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To use, or not to use, that is the question:

Whether to actively participate in the realm of social media, or to refrain and

preserve the purity of language,
The abbreviations and acronyms that plagued our conversations,
To stop - To continue,
Salutation I bid to the honorable judges, wise and precise timekeeper,
teachers, my friends and all the members the floor. 195 countries , 6500
languages in the world but is English considered as an international language
with at least 1.35 billion speakers . “LOL”,” IDK”,” OMG”,” FYI”, Does it ring a
bell? Have you ever used it in your real-life conversation? Here I stand here
today to englighten you with my speech , entitled "Lost in Word maze”
Ladies and gentlemen ,Abbreviations, they are mostly used by the teenagers,
whether they use it for its efficiency, to fit into their social circle, or to
appear as someone who are cool. But, does it really sound cool? For
example, the usage of BMGWL which stands for busting my gut
with laughter, does using this makes you look like a cool person? For
teenagers, most definitely. For adults on the other hand, they sound
like an alien language that come out of nowhere.
Ladies and gentleman, Let me pose a thought-provoking question to
all of you, do abbreviation destroys our culture? or is it simply a form of
evolution of the language which has happened many times in the past? I’m
here to delve deep into the usage of abbreviations and how it affects our
language as a whole.
First of all, shorts form reduces our linguistic capabilities. How exactly? some
of you might be wondering, instead of using well thought out sentences and
rich vocabulary, we are instead using simpler terms to express ourself which
force us to compress our thought which leads to the decline of our language
Over time, our language is slowly eroded by the influence of internet slang,
misspellings, and grammatical errors that have become so common on social
media platforms. According to Pavlov's theory which can be applied here,
social media platforms have conditioned us to rely on shortcuts like
misspellings and abbreviations for convenience. Over time, this conditioning
has seeped into our writing and speaking habits leading to the extinction of
the language itself. Habit is hard to change . Let’s take a look at the word
itself , if we take out the "H" in "habit," we are left with "abit.", if we remove
the "a," we are left with "bit." And if we remove the “B” , we are left with
“i”" This shows that changing habits isn’t easy and it takes time
So, therefore Are we really doing the right thing by using these abbreviations
which might leads to the extinction of our language? Language is a part of
our culture, without it, who are we?
To conclude, Language is the foundation of a civilization. As Suzette Haden
Elgin said, "Language is the glue that holds a people together." Let us
preserve the beauty and power of language, for it shapes our identity and
defines our civilization.

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