitudes, actions, body and on
the internet could have a lot of bad news about them. Sometimes their life and their family probably
get disturbed by other people and fans. Furthermore, famous people will easily get stressed and
mentally breakdown, many celebrities committed suicide due to depression. Besides that, well-
known people work very hard and put so much effort into their job, some of them even live far away
from their family.

To sum up, celebrities need to sacrifice their privacy and a lot of things to become famous and
successful, they totally deserve what they do. Besides that, there are still some people who take
advantage of their popularity and essential workers that do not get paid equally.

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