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Pre- c~‡e©
Noun ev Pronoun Gi c~‡e©
Position – Ae¯’vb Ae¯’vb

Rule 1:
i. Pour some water into the glass.
ii. There is some water in the glass.
iii. I talked with him by phone.
iv. I talked with him over the phone.
v. I have been on the plane for half an hour.
i. w`K I MwZ †evSv‡j into nq|
ii. phone k‡ãi Av‡M article _vK‡j over.
iii. Avi bv _vK‡j by e‡m|
iv. Avi †dv‡b e¨¯Í _vKv ‡evSv‡j on nq|
Rule 2:
i. I have bought a shirt with a pant.
ii. I ordered a cake with banana.
iii. He is expert in English besides Mathematics.
iv. I have invited everyone except him.
v. We cannot live without Allah’s help.
i. mv‡_ ev GK‡Î †evSv‡j with
ii. Qvov ev e¨ZxZ †ev‡S‡j without/except
iii. GQvov cvkvcvwk †evSv‡j besides.
Preposition Transportation Location Time
At Except time/ clock
On Public, property, train, ‡Kv‡bv wKQzi Ici i. Pay
plain †j‡M _vKv †evSv‡j ii. Date
Exception: bicycle, iii. Occasion
In Private, Property, car taxi, ‡Kv‡bv wKQzi i. Month
CNG etc †fZ‡i Ae¯’vb ii. Year
†evSv‡j iii. Season
iv. Century
By How do you come? I came ‡Kv‡bv wKQzi Last time ‡evSv‡j
by bus. cv‡k Ae¯’v‡b by e‡m|
cv‡q nvUv = on foot
small boat = on
big boat = at
 wefvMxq kni †evSv‡j in nq|
He lives in Sylhet in Bangladesh.
 ‡Kv‡bv wKQzi Dc‡i bq wecix‡Z †evSv‡j against.
i. He heard some sounds above his head.
ii. The plane is flying over my hand.
iii. The cat is jumping over the building.
iv. The book is on the table.
i. ‡Kv‡bv wKQzi Dc‡i †j‡M _vKv eySv‡j on
ii. Dc‡i MwZkxj eySv‡j over.
iii. Dc‡i w¯’i _vKv eySv‡j above.
Exception rule:
 ‡Kv‡bv future tense evK¨ åg‡Yi GKUv wbw`ó w`‡bi K_v D‡jøL _v‡K Z‡e †m‡ÿ‡Î
by n‡e|
‡hgb, I will go to Dhaka by Wednesday.
 Avi hw` wbw`©÷ w`b‡K D‡jøL bv K‡I mßvn‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Z‡e within, nq A_¨©v
IB mßv‡ni †h‡Kv‡bv GKw`b hv‡e|
I will go to Dhaka within a week.

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