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Kryshia Mae S Calderero

12- Betelgeuse


When I was young I used to get everything I wanted, well actually not everything it’s
just the thing that I need. As I grew up, I discovered different kinds of problems, sometimes
money, sometimes family and sometimes just superficial problems. I am happy because I did not
experience major problems when I was young because I can forgive people quickly and I accept
the things that happened . Whatever wrong you do to me I will quickly forgive you because that
is one of my attitude when I was young. Everything has changed since I grew up because my
mind expanded and I understand the things that were happening in the world I was living in.
There are people who are judgmental, there are people who will ruin you while you were not
around and there are people who are not showing their true colors and not true to you.

As I grew up I learned more from my father and one of them was to forgive and accept the things
that happened accept the thing easily even if its hurt you because that pain will not gonna help
you to be a Good Samaritan and he always saying that don’t trust people easily observed them
before you give your trust to them and of course put God in your heart and mind first and learn to
let go of things that are not for you, let go of the things that hurt you even people and persue your
dreams don’t give up. Almost every day my dad preached to me what to do and what not to do.
Gradually I came to understand what he was saying which is why I did not quickly trust the
people around me. We had problems, one of it was my dad's job failure because of the virus.His
work weakened because of the virus and he always told me that from now on I did not get the
things I wanted to get easily and I understand what he wants to convey. Unexpectedly there was
a big problem came up again and not only big, it is the most painful thing that has ever happened
in our lives. My father died, one of the most painful I have ever experienced that no one can cure
even medicine I was almost numb that day because I saw firsthand how he died that day I can
clearly see in my mind what happened that day I always say that this is just a dream and it is not
true and I repeatedly convince myself that it is not true.

After that incident I had a hard time accepting that my father is gone. Every time I close my eyes
I see what happened that day and as time goes on I realize that am I doing the right thing or I am
just hurting myself ? I always ask if I will accept the fact that he’s gone and he will never coming
back. So that I learned to let go of things I knew would never happen again. I let him go as well
as the memories with him although it’s hard for me to do that ,for me it’s the right thing to do, I
choose to let him go I choose to accept the fact because if I keep it I will have a harder time
accepting what happened I am entertaining myself so that I can no longer remember the things
we do before and somehow it work. Letting go the things that hurting you will help you heal
easily because if you choose to hold on your just hurting yourself base on my situation. I know
there are things that need to let go and hold on but if you’re hurt really bad you choose the word
let go than the word hold on because if you choose to hold on...what is your reason? for what
else?. I let him and the memories with him go but he’s still in my heart no matter what happened.

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