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These questions are designed to provoke various
emotions or thoughts. Feel free to use them in
different contexts as needed:
• Happy Reaction:
• What's your favourite way to celebrate a
special occasion?
• Can you share a recent accomplishment
that made you really proud?
• Surprised Reaction:
• What's the most unexpected thing that
has ever happened to you?
• Have you ever had a chance encounter
with a celebrity or someone famous?
• Sad Reaction:
• Could you tell me about a time when you
felt really down and how you overcame it?
• Is there a significant loss or
disappointment that you've experienced,
and how did it affect you?
• Angry Reaction:
• What's something that really gets on your
nerves or makes you angry?
• Have you ever had a situation where you
had to confront someone because you were
upset with them?
• Amused Reaction:
• Share a funny story or a joke that always
makes you laugh.
• What's the silliest mistake you've ever
made that you can now look back on and
find amusing?
• Intrigued Reaction:
• Can you describe a mystery or unsolved
question that you find particularly
• What's a topic or concept that you've
always wanted to learn more about?
• Inspired Reaction:
• Who is a person that inspires you, and
• Share a personal experience that
motivated you to pursue a specific goal or
• Curious Reaction:
• If you could travel anywhere in the world,
where would you go and why?
• Is there a skill or hobby you've been
curious about but haven't tried yet?
• Sympathetic Reaction:
• How do you offer support to a friend
who's going through a tough time?
• Can you recall a time when someone
showed you great kindness or empathy?
• Relieved Reaction:
• What was a situation that had you
anxious or worried, but ultimately turned out
• Have you ever been in a challenging
circumstance that was resolved, leaving you
with a sense of relief?


Happy Reaction:
• Structure: "I'm so (adjective)!" (e.g., "I'm so
• Expression: "I can't believe how
(adjective) this makes me feel!"
• Structure: "It's such a (noun) feeling!" (e.g.,
"It's such a wonderful feeling!")
• Expression: "I'm absolutely thrilled/
excited/elated about (something)."
Surprised Reaction:
• Structure: "I can't believe (something)!" (e.g.,
"I can't believe my eyes!")
• Expression: "This completely caught me
off guard. I never expected (something)."
• Structure: "What a (adjective) surprise!" (e.g.,
"What a pleasant surprise!")
• Expression: "I'm utterly astonished by
Sad Reaction:
• Structure: "I'm feeling (adjective)." (e.g., "I'm
feeling really down.")
• Expression: "I'm struggling to cope with
• Structure: "I'm heartbroken over
(something)." (e.g., "I'm heartbroken over the
• Expression: "I can't help but feel
overwhelmed with sadness."
Angry Reaction:
• Structure: "I'm so (adjective)." (e.g., "I'm so
• Expression: "I'm absolutely furious/
outraged about (something)."
• Structure: "I can't stand (something)." (e.g., "I
can't stand injustice.")
• Expression: "I'm really fed up with
Amused Reaction:
• Structure: "That's so (adjective)!" (e.g.,
"That's so funny!")
• Expression: "I burst out laughing when I
(saw/heard) (something)."
• Structure: "I find (something)
(adjective)." (e.g., "I find that joke hilarious.")
• Expression: "I'm always in stitches when
(something) happens."
Intrigued Reaction:
• Structure: "I'm (adjective) by
(something)." (e.g., "I'm intrigued by mysteries.")
• Expression: "I can't help but be
captivated by (something)."
• Structure: "It makes me want to (verb)." (e.g.,
"It makes me want to learn more.")
• Expression: "I'm so curious about
(something) that I can't resist (doing
something about it)."
Inspired Reaction:
• Structure: "I'm so inspired by (someone/
something)." (e.g., "I'm so inspired by her
• Expression: "This has given me the
motivation to (pursue a goal/do something
• Structure: "It's a great source of (adjective)
for me." (e.g., "It's a great source of inspiration
for me.")
• Expression: "I feel invigorated when I
think about (something) because it
encourages me to (do something)."
Curious Reaction:
• Structure: "I'm really curious about
(something)." (e.g., "I'm really curious about
space exploration.")
• Expression: "I'm itching to learn more
about (something)."
• Structure: "I've always wanted to
(verb)." (e.g., "I've always wanted to travel the
• Expression: "I'm eager to explore
(something) because it's a dream of mine to
(do something)."
Sympathetic Reaction:
• Structure: "I feel for you. I know how it feels
to (experience something)." (e.g., "I feel for you. I
know how it feels to lose a loved one.")
• Expression: "It's never easy to go through
• Structure: "My heart goes out to
(someone)." (e.g., "My heart goes out to those
affected by the disaster.")
• Expression: "I want to offer my support
and comfort to (someone) during this difficult
Relieved Reaction:
• Structure: "I'm so relieved that
(something)." (e.g., "I'm so relieved that the
problem is solved.")
• Expression: "I can finally breathe a sigh of
relief because (something) has been
• Structure: "It's a weight off my
shoulders." (e.g., "It's a weight off my shoulders
to finish that project.")
• Expression: "I'm so grateful to have
(something) behind me now."

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