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(To post, or not to post, that is the question:

Whether 'tis wiser in our digital age

To actively participate in the realm of social media,
Or to refrain and preserve the purity of language,
And by resisting, safeguard its integrity. To engage, to abstain,
No more; and by abstaining, say we resist
The abbreviations and acronyms that permeate our conversations,
The erosion of grammar and linguistic nuances
That social media platforms often facilitate. 'Tis a dilemma
That requires careful consideration.)
“LOL”,”IDK”,”OMG”,”FYI”, Does it ring a bell ? Have you ever used it in your
real life conversation? Good afternoon , dear audience and respected
adjucator, Today standing here I am to shed light on the impact of social
media on our language. There are currently 6500 languages around the
world, but today I’m going to talk about English specifically as it is
considered and an international language with at least 1.35 billions English
speaker around the world.

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