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TERM 1 EXAMINATION -Answer key (2023-2024)


I. Choose the correct option for the following (5x1=5)
1. The light sensitive nerve cells of the eye are present in the _______________.
a) lens b) retina c) iris d) cornea
2. Below is a conversation between two friends.
Sam: Roughage is an indigestible material that we get from plants.
John: Roughage helps us to remove undigested waste from our body.
What do you conclude from the conversation?
a) Both Sam and John are right.
b) Sam is right, John is wrong.
c) Sam is wrong, and John is right.
d) Both their statements are wrong.
3.Which of the following joints acts like a hinge of the door?
a) wrist joint b) shoulder joint c) elbow joint d) joints of our vertebrae
4. Which graph below best represents the activity of the brain while studying for an exam?
4 1.5
0 0

a) b)

4 4
2 2
0 0

c) d)
5. During the process of photosynthesis, the plants majorly depend on _______________.
a) Biotic components b) Abiotic components
c) Both a & b c) none of the above.

II. Match the following. (5x½=2½)

1. eye - Ophthalmologist Hip girdle.
2. urinary bladder- hip girdle Ball and socket joint
3. ear- auditory nerve Ophthalmologist
4. vertebrae- gliding joint Auditory nerve
5. shoulder girdle-ball and socket joint Gliding joint

III. Name the following. (3x1=3)
1. A medical condition in which bones become weak and break easily. osteoporosis
2. The fluid that fills the space between the skull and the brain. CSF or cerebrospinal fluid
3. Tiny projections on the tongue sensitive to substances of food. Taste buds
IV. Following are assertion and reasoning type questions. Choose the correct option based on
the given assertion and reason. (2x1=2)
A. Both assertion and Reason are true & the reason is a correct explanation of the
B. Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not a correct explanation of the
C. Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
D. Both assertion and reason are false.
1. Assertion: Brain is the master controller of all the actions in our body.
Reason: Medulla Oblongata controls respiration and heartbeat. B
2. Assertion: There are 12 pairs of ribs in the ribcage.
Reason: Ribcage protects the stomach and urinary bladder. C
V. Define the following. (2x1=2)
1. Balanced diet-A diet consisting of the right amount of all the nutrients necessary for good
health. (1 mark)
2. Neuron - Neurons are the fundamental /basic units of the nervous system. (1 mark)
VI. Give reasons. (2x1½=3)
1.Skin is the body’s first line of defence.
Our skin protects the internal organs of our body from dirt, germs, and injuries.

2.The 33 vertebrae in the spinal cord are linked but not fused.
The vertebrae allow us to bend, twist and stand upright. If it’s fused, then we will not be
able to bend or twist.
VII. Differentiate between Tendon and ligament. (1x2=2)

Tendon Ligament
The tough fibrous tissue that connects The strong fibres by which the muscles are
bones at a joint is called tendon. (1 mark) attached to the bones. (1 mark)

VIII. Spot the errors in the following and rewrite the correct sentences. (5X1=5)
1. The eight flat and interlocked bones present in the skull are called facial bones. Cranial
2. The cerebellum is divided into left and right hemispheres. cerebrum
3. The pinna inside the nose filters the air we breathe. Nose hairs
4. Tiny pores on the skin eliminates toxins in the form of urine. Sweat
5. Humerus is the long bone present in the upper leg. Femur/ upper arm (any 1)
IX. Answer the following questions.
1. We, human beings, are dependent on both biotic and abiotic components. How can you
justify this statement? (1½)
Biotic components: Humans depends on plants and animals for food. (3/4 marks)
Abiotic components: We need air (oxygen)and water for survival. (3/4 marks)

2. a) John’s eye is blue in colour. Which part is
responsible for the colour of the eye? Iris (½
b) Identify E – optic nerve (½ mark)
. What is the function of E? (2)
The nerve which carries messages from the eyes to the brain
to interpret the image. (1 mark)

3.a) An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Which nutrient does the statement refer to?
Vitamins and minerals (½ mark)
help our body fight diseases. (½ mark)
b) Explain how water is important for the proper functioning of our body. (2)
Water helps in digestion (½ mark)
and removal of waste. (½ mark)

4. Given is a structure of bone.

a) Identify X. bone marrow (½ mark)
What is the major function of X? production of blood cells. (½
Enumerate the ways to keep your bones strong and healthy.
Include calcium rich food in the diet.
Get enough vitamin D to keep the bones strong.
Do the exercise regularly.
Wear protective equipment while playing sports (any 2 points. each point (½ mark)
IX. Answer the following questions.

1. Identify the type of action shown in the picture. Reflex action (½

List the steps involved in the same.
Stimulus Sensory Neuron Spinal Cord  Motor Neuron-
Muscle/Gland Response (1½ mark)

2. a) Identify the parts A, B, C.

A- cerebrum
B- cerebellum
C- medulla oblongata or brain stem (1 mark)
b) How might activities like riding a bike or playing a musical
instrument be affected if the cerebellum didn't exist?

Balance, control, and co-ordination of muscle movements will be affected. Or movements
become imbalanced. (1 mark)
c) If you were designing a robot, which parts of the human brain would you want to include
to give it human-like abilities? Why?
Cerebrum or cerebellum with any one function can be written Not medulla. (1 mark)

3. Farah is analysing the diet of three athletes A, B, C training to participate in a National

level Swimming competition. Analyse the graph and answer the questions given below.

Nutrient Intake in %

45% 45%


10% 10%
5% 5%
2% 3%
Athlete A Athlete B Athlete C
Carbohydrates Proteins Vitamins &Minerals Fats

Farah concluded that Athlete B’s diet is well balanced. Do you agree? Why?
Yes, it has all the nutrients in correct amounts/proportion. (1 mark)
b) Suggest the change that should be brought about in Athlete C’s diet.
More of vitamins and minerals should be included in the diet (1 mark)
c) Will the nutrient chart of Athlete B be the same or different for a Child in Grade 5?
Support your answer.
Yes, it will be the same. Growing children need protein. (1 mark)

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