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The Favorite

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: ENHYPEN (Band)
Relationship: Kim Sunoo/Yang Jungwon (ENHYPEN), Kim Sunoo & Yang Jungwon
(ENHYPEN), Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN)/Everyone, Kim Sunoo
(ENHYPEN) & Everyone, Kim Sunoo/Sim Jaeyun | Jake, Kim Sunoo &
Sim Jaeyun | Jake, Kim Sunoo/Lee Heeseung, Kim Sunoo & Lee
Heeseung, Kim Sunoo/Park Sunghoon (ENHYPEN), Kim Sunoo & Park
Sunghoon (ENHYPEN)
Character: Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN), Yang Jungwon (ENHYPEN), Lee Heeseung,
Park Jongseong | Jay, Sim Jaeyun | Jake, Park Sunghoon (ENHYPEN),
Nishimura Riki | Ni-ki
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Everyone Loves Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-06-19 Updated: 2023-08-24 Words: 19,616 Chapters:

The Favorite
by archeolomist


We all know Jungwon is Sunoo’s favorite, what we don’t know is that Jungwon is very
much aware of it.

He’s become a fucking menace.


See the end of the work for notes

Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jungwon peeks through the door that was left slightly ajar. Inside, he saw his Sunoo-hyung,
standing in front of the mirror, putting on a face mask while dancing to “Tell me” by Fifty fifty.

Now, there are many things to notice: his hyung’s pretty face, his hair pushed back with a bunny
hairband and his lush, pink lips in an adorable pout. Sunoo is so incredibly pretty, his face and
body should be insured and regulated. Those are thoughts Jungwon would willingly share to
anyone when asked.

But then there is also… Sunoo’s sinfully tiny waist. And his—as Jay once defined it—callipygian

Jungwon isn’t as eloquent, so ‘great’ would suffice.

Sunoo has a great ass.

With his eyes, Jungwon traced the smooth, peachy underside peeking out from the tight and tiny
pair of shorts that his hyung was wearing. Jungwon didn’t stop himself from looking longer, and
even if he wanted to look away, those cheeks bounced in a way that was far too mesmerizing.

Damn, I’d fucking hit that.

“Ehem,” someone clears their voice from behind him, interrupting his thoughts from going further
down the gutter.

Jungwon turns and finds Sunghoon standing with his arms crossed, brows knit in a way that is
supposed to make Jungwon know he was caught red-handed.

The younger answered with a cheeky grin. He was ogling Sunoo again, for the nth time, and what
about it?
Scoffing, Sunghoon walks past him, making Sunoo turn towards them, his face covered entirely
with a thin white sheet. Jungwon tried to hide his smirk.

Yeah, I’d cover that face with something white too.

“Sunoo-yah,” Sunghoon bellows, loud as usual as if Sunoo wasn’t just a few paces away, “do you
want to go skiing with me and Jake?”

Jungwon scoffs to himself as he follows Sunghoon inside.

It was an obvious ploy by Sunghoon and Jake to get his Sunoo-hyung to themselves. Everyone
knew that skiing was always going to be an overnight affair.

Sunoo thought for a moment, cocking one hip to the side, then walked a few steps towards his side
of their shared wardrobe. Naturally, where Sunoo’s body goes, Sunghoon and Jungwon’s eyes
would follow.

“I guess I could go, Jay-hyung bought me this jacket that I hadn’t gotten the chance to wear
because it’s a little too thick. It’s gonna be good for skiing,” Sunoo smiles to himself, running a
hand down the surface of the white puffer which Jungwon immediately assumed to cost the same
as a brand new car.

Spoiling his Sunoo-hyung was Jay’s tactic, and it irritates Jungwon that no one could beat Jay at
treating Sunoo like a princess.

Yes, they were all down bad for Sunoo. It was knowledge that was shared amongst the six of them:
Jungwon, Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon and Riki. And they had all agreed that may the best man

Although winning Sunoo over hasn’t been an easy undertaking since, the fox-eyed boy can be too
hard to read. He was nice to everyone, always so sweet and inviting. There are days when he would
just spend his entire day on his bed, watching dramas and ignoring all of them, but then there are
also days when he would just disappear. Lo and behold, they’d find out he’s hanging out with
some fellow I-land trainee or some boy from another idol group that had somehow gotten ahold of
his Sunoo-hyung’s number.
And then there was their dynamics as a group, which has gotten a bit complicated in the last few
years; everyone and their mothers know that Sunghoon was Sunoo’s first crush (first love,
according to Sunghoon), a fact that their resident Ice Prince never failed to boast about. Then there
was also that thing between Heeseung and Sunoo, a will-they-or-won't-they situation that still
haunts Jungwon like some disease from the middle ages threatening to make a comeback.

Sunoo loves Jake’s face the most, likes Jay’s company the most, and fusses over Riki the most.

We’re all a bunch of thirsty animals, it’s a fucking jungle out here.

And if it isn’t obvious enough, there’s a plethora of material to prove it. The stuff they see on Tik
Tok and Twitter, oh man. Sometimes Jungwon plays with the thought of how their fans would
react if they knew their so-called delusions were the actual truth.

Of course, Jungwon loved the Sunwon edits. Though he wishes there were more people who can
see the effort he puts in.

To be honest, it irks him to no end that Sunghoon and his Sunoo-hyung were the most popular
ship, those two need only breathe within a foot of each other and people would lose their shit.

Meanwhile, Jungwon had been chasing Sunoo around since I-land, had blatantly asked Sunoo out
with a song, eyed Sunoo’s thighs in front of thousands of people on that one live (he didn’t intend
for that to happen, he just wasn’t able to help himself), laid claim over Sunoo when he told the
older to ignore that one friend (a stalker, really) who won’t stop calling, all while making sure to
act reliable and gallant around Sunoo all the damn time and some people still had the audacity to
call him Sunoo’s little brother?

Wake up people!

Seriously, fuck that shit.

It’s probably one of the reasons why Jungwon’s fantasies were still fantasies to this day.

That’s not to say that Jungwon was a hopeless case.

After all, he is the favorite.

He is the favorite.

Did Jungwon say he is the favorite?

“So you’re going with us then?” Sunghoon was smiling so hard Jungwon could practically see his

“I guess so—“

Without a second thought, Jungwon ran towards the bed and wrapped his arms around Sunoo’s
waist, turning to look up at his Sunoo-hyung with a pout.

“But hyung,” Jungwon deliberately whines, “you promised me last week we’ll stay in and watch a
movie today.”

“Oh Wonie,” Sunoo pats his head, giggling “I did, didn’t I?”

Jungwon buries his face into Sunoo’s stomach, rubbing his cheek on the material of his shirt and
inhaling the older’s sweet, citrusy scent.

“Sorry Sunghoonie-hyung, I’ll join you two next time.”

And just like that, his Sunoo-hyung wasn’t going anywhere.

If hubris was made man, it would be Yang Jungwon.

Sunghoon lets out a breath of disappointment, Jungwon looks at him from under his hold on Sunoo
and throws Sunghoon an arrogant smirk.
That’s right, Sunwon is the superior ship, motherfuckers.

“Fine, but promise that you’ll come with us next time.”

“I promise.”

“Promises are meant to be broken,” Jungwon cuts, and Sunghoon discreetly gives him the finger,
standing tall by his leg where only Jungwon could see.

Sunoo chuckles, patting Jungwon’s back. “I’ll come, Sunghoon-hyung. You can even kidnap me if
you want to.”

Sunghoon grins, one would think out of happiness at being assured, but really, the man was clearly
enjoying the thought of manhandling Sunoo and being given the permission to do it.

Jungwon rolls his eyes, choosing to focus on today’s victory instead. Just the thought of having his
Sunoo-hyung so close to him under the blankets is enough to get the blood pumping to his head…
both heads.

His hold on his Sunoo-hyung tightens, the tips of his fingers grazing the dimples at the bottom of
Sunoo’s spine; the soft, plump skin dipping at the slightest pressure.


Jungwon wants to fuck him so bad. He’s thought of fucking Sunoo in the shower, in the car, in the
waiting room of music shows, behind the mobile bar on that particular rooftop during the afterparty
of the Prada show when damn Manu Rios was getting a little too friendly with his Sunoo-hyung.

Jake said Sunoo was a mindblowing kisser, while Sunghoon spilled that Sunoo was a mindblowing
sucker. Heeseung, that lucky, lucky bastard, was all too happy to share that Sunoo was a
mindblowing fuck.

And Jay… well he already knew all three. Did that bother Jungwon?
Not in the slightest bit. He only wanted to fuck Sunoo even more. But when he does, he will claim

To hell with topping the Billboard charts or headlining Coachella.

Having Sunoo all to himself was the ultimate dream.

Sunghoon finally leaves the room, humming some tune from a Tik Tok challenge that has become
popular these days.

Jungwon doesn’t let go, instead, he ever-so-subtly breathes on the exposed sliver of Sunoo’s toned
stomach, biting his lip as he feels the older shiver.

“So Wonie-yah,” Sunoo says, “what are we watching?”

He looks up to meet Sunoo’s gaze, his lustful thoughts hidden beneath a pair of bright, adoring
eyes and fluttering lashes.

“Ponyo,” Jungwon smiles as if he’s not thinking of bending his Sunoo-hyung over and railing him



Because later my hands will be all up ponyo.

“Okay,” Sunoo shrugs, tapping the face mask he has on with his pretty, pretty fingers.

I’d totally suck those.

Sunoo wiggles in his grasp, trying to escape, and Jungwon takes the chance to better feel the
curves of his waist.

“Let me go so I can make us popcorn.”

Jungwon shakes his head, “No.”

“Please, Wonie? I’ll put extra butter in yours,” Sunoo laughs, lightly pulling at Jungwon’s hair,
fingers threading through his scalp in slow, lazy strokes.

Jungwon lets go.

Not because he likes his popcorn cloyingly buttery (he does) but because a little more shift in
movement and Sunoo would’ve felt his already hard dick through his sweatpants.

“I’ll be right back,” Sunoo rubs his nape gently, waving at Jungwon as he steps away then waddles
out to the kitchen.

Jungwon keeps his head in between his knees. He could take care of himself now, but he’d rather
save it for later when he finally asks Sunoo for that long overdue coming-of-age gift that Jungwon
has been saving for this exact moment.

He knows he’s gonna get what he wants, what he’s been wanting for a very long time. How is he
so sure?

Well, his Sunoo-hyung has never denied him anything, and he never will.

Simply because Jungwon is his favorite.

And that, my friends, is how you know you’ve won in life.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Hope you enjoyed that heh. I’ll be adding chapters to this, depending on how much
more of a menace our cute, innocent Wonie (lol) becomes from hereon out.

Thanks for reading, xoxo.

Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Ten minutes into watching Ponyo, Sunoo asked Jungwon if they could watch something else

Jungwon wasn’t really there for the movie, so he agreed.

They’re halfway into the second episode of “The Idol” now, some Western series that’s supposedly
about people like them. In Jungwon’s honest opinion, it’s a clusterfuck of a TV show. Probably the
most relatable thing on it was the bloody toes and the endless takes. However, he was too
preoccupied with sniffing on the curve of Sunoo’s shoulder and tracing figure-eights on his arm to
even care.

“I like Lily-Rose and Jennie-sunbaenim but this is too fucking weird,” Sunoo mumbles, “that
choreo would have never made it, and these days, being rude, unprofessional and overly emotional
will get you nowhere in the industry. The sex scenes aren’t even that great, this is like some forty-
year-old psycho virgin’s filthy wet dream fantasy. The Weeknd should stick to singing.”

Jungwon hums in agreement, scooting closer towards his hyung as the older one feeds him
popcorn. Cuddling and coddling was typical of them, anyone of their managers could walk in and
wouldn’t even think it strange.

To Jungwon, however, movie time with his Sunoo-hyung was always an attempt to turn his wildest
wishes into reality. Only this time, he was determined to make it happen.

“How about you, Sunoo-hyung, what’s your fantasy?”

Jungwon said it in such a nonchalant, perfectly naive tone that he nearly laughed at himself for
doing so.

He just couldn’t be too forward, that was a mistake that he and the members learned not to do
thanks to that one particular MC that asked Sunoo out on-air, on multiple occasions. Safe to say
Sunoo wasn’t all that impressed.
Sunoo presses pause, the clack of the keyboard reverberating in the silence of the room.

An idea forms in Jungwon’s head. Both heads.

When Sunoo’s hand hovered near his mouth again, he took the opportunity to lick the salt off of
Sunoo’s fingers.

“Wonie, what the fuck!” Sunoo giggles, nudging Jungwon’s thigh with his own.

The friction, the cold air, Sunoo’s scent and the warmth of his body, it was turning Jungwon’s
brains into mush and sending his senses into overdrive.

“What kind of fantasy do you mean?” Sunoo asks him.

“I don’t know,” Jungwon shrugs, “whatever comes to your mind.”

But please, do tell me about the sexual kind.

And while Sunoo was busy forming a thought, Jungwon nursed his growing boner, palming it
under the thick blanket to give himself some relief.

A low chuckle came out of Sunoo’s throat, “I guess it would be to have someone dominate me? I
like being bred. Also, I think I’d be into edging, but like I’m the one doing the edging.”

Jungwon chokes on his own spit.

Great, now I’m hard as fuck.

Sunoo throws his head back in laughter, “Did that surprise my Wonie?”
Not really.

First of all, getting edged by his Sunoo-hyung was somewhere in the tippy-top of his bucket list,
right after breeding him.

And secondly, he already knew from his other hyungs that Sunoo was the dominant one in bed.

Jungwon tries his best to fake a stutter.

“K-kinda? I thought you’d say mint choco soju or something.”

Sunoo laughs again, exposing the milky white skin of his neck, “That already exists, silly. And you
should know by now that my brain is as filthy as my mouth.”

Jungwon knew in his gut that what Sunoo just said was highly suggestive.

He catches the older’s gaze, and they lock eyes for a few seconds more than what Jungwon would
classify as normal (for the two of them, at least— they do this quite a lot), Sunoo smiles at him
before taking a piece of popcorn and popping it into Jungwon’s mouth.

Jungwon was a loaded gun, and his pretty, pretty hyung had just pulled the trigger.

It’s now or never.

“Hyung?” he asks, bottom lip caught under the pad of Sunoo’s index finger.

“Yes, Wonie?” Sunoo seemed to purr, his tanghulu lips red and shiny and utterly hypnotizing.

Damn, shawty, what that mouth do?

Jungwon swallowed, hoping that the nervousness he felt would fall into some deep chasm inside of
him and stay there.

He searched Sunoo’s eyes, like a kitten begging his owner for a treat.

“Remember that gift you still owe me?”

Sunoo nodded, “Yes, for your coming-of-age, I remember.”

“You said it could be anything I wanted.”

“Yup, anything you want, kitty cat.”

Tentatively, with utmost care and respect, Jungwon reaches for Sunoo’s free hand.

The respect part flew out the window when he slammed the older’s hand down on his rock-hard

A few seconds of silence pass, with Sunoo’s eyes flitting from Jungwon’s eyes, to his throbbing
erection, and back again.

“I want this,” Jungwon says.

Sunoo slowly raises a brow, his amber eyes glinting with mirth, before his palm starts moving ever
so slowly over Jungwon’s length.

A moan escaped from the younger.

Fuck, I could cum from just this.

“What is ‘this’, exactly, Wonie?” Sunoo whispers in his ear, breath fanning over Jungwon’s skin,
sweet as honey and smooth as silk.


Jungwon’s breath was caught in his throat when Sunoo rubbed his dick again, with more pressure
this time. He couldn't help but thrust into it.

“What was that?” Sunoo chuckles, “Tell me exactly what you want baby.”

The word caught Jungwon totally off guard.

Oh god, I think I just came.

It’s not like he was completely unaware of this side of his Sunoo-hyung. What most people don’t
know is that the older’s cute demeanor and adorable ways were just a facade.

Sunoo is ruthlessly calculating, and uses his come-hither looks to his advantage way more than
people think; an absolute vixen.

“I want you to suck my dick.”

Sunoo gives him a peck on the cheek, “My Wonie’s all grown up now, huh.”

Jungwon felt the blood rush to his cheeks.

Here’s a little secret: he’s a manwhore in theory, but a virgin in practice.

Jungwon wasn’t in a hurry, and he swore to himself that his firsts of anything was going to be his
Sunoo-hyung and no one else.
Well… except for the kiss part. He gave that one to Jay as a boon.

Sunoo maintained eye contact as he went downwards slowly, mouth slightly ajar.

Fuck, fuck, this is really happening.

“Are you sure about this, Wonie?”


“Like a hundred percent sure?”


“If you—”

“Damn it hyung stop talking and start sucking!”

Sunoo blinked at him a couple of times in surprise, before a grin spread over his cherry lips.

“That was fucking hot,” the older giggles.

Growing impatient, Jungwon hastily takes off his pants and underwear in one fell swoop and
proceeds to kneel in front of Sunoo, the tip of his manhood grazing the older’s lips and smearing it
with precum.

“Suck,” he orders.

Jungwon watched as his Sunoo-hyung gawked at his length.

Sunoo looks up at him, the corner of his eyes crinkling in delight, “I knew you were big.”

Without a warning, Sunoo effortlessly takes Jungwon’s dick all the way down, giving it a long,
hard suck, one hand expertly twisting at the base.

Jungwon’s eyes rolled back in his head as he let out a loud moan.

“Ah, hyung!”

Sunoo’s mouth is warm, wet and tight, and the way his tongue moved along Jungwon’s shaft had
the younger chasing his breath and clenching his abdomen in an attempt to last for as long as he
possibly could.

Sunghoon said he lasted five minutes, I could do six.

Jungwon grasps the back of Sunoo’s head for support, but the latter took it as a cue to take his dick
all the way down to hilt, the tip hitting the back of Sunoo’s throat.

“Sunoo-hyung, fuck!”

His legs nearly gave out.

Nope, screw that, I don’t think I can last five minutes.

Jungwon has never felt that sensation before, it was like his dick is being vacuumed.

He inhaled sharply as Sunoo started to bob his head up and down in a steady rhythm, drawing more
of Jungwon’s dick into his mouth with every stroke.

I am never ever jacking off again, this is so much better.

Jungwon reached for Sunoo’s hands that were resting on his thighs, intertwining their fingers as he
matched Sunoo’s pace, thrusting into the older’s mouth hard and deep that Sunoo’s nose would
touch the finely trimmed hair that ran below his waist.

Looking up at him through a half-lidded gaze, Jungwon thought his Sunoo-hyung looked the
prettiest like this: his eyes brimming with unshed tears and cheeks flushed red, gagging on his

Jungwon was not a selfish person, not to Riki, not to his other hyungs, but boy does he want to
keep this view all to himself.

“You’re my slut, Sunoo-hyung,” he says, voice low and throaty.

“Mine,” Jungwon growls.

Sunoo hums in response, the vibration sending waves of pleasure all over Jungwon’s body.

With every second that passed, Sunoo drew Jungwon closer to his peak.

“I’m cumming, hyung,” he says through ragged breaths.

And soon enough, Jungwon unravels.

He thought of pulling out because he hadn’t gotten permission to finish in Sunoo’s mouth, but as it
turns out no permission was needed.

Just as he was about to move back, Sunoo grabs him by the ass, locking him into place as Jungwon
spills his cum inside the older’s throat, turning the younger into a shivering, panting mess.

Whilst delirious in his ecstacy, Jungwon only thought of one thing:

He swallowed.
His Sunoo-hyung fucking swallowed.

The hyungs said he rarely swallows.


Praise be Tamama.

“Fuck, hyung,” Jungwon exhales through gritted teeth, “that was amazing.”

Sunoo chuckles, winking at Jungwon while licking his dick clean.

“You taste so good, my Wonie.”

Jungwon glows at the praise, feeling like a million bucks.

“Let’s go again.”

“Okay, chill. And did you honestly call me your slut?”

Jungwon put on a brave face, “You bet your huge, round, slappable backside I fucking did!”

“Damn, what happened to my kitty cat?”

“I dunno, maybe he stopped being a pussy.”

Sunoo rolls his eyes playfully, “Don’t go acting up just because you’re an adult now, Wonie.”
“I’ll act the hell up if I want to, but only with you.”

“If you say so.”

“We’re gonna fuck next time.”

“Woah there, slow down, you baby.”

Jungwon cocks an arrogant brow.

“Your baby.”

He smirks and bites his lip, dimples showing.

Oh, I’m definitely fucking you hyung.

“So can we go again now?”

Sunoo gives him the sweetest smile, like Jungwon’s very own angel.

“Whatever you want, Wonie.”

Ah, the perks that come with being Sunoo’s favorite.

How Jungwon loves being it.




Chapter End Notes

Ask and you shall receive <3

I’m reading all the comments and I feel so kilig. I appreciate all the praise (now guess
my kink) so again thank you for reading!
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Kim Sunoo, I can’t believe you swallowed for Jungwon!”

A loud voice echoed from the entrance to their shared apartment. Sunghoon, who came straight
from an individual photoshoot and still decked in stylist-curated clothes, runs to the living room,
throwing Sunoo a spiteful look.

They were all gathered around; Heeseung, Riki and Jake were playing a video game, Jay was
cleaning and tuning his guitars, while Jungwon clung to Sunoo on the couch, the latter preoccupied
with online shopping.

Boxes of takeout food littered the floor, the cleaning up of which will later on be decided through a
game of rock-paper-scissors. Lazing around like this was typical for the seven of them, especially
after an exhausting day. Today’s schedule was brutal; a fanmeet at five in the morning, straight to a
music show after, then the Hybe HQ to record for their next album even though they had just
wrapped up their most recent comeback.

Honestly, what kept Jungwon going was the memory of what he and his Sunoo-hyung did last

“He’s my baby,” Sunoo says without looking up, one dainty finger moving across the screen, a
finger that Jungwon has been wanting to put in his mouth and suck on for a couple of minutes now.

Jungwon smiles into the junction where Sunoo’s neck meets his shoulder, where he’s had his face
buried for the past hour.

He looks up briefly, only to throw Sunghoon a smug grin.

“Exactly, so he swallowed my babies. Thrice.”

Sunghoon’s jaw drops.

“No fucking way.”

Jungwon’s smirk grew even wider, “Yes fucking way.”

“I have lots of babies, when are you swallowing mine?” Riki interjects, pouting at Sunoo with
narrowed eyes.

“Ni-ki yah, focus!” Heeseung says to their youngest as both Jungwon and Sunghoon throw their
maknae a glare.

“When you come of age, I promise,” Sunoo says casually.

“What? No, do it on his birthday or something. The coming-of-age thing is our thing!” Jungwon
draws his head back to look at Sunoo, who merely chuckled to himself.

“No can do, birthdays are our thing,” Jake says.

“So that’s why you two suddenly went missing the last time, going out for tteokbokki my ass,”
Heeseung mutters.

“I got dibs on overseas schedules,” Sunghoon huffs, licking his bottom lip, “after every schedule,

“Holidays are mine,” Jay calmly says, “and graduations.”

“I’m whenever,” Heeseung deadpans.

Riki drops the game controller in frustration, “What the hell do I get then?”

“Nothing!” Jungwon hisses, “You’re all idiots, Sunoo-hyung is mine!”

As the six of them engaged in a verbal sparring match regarding which occasions they can get
Sunoo to themselves (or not at all, according to Jungwon) the topic of their conversation remained
silent, speaking only to announce what all of them dreaded to hear but must endure once or twice a
month, at least.

“I’m going out today.”

“What?! Where?! And with who?!” Sunghoon squawks.

“With Hojin, you guys know him, he’s a close friend.”

“Really now,” says Heeseung.

Sunoo’s aloof expression begins to sour.

“Why are you guys so suspicious of him, he’s just a friend?”

“Oh the same way Eric from The Boyz is just a friend?”

“We watched a movie, once!”

“You went clubbing with Sung Hanbin once too,” accuses Jake.

“Twice actually, but again, a friend!”

“Well guess what, they don’t want to be just your friend!” Sunghoon huffs, placing both hands on
his hips for emphasis.

“You morons think everyone’s into me!”

The six of them share a weighted look, like a game of hot potato.

“Well, duh, obviously,” Jungwon says flatly.

This is stupid.

“What are you two going to do anyway?”

“Maybe go watch a movie and check out that new bread shop that Song Jia went to.”

Jungwon starts picking apart Sunoo’s itinerary, finding loopholes.

“We have a huge TV here, we can order bread. I still have a whole box of Tamama bread. You’re
not going anywhere, hyung.”

Jungwon said the words so fast he was basically rapping.

Fuck them haters who said I couldn’t do it.

“But Wonie, I already promised to hang out with him.”

“Uh-huh, yeah, it’s still a no,” Jungwon mumbles into the sweet-smelling skin of Sunoo’s neck,
“bread my ass. Stand in front of a mirror then look behind you, you’ll see a whole damn bakery.”

Jacke cackles at the dirty joke, giving Jungwon a high-five.

“Whatever!” Sunoo exasperates, pouting and turning to Jay, “Jay-hyung, they’re ganging up on
me again!”

Jay, always composed and perpetually suave, merely chuckles as he pushes his glasses further up
the bridge of his nose, “Don’t mind them, princess. It’s okay, you can go.”
“Stay out of this ahjussi, he’s not going,” Jungwon snarks, annoyed at Jay’s term of endearment for
his Sunoo-hyung, wanting to burst their bubble out of spite.

“Aish, you’re all so possessive, it's giving Alpha wannabe,” teases Riki.

“You don’t get a say here, kid. Sunki is a sunken ship,” says Jake, which prompts Riki to chase
him around the living room.

Sunoo moves to stand, Jungwon follows, hugging Sunoo from behind and pressing his crotch on
Sunoo’s ass. He chuckles to himself. For years he’s only been able to poke Sunoo’s cheeks, now he
gets to poke the cheeks that mattered.

Fuck, I could bury my face in this ass.

He looks back at the other members, making sure that they can see exactly what he’s doing.

Sunghoon gives him the finger, Jungwon sticks his tongue out in retaliation.

“Wonie, can you please get me a banana milk from the fridge,” Sunoo asks, reaching out to get a
bowl and a box of cereal from the cupboards.

“Why drink this shit when you can milk my banana instead?” Jungwon mumbles, loud enough for
Sunoo to hear.

Sunoo hits him on the arm, “Stop being so horny!”

I’ll die first.

“You’d have to fly to like Brazil and be a thousand miles away from me for that to happen.”

While Sunoo is looking scrumptiously bent over the kitchen counter, Jungwon ran to fetch his
hyung the drink he asked for then quickly attached himself once more to the other.

“Wonie,” Sunoo sweetly calls to him.


The older turns his head to whisper in conspiracy, his lips grazing the shell of the younger’s ear,
sending tingles of electricity to every part of Jungwon’s body, including all his bits and pieces.

“Here’s a deal, you let me go out tonight, I’ll give you head and cock warm you when I get back.”

Jungwon snaps to attention, “Fuckin’ deal!”

He calls out to the other members, “I changed my mind, Sunoo-hyung can go out tonight!”

The hyungs and the maknae groaned in unison, disappointed that their last line of defense (that
being Jungwon, the favorite) raised the white flag so easily.

Sorry, blows before bros.

Was Jungwon a horny little shit?

Yes, yes he was.

But it wasn’t all that he felt for his Sunoo-hyung.

Since the moment he saw him, Jungwon decided that one way or another, he was going to be in
Sunoo’s life. And he didn’t mean in passing, not like a page or a chapter; he wanted to be the force
that inspires a single thought into a thousand words.

He wanted to be for Sunoo what Sunoo is to him.

No one ever looked at him quite like the way his Sunoo-hyung did; with kindness, sincere
appreciation, and a sense of intimate knowing, as if to say ‘I know there’s a faint scar on the upper-
right side of your top lip, and I think it’s beautiful.’

Aside from (in his own humble opinion) having the biggest, fattest dick, Jungwon also has the
biggest, fattest crush on Sunoo ever since I-land, when the older used to hold his hand; pulling him
along to and fro, never leaving him alone. When he was made leader of Enhypen, Sunoo was there
to share the weight, always supporting, constantly encouraging and never demanding.

Sunoo was his permanent safe space, his comfort person.

He didn’t give jack shit how cheesy his unguarded thoughts sounded, everyone can choke for all
he cared.

Except Sunoo-hyung, my dick is the only thing he’ll choke on.

“Hyung?” Jungwon says… cutely . He nearly puked but the end goal is worth it.

“Yes kitten?” Sunoo answers through a mouthful of cereal.

“I wanna give you something before you go,” Jungwon’s eyes shone darkly, a smirk forming on
his lips where Sunoo couldn’t see it.

“What is it?”

“You’ll need it for extra protection.”

Sunoo turns to face him, and Jungwon’s expression morphs into innocence.

“What, like a pepper spray? I already have one of those.”

Jungwon shakes his head, “Nope, something more effective. Come on, it’s in my room.”

Without waiting for his hyung to answer, Jungwon pulls Sunoo to their shared room, much to the
annoyance of the other members who made sounds of protest as they passed the living room.

Zooming down the short hall, Jungwon closed the door behind them before someone else could
come barging in.

“Wonie, what is—”

Sunoo never got to finish the sentence as Jungwon pushes him against the door, locking their lips
in a searing kiss.

Giving his hyung no time to breathe, Jungwon nipped and sucked on Sunoo’s lips, tasting the
lingering sweetness, lapping greedily and swallowing the moans that escaped from the older’s

“Wonie,” Sunoo whines, pulling away for a second before Jungwon places a hand behind his neck,
pulling him close and slotting their lips back together.

“No talking,” Jungwon mumbles into the kiss, his tongue forcing entrance into Sunoo’s mouth,
where the other met him with no resistance.

Palming Sunoo’s ass, Jungwon’s hands slide down the older’s legs, raising them to wrap around
his waist.

With virtually zero distance between them, Jungwon rubbed his hard cock against Sunoo’s,
grinding his hips in smooth, precise motions which all but turned the older into a whimpering

All that dancing ain’t for nothing.

Jungwon’s hand crept inside Sunoo’s shirt and upwards, caressing the curves of his waist as his
mouth slid downwards, trailing wet kisses from Sunoo’s jaw down to his neck.
Sunoo’s eyes glistened, tears pooling at the corners. Jungwon met his gaze before he went down on
the older’s neck again, biting down hard and sucking on the soft, porcelain-white skin.

“Fuck, Wonie!” Sunoo moaned, pulling at Jungwon’s hair which only encouraged the younger to
add another, and another, until most surfaces of Sunoo’s neck and chest were decorated with dark,
reddish purple marks.

Not anywhere near finished, Jungwon bucked his hips, his own erection twitching as he rubbed
against Sunoo’s hard length.

Leveling his gaze with Sunoo’s, Jungwon kept eye contact as he moved, his stomach clenching
with each thrust, the muscles of his arms tensing at having to hold Sunoo’s weight, sweat rolling
off his forehead.

There was no better boost to his ego knowing that his Sunoo-hyung becomes like this under him;
pliant, indulging, fuckable as hell.

Pretty, provocative, pampered Sunoo, stripped of his prima donna pride and currently a crying,
whining mess.

He claimed Sunoo’s lips again, hungrily this time, murmuring the words in between.

“Mine,” Jungwon whispers, the friction driving both of them deeper into pleasure.

Mine, mine, mine.

“Wonie oh my god,” Sunoo gasps as Jungwon presses into him harder, his nails digging into the
younger’s back and scratching skin through the thin material of his shirt.

“Shit baby, I’m close,” Sunoo mewls, nearing his high.

Jungwon wasn’t all that quiet, he made sure that the other guys just outside the room could hear
exactly what the two of them were doing.

“I’m cumming,” Sunoo cries into his shoulder.

Sunoo unravels, and Jungwon follows soon after, their breaths rising and falling in a pace that was
made all too fast by equal parts exhaustion and euphoria.

Opening his eyes post-orgasm, Sunoo swipes the loose hair that clung to Jungwon’s sweaty
forehead, smiling at the younger before planting a kiss between his brows, and another on the tip of
his nose.

“You were so good, my Wonie.”

Jungwon beams, dimples showing in satisfaction as he traces his masterpiece with a finger.

Damn, he’s got me blushing and shit.

“This will definitely keep the dogs away from you.”

Sunoo giggles, giving Jungwon’s cheeks a peck.

“You do know I still have to cover up all of that right?”

Jungwon rolls his eyes.

Boo-fucking-hoo, wait til’ I fuck the hell out of you.

Chapter End Notes

Well this was fun to write, go Wonie go!

The next five chapters will be about Sunoo’s moments (wink wink) with the other
members, guess who goes next?

Let me know, I love hearing your thoughts.

As always, thanks for reading, xoxo.

Special Chapter - Love and Sunny
Chapter Summary

A compendium about Jake’s moments of awe, awakening, and some gawk gawk
3000s in between.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

September 2019

Stendhal syndrome: a psychosomatic condition involving rapid heartbeat, fainting, confusion, and
even hallucinations, allegedly occurring when individuals become exposed to objects, artworks, or
phenomena of great beauty and antiquity.

Or so the textbook definition goes.

The great beauty — it was really just Kim Sunoo.

And Jake staring dumbfoundedly at pretty things was an act of antiquity.

Jake didn’t exactly know what he signed up for when he set out to become an idol. He was used to
an easy life, in which his time was his own, and he could use up as much of it as he wanted to play
football, go fishing or take a run on the beach with his dog Layla.

It took him months to start getting used to the tight schedules, the extreme training sessions, and
the constant worry of whether he’ll get to debut or not.

But then the universe threw him another curveball in the form of a fellow trainee with a serious
case of pretty face and a penchant for honesty.

It was the first time that Jake had ever felt overwhelmed, like he was standing in front of the sun
“Seriously,” Kim Sunoo said animatedly, hands flying around everywhere as he spoke, “you’re the
most handsome guy I’ve ever seen. But also, you’re really nice, I love how you aren’t selfish with
your smiles.”

Jake’s a simple guy. You make him feel special, and a space in his heart opens up for you. And
somehow, the space reserved for Kim Sunoo just kept getting bigger and bigger.

November 2019

Jake is confused by the lack of confusion.

No, he didn’t reel at the thought of finding Kim Sunoo so attractive. No, he didn’t feel weird
calling Kim Sunoo ‘Sunny’ when no one else did. And no, he didn’t feel the need to fall down on
his knees and beg God for forgiveness because he thought of kissing Sunny.

Instead, his heart was filled with gratitude; the kind that’s a bit too hard to comprehend for most
adults, but so simple to understand in Jake’s seventeen. To him, finding joy in the pretty boy’s
smile and satisfaction in his laughter felt as natural as breathing.

Instead of asking God why he made Jake and Sunny, he thanked him for letting Jake and Sunny
meet. He thanks the Heavens for it when he prays every night before bed.

Is this that thing?

Jake ponders on the thought.

It’s way too early to tell. Maybe it is. Maybe that thing is with some other person on the other side
of the world. Or maybe that thing is solitude.

But whatever Jake felt when Sunoo held his hand while they walked down the street to their
favorite tteokbokki place after practice… Jake reckons this must be pretty close to it.
“Happy birthday, Jake-hyung!” Sunoo smiles, holding a small, chocolate-flavored cake with a
single piece of candle on top. A small addition to their already quaint feast of tteokbokki, gimbap
and soda.

“Go on, make a wish!” Sunoo urges, pushing the already lit cake closer to Jake’s face, illuminating
the latter’s features that were painted every shade of fondness.

Jake closes his eyes.

I wish for more birthdays with you.

Presque vu: the intense feeling of being on the very brink of a powerful epiphany, insight, or
revelation, without actually achieving the revelation.

It dawns on him that yeah, whatever that thing is… this is pretty close to it.

September 2020

“But what if we don’t get to debut as a team and we never get to see each other again?”

Sunoo whines, clutching onto Jake’s arm as they snacked on a tub of cheeseballs.

Jake laughs, patting the younger’s head. The finale is just days away, and they were all so anxious.
It’s even worse for Sunoo who’s been ping-ponging from I-land to Ground, and back again.

It wasn’t fair, Sunoo was talented and gorgeous and just perfect. He was different, yes, and the
others saw that as a threat. To Jake, it was something he wanted to protect.

“But what if we do, and we get to see each other every day, you’ll get tired of my face then.”
It was Sunoo’s turn to laugh.

“That’s not possible. Your face is my most favorite face in the world, that’s never ever changing.
It’ll be impossible for me to forget you, and I don’t really want to.”

The meekness of Jake’s smile, and the shy blushing of his cheeks hid the true depth of emotions
that were stirring within.

It was common for Sunoo to speak in hyperboles: every pretty thing is the prettiest thing he’s ever
seen, every delicious food is the most delicious.

And somewhat, Jake knew that he meant it when Sunoo said that his face is his most favorite face
in the world; that forgetting him was an impossible task.

The sound of chewing beside him slows, and Sunoo’s orange-stained fingers remain at the opening
of the tub, tentatively, as if afraid to reach in and realize the whole thing is empty.

“Sunny?” Jake hums.

Sunoo hangs his head, hugging his legs closer to his chest and placing one temple on his knee, face
turning to look at Jake.

“If we don’t, promise you won’t forget about me?”

Jake’s smile widens at the other’s show of vulnerability, it widens a tad bit more at how squishy
Sunoo’s cheeks looked at the moment.

Quantum entanglement: a phenomenon that happens when two particles interact with one another
at such close proximity that they become part of each other like one soul in two bodies; in an
unbreakable bond that cannot be broken.

Possibilities, and impossibilities.

Our strings are so entangled it’s impossible for us to ever be rid of each other.

My atoms will reach for your atoms, until they become a thought, then a possibility.

Jake knew in his heart that all they had was a sea of possibilities.

“I promise,” he says, feeling all sorts of sure.

January 2022

“Sunny… fuck,” a moan escapes from Jake’s mouth, one hand busy strocking his cock, the other
clutching at his own neck.

His breath quickens as he chases his own high.

Luscious lips, colored a flirtatious red; wrapped around his length. Amber eyes, looking up at him,
the universe reflected in them.

Jake drowns in the vision, thrusting his hips and reaching closer to orgasm with each pump.

“Oh, baby,” he moans.

The bedroom door opens.

“Fuck!” Jake yelps, pulling the sheets up and preserving his modesty with a pillow.

“What the fuck bro?!” he glares at Jay, standing by the doorway with a blank expression on his
Jay lets out a long breath, “Shit, you too?”

Jake blinks in confusion, clutching the pillow closer to himself, his underwear and sweatpants still
pulled down to his ankles.

“Hee, Hoon, the cat. I’ve already got enough competition, and now you,” Jay says more to himself
than to Jake, and only then does he understand what his roommate means.

“Dude, get out!” Jake wails, dick still painfully hard from being interrupted.

Instead of leaving, Jay closes the door behind him and sits by the foot of Jake’s bed.

“You said you were straight,” Jay says, not accusingly, more like he was trying to solve a problem.

Still somewhat shook by the odd turn of events, Jake chooses to go along with it. When Jay sets his
mind into something, it’ll take a miracle to get him off of it.

“I said I like girls, I never said just girls,” Jake exhales.

“Aren’t you a good Christian boy?” Jay smirks.

Jake almost hit him with a pillow if it wasn’t covering his precious package.

“I am, you idiot.”

“But good Christian boys aren’t allowed to like other boys.”

Jake almost fires a retort about how backwards the logic is, but then realizes that this was Jay’s
tactic to get him off the roster.
That wasn’t going to happen. He was one of the earliest in line, if not the very first.

Black swan theory: random events that are difficult to predict, but changes the course of

Jay could have knocked first.

Jake could have pushed him out the door.

He could have wanted someone else.

And Jay could have wanted no one at all.

And yet here they are, at a point of convergence that is Kim Sunoo.

“I see what you’re trying to do,” Jake laughs, “sorry bro, if you have a problem with that, you can
ask the big man himself why he made someone as lovely as Sunny.”

September 2022


He was pulled back to the present, when a hand shook his shoulder quite violently.

“Huh, what?”

It was Jungwon, glaring at him with a scowl on his face.

“You’re staring again.”

Jake’s heart-shaped mouth morphs into a wide grin as he shakes his head, gaze flying to the
monitor flashing a close up of Sunoo’s face, zooming in on his bee-stung lips.

Lips that Jake smeared with his own cum just the night before.

Jake blinks, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed down thoughts of fucking Sunoo in the
mouth, pushing it back to the secret recesses of his brain.

Jungwon punches his arm and Jake winces, rubbing the spot where the younger hit.

“Yoi, what the fuck?”

The younger boy hisses, looking very much like an angry kitten.

“Eyes off my Sunoo-hyung!”

Jake shakes his head, ruffling Jungwon’s hair to pacify him. The kid is batshit crazy about Sunoo.

“It’s his birthday in a few weeks,” Jay says, plopping down to the empty seat next to Jake, “give
him a free pass, Jungcat.”

The young leader of Enhypen rolls his eyes before walking towards the buffet table, where
Sunghoon and Ni-ki were in a heated (and very loud) discussion over whether pizza is an open-
faced sandwich or a pie.

He notices Jay studying him from his periphery.

“What?” Jake asks.

“Someone’s pretty excited,” Jay grins.

A chuckle escapes from Jake’s throat, averting his gaze to look at Sunoo, who had just finished his
part and is currently bowing and greeting the staff, a job well done.

He hears Jay laugh from beside him.

Jake narrows his eyes at the other, “The fuck is it again?”

“Nothing,” Jay says with a wave of a hand, but then the corner of his lips quirks up, and he leans a
little more forward.

“No wonder you’ve got Jungcat all riled up, it’s that look again.”

Jake purses his lips in confusion, “What look?”

“Don’t play dumb with me Jake, have you seen the way you look at him? The fans see it, and the
ones that pretend they don’t are Jake frat-boy extremists.”

Laughing at Jay’s comment, Jake waits for his friend to further elaborate.

“You have a specific gaze that you only ever do when you’re looking at Sunoo. It’s like you’re
madly in love with him or psychotically obsessed with him, and you wanna fuck him to find out

Jake blinks in thought.

Schrodinger’s cat: a thought experiment that states if you place a cat and something that could kill
it in a sealed box, you wouldn’t know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that
until the box was opened, the cat was suspended in a state of both life and death.

It does rather feel that he and Sunoo were staring at the box for so long, and then they were joined
by five more people, the seven of them watching. At one point they all realized that the company
they kept was more important than what was inside the box.

“Yeah, well that pretty much sums us all up.”


A voice calls to him, Jake turns to see Sunoo skipping towards them, a smile plastered across his
adorable face.

“Sunny!” Jake stretches his arms wide to welcome the younger, pulling Sunoo to sit on his lap.
Like clockwork, the camera men filming the behind-the-scenes panned to a different side of the
room. This wasn’t new to them, and everyone else in the shoot had already been briefed to veer the
lens away from capturing moments of intimacy between the members.

If only the fans knew how often the camera had to turn away.

Sunoo sinks into Jake’s torso, the latter’s arms snaking around the other’s waist. Sunoo reaches
into a nearby bowl of candies, taking the wrapper off of a strawberry-flavored lollipop.

“So,” the fox-eyed boy began, the sound of candy scraping teeth sounding in Jake’s ear, “what’s
your plan for your birthday?”

Jake shrugged.

“Dinner with the members and the staff, a few drinks after, and then…”

He and Sunoo share a look, the younger one raises a brow.


Biting his lip, Jake wiggles his eyebrows in anticipation, bucking his hips up ever-so-slightly, just
enough for Sunoo to feel it.
“What a dog,” Jay quips teasingly at Jake, eyes softening as he turns to Sunoo, “not you, princess.”

Sunoo smiles sweetly, and Jake’s grip on his waist tightens.

“Sunny, it’s my birthday, not his.”

Sunoo throws his head back in laughter, the soft strands tickling the tip of Jake’s nose. Inhaling the
younger’s scent, Jake smelled the sweet, floral vanilla of his shampoo.

“I know, Jake-hyung,” Sunoo smiles, lightly pinching the tip of Jake’s nose, “and I’ve got just the
perfect gift for you.”

November 2022

All good things come in threes.

Three servings of hanwoo.

Three bottles of soju.

And three knocks on his bedroom door too.

“Come in,” Jake says, knowing exactly who was on the other side.

Sunoo walks in, cheeks flushed red from all the drinking they did after Jake’s celebratory dinner.

Heeseung, Jay and Sunghoon were passed out in the living room, while their two youngest still
managed to make it to their own beds.
Jake was sitting with his legs spread open on the swivel chair, adjacent to the desk that stood
between his bed and Jay’s.

Sunoo, despite looking a tad bit tipsy, made his way to Jake with ease, propping himself on the
older’s lap the way he always did when Jake was in close proximity ever since they first made out
on the night of his birthday two years ago.

Automatically, Jake’s hands reach for the curves of the younger’s waist.

Their gazes meet, and it already felt as intimate as touching skin.

“Admit it Sunny, my lap is your favorite seat.”

Sunoo throws his head back in laughter, placing a feather of a kiss on the center of Jake’s forehead.

“Wrong,” he says, cradling Jake’s face with both hands, “this is my favorite seat.”

For the millionth time since they met, Jake folds, giggling like some lovestruck schoolboy.

“You’re so beautiful,” Sunoo breathes, his hands sliding down Jake’s neck to settle on his broad

Jake buries his nose on Sunoo’s neck, breathing in the latter’s scent to hide his burning cheeks and
wide smile.

“God, Sunny…”

Sunoo holds Jake by the chin, staring into his eyes in a moment of divine orchestration. Seconds
after and all the latter felt were teeth and tongue: on his lips, his neck, his collarbones, his chest.

Breathing was starting to become a chore as Sunoo conquered him: fingers tangled through his
hair, sucking, llicking and staining his skin in reds and purples.

Sunoo bites his bottom lip before pulling away, drawing a loud moan out of Jake as the younger’s
hands caress his firm chest, fingers grazing over his nipples.

Jake’s hips buck, and Sunoo slams down to meet him, grinding on Jake at a maddening pace.

Breaking away to catch their breaths, Jake wonders if this is the gift that Sunoo meant. Even
though it wasn’t exactly a surprise (they’ve done this many times before), it’s still and always will
be well-appreciated.

As if reading his mind, Sunoo bends down, licking the shell of Jake’s right ear.

“I’ll be giving you your gift now,” the younger says through a half-lidded gaze, eyes glinting with

“But you’ll have to unwrap it first.”

Expecting Sunoo to hand him a box or something, it took Jake by surprise when Sunoo guided his
hands to the hem of his sweater, riding up to reveal a baby pink teddy underneath.

Jake was losing his mind, every ounce of control slipping away from his body; a growl escaping
his throat as he pulled Sunoo’s sweater all the way up, taking it off and hastily discarding it to the

“No fucking way.”

He never thought he'd see Sunoo in lingerie, of all damn things.

The fabric looked delicate against his pearly skin, covering nearly nothing.

Jake felt like he was drowning.

“Sunny, fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

“Liking your gift, Jake-hyung?”

He nods his head, breathless, toying with the thin strap of the bralette that easily fell off Sunoo’s

“Fuck, yes.”

“I’ve been wearing it since this afternoon.”

If the walking wet dream in front of him wasn’t enough to make Jake painfully hard, the thought of
Sunoo wearing this out in public made him even more so.

And he was wearing it just for him.

Jake chuckled, knowing Sunoo, the tease that he was, must have enjoyed toying with the idea of
flashing the other members a peek.

Funnily enough, this was Ni-ki’s fantasy first before his.

But this was Jake’s reality.

A pretty little thing in lace, sitting on his lap, all for him to devour.

Praise be, hallelujah.

“Jake-hyung, you’re drooling.”

He barely hears the other, stuck in a trance, running his hands up and down Sunoo’s scantily
clothed body.

“What, love?”

Sunoo giggles, licking the corner of Jake’s lips and mewling when the older’s mouth finds his
nipples, sucking through the lace until it clung to Sunoo’s skin, wet with spit.

Sounds of pleasure echoed from Sunoo’s lips with every swipe of Jake’s tongue, the latter’s long
fingers trailed down to the waistband of Sunoo’s pants, pulling them down and off with a little help
from the younger.

Jake carries Sunoo to his bed, taking a moment to admire the vision beneath him before seeking to
dominate the younger’s mouth.

Sunoo pulls on his shirt, and Jake takes it off his back before attacking the younger’s nipples,
sucking one and prodding the other.

Jake worked on his pants next, freeing his cock, the engorged head leaking in so much

Usually, Jake likes to take his time with Sunoo, do lots of foreplay and make sure the other gets the
time to enjoy his dick. But tonight was different. Tonight, Jake wanted to fuck him into the

He flips Sunoo over and pulls him by the thighs, his flawless skin reddening where Jake touched it.

Jake’s eyes traveled downwards from Sunoo’s shoulders, to his tiny waist and...

He stopped in his tracks.

The lingerie was a thong in the back, and Sunoo’s plump ass was on full display.
Something else awakened in Jake, and suddenly everything was a matter of urgency.

Quickly retrieving a bottle of lube from his bedside table, he then pulls Sunoo’s hips up, spreading
his legs and brushing aside the narrow piece of lace to reveal his hole: pink, tight, and utterly
defenseless against Jake’s thick fingers.

One to ease him.

Two to loosen him.

Three to turn Sunoo into a crying, shaking mess.

“Hyung,” the younger whines, chest rising and falling in the wake of an orgasm.

“Yeah, love?” Jake replies while pistoning Sunoo hard and fast.

“Want you in me, please,” Sunoo sobs.

Jake didn’t need to be asked twice.

He positions his cock in front of Sunoo’s entrance, knowing that he had already loosened him
enough, Jake bottoms out in one go.

Sunoo lets out a scream, his hole clenching around Jake’s length. Even though dizzy with pleasure,
he let Sunoo adjust to his girth first. Once sure, Jake started moving his hips, deeper and harder
with each thrust.

“Fuck love, you’re so tight.”

“Right there, hyung!” Sunoo wails as Jake hits his prostate over and over.
Maybe this was the true gift: Sunoo’s eyes were red from crying, the sheen of his sweat made his
skin glow under the warm light, back arched against Jake’s firm hold.

“Fuck, you like that Sunny? You’re clenching so hard around my dick.”

“Yes, hyung. Fuck me harder, please. You’re so fucking good, Jake-hyung.”

The sounds they made were lewd, and unrecognizable from each other as Jake thrusts deep into
Sunoo, his balls slapping loudly against the younger’s cheeks— the recoil both parts fascinating
and incredibly arousing.

“Love, oh my god,” Jake whispers against Sunoo’s shoulder, the heat, the tightness driving him

“You’re taking me so well, Sunny.”

Jake slows his pace as he feels his orgasm nearing, he wanted to savor it with Sunoo.

“Where do you want me to cum, love?” He kisses the back of Sunoo’s neck.

“Inside, hyung.” Sunoo’s voice was beginning to crack from all the screaming, but Jake understood
him well enough.

Jake curses through gritted teeth as he plows into Sunoo, harder and deeper at every turn. He hooks
an arm around the latter’s stomach and pulls him close to his chest, their forms melding together.

The warmth of Sunoo’s body, the sweet smell of his skin, the sight of lace wrapped around his
body, the sensation of being inside him, finally sent Jake over the edge as he came, burying his
dick as deep as he possibly could and spilling his warm seed inside Sunoo.

Sunoo cries his name out, reaching his own peak as Jake drilled into him a couple more times.

Both of them were panting loudly as Jake turned Sunoo around, cradling the exhausted one in his
arms, his back against the headboard. Jake was still inside him, and it’ll remain that way until a
little later in the early hours of the morning when he cleans them both up.

“Jake-hyung,” Sunoo whispers into the side of his neck, barely awake.

He places his hand on Sunoo’s back, rubbing lightly.

“Yes, love?”

“My phone, please.”

Jake chuckles at the odd request, reaching for Sunoo’s phone sitting ontop of his bedside table and
handing it to the latter.

With his eyes closed, Sunoo fidgets with his phone for a minute or two as another phone pings:
Jake’s this time.

“Check your phone, hyung.”

Jake follows, reaching for his own as the notification revealed that Sunoo had sent him a message.

He clicks it open and sees a collection of photos. It was all Sunoo, posing seductively on his bed
and decked in the very same teddy he was wearing right now.

“Happy birthday, Jake-hyung,” Sunoo says before finally drifting into sleep.

Jake places a gentle kiss on the crown of Sunoo’s head.

In-yun: providence, fate. People meeting is never an accident, as there are eight thousand lifetimes
between them.
“Here’s to more birthdays with you, Sunny.”

Chapter End Notes

Jake thinking in theories and concepts, canon.

You can see why this took me a little longer than I thought it would.

So… Jake and Sunny— we often bypass the fact that they’ve known each other the
longest. All I’ll say on the matter is: the eyes chico, they never lie.

Hope you enjoyed this one xoxo

P.S. any guesses on who goes next?

Special Chapter - Cruel Summers
Chapter Summary

Between Heeseung and Sunoo is a history full of pushing, pulling, and fucking in a
public comfort room at three in the morning.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Summer of 2020

Heeseung looks at the boy wearing white, standing shyly at the corner.

Kim Sunoo, what an interesting boy. He performed TXT sunbaenim’s “Crown” not an hour ago
with Jake and some other guy, and Heeseung found himself positively endeared.

He thought Kim Sunoo looked prettier, and way cuter than the last time he saw him.

Not that their last meeting went well. To be honest, it was disastrous.

Heeseung winces at the memory of their shared PT session.

He was told not to speak to anybody, which he would have done anyway, but Kim Sunoo made
him so nervous that Heeseung could barely think of what to say.

And by some design, he ends up here, in the same show, and with the possibility of debuting in the
same group.

Heeseung must be very lucky for things to align this way for him.

Funny how the others see him as an ace when he had to muster the courage just to go over and talk
to the object of his fascination.
“Hyung” someone says from beside him, Heeseung turns to see Sunghoon staring in the same
direction as him, “do you know who that is? He’s really cute.”

Heeseung panics.

Park Sunghoon was already famous before all this, being an accomplished figure skater. He was
tall, well-built and annoyingly handsome. Heeseung was afraid he wouldn’t stand a chance if
Sunghoon went up to Sunoo first.

“Yeah, I know him. I’ll go over and say hello, talk to you later!”

His soul seems to have left Earth for a moment, because when he came to, he had an arm around
Sunoo’s shoulders.

The younger stared up at him, honeyed eyes sparkling.

“I’m glad to finally meet you, Heeseung-hyung.”

Heeseung was met with Sunoo’s pretty smile, he felt like a bed of clouds: comforting and pure, soft
and welcoming.

“Really?” Heeseung beamed, “That’s great, I thought you hated me.”

Sunoo throws his head back in laughter.

“I could never hate you.”

Summer of 2021
“Late night, hyung?”

Jake asks as soon as Heeseung enters their dorm, walking down the narrow hallway towards the
space where the kitchen meets the living room.

“Yeah,” he quips.

Heeseung sees that Jake wasn’t alone, beside him was Sunoo, eating a tub of mint chocolate ice
cream. Their eyes met, and suddenly the air was charged with something palpably electrifying, like
the feeling of static on skin.

Sunoo eyed him sharply, daring Heeseung to keep looking. And he did.

Heeseung knew Sunoo like the back of his hand. He knows every inch of his body, Heeseung can
even recognize that his lips were swollen from kissing, and he’s eating ice cream because the cold
helps. He and Jake must have made out before Heeseung got here, or maybe they did more than
make out.

What a slut .

Something green clawed at the pit of Heeseung’s stomach, threatening to claw its way out.

Funny, it’s none of his business. But he makes it his.

Jealousy spread in his system.

It didn’t matter if Heeseung had his own tongue shoved inside some random girl earlier tonight.

Sunoo was his slut.

He was Heeseung’s first, and every second of every day he wanted to bend Sunoo over, own him
at every inch of this place to remind him of that.
But he couldn’t easily. Not with the other members grappling for Sunoo’s attention.

Heeseung’s jaw clenched tightly as he looked away, walking towards his room without uttering a
word more.

You messed up, you asshole.

He scoffed at himself.

After all, he was the reason why they ended up like this. Sunoo was his to begin with, and what did
Heeseung do? He pushed him away.

He thought it was too early to commit, that there were more people to meet.

And so he sought company outside of their group; models, underground producers, and some
others that were regrettable at best.

Heeseung partied late into the night even though his body ached from practice; he recorded demos
that would never see the light of day in tiny studios, going back to the dorm at ungodly hours.

He really went out of his way just to see how far he could explore. He drank, he smoked. He never
did drugs but he got high on the company of nameless girls, one for each day of the week.

He was so brave, so stupidly brave.

He thought that if he and Sunoo were endgame, why not play games?

After all, Sunoo wasn’t going anywhere. They were in the same group, Sunoo wouldn’t be able to
escape him even if he tried. He was confident knowing the younger would welcome him with open
arms every single time.
But boy, was he fucking wrong.

As it turns out, the fox-eyed boy was as changeable as the ocean. He could be so giving one
moment, and vengeful the next. And before Heeseung realized his mistake, Sunoo started beating
him at his own game. Heeseung didn’t need to imagine Sunoo in a dimly-lit alley in Itaewon
making out with some random guy just to seethe in envy, or sitting on the lap of some lucky
bastard in a soundproof booth.

Sunoo made sure Heeseung heard him moan from the room next door.

He made sure that Heeseung could hear him screaming a name that wasn’t his own.

The days drifted away, and so did Sunoo.

With so many words left unsaid between them, they became visibly awkward around each other to
the point that they had to be sat down by Bang PD himself.

Sunoo was the perfect actor.

But Heeseung, try as he may, couldn’t help it.

His eyes would always seek Sunoo from across the room, yearning, retreating. His hand would find
its way to him, but never linger.

Sunoo would blatantly flirt with Sunghoon, let himself be touched by Jake, throw himself all over
Jay, and Heeseung had to fucking sit and watch.

It was like his own personal hell.

Jealous as he was, he couldn’t hate Sunoo or the others, they played fair. It was him who played

He hears their laughter as he enters his bedroom, not missing the way Jake called him ‘Sunny’ with
total adoration in his voice.

He didn’t miss the sound of chair’s scraping, lips meeting, and their breathes of satisfaction in

Heeseung grimaces, retrieving the e-cig in his pocket and taking in a puff.

He blows the smoke out, watching the tendrils twist in the air and dissipate.

Going to his desk, he pulls out the drawer and starts digging under the pile of stuff that he hid there.
He keeps looking, eventually finding what he was looking for tucked away in a corner.

He held the ring, made of small black beads and a bigger, white bead in the center. This was the
ring that he and Sunoo used to pass in between them, and when Sunoo wears it, he twists it so that
the white bead would be hidden from view. They used to love the idea of having something that
was purely their own; a promise during their early blossoming.

He stares at the ring and laughs bitterly.

Heeseung had it the other way around, it’s him who could never escape Sunoo.

Summer of 2022

The club was packed.

Bodies were pressed close together, the lights were flashing and the music boomed, the bass
sounding hard in Heeseung’s chest.

He came with Heedo-hyung and his college friends, hoping he could blend in better with them and
lie low for tonight.

How easy for him to forget that his good looks and idol status means he’d never get to go
anywhere unnoticed. Heeseung might as well enjoy it instead.

So here he was, on the dance floor, with a beer in hand and some girl grinding in front of him like a
paid stripper.

Heeseung didn’t give a damn if anyone pulled a camera on him right now, the agency would take
care of it faster than he could get this girl on her knees.

He took another chug of his drink, looking around and meeting the eyes of another girl who had
been eyeing him from the bar all night.

She was pretty enough, long dark hair, doe eyes and fair skin.

Her boobs were massive, nearly spilling out of the strapless dress she was wearing.

Heeseung turned to smirk at her, and she was quick to take the opportunity, leaving her company to
meet him in the middle of the crowd.

“Hi,” she said shyly.

“Hey,” Heeseung replied, bending down to whisper in her ear, “so you finally decided to come
over huh?”

She threw her head back in laughter, reminding Heeseung of someone that he would rather not
think of right now.

“I’m not one to pass up an opportunity ,” she says, swaying her hips to the music as her arms
snaked around Heeseung’s neck, “and you’re just too handsome I couldn’t help myself.”

Heeseung chuckled, pulling her closer to him as his free hand found its way to her ass. He ignored
the nagging feeling that it didn’t feel quite right; not the softness nor the roundness that he once
had the pleasure of palming.
“Are you alone?” she asks.

Heeseung shook his head, “No, I’m with company.”

“Your members?”

“No,” he answers flatly.

Ni-ki was much too young, Sunghoon is careful to avoid scandals and would rather just go
shopping or eating out with Jake, Jay was a real homebody, Jungwon is usually where Sunoo is,
and this simply wasn’t Sunoo’s scene.

He would have invited them, but frankly, Heeseung was feeling a little bitter.

Sunoo had a foursome with Jay, Jake and Sunghoon, so fucking what. Heeseung has done worse,
that still gives him the upper hand.

Who the fuck am I kidding?

Drowning the feeling with alcohol, Heeseung pushed all thoughts of Sunoo to the very back of his

Without asking for permission, Heeseung dipped his head and kissed the girl, tongue seeking to
dominate, lust temporarily replacing the helplessness, regret and loneliness that he truly felt.

Her lips were soft, and she was very pliant. Heeseung was contemplating how far he could go with
her when the dance floor stilled.

The air suddenly buzzed with murmurs, people started huddling together, voices barely above a

It was the girl who pulled away first, looking around in confusion at the sudden change in
Naturally, Heeseung looked too and saw some pointing at the direction of the club’s entrance: a
neon-lit staircase that gave everyone a full view of who came and went.

And there, descending like an angel heralding the judgment of the heavens, was Kim Sunoo.

His presence alone was enough to stop people in their tracks, but with him were Itzy’s Yuna and
Yeji, IVE’s Yu Jin, Aespa’s Karina and Ningning, and Chaewon of Le Sserafim.

People started taking their phones out, but it didn’t seem to bother Sunoo and his friends, who were
all glitz and glamour.

It did, however, bother Heeseung.

Because no way in hell would he let anyone immortalize the image of Sunoo in that outfit.

He was wearing a tight top, Heeseung saw it hanging on a rack during one of their shoots, it wasn’t
used because it was too provocative. It looked absolutely sinful on Sunoo. His slender arms and
tiny waist was on full display, the zipper on the front was pulled down just enough, showing the
dip between his collarbones.

But it wasn’t until he turned around that Heeseung fully saw the cutout in his pants, exposing
defined hip lines and snow white skin. He recognized those too, Sunghoon bought it for him as a
joke, Heeseung didn’t think he would actually wear it.

He heard a couple of guys whistle at the sight.

Heeseung tongues his cheek, throwing daggers with his eyes.

“Put your fucking phones away,” he said, loud enough for everyone in his vicinity to hear.

With Heeseung’s commanding presence and tall height, they didn’t need to be told twice.
He watched as Sunoo and company settled on one of the VIP booths, security flanking them like
an impenetrable fortress — the message was clear: everyone can gawk as they please, but they are
fucking untouchable.

He didn’t pry his eyes away, watching as they started sipping on cocktails. Sunoo was sitting
between Yuna and Karina, the latter seems to have spotted Heeseung, covering her mouth as she
whispered something in Sunoo’s ears, while pointing in his direction.

Funny how some people ship Heeseung with her, she seems to dislike him with a passion, probably
because she’s privy to Sunoo’s secrets, and she knows all about their history.

Sunoo spots him, and rolls his eyes.

Heeseung grits his teeth.

“Wow, they’re so fucking pretty,” the girl he was dancing with says, tone laced with something
close to jealousy upon seeing the newly arrived in the flesh.

Heeseung had forgotten she was here.

“Wait, isn’t that Kim Sunoo, your member? He’s fucking gorgeous,” she murmurs.

Heeseung knows, everyone knows.

What they don’t know is that once upon a time, Heeseung was lucky to have his way with him
every night, and he fucking blew it.

Just then, Heeseung felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Heeseung-ah!” It was his Heedo-hyung, eyes blown wide and obviously excited, his friends stood
behind him, looking equally thrilled.

“Damn, you’re seeing that aren’t you?”

He gestures to Sunoo and the girls, who were already dancing amongst themselves, laughing and
clearly having a blast.

“I’m not blind hyung.”

“Holy shit, I almost didn’t recognize Sunoo,” he gapes, turning to Heeseung.

“Do you think you could introduce us?”

Heeseung eyes his brother suspiciously, “Why?”

“What do you mean why, to get to know them, of course!” Heedo replies, pulling one of his friends
aside and resting an arm on his shoulders. The guy was almost the same height as Heeseung, but
built more solidly like someone who frequents the gym. If he remembers correctly, this guy was
also Heedo’s blockmate.

“Besides,” Heedo jests, patting the behind of his friend, “Ha-joon here has the hots for Sunoo.”

The rest of their friends holler, teasing Ha-joon.

“Respectfully, I do,” Ha-joon says rather shyly. The other guys expressed their individual
admiration for the girls as well, some of them are even fans.

Heeseung tries to keep a straight face, not feeling very impressed.

“Let’s not bother them Heedo-hyung, as far as I know they don’t get to party together often,”
Heeseung says.

And because Heedo knew his brother well, he got the hint that it’s the end of the discussion.
“Alright,” he says, “but this round is on you.”

Heeseung nods, Heedo smiles at him before leading his friends back to their table.

His gaze finds its way back to Sunoo, who is currently in a chugging competition with Ningning,
noise echoed from their side as the girls banged on the table, cheering both on.

Their eyes meet and Sunoo halts drinking, Ningning wins.

Sunoo rolls his eyes at him a second time.

Heeseung exhales.

The girl clears her throat, “I think this is my cue to leave, you’re clearly distracted.”

Heeseung remained on the dance floor, swaying his body to the music and sipping on his beer.
People approached him, but he ignored them, eyes trained on Sunoo in case anyone tried to make
an attempt.

Just then, the music switched to something else: western, raunchy and heavy on the bass.

The girls started chanting.

“Kim Sunoo! Kim Sunoo!”

Sunoo was laughing, while Yuna seems to be busy convincing him to do something. Sunoo nods
his head in resignation.

Yu Jin whispers something to their security, pointing at some random guy by the DJ booth who
had been eyeing Sunoo ever since they got here.
Security approached the guy, who was more than eager, he basically ran to where Sunoo and the
girls were.

At this point, everyone had their eyes on them, eager to see what was about to unfold.

Chaewon lets out a whoop, while Lia pulls a chair for the guy to sit on.

The adrenaline spikes in Heeseung’s body.

No fucking way .

“Kim Sunoo! Kim Sunoo!”

They cheered again.

Sensually moving his body to the music, Sunoo approaches the guy, who looked as if he was in a

“Kim Sunoo! Kim Sunoo!”

Now the whole club was chanting his name.

Leaning in, Sunoo places a hand on the back of the chair.

The last string of patience in Heeseung finally snaps.

His feet moved before his brain could tell what was happening. Knowing who he was, Heeseung
bypasses security and goes straight up their corner, pulling Sunoo by the arm before he could slam
his ass down the guy’s lap.
“Leave,” Heeseung orders.

“What the fuck!” Sunoo yelps, prying his arm away, but Heeseung has him in a vice-grip. Security
went up the few steps to the lounge, but Sunoo stopped them with a hand.

From his periphery, Heeseung saw his Heedo-hyung stand up, ready to spring into action at a
moment’s notice.

The guy protests, “Dude, what the—”

“Don’t you know who I am? Leave, or I swear I’ll fucking beat the shit out of you, you won’t be
able to walk out of this goddamn place.”

Before things could escalate further, the guy throws his hands up in defeat, walking away.

The crowd collectively breathes in relief.

Heeseung feels a shove, stumbling backwards at the force.

“Get the fuck off him,” Yeji hisses, shielding Sunoo with an arm. The other girls seemed on edge,
ready to defend Sunoo and each other.

“It’s okay, noona,” Sunoo says calmly, “let me talk to him.”

“Are you sure?”


Yeji throws Heeseung a murderous look, and it had Heeseung genuinely fearing for his safety.

“Go, but if anything happens, you call us okay?” Yu Jin steps forward, escorting Yeji back to their
table as Sunoo pulls Heeseung away.

Heeseung let himself get dragged to the restroom, which was thankfully empty at the moment.

Sunoo checks the cubicles before locking the door behind them.

“What the fuck was that, hyung?” He faces Heeseung, venom in his voice.

Heeseung leans on the sink, crossing his arms, “Shouldn’t I be the one asking that?”


“You were about to give him a fucking lap dance.”

“And so fucking what!”

“Are you fucking dumb? People could have taken videos, you could have damaged the group.”

“Oh spare me the lecture and drop the holier-than-thou act, you weren’t thinking about the group
when you were letting some whore grind on you on the dance floor!”

“Coming here, dressed like that, you’re one to talk.”

Sunoo gasps.

Heeseung immediately regrets the words that came out of his mouth. He remained frozen in place.

Sunoo’s lip trembled as tears started streaming down his face.

Heeseung's brain goes into haywire, caught in between wanting to hold him and staying in place
because he doesn’t know whether Sunoo’s comfortable with him.

“You don’t get to say that to me,” Sunoo says through gritted teeth.

“For a whole entire year now, you’ve been fucking around, you’ve been coming home late, or not
at all. I don’t know where you are or who you’re with, and when you’re with us you treat me like
an absolute stranger!”


“No!” Sunoo cuts him off, “I used to stay up all night, waiting for you to come back. I always used
to beg the managers to keep an eye on you even if they don’t know where the fuck you go. I ask
the others how you are but they have no idea because you shut us all out. I didn’t ask you shit
about anything because I had no right to, and imagining the worst was killing me inside. But you
don't care, do you? And you still don’t care!”

Sunoo’s words hit Heeseung like a knife. His chest tightens, as he is stunned into silence.

“I miss you,” Sunoo sobs, bringing his hands to cover his face, his fingers trembling.

“I miss the old you.”

Heeseung’s heart breaks at the sight as the dreadful realization that all his fucking around wasn’t
worth hurting Sunoo slowly dawned on him.

He takes a single step forward.

“Sunoo,” his voice falters.

“Please, don’t,” Sunoo sniffles, wiping at his cheeks and walking to check himself in the mirror.
He pulls out a vial of lip oil and swipes it on, dabbing his lips with a finger and not sparing
Heeseung a glance.
“Forget this ever happened,” Sunoo says coldly.

“There’s nothing I can do, you chose this. My tears are wasted on you, hyung.”

Sunoo turns his back on him, and a new kind of fear takes over Heeseung’s being. He’s so used to
speaking in finalities, that he didn’t feel the threat of it himself until now.

When Sunoo walks out that door, he is never coming back.

Heeseung stops him.

“I care.”

Sunoo lets out a dry chuckle.

“I didn’t want his hands on you, I can barely stand it when others look at you. You shouldn’t let
yourself be touched by someone you don’t love.”

“Oh believe me, I don’t. But you certainly do.”

Heeseung had only ever heard Sunoo sound sweet and adoring, the ridicule in his tone right now
sent Heeseung into a state of shock.

Must be my fucking reckoning.

Something in Heeseung finally crumbles then. Maybe it was pride, maybe it was hubris. It felt as if
the world had shifted in its axis.

Suddenly he found himself questioning the trajectory of his own life. Why was he doing all these
things? Is he slowly becoming one of the monsters that he used to hate?
It hit Heeseung like a truck, and the ground became quicksand underneath his feet.

Sunoo speaks, his voice softer this time.

“I hope you go home tonight, hyung.”

The last remaining pillar of resistance falls.

“Do you hate me now?”

“I could never hate you.”

Upon hearing those words, Heeseung spins him around and closes the gap in between them.

Sunoo was taken aback, but his lips started moving too in a matter of seconds.

They kissed hungrily, biting and lapping where they could. Heeseung kissed him as if Sunoo’s lips
could wash away all his sins. And something in the way Sunoo kissed him back told him that
maybe it could.

Soft as ever, and tasting like strawberries, Heeseung savored the small piece of heaven caught in
between his teeth.

He maneuvered them until Sunoo’s back hit the door with a thud. Heeseung snakes an arm around
Sunoo’s waist, pulling their bodies close together.

This was unlike any other kiss they’ve shared before. Gone was Sunoo’s willingness, or
Heeseung’s hesitation. This was greed, and penance, and restitution. It was more than Heeseung’s
apology, it was his promise to never stray again.

Rough, desperate, an innate need to possess.

They kissed like there was no tomorrow.

Heeseung slips a tongue inside, finding familiarity in every inch of Sunoo’s mouth and eliciting a
moan from the younger.

Sunoo’s fingers traced their way onto his hair, pulling and threading through the strands. The slight
pain sent jolts of pleasure throughout Heeseung’s body. It was ridiculous how this alone was
enough to make him hard.

“Sunoo,” he uttered his name over and over, bringing Sunoo’s legs to wrap around his waist as
Heeseung brought him over to the sink.

What a waste to have been going round and round in a meaningless circle, when the purpose he
sought was right here; in worship, in servitude.

Heeseung surrendered himself to Sunoo, a willing sacrifice.

Sunoo kissed him dizzy, and Heeseung felt something wet and warm on his face. Sunoo’s tears
tasted like salt and absolution.

He pulls away for a minute, caressing Sunoo’s cheeks, a thousand words dancing in between them,
condensed to a single look in his eyes that made Heeseung’s heart ache.

“I’m so sorry, baby,” he breathes, placing his forehead against Sunoo’s, hands trying to soothe
away the chaos that he caused.

“I’m so fucking sorry.”

Heeseung sought forgiveness in Sunoo’s eyes, but the way they sparkled told him that he never
needed to ask.

Sunoo pulls away, a hand clutching Heeseung’s jaw and tilting it upwards.
“Look at me, hyung,” Sunoo commands.

Heeseung felt as if he was in the presence of a wrathful god.

“Do you know what happens next?”

Heeseung swallows, lost in the amber fire of Sunoo’s eyes.

“I’m taking you back and I’m never letting you go.”

Sunoo bends down and starts kissing and sucking on Heeseung’s neck, the latter can only let out a
groan as the younger marked his skin.

“You run off and do whatever and whoever you want, and I always let you. Don’t even think you
can go back to fucking around anymore. And you wouldn’t want to now, would you?”

Heeseung nods. Sunoo shakes his head, smiles slyly and clucks his tongue.

“I need answers, baby.”

Sunoo bites down on his collarbone hard, and a whimper escapes from Heeseung’s throat.

“Y-yes,” he stammers.

“Good boy.”

Planting both feet on the sink, Sunoo leans back on his elbows, gracefully spreading his legs open
as he pulls the zipper of his top down.
He looks at Heeseung, gaze sticky with a dangerous mix of authority and seduction.

“Go on, you know what to do.”

Like a well-choreographed dance, Heeseung eases Sunoo off his boots, then slowly his pants,
revealing the expanse of rosy skin underneath.

Heeseung is impossibly hard at the moment, grinding his teeth at the sight of Sunoo’s thick, milky

There was something inherently sensual about Sunoo, like every single part of him was built for
pleasure. No one could ever compare.

Admitting surrender, Heeseung went on his knees, kissing the inside of Sunoo’s thighs as he
lowered himself. The familiar sweetness of the younger’s skin enveloped him, causing memories
of their intimate moments to flood Heeseung’s brain.

He used to drown in this sweetness, and he will do so again. Everything and everyone be damned.

“You’re so beautiful,” Heeseung utters, eyes flicking up to take in Sunoo’s reaction when he
pressed his thumb against the younger’s hole.

Sunoo looked unholy like this; lips parted, breath faltering, his cock straining against the thin
material of his thong.

The fox-eyed boy cocked his head to the side, a corner of his lips turned up in teasing.

“Have you touched someone else like this?”

“No.” And that was the truth, in all his escapades, Heeseung never did the work. It was a way to
find release, there was no intimacy or care.

Sunoo didn’t seem to believe him, scoffing in disbelief.

“Prove it, then.”

Heeseung held his gaze as he pushed his thumb deeper, making the younger squirm.

Sliding Sunoo’s underwear off, his hole came into view, pink and puckered, the object of
Heeseung’s wet dreams and wildest fantasies.

Dipping his head down to eat Sunoo out, the younger stopped him with a hand.

“You’ve been bad, hyung,” he purred, “I think you deserve to be punished a little.”

Heeseung didn’t fully understand until Sunoo started stroking himself, a foot coming to rest on
Heeseung’s shoulder and keeping him at a distance.

If this was where sinners purged their sins, Heeseung would never leave.

Sunoo’s eyes flutter close, pumping his pretty cock as he let out moans of satisfaction.

“Oh god,” he moans, writhing as he pleasured himself.

The older’s mind is breaking at the show Sunoo was putting on; more at the image that Sunoo
could truly enjoy himself, by himself.

It registers on Heeseung that he was one really lucky bastard to be able to be in Sunoo’s presence
like this.

After a few more strokes, Sunoo gasped, the lines of his toned midriff straining, his toes digging
into Heeseung’s chest as he came.

“Heeseung-hyung, fuck.”
Heeseung bit down on his lip as Sunoo moaned his name, streaks of white landing on the
younger’s chest down to his stomach.

Sunoo pants, coming down from his high as he looked at Heeseung through a lidded-gaze.

“Now, be a good boy and clean me up,” he smiles innocently, as if he wasn’t asking the dirtiest

Like a dog, Heeseung obeys, licking Sunoo clean. He tasted sweet, and a bit salty — the ambrosia
of the gods.

“Bite your shirt and pull your pants down,” Sunoo orders next.

A well-trained soldier, Heeseung follows his order, holding the hem of his shirt between his teeth
and unbuckling his pants. He meets Sunoo’s eyes squarely as he pulls down his underwear.

Sunoo whistled as his eyes traveled downwards from Heesung’s well-defined abdomen to his
leaking member; girthy and curved upwards, the swollen head hitting his belly button.

“Keep your hands behind your back, hyung.”

Heeseung does as he’s told.

Sunoo reaches for his cock, and Heeseung groans at the contact. He strokes him slowly, twisting at
the base.

Sweat trickled from Heeseung’s broad chest, his stomach rising and falling as Sunoo coaxed his
body deeper into the throes of pleasure.

Before he could even ask, a packet of lube magically appeared in Sunoo’s fingers. He rips it open
with his teeth and slathers the liquid on Heeseung’s cock.
“Baby,” he moans through a mouthful of cloth.

“I’ve missed your dick, hyung. Do you want it inside of me?” Sunoo asks.

Heeseung nodded, whining at the sensation as Sunoo brought the tip of his cock towards his hole.

“What was that?” Sunoo mocks, easing himself just a tad bit lower, giving Heeseung a taste of his
warmth, before pulling away just as quickly.

“Inside you… please,” Heeseung begs, voice low and husky with despair.

“Do you promise to be good now? You can have this whenever you want if you do.”

Heeseung bobbed his head like a trained animal, “I promise.”

“Good boy.”

Biting his lip, Sunoo finally allows him entrance. A moan simultaneously sounds from the both of
them as Heeseung is welcomed by the warmth and tightness of Sunoo’s hole.

“Move for me, hyung,” Sunoo breathes, prompting Heeseung to buck his hips in a steady pace
while keeping his hands folded behind him.

“Fuck baby, you feel so damn good,” Heeseung mumbles, words muffled by his shirt.

He angles his hips, making sure to trigger Sunoo’s sweet spot.

“Shit!” Sunoo cries as Heeseung hits his prostate.

The younger takes the sight of him in, “You’re so fucking hot, hyung.”
With shaky hands, Sunoo pulls his phone out, taking pictures of Heeseung fucking him.

“Sorry Engenes,” he smiles, “this is for my eyes only.”

Heeseung takes a second to stare at his own reflection in the mirror. His own vanity aside, he did
look sexy as hell fucking Sunoo like this.

The want to touch consumed Heeseung more and more. He wanted to grab onto Sunoo’s body, see
his hands leave an indent on the younger’s skin, mark him his own for all the world to see.

But Heeseeung remained the portrait of submission.

“You’re being such a good boy for me, Heeseung-hyung,” Sunoo cooed, “should I reward you?”

Pleading with his eyes, Heeseung slammed his hips deeper with each thrust, driving Sunoo crazy.

“Okay, you can touch now,” Sunoo says through his mewls.

Something primal awakens in Heeseung as he lets out a low growl, and in quick succession, he
pulls out, grip’s Sunoo’s waist, turns and bends him over, and then shoves his whole being inside

Now he’s turned Sunoo into a screaming mess.

“Fuck, hyung!”

With some ounce of control, Heeseung drove himself hard and fast, pistoning Sunoo’s prostate and
admiring the way the latter’s ass bounced against his hips.

He couldn’t help but smirk as he sees Sunoo’s fucked out face in the mirror, eyes rolling to the
back of his head, mouth ajar and completely breathless.
“Right there, hyung!”

Heeseung’s grip on Sunoo tightens, the sound of their bodies clashing bouncing on the four walls
of the room. If anyone heard from them outside, Heeseung didn’t give a flying fuck, in fact, he was
hoping they would.

Sunoo kept clenching around him, driving Heeseung closer and closer to the edge.

“Baby, I’m close,” Heeseung says, barely able to keep his voice steady as the muscles in his body

Trained in Hapkido, Sunoo swiftly maneuvers them, with Heeseung ending up leaning on the sink
and Sunoo kneeling in front of him.

The fucking dominator that he is, Sunoo stares into his eyes as he gives him a hard, long, suck,
swallowing Heeseung’s cum down to the very last drop.

“Holy shit,” Heeseung pants.

Sunoo stands to level his face with Heeseung, gone was the need to control, to overcome; replaced
with the same tenderness as when Heeseung first gazed into them.

“Should we go home, hyung?”

Overcome with emotions, Heeseung pulls him in for a long, deep kiss, hoping that Sunoo feels
whatever he couldn’t say with words.

“Yes baby,” he whispers, “let’s go home.”

Chapter End Notes

Heeseung wasn’t originally the one to go next, but here we are.

And oh boy, this got me hawt.

But if there’s anything more interesting than Sunoo being an actual cuntress, it is the
legend of Heesun’s ring. Go search it up babes.

Also, I love hearing all about your guesses.

Until the next! xoxo

P.S. Yes, they are indeed very Cruel Summer coded.

Special Chapter - What Happens in Germany
Chapter Summary

The answer to the age old mystery of what truly happened in Germany… and then

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

2022 - Germany

9:28 PM

Heaven isn’t all soft and fluffy; it’s warm, tight, and slick.

Sunghoon stirs, blinking the sleep out of his eyes and looking down to see Sunoo taking his dick
all the way down like a champ.

It wasn’t unusual for him to wake up with his dick inside Sunoo’s mouth (it happens nearly every
morning), what’s weird is the fact that Sunoo is still fully clothed — which means he isn’t
intending to finish what he started.

Sunoo catches sight of him, and stops.

“Oh good, you’re awake. Now go take a shower, Hyung, I’m not letting you sleep in our bed all
gross and sweaty.”

They had just finished performing in their first ever live concert since their debut, and it was as
exhilarating as it was exhausting. All that Sunghoon remembers when he and Sunoo entered their
shared room is the other going off to shower and his back hitting the bed.

“No,” Sunghoon groans, “you can’t leave me high and dry here, Sunoo-ya!”
Sunoo laughs, clearly enjoying the older’s whining and circling the head of Sunghoon’s dick with
his tongue.

“I’m serious!”

Sunghoon moans, his hips buckling in pleasure as Sunoo sucks on the frenulum.

“Get up, hyung,” Sunoo says through inches of Sunghoon’s dick, the vibration sending waves of
pleasure throughout his body.

Sunghoon shoots him an accusing look.

Was he really expecting him to just walk off?

“Finish me off first, you brat!”

Thirty-two minutes — the average amount of time that it takes for Sunoo to shower and do his
skincare regime, and also the same amount of time in which he must have dozed off.

For an athlete who’s spent his entire life building endurance, that’s enough time to recover.

They are definitely fucking.

Sunoo met his gaze, raising one brow as he took more of Sunghoon in his mouth. He threw his
head back, sinking into the pillow as the younger’s name escaped his lips in veneration.

He heard Sunoo giggle, coming off his dick with a pop.

“Say please then,” Sunoo cocks his head to the side, blinking innocently as he positions himself to
straddle the older.
“Fuck you.”

“Oh you will, but only if you say please.”

Sunghoon tongues his cheek, letting out a well-humored huff. Sunoo only ever listens to Jay, in
and out of the bedroom; in Jungwon’s hands, he’s soft as putty and malleable as clay.

But they’ve played this game long enough for Sunghoon to know that his best course of action and
the fastest way to pleasure is to eventually submit to Sunoo’s whims.

Truth be told, Sunghoon isn’t above begging as long as it’s Sunoo asking.

The word flows from Sunghoon as easily as a stream.


Sunoo’s eyes darken in satisfaction.

“Good boy.”

Sunghoon watches as Sunoo pulls his shirt over his head, revealing a portrait of peachy skin and
soft curves.

From this angle, Sunghoon thought Sunoo looked like a god; almighty and beautiful, demanding
both fear and adoration.

“Take off your shirt.”

“Don’t tell me what to do, brat.”

Sunghoon takes his shirt off his back, placing his hands behind his head, the muscles of his arms

“Keep your hands where they are, hyung. No touching until I say so, got it?”

This time, it was his turn to smirk at the other.

“Go on,” he teases, holding his bottom lip between his teeth, “say the magic words.”

Sunoo exhales, rolling his eyes at Sunghoon’s antics.

“Please… jagi.”

“Of course, whatever you want, jagi.”

“You’re such an idiot.”

Sunghoon was on the verge of laughter, he was grinning so widely his fangs were on full display.

“Seriously hyung, one of these days you’re going to slip and the world will know what you like to
call me.”

“I really don’t give a shit.”

“Right,” Sunoo nods, “no one’s gonna believe you’re the actual baby in this relationship anyway.”

Sunghoon laughs, his smile reaching the corner of his eyes.

He caresses Sunoo’s thighs as his laughter dies down.

“Damn, you’re so fucking pretty, jagi . But I bet you’d look prettier with my dick in your mouth.”

The wind gets knocked out of him when Sunoo attacks his lips, harshly, then moving to place
butterfly kisses across the older’s neck.

“So noisy,” Sunoo whispers, biting the shell of his ear, wasting no time and peppering his chest
with kisses next.


He groaned as Sunoo swirled a tongue around his nipple, fingers playing with the other. Sunghoon
was extra sensitive here, and the other took that to his advantage.

Sunoo sucked and bit, eliciting the filthiest of sounds from Sunghoon.

“Sunoo, shit!” he growls, all the muscles in his body tensing up from the pleasure.

Open-mouthed kisses met his skin as Sunoo trailed down, lapping every inch of Sunghoon’s toned
stomach, leaving marks that will remain indelible in feeling long after it fades.

Sunoo licks and nips along the sex lines of his abdomen, one hand wrapped around Sunghoon’s
rock-hard length, pumping in a way that had his head spinning.

Jungwon might be Sunoo’s favorite person, but Sunghoon’s is his favorite dick — the single
trigger to the fox-eyed boy’s oral fixation.

Shit, shit, shit.

Sunoo’s mouth feels amazing. Sunghoon’s face crumpled, eyes slamming shut as he threw his head
back from the sensation of the other’s ministrations.

He licked and sucked and Sunghoon all but lost his mind when he felt it.
Sunoo’s throat contracts, and he fucking feels it.

Sunghoon fucking feels it.

“Your mouth feels so fucking good, holy shit,” Sunghoon grunts as he feels the walls of Sunoo’s
throat constrict around his member once more.

“Baby, I’m cumming, wait—“

Sunghoon’s pleading fell on deaf ears as Sunoo continued, driving him to the peak of pleasure.

“Sunoo, fuck!”

His body shook as he shot his warm seed inside Sunoo’s mouth, and the latter swallowed hungrily,
licking and sucking relentlessly even when Sunghoon begs for him to stop.

“Shit, Sunoo, stop!” Sunghoon is shivering violently from the intense pleasure that was bordering

Tears welled up in the corner of his eyes from oversensitivity, but Sunoo kept going, blessed by the
lack of a gag reflex. Saliva ran down his chin as the head of Sunghoon’s length met the back of his
throat over and over again, the room filling up with the sound of wet squelches.

Sunghoon’s fingers were grasping onto the hairs on the back of his own head just to keep himself

Crazy brat, this is too much for my fucking sanity!

People think he’s a silent womanizer, the untouchable ice prince and the introverted prankster of
the group. But here he was, facade broken; a whimpering, crying mess.
Somewhere in between losing his mind, pleasure overcomes his body as he cums inside Sunoo’s
mouth again, nearly passing out as the remaining tethers of his consciousness chased after his own

By some miracle, a ray of mercy found its way to Sunoo, letting Sunghoon some reprieve as he
softly lapped along the shaft of the latter’s cock, cleaning him up.

Slowly, the rise and fall of his chest steadied as Sunghoon came back to himself in stages.

“You’re fucking crazy,” he breathes, eyes closed in an effort to regain his focus.

He hears Sunoo laugh, feeling the bed dip as the younger shifts his position on top of him.

“I can’t help it, your dick drives me crazy.”

“Just Park Sunghoon things.” Despite his current state, Sunghoon did not miss the opportunity to

“Whatever,” Sunoo deadpans.

Sunghoon’s eyes flew open as he felt something warm and soft against his hips.

He glances down and sees Sunoo out of his shorts and fully naked, looking at Sunghoon with a
heady mix of mirth and seduction, his ass cheeks sandwiching the latter’s slowly-hardening cock.

“Isn’t stamina also one of those Park Sunghoon things?” Sunoo teases.

“Oh, it is, jagi ,” Sunghoon retorts, wiggling his eyebrows playfully as his hands move to caress up
and down Sunoo’s waist.

Smiling down at him, the fox-eyed boy bends down to conquer his lips. Kissing Sunoo felt so
good. The softness, the sweetness; Sunghoon felt like an addict chasing his high.
A loud gasp escapes his throat as Sunoo’s slams himself down on Sunghoon, the gyration of his
hips rousing the latter’s manhood to full erection.

“I want you inside, hyung,” Sunoo moans in between their kisses.

“But baby,” Sungoon hisses at the sensation of Sunoo’s ass cheeks, soft and warm, “I haven’t
prepped you yet.”

“I already prepped myself in the shower.”

Sunghoon pulls away and raises a brow, “You planned this didn’t you, you little shit.”

Sunoo shrugs nonchalantly, “Just Kim Sunoo things.”

With their thoughts converging, their bodies were quick to follow as Sunghoon held his dick in
place while Sunoo positioned himself.

A moan escapes the both of them as Sunghoon’s length pierces through Sunoo’s entrance.

“So fucking tight,” Sunghoon mumbles, hands anchoring on Sunoo’s hips as the latter rides him,
his plump behind slapping against Sunghoon’s balls as he fucked himself hard and deep.

Sunghoon relishes at the sight of the other’s sublime beauty, he looked even more gorgeous being
ruined like this. Plus, he could take Sunghoon’s dick like no else can.

The size of his manhood and his sexual appetite has always been a bit of a hindrance (both for
being a little too much) until he met Sunoo. He would tease and blatantly cringe at the memory of
how the younger approached him way back but deep down Sunghoon was fucking thankful that he

His heart had found a home, and his dick had found a hole.
Sunoo smirks down at him, warm hands placed squarely on Sunghoon’s chest, “I love how fucking
loud you are.”

And like the little shit that he is, Sunoo’s rim clenches around him, eliciting a cry from Sunghoon
that could wake the entire floor. Knowing that the other members were just in the rooms next door,
Sunghoon screamed louder.

Let’s see Jjongsaeng try to sleep through this, ha!

“Sunoo-yah, fuck!” Sunghoon’s fang sinks into the flesh of his own lip.

“Let me last beyond five minutes, will you?”

The younger throws his head back in laughter, letting out a mocking sigh as he grinded his hips in
total ignorance of Sunghoon’s request.

Sunghoon’s fingers dug deeper into the sides of the Sunoo’s hips, intent on controlling the latter’s
dizzying pace because this wouldn’t be the night when the Park Sunghoon comes thrice in less
than twenty minutes.

He wasn’t a one minute man, it’s just that Sunoo was fucking relentless with him and made each
minute feel like it was going to be the last.

“Steady, please.”

Sunoo ignores him, lost in his own rhythm as he writhed ontop of Sunghoon, moaning his name
like his own personal whore.

“You really don’t listen, do you.”


Sunghoon digs his heels into the mattress, the muscles of his legs contracting as he held Sunoo in
placed and mercilessly pistoned into him.

“H-hyung,” Sunoo manages to breathe, the corner of his eyes brimming with tears.

Their room was a symphony of sex: the sound of moaning, skin slapping, and the bed’s creaking
imprinted the most debauched image inside Sunghoon’s head that he’d rather die than forget.

Alas, it was the night he came thrice in twenty minutes.

It was also the night he came five times in forty-five.

Thankfully, he lasted more than an hour the morning after.

2023 - Korea

9:28 AM

Sunoo woke up early today, despite the weariness that still lingered in his body. They had just
finished the first two days that kicked off their Fate world tour, the rest of the members are still
asleep, and for good reason.

Preparing for the tour after they had just made a comeback — it was brutal. Even Jake couldn’t
help but break down at one point, and Sunoo had to calm him down with bent knees and an open

Difficult as it was, it’s all part of being an idol. Even so, Sunoo wanted to make the best out of it
with the members.

And so here he was, bent over the oven since the crack of dawn, watching the second batch of
brownies baking like a hawk. The first time he did this was a disaster, but with help from Jay,
Sunoo is now able to make it without the kitchen ending up looking like a warzone.
Tweaking the recipe a little bit, he added a dash of espresso and an extra egg yolk. It’s supposed to
make for a richer and fudgier product, Sunoo got that information from chatting up one of the
bakers that one time he went to a patisserie with Sung Hanbin (the mother), Ryujin (the father), and
Dongpyo (the holy spirit).

He was busy humming to himself, bent over watching the second batch baking in the oven and
visualizing his members waking up to the sweet aroma of freshly-made brownies when he felt a
pair of hands creep up his waist and something hard press against his ass.

Sunoo looks back and sees Sunghoon, hair in a mess and with his eyes barely open. He was
wearing a loose white shirt and black boxer shorts, his morning wood temptingly obvious.

“Hey handsome, good morning,” Sunoo smiles, his fingers reaching to touch the older’s arms.

Sunghoon grunts in response, his lips in a pout. Sunoo chuckles, finding it adorable as he stood up
to wrap his arounds Sunghoon’s neck.

It reminds Sunoo of their initial interaction, it was rather clumsy on his part but what can he do?

The first time he saw Sunghoon, Sunoo immediately thought wife .

“Go back to sleep, jagi .”

“Want to… feel you,” Sunghoon mumbles in between a yawn.

Sunoo nuzzles their noses together, and despite Sunghoon being drowsy from sleep, his hands
manage to find their way to Sunoo’s ass.

“This feels just like that morning in Germany,” he chuckles.

“You were sitting on my face that morning in Germany,” Sunghoon mumbles with his eyes closed,
“come back to bed, please.”
“I have to finish this,” Sunoo replies apologetically, giving Sunghoon’s lips a quick peck, “and I’m
waiting for delivery since I ordered all of us breakfast.”

He narrows his eyes at Sunoo.

“Then I’m staying.”

“Sunghoon-hyung,” Sunoo groans, trying to pry away the older. With Sunghoon around, he might
as well consider these brownies a lost cause.

Sunghoon doesn’t respond, looking to the side letting out a huff instead.

He lets out a sigh and presses his body more into Sunghoon, their thighs slotting in between each
other’s. He ran a hand through the older’s locks, before tracing his thick eyebrows with a finger
and massaging the tension out of them.

Sunghoon is undeniably handsome, but he looked downright gorgeous dressed down like this, in a
worn-out sweater and his usual gray sweatpants, the faintest hint of stubble shadowing his face.

“Do you remember when we sixty-nined in Milan?,” Sunoo chirps, his tone of innocence betrayed
by the filth of his mouth.

Sunoo pressed a thigh in between Sunghoon's legs, rubbing at his erection.

"Or how about that night in Manila, when you fucked me against the hotel window?" Sunoo
whispers in between the kisses, making Sunghoon remember all their moments together - the
scenes flashing in his brain in an obscene and downright pornographic montage.

Sunghoon groans, nipping at the skin of Sunoo’s neck lightly, “Sunoo-yah, don’t turn me on like
this unless you’re planning on taking responsibility.”

He pouts in sympathy, sliding his hands up Sunghoon’s chest. Since they started getting intimate,
the older one has become (to put it lightly) softer around the edges. Sunoo finds it utterly
endearing, except for the fact that Sunghoon openly sulks should he so much as speak or stand
next to a man that isn’t him.

“We haven’t had sex for days,” Sunghoon mumbles into his shoulder, burying his nose and
inhaling the scent of Sunoo’s skin.

It’s true, their schedule had been so hectic: hours and hours of practice for the tour, photoshoots,
plus their respective collaborations with distinguished brands. All of them have been on autopilot
for the last few weeks.

“I’m so kiss-deprived, god, my life is so sad, I can’t live like this anymore,” Sunghoon whines.

“You baby.”

“Your baby.”

“Jungwon is my baby.”

“I’ll go jump off a bridge then.”

Sunoo chuckles, lightly hitting Sunghoon’s arm, his hand settling there as he feels up the firm
muscles of the older’s biceps.

“Tell me what can I do to make it up to you, jagi.”

Sunghoon finally looks at him, puckering his lips, his almond-shaped eyes starting to glint with

He giggles before leaning in to give the older a kiss.

Sunoo smiles into the kiss, yelping in surprise as he feels both of Sunghoon’s hands massage his
ass cheeks, bringing their bodies close as physically possible.
It didn’t surprise either of them when it turns to a full-out makeout session, with Sunoo sitting on
top of the kitchen counter and Sunghoon between his legs.

“Hoonie-hyung,” Sunoo moaned softly as he feels Sunghoon’s fangs graze his bottom lip.

Sunoo’s grip on the older’s hair tightens as he feels Sunghoon slip his tongue deeper, biting down
on his bottom lip and sucking harshly.

Sunghoon dips down, deepening their kiss while drawing circles on his waist. As he lays him
down, Sunoo’s arm hits the metal bowls sitting by the side, still filled with batter.

Sunoo broke contact to glance briefly at the direction of the clang, as much as he loved making out
with Sunghoon, he would hate to clean up the goopy batter off the floor.

Sunghoon’s dark orbs flit from Sunoo, then to the mixing bowls and back to him.

His lips curl into a stupid grin.

“You really wanna make it up to me Sunoo-yah?”


Sunghoon smirks, “Lift your shirt up for me.”

Sunoo obeys, curious as to what the other had in mind.

Out of all the members, it was Sunghoon who was up for anything, no holds barred, when it comes
to sex: edging, bondage — they’ve done it. Sunoo swore off roleplay though, Sunghoon gets into
it way too much, going so far as to paint his entire body blue one time… admittedly, it was Sunoo’s
fantasy to fuck Jake Sully.

What? It’s either you did or wished you didn’t.

He gets pulled back to the present when he feels something cold on his chest. Sunoo looks down in
time to see Sunghoon swipe another dollop of brownie batter on his other nipple.

“What the fuck—”

“You better keep quiet, Sunoo-yah,” Sunghoon whispers in his ear when a moan accidentally
escapes his throat, “the others are still sleeping, and I’m not sharing you today.”

Sunoo feels the sticky drag of Sunghoon’s finger on his waist, his stomach; swiping the sweet,
viscous mixture all over his skin.

“Eyes on me, jagi ,” Sunghoon says, voice low and husky.

He meets the other’s gaze.

“You’re so damn pretty.”

Sunghoon meets his gaze, and Sunoo sees the burning desire in them: a beast about to devour its

“So fucking beautiful,” Sunghoon ravishes his lips again, oral fixation prompting him to suck and
bite on the older’s bottom lip, harder and longer each time.

“Mine,” Sunghoon whispers in between, “all fucking mine.”

He mewls, unable to make a coherent sentence as the older drowns him in a dizzying kiss.

Sunghoon pulls away and stares him down. He lowers himself, mouth hovering just above the dip
between Sunoo’s collarbones. The warmth of his breath is sending goosebumps all over the latter’s
Sunoo falls over the precipice of pleasure when Sunghoon takes him in his mouth.

Sunoo cries out as Sunghoon sucked and bit on one hardening nipple, and then the other, the rough
texture of his tongue and the slick of his saliva made for a sensation that was starting to make
Sunoo lightheaded.

Thoughts of potential salmonella poisoning went over both their heads as Sunghoon licked the
places he marked sweet.

And Sunoo?

He was a lost cause. Walls crumbled one after another as he watched Sunghoon worship his body,
touching to venerate, tasting to revere.

He writhes, warmth spreading across his stomach as Sunghoon kissed down Sunoo’s abdomen,
hands digging into his narrow waist and keeping him in place.

“Oh my god!” Sunoo cries out as Sunghoon’s mouth moves towards his inner thighs, peppering the
milky skin with obvious marks and open-mouthed kisses.

He was already so painfully hard, and the older was quick to notice.

Sunoo feels the chill in the air as Sunghoon pulls down his shorts and underwear, relief washes
over him as the latter frees his aching erection.

Their eyes locked as Sunghoon lowered himself, his warm breath ghosting over Sunoo’s length, the
rosy head already dripping with precum.

Though he wasn’t anywhere near Sunghoon’s impressive size, Sunoo was girthy, and it turns him
on so much to see the other’s pretty fingers try to wrap around his length.

Sunghoon pumped, twisting his hand and making Sunoo’s hip buck in pleasure. He slides two
fingers inside his mouth, and Sunoo sucks on it eagerly, tasting sweet, sweet sex in sugar and
The older pulls his fingers out of Sunoo’s mouth slowly, locking eyes. Without words, both of them
could tell what the other wanted.

“Fuck!” Sunoo whines as Sunghoon inserts a finger inside his hole, the stretch was painful and a
bit sudden, but it eased as Sunghoon stayed his fingers and continued to jack Sunoo off with his
other hand.

When the pain subsided, Sunoo signals Sunghoon with a nod, the latter quickly finds his sweet
spot. He feels the pressure of the latter’s knuckle digging into his perineum, doubling the pleasure.

Sunghoon grins at him darkly, a corner of his mouth curling upwards seeing Sunoo’s flushed face
as the latter cries out in pleasure.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Sunoo places an arm over his eyes.

“Remove your arm, baby,” Sunghoon orders, tone low and almost threatening. It stirs something in

“I want you to look at me.”

Sniffling, Sunoo brings his arms down and meets the younger’s gaze. He felt burning hot, like a
fever was about to consume his whole body.

The veins on Sunghoon’s arm popped as he pistoned the older, jaw clenching as he turned Sunoo
into a sobbing, shaking mess.

Sunoo thinks he’s being quiet enough, honestly, he doesn’t want to wake anyone else up and make
this an accidental orgy — he just wanted to make brownies for fuck’s sake.

“C-close, hyung,” he manages to say as his body squirmed in pleasure as he comes undone, vision
blurring and seeing white.
Sunghoin holds his chin, and through a heavy gaze Sunoo sees him clean his cum off of his

“Sweeter than the brownie batter, the fuck,” Sunghoon says in a rather confused tone, and Sunoo
lets out a weak chuckle at how boyish he sounded.

Sunoo let himself recover for a couple of seconds to compose himself, evening out his breath all
the while feeling the weight of Sunghoon’s eyes on him.

When came to, he locked eyes with Sunghoon, who already had his shorts pulled down and
stroking his hard cock, the hem of his shirt caught between his teeth.

Yes, I, me, Kim Sunoo, part time idol and full time slut.

He let his eyes linger, traversing over the expanse of snow-white skin pulled taut over Sunghoon’s
athletic body, then down to the fine hairs that ran below his waist.

Sunoo chuckles to himself, remembering some naughty Tweet he came across on the internet.
They were spot on about their speculations based on Sunghoon’s thick brows and tall nose.

His mental parade of self-gratification was interrupted when Sunghoon hoisted both his legs up,
the back of his knees resting on each of the older’s broad shoulders.

It was hypnotic to witness the heave of Sunghoon’s chest, the flex of his muscles, the sheen of
sweat on his torso, the twitch of his manhood.

Park Sunghoon is a fucking god.

A thumb swipes across Sunoo’s plump lip.

“Spit,” the older says, cupping his chin.

Too far gone into the living fantasy that was Sunghoon, Sunoo does as he’s told.
Sunghoon brought the same hand to his chin and spat, lubricating his dick with a mixture of their

Sunoo was fucking horny, of course, he found it hot.

One hand roaming over the skin of his waist, the other cupping his ass, shivers ran down Sunoo’s
spine as he felt the engorged head of Sunghoon’s dick push through the soft plumpness of his
thighs, feeling it twitch and flex.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” Sunghoon groans, “just this feels so fucking good.”

Sunoo wanted to etch into his memory the sight of Sunghoon’s dazed expression, cheeks flushed
red and mouth hung open in pleasure. He’d seen Sunghoon feverish from exertion, he’d seen him
dance like he was fucking, but to be on the receiving end of Sunghoon’s overflowing sensuality
sent Sunoo into madness.

This side of Sunghoon was for him, and only him.

You bitches wish you were me huh?

They were a mess of moans and curses as Sunghoon found a steady rhythm. Sunoo loved how
receptive his body was to Sunghoon, how sensitive he fucking is to him that he feels the shape of
Sunghoon’s cock, the vein that ran along the shaft as he rut into him.

Sunoo played with his nipples, driven to ecstasy by the intensity of Sunghoon’s stare.


Their gazes were locked, filled with unspoken assurance; a certainty that need not be spelled out
for the world to see, something that was real between them as it would have been beyond.

Sunoo drowned in the sounds that Sunghoon let out. Gone was the normally timid and quiet prince,
what was in front of Sunoo now is a fucking beast.

The older throws his head back, brows furrowed as he chases his own release.

“Sunoo… jagi .”

Sunghoon breathed hot against his earlobe, voice raspy and shattered by lust.

“So good, Hoonie-hyung, you’re doing so good.”

Thick tendrils of cum shot spurted from Sunghoon’s manhood as he came all over Sunoo, some
reaching all the way up to the latter’s face.

Sunoo felt the wind knocked out of him as Sunghoon sank into his arms, breathing heavily and not
a single care to their shared fluids sticky between their bodies.

They bathed in the afterglow.

That is until Sunoo heard a sniffle.

“Hyung, oh my gosh, are you crying?”

As if on cue, Sunghoon wailed into the crook of Sunoo’s neck.

“I missed you,” he sobbed, “I missed you so damn much.”

Technically, they were together 24/7 but okay.

“I missed you too, jagi ,” he whispered, shushing Sunghoon and running his fingers through the
older’s raven locks to comfort.
Sunghoon rose, nose red and runny from crying.

He wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand, before bending both of Sunoo’s legs and slapping
his ass.


“Ouch?!” Sunoo looks over at him, equal parts surprised and scandalized.

“God, I hate that viral video of yours,” Sunghoon pouts.

Sunoo couldn’t help but smile at how adorable he looked.

“Oh really, which one?” He teases.

Sunghoon rolls his eyes at him, earning a chuckle from the younger.

“The one of you walking in Spain!”

He slaps Sunoo’s ass again, harder this time.

“Now the whole world has seen the recoil of this gyat.”

The fuck?

Sunoo burst out laughing, positively endeared.

Sunghoon glares at him, clearly unamused.

“It’s not funny, just the other day I saw a comment on Tiktok asking if it claps while you walk!”

“It does, though.” Sunoo could hardly breathe, he was enjoying this too much.

“That’s it, I’m chaining you to our bed,” Sunghoon declares, a little too decisively.

“You’re crazy.”

Just then, the sound of a door creaking echoed through the hall and out walks Jay.

He makes his way towards their mess, adjusting his eyeglasses as he takes in the sight of a cackling
Sunoo sprawled on the kitchen table, a moping Sunghoon with his shorts pulled down, beside them
an army of mixing bowls; the smell of sex and the scent of brownies mixing in the air.

Jay looks between the two.

He shrugs.

“Threesome for breakfast, then?”


Goes the oven.

Chapter End Notes

I know you’ve been patiently waiting, well Mother has arrived to feed her children,
and I hope it was worth the wait, haha.

Gosh, I love them, and if you haven’t figured it out yourself — Sunsun is very real.

At this point, it’s pretty obvious who goes next yeah? But do guess!
Onto the next! xoxo.

P.S. The brownie scene was written while actually making brownies, and did the stuff
that happened, happened? Maybe.

End Notes

Hope you enjoyed that heh. I’ll be adding chapters to this, depending on how much more of
a menace our cute, innocent Wonie (lol) becomes from hereon out.

Thanks for reading, xoxo.

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