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Name: Adilah Zahra Fadhilah Subject: Applied Culinary English

Class: Culinary Art (D4) Lecture: Rissa Megavitry, S.Pd., M.Si

Task 2 || February 14, 2023


I usually wake up at 5 in the morning and immediately wash my face. After washing my
face, I perform ablution and pray Subuh. If I'm on my period, I usually wake up at 6am, like two
days ago. After I pray at dawn, I will recite the Qur’an for a while, then read the novel that I haven't
finished reading to wait for the lecture to take place. When the clock shows 7 in the morning, I
will rush to get ready for college online.
Lectures start at 7.30 am to 3 pm, of course there are breaks. During that break, I usually
have breakfast and lunch. After I finish college, I'll check to see if I have any assignments I need
to do, but usually I just make a list first. Then I will do household chores such as sweeping,
mopping, or washing clothes. After all that is done, I will do my college assignments.
In the evening after Maghrib and Isya prayers, I usually spend time playing mobile games
or just scrolling short YouTube videos. After that I have dinner and usually at 9 or 10 pm. I rarely
sleep before 10 p.m. I usually go to sleep at 11.30 pm after doing skin care. I also don't forget to
set my alarm to wake up early, because if I don't I'll usually be too late to wake up.
Those are some of my daily activities on weekdays, a bit different if it's on weekends. On
weekends, usually after taking care of the house and college assignments, I will spend time reading
novels, watching movies and series, and playing cellphone or laptop games. Not only that, if I have
enough money, I will go to the shopping center and visit the bookstore there. I sometimes go alone,
sometimes with friends or even with my boyfriend. If there's an interesting movie coming out,
we'll go see it. After that me and them will go to eat at a fast food restaurant.

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