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Christmas Celebration

Everyone knows that every year on December 25 we celebrate Christmas as part of our

traditions and Beliefs. Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who

Christians believe is the Son of God. It is about the day he came to give us love, hope and joy.

Most of the people all over the world make early preparations just to make their Christmas

celebration becomes memorable. This is a holiday that bring us happiness because our families

and also our relatives are with us.

People make their own decorations for their houses building Christmas trees and

hanging Christmas lightings. Most of the people go to Church at dawn just to attend simbang

gabi. Every people cooked different types of foods for the party to be shared with the family,

relatives as well as the attendees. Some elders and kids goes around every houses singing

Christmas songs. Some people goes for shopping buying gifts to give surprises to their loved

ones. Because the purpose of this celebration is to strengthen our bonds become happy and

bring joy to everyone. But not everyone is happy as others during this occasion because of

having a broken family.

Schools also participate with the early preparation and celebration for the Christmas

every year. In order for the students to make a strong bonds and for them to boost their

confidence especially in interacting with each other because we all know that some of the

students is not that confident. The teachers give instructions and time for the students to talk

about and to make preparations on what they will do to make their Christmas party
memorable. Yes it may took a lot of time, efforts and it is also tiring but it is worth when you

see everyone participating, smiling while talking with each other. Some students make booths it

can be picture booth, singing booth, etc. While others make preparations for simple parlor

games, making speech for everyone and exchanging gifts.

This is the day everyone shares their love and care to others. It may cost a lot of money,

time, and work but it is also worth because we share meals in the presence of our family and

friends gathering in one place. This day we can see how happy everyone is forgetting our

problems for a while.

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