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Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed animals of the animal kingdom,

I stand before you today not just as a platypus, but as a unique and remarkable
creature ready to lead our world into a brighter future.

European naturalists were shocked and opened a can of worms (to create a whole
new set of problems) for themselves with my odd interesting personality when they
first encountered it, and some thought it was a dark horse (something mysterious or
unknown). The platypus family is arguably one of the most distinct on the planet. As
you can see that is Cock and bull story (a story that is clearly false, often an excuse
for something).
The platypus is an unusual mammal that lays eggs and lives in eastern Australia and
This oddball lives in and near rivers and lakes. I eat insects, worms, shellfish, fish,
and frogs. The amount of food I eat every day is almost equal to my own weight. I
really pig out. I am a testament to nature's creativity, having adapted to both water
and land environments. My ability to thrive in diverse habitats showcases my
resilience and adaptability, qualities crucial for addressing the challenges our world
might face.

My appearance also stands out from the crowd. I have brown waterproof fur, a “bill”
and webbed feet like a duck and a flat tail like a beaver ("дзьоб" і перетинчасті
лапи, як у качки, і плаский хвіст, як у бобра). Sometimes they call me a duckbill.
But do not get too excited about this cute creature because it is a real wolf in sheep's
clothing (a person with a pleasant and friendly appearance that hides the fact that
they are evil). Sensitive and soft like rubber, the bill has electroreceptors that I can
use to detect prey (здобич) underwater through electrical currents (струм). This is
particularly helpful because the platypus is a night owl, so the waters will be dark
when it's time to hunt. I also have no teeth and therefore store my "catch" in my
cheek pouches (защічних сумках). This unique skill signifies my innovative
approach to problem-solving, ensuring that I can find unconventional solutions to our

Male platypuses have a sharp spur on each back foot. Due to this fact, everyone who
deals with duckbills should walk on eggshells. The spurs are connected to glands that
make poison. The males use their spurs to fight each other, especially during mating
season (шлюбний період). The poison can cause great pain. So, nobody has a cat in
hell’s chance (не мати жодних шансів) to avoid this.
As a platypus, I have coexisted with various species for millions of years. My ability
to peacefully interact with different animals demonstrates my diplomatic nature. I
believe in fostering unity, understanding, and cooperation among all species, ensuring
harmony in our diverse world.
Together, we will create a world where every individual is respected, valued, and
given equal opportunities. Vote for me, and let us embark on this transformative
journey together. Thank you.

 There may be an adult population of 300,000, but that number is on the

decline. Habitat destruction and pollution of waterways are major threats.
 A platypus baby is called a 'puggle'.
 They’re protected by Australian law.
If you’re lucky enough to see a platypus in the wild, leave it where it is. The
animals are protected by law and “cannot be captured or killed, except for
scientific research,” according to the Australian Museum. Doing so carries
major penalties: One man who recently nabbed схопив a wild platypus from a
waterway in Queensland faces up to $289,000 in fines загрожує штраф у
розмірі до 289 000 доларів США.

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