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Rabies Danger Warning: Government Encourages Pet Vaccination"

Jakarta, 20 June 2023 - Rabies epidemic is still a serious threat in several regions in Indonesia. The
government, together with health agencies and veterinary officers, is pushing for the importance of
vaccinating pets to prevent the spread of this deadly disease.(elma)

Rabies, which is caused by a virus that is transmitted through the bite or scratch of an infected animal,
can attack the nervous system of humans and animals. This disease has a high death rate if not treated
immediately. Therefore, vaccination of pets, especially dogs and cats, is an important step in controlling
rabies. (dubbing)

The government has launched a pet vaccination campaign in various areas affected by rabies. Animal
owners are invited to bring their pets to a designated clinic or vaccination site. Vaccination of animals is
carried out free of charge or at an affordable cost to ensure accessibility for all animal owners. (dewi)

In addition to vaccination, education on rabies prevention is also provided to the public. Information
about signs of rabies, steps to be taken in the event of an animal bite, and the importance of reporting
incidents of animal bites to health workers, was widely disseminated. A good understanding of rabies
can help people to take appropriate action in emergency situations.(elma)

Even though vaccination and outreach efforts have been made, challenges in controlling rabies still exist.
Limited resources and accessibility to remote areas make it difficult to completely stop the spread of
rabies. Therefore, the government is committed to continuing to strengthen the rabies control program,
including increasing the outreach of vaccinations and educational campaigns.(dubbing)

The public is also asked to play an active role in fighting rabies by participating in the pet vaccination
program, avoiding direct contact with potentially infected wild animals, and reporting incidents of animal
bites to the authorities. With good cooperation between the government, health workers and the
community, it is hoped that the spread of rabies can be controlled and the threat to public health can
be overcome.(dewi)

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