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QUIZ (Lesson 02)

1. Write true or false for each statements below ( T or F )

a. A model is normally more complex and bigger than its represented thing.
b. A model must represent and cover every single detail of its represented real thing.
c. Model can be simpler than its represented thing and can be used to represent only
some detail of the real thing for its intended use.
2. Which one of these is an example of model?
a. Pen
b. Laptop
c. A globe.
3. Write true or false for each statements below
a. Data model is a collection of data which is used by a program.
b. Data model describes and standardizes how data elements relate to each other.
c. Relational data model and other type of data model are used as a standard for
designing database, so that computer program can use data in database.
4. Fill the gape

Two-dimension table, object, relational, entity-relationship, entity, relationship

a. In object model, data is represented in the form of ……………..

b. In relational model, data is represented in the form of………………….
c. Relational calculus and relational algebra are used for manipulating data
in ………………. Model.
d. Important components in entity relationship model are ………........................
and ……………………….
e. ............................... model is used as a design tool of conceptual data model.
5. Name the following type of data model


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