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1. How are you doing ?

2. What’s up this weekend?
3. I’m gonna kick back
4. I slept in!
5. What do you do for a living?
6. I am into sports
7. My knee went out
8. I overslept
9. To stock up on something
10. To count on somebody
11. Did you get out ~ing ?
12. Pure nonsense !
13. To do away with something
14. I had a long week
15. TGIF!
16. To do something up
17. To do up something
18. Because of ....
19. Thanks to .....
20. a jiffy
21. Do it over
22. Pick your poison
23. Poor children
24. Pathetic
25. What purpose does it serve ?
26. I couldn’t help it!
27. To look away
28. To push it
29. Are you done yet?
30. Knock on wood !
31. Count me out/in
32. To rain on someone’s parade
33. I‘m broke
34. To sell someone out
35. It’ll come down to ....
36. I beg to differ
37. Luck vs Lock vs Look
38. Don’t sweat it!
39. To go all out
40. .....already !?
41. To come down with something
42. To go down to
43. To steal someone’s thunder
44. A pain in the neck
45. To come in on (day ) or go in on (day)
46. To turn in
47. To lack something
48. I’m down
49. Kick it up a notch!
50. Keep me on my toes
51. Keep it down
52. The apple of one’s eye
53. Being picky
54. To turn out
55. Taking forever
56. A pushover
57. On the edge
58. Cushy
59. I’m sticking to my guns!
60. To hone
61. Don’t chew with your mouth open
62. To put up with someone/ something
63. Nuke it !
64. To get the nod
65. Hoopla
66. To straighten someone/something out
67. a brouhaha
68. Hat’s off to you !!
69. To be on call
70. and whatnot
71. To tinker around with something
72. To kowtow
73. To tweak something
74. When it comes to
75. Take it with a grain of salt
76. I changed my mind
77. Nine out of ten
78. To goof off
79. My dogs are barking !
80. To get carried away
81. My diet
82. Veggies
83. ad hoc
84. To pig out
85. ~is it !
86. What the HECK is wrong with you?
87. To be in heat
88. Put some elbow into it !
89. To go away
90. For shits and giggles!
91. Sump’n, nut’n, get’n
92. Pouting
93. To get the gist
94. a sneezing FIT
95. To get the hang of it
96. To die for
97. Make ends meet
98. To order take-out
99. rather upset
100. I’m perplexed !


101. Keep it PG !
102. Typo
103. Sooner or later
104. Go figure !
105. Is A considered B ?
106. In my book...
107. who are you ? Einstein ?
108. Beats me !
109. Bite the dust
110. Bite me !
111. No ifs, ands or buts !
112. Damned if I do , damned if I don’t !
113. Hard to beat ~
114. Out of the blue
115. Low-key
116. What do you say we...
117. Another nail in the coffin
118. High-profile
119. It spoke to me
120. Grow up !
121. He’s mature for his age .
122. The black sheep
123. I’m going to ... ( 4 pronunciations!)
124. Few and far between
125. Man it up !
126. ( to be ) intense
127. To feel boxed in
128. To give a shout out to someone
129. To be slick
130. Straight from .....
131. To pay it forward
132. A tar baby
133. He’s 40 going on 10 !
134. You and I / me ... both ?
135. If I were in your shoes, ....
136. Keep’m comin !
137. Hero vs heroine PLUS one more inside !
138. I ‘m in deep doo-doo~
139. Tops !
140. 30 - something
141. To have someone over
142. To brown bag it
143. Head honcho
144. I’m all tied up
145. For good
146. To be ON and OFF
147. What do you think
148. It doesn’t measure up
149. watered-down
150. To jump the shark
151. What’s your approach ?
152. Bust a move !!
153. All you gotta do is ....
154. Busywork
155. Monkey business
156. I can’t help but do something !
157. Keep it together
158. To hang out
159. To hammer something home
160. sneak attack
161. sweet tooth
162. To hang your hat on ( something)
163. Are you still.....? VS you are still .....?
164. smooth sailing
165. To be on the rocks
166. on the rocks ( whiskey or coke ?!)
167. A hangover to hang over
168. As far as I can tell ( PLUS many variations inside ! )
169. I have been meaning to tell you ....
170. I couldn’t have said it better ! ( pronunciation TIPS! )
171. in for a bumpy ride
172. I like them “ PLURAL NOUN “ !!
173. Here’s to your ~~~~
174. That hits the spot !!
175. It doesn’t agree with me .
176. Suit yourself !
177. My two cents....
178. Hit the sack.
179. roly-poly
180. in the shade
181. made in the shade
182. a shady guy
183. a shadow
184. To shadow someone !
185. beyond a shadow of a doubt
186. Knocked my socks off
187. To blend in
188. To stick out like a sore thumb !
189. Stupid is as stupid does !
190. Go to school VS go to the school
191. Here you go ! VS There you go !
192. How do you like them apples?
193. Recollection, recall, remember, memorize, memory
194. You might as well .....
195. My~~~~ is not up to task !
196. To put someone on ( 2 meanings )
197. Trip VS Travel VS Journey
198. Willpower
199. A trumps B
200. I’m looking into ~ ing

201. Swagger
202. Even (two usages)
203. May be or maybe
204. CONtent Vs conTENT
205. Classic vs classical
206. To hunker down
207. Frazzled
208. To flake out
209. To have a hankering for something
210. I even ( plus VERB)
211. Not nearly enough
212. What’s all the racket?
213. To pipe down
214. The straight and narrow
215. On a health kick
216. Nothing but the best
217. Great taste
218. Devastated
219. To mull it over
220. Give a wide berth
221. in my clutches
222. To be at the helm
223. To be up to something
224. Beggars can’t be choosers
225. a cheat sheet
226. To ditch
227. To be in the moment
228. Twoosh
229. ~ gone wild !!
230. corny
231. Dress-down Fridays
232. To be out of sorts
233. Happy holidays !!
234. Holiday traffic
235. To hound somebody
236. Bores me to tears
237. To have the guts
238. Ti’s all Greek to me
239. To foot the bill
240. a stocking stuffer
241. I’m fixing to ~ I’m finna ~
242. To stoop so low as to ...
243. To stoop so low to ( part two !!)
244. Auld Lang Syne ( The New Year’s Eve Song )
245. Starting is half the battle
246. To go with the flow
247. To make ends meet
248. spick and span
249. Out of my league
250. To do a disservice to someone
251. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
252. easy on the eyes/ ears/ taste buds/
253. To have a way with ~
254. I’m in / out ....I’m on /off... they can be confusing!!
255. Party away vs party on
256. That figures !
257. What for ? ( plus three more ! )
258. To hit on someone
259. To hit it off
260. To throw in the towel
261. To be bound to verb
262. Binding , bound to Noun
263. stay on my tail
264. bawling your eyes out
265. going through a rough patch
266. a slacker
267. slacking off
268. What have you been up to? ( meaning and pronunciation — lots to learn )
269. I’m stumped
270. To be taken aback
271. To slack up
272. To give a shout out to ~
273. To get cold feet
274. save it for a rainy day
275. trendy
276. stay ahead of the game
277. pretty beat
278. a crock
279. ~ not carved in stone
280. one too many
281. cut me some slack
282. To crack open
283. To feel stifled
284. To stifle something
285. a crook
286. right off the bat
287. food for thought
288. To scramble
289. Out of sight, out of mind !
290. It’ll never fly
291. When pigs fly
292. To pick someone’s brain
293. a train wreck
294. pushing up daisies
295. out in the sticks
296. How does ~ strike you ?
297. a little too strange
298. raining cats and dogs
299. back in the saddle
300. all too much
301. way/far/ much too much !
302. A stroke of luck
303. Face the music
304. Top it off
305. Grueling
306. a mooch , to mooch , to mooch off
307. Beat around the bush
308. To butter smo up
309. To give someone a boost
310. Spring forward , fall back
311. Knock yourself out part 1
312. Knock yourself out part 2
313. Tough it out
314. Butt out
315. A stickler
316. Zip it !
317. To get duped
318. Stepping stone
319. trash it
320. Let’s throw a party
321. a grand
322. steep
323. up and about
324. on the sly
325. To take it out on someone
326. litterbug
327. starting is half the battle
328. kudos
329. snubbed
330. that figures
331. Go figure
332. nagging
333. Blow off some steam
334. (To be ) bogged down
335. He is a loose cannon
336. He can hold his own
337. ~ standing in my way
338. More power to you !
339. To be industrious
340. To dwell on something
341. To give someone a holler
342. Yikes !
343. Asking price
344. to pan out
345. To mold A into B
346. dazzle
347. to break even
348. To be in its infancy
349. To be washed up
350. to fall flat
351. To swerve
352. a Sunday driver
353. To run ragged
354. To be engaged
355. to nip it in the bud
356. Third World problems
357. a retrospective
358. to cut in line
359. save my spot
360. to be thick-skinned
361. Nerd VS Geek
362. a sticky situation
363. no pun intended
364. To get through TIME
365. to tide someone over
366. freebies
367. to water down
368. puts a smile on my face
369. a perfect mix of A and B
370. a solid background in ~
371. A token American
372. binge-listening
373. A pales in comparison to B
374. Sit tight
375. The tide has turned against/ for
376. Just plain ADJECTIVE
377. I’m off out TIME
378. I can’t shake something
379. You reap what you sow ~
380. RIP...
381. ~ is top shelf
382. I can live with some ...
383. to fool around
384. to get a lot of something
385. to haul ass
386. no less so than ....
387. to have no say
388. to pick someone’s brain
389. to solidify something
390. to call dibs
391. ~ never delivers
392. to rub someone’s nose in it
393. the dump
394. head over heels
395. down in the dumps
396. better safe than sorry
397. keep your nose clean
398. to dig deep
399. dumpster
400. ....per se
401. To dump someone
402. ( place ) is a dump
403. To put it bluntly
404. No strings attached
405. To bail one someone
406. a can-do attitude
407. Writer’s block
408. To take a dump
409. Savvy
410. jerk
411. To crack someone up
412. To put your best foot forward
413. a slow jam
414. To dump on someone
415. before my time
416. all that jazz
417. give some feedback
418. What’s your take ?
419. To clear your head
420. creep me out
421. don’t jump the gun
422. in a heartbeat
423. a slew of something
424. You snooze , you lose
425. Look no further
426. minute (NOT time!!!)
427. take cover
428. To cuddle
429. To plug in ( NOT electricity !!!)
430. Go out on a limb ....
431. bossy
432. To give props to someone
433. To do my darnest
434. What is he to you ?
435. I got a beef with you
436. To tank
437. to scoff at
438. great shot
439. leftovers
440. midnight snack
441. a hodgepodge
442. to leg it
443. gibberish
444. to be tied up with something
445. to catch a movie / game
446. to catch up
447. Duh~~~
448. to be on thin ice
449. Some t-shirt, huh?
450. like-minded
451. I need to get out more ~
452. coming along
453. crucial
454. to breathe over someone’s shoulder
455. in the shop
456. a dish
457. pizzazz
458. to dabble in ~
459. to be slapped with a fine
460. to sneeze at something
461. ticked off
462. two-faced
463. in a rut
464. opposites attract
465. What keeps you up at night?
466. a bad omen ( good ones too )
467. a kerfuffle
468. my gut tell me ...
469. turn ove a new leaf
470. constructive criticism
471. sounds about right
472. to be after something
473. to gloss over
474. to be fresh out of something
475. I could use ( something to drink/ eat )
476. The devil is in the details
477. Who’s your money on ?
478. the refs
479. Dutch, Holland, Netherlands
480. crash
481. to tear around / through
482. Dead broke
483. bursting at the seams
484. an 8.3 magnitude quake
485. to bow out
486. to pass it on / along
487. mum’s the word
488. my lips are sealed
489. a nail-biter
490. You name it
491. to feign something
492. take a dip
493. to talk a mile a minute
494. a poor excuse
495. out of date
496. a bug
497. “ a bug” body-related
498. but no ~~~~
499. Cry me a river
500. to be stoked
501. weather vs climate
502. What the ...
503. in a nutshell,
504. Will do
505. What’s all this racket ?
506. heading vs going
507. to put lipstick on a pig
508. cut to the chase
509. to leave no stone unturned
510. To travel halfway around the world to do something
511. fingers crossed
512. Blah~
513. ~ gives me a complex
514. peachy
515. to follow along
516. to cry : sob , wail, whimper
517. discipline ( noun and verb)
518. a longshot ( long-shot, long shot)
519. air quotes ( body language and spoken ! )
520. hand-me-downs
521. a no-brainer
522. a dead giveaway
523. cut through the clutter
524. thrift shop
525. to kick off
526. to pick it up
527. to be gifted
528. mental
529. short and sweet
530. in a pinch
531. let it slide
532. for starters....
533. to patch things up
534. to chime in
535. long-winded
536. get into a groove
537. lemming , sheep, sheeple
538. to eyeball something
539. in a huff
540. drained
541. a knee-jerk reaction/ response
542. buff
543. Yes, siree, Bob !
544. to belt out a song
545. The holiday season ~~~
546. Bah! Humbug!
547. holiday cheer
548. To go
549. Your wish is my command
550. lean on me
551. sound asleep
552. lay it on me
553. under my belt
554. pull your weight
555. flickering
556. a dork
557. to dump something out
558. urbanite
559. farm-to-fork
560. a rat’s nest
561. Don’t quit your day job!
562. to sugarcoat SMT
563. grab a nap
564. don’t quote me on that
565. to be chummy with ~
566. to give someone the benefit of the doubt
567. Holy crap!
568. I lost my cool
569. to have a go
570. What gives ?
571. rubbernecker
572. count your blessings
573. Close, but no cigar
574. snazzy
575. to be chintzy
576. to move mountains
577. to freeze my butt off
578. to ace something
579. itching to do something
580. pear-shaped ( 2 definitions )
581. To cut it close
582. quite a few ( be careful with this one !)
583. kill two birds with one stone
584. to harbor a feeling
585. man the grill
586. to have a penchant for ~
587. Tit for tat
588. to tie on me
589. To be conned into Verb+ ing
590. Jumping on the wrong bandwagon
591. Back at you !
592. a sub/ to sub for ... subbing for
593. the nitty-gritty
594. a hollow victory
595. lock, stock and barrel
596. the lowdown
597. Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile
598. Watch your step
599. Drop off , drop-off, dropoff!
600. honest to a fault .

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