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SESSION 2023-2024

1. Attempt the character sketches of : Toto and Grandfather in about 100 words each.
ENGLISH 2. Read the lesson 'Sound of Music' and write short notes on the lives of: (150 words)
a) Evelyn Glennieb) Ustad Bismilla Khan

ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1. Solve Unit 2 in the book 'Words and Expression'.

SPELL BEE Revise the words given below on page no.3

1. By 2050, India will be amongst the countries which will face acute water shortage. You are highly alarmed
and terrified of the future world without water. So, write an article on “Save water- are we doing enough?”
for the local daily in 150-200 words.
1. पाठ दु ख का अिधकार के आधार पर गरीब बुिढ़या मां के चा रि क िवशेषताएं बताइए
2. किव रै दास के पदों की ा ा पाठ के आधार पर अपने श ों म करके याद कीिजए।
3. िग ू पाठ का सं देश अपने श ों म िल खए िल खए। 4.अगर आपको िफ बनाने का मौका िमला तो आप िकस िवषय पर िफ बनाना
2 चाहगे इस िवषय पर एक अनु े द तै यार कीिजए (100 श ों म)
1. र सं िध के पां चों कार के 5-5 नए उदाहरण सं िध िव े द करके िल खए। 2. भारत म बढ़ते ाचार पर दो िम ों
म सं वाद को 50 श ों म िल खए। 3.अथ के आधार पर वा के िकतने भे द होते है उदाहरण सिहत समझाए।

Part A: Prepare a 3-d Chart any one ( sublimation, evaporation, Interconversion of states of matter.Part B: Create a
crossword puzzle from : Cell a Fundamental Unit of Life

Part A: Project Work. (Any one) 1. Construction of square root spiral (from√2 to√17).2. Prove of following identities
using craft papers: (i) (a+b)² = a²+2ab+b² ; (ii) (a-b)² = a²–2ab+b² ; (iii) a²–b² = (a+b)(a–b). 3. Project on pie(π). Part B:
4 MATHEMATICS Revision sheet on the topics done so far.
Civics :- Poster Making on Topic :- 'Social Justice' You can choose any one
topic mentioned below -
1) Gender Equality, 2) Caste Equality,
3) Socio-religious harmony, 4)Marginal groups,
5 SST 5) women empowerment (You can use Drawing sheets) Geography :- Karnataka Government had launched ' Project
Elephant' to save Asian elephants in the state .Find out about this and other such campaigns launched protects for
threatened species.History :- Research and Prepare a PPT report on Hitler. Cover all given pointers:- (* Who he
was, * How he got in Power * What he did in Germany, * How he ruled Germany * How he died.)

1. Prepare a PPT on social media or cyber crime. 2. prepare a project file with the following topics:- Computer
6 IT
hardware and software,types of computer memory, Utility and application software,computer input and output devices.

1. abbreviation 43. benevolent 85. colossal 127. egalitarian

2. abstinence 44. beseech 86. congenial 128. elicit
3. abyss 45. bizarre 87. connoisseur 129. eloquence
4. accentuate 46. blasphemy 88. conscientious 130. embellish
5. acne 47. blithe 89. conspicuous 131. embezzle
6. acoustic 48. blurb 90. contiguous 132. embitter
7. acquiesce 49. bodacious 91. conundrum 133. empirical
8. acrimonious 50. boisterous 92. convalescence 134. ensconce
9. acrylic 51. bonsai 93. convivial 135. entrepreneur
10. adherence 52. bouquet 94. coterie 136. ephemeral
11. adolescence 53. bourgeois 95. criticism 137. epilogue
12. aesthetic 54. brackish 96. crotchet 138. epitaph
13. affidavit 55. braille 97. culminate 139. epitome
14. affluent 56. brawl 98. curriculum 140. epoch
15. aggrandize 57. brevity 99. cursory 141. eponym
16. aisle 58. broccoli 100. customary 142. equanimity
17. alacrity 59. brochure 101. cynosure 143. equinox
18. alchemy 60. brusque 102. debonair 144. erroneous
19. alibi 61. bureau 103. debtors 145. erudite
20. altruistic 62. cacophony 104. decree 146. espionage
21. amateur 63. camaraderie 105. defiant 147. etiquette
22. ameliorate 64. camouflage 106. deficient 148. etymology
23. anomaly 65. capacious 107. defunct 149. eulogy
24. anonymous 66. capricious 108. deluge 150. euphemism
25. antecedent 67. cascade 109. demeanour 151. euphoria
26. apartheid 68. casserole 110. demure 152. evince
27. apostle 69. catharsis 111. depreciate 153. excerpt
28. arbitrary 70. cavalier 112. desiccated 154. exemplary
29. archaic 71. ceremonial 113. dextrous 155. exfoliate
30. archipelago 72. champagne 114. diabolic 156. exhilarating
31. assassin 73. charlatan 115. dilemma 157. exonerate
32. assiduous 74. chauffeur 116. diocesan 158. expunge
33. assuage 75. chauvinist 117. discern 159. expurgate
34. asterisk 76. cherub 118. discriminate 160. exuberance
35. attenuated 77. chlorophyll 119. docile 161. façade
36. audiophile 78. choir 120. doctrine 162. faeces
37. austere 79. clamour 121. dyslexia 163. fahrenheit
38. avalanche 80. clandestine 122. echelon 164. falsify
39. avarice 81. coagulate 123. ecstasy 165. fastidious
40. bawl 82. collaboration 124. ectopic 166. fatigue
41. beguile 83. collision 125. effervescent 167. felicitous
42. belligerent 84. colloquial 126. effigy 168. flabbergasted


169. fledgling 211. imbecility 253. lethargy 295. nemesis

170. fluorescent 212. imbroglio 254. leukaemia 296. Nondescript
171. foetus 213. imbued 255. lieutenant 297. Nostalgia
172. forfeit 214. immaculate 256. limerick 298. Nuances
173. formidable 215. impeccable 257. loquacious 299. Obeisance
174. fortuitous 216. impermeable 258. ludicrous 300. Obesity
175. fraudulent 217. impetus 259. lustre 301. Obituary
176. frivolous 218. impetuous 260. lymphatic 302. Obliterate
177. furore 219. implausible 261. lyricist 303. Oblivion
178. gamut 220. impropriety 262. malign 304. Obnoxious
179. garrulous 221. incarcerate 263. malleable 305. Obscure
180. gateau 222. incipient 264. mannequin 306. Obsolete
181. geriatric 223. incoercible 265. manoeuvre 307. Occasional
182. glaucoma 224. incognito 266. martyr 308. Occurrence
183. gossamer 225. incongruous 267. masquerade 309. Oestrogen
184. gourmet 226. incredulous 268. massacre 310. Omniscient
185. grandeur 227. indelible 269. mausoleum 311. Onomatopoeia
186. gratuitous 228. inferno 270. measly 312. Opaque
187. grievance 229. ingredients 271. maestro 313. Opportunist
188. grotesque 230. innocuous 272. melancholy 314. ornithology
189. guerrilla 231. innuendo 273. mellifluous 315. palaeontology
190. gymnast 232. inoculate 274. melodious 316. panacea
191. haemophilia 233. intimidate 275. menagerie 317. panache
192. hallucinate 234. intrepid 276. mercenary 318. pandemonium
193. harangue 235. intrinsic 277. messiah 319. paradigm
194. hearsay 236. intuitive 278. meteorite 320. paraphernalia
195. heiress 237. invincible 279. meteoroic 321. paucity
196. herald 238. irascible 280. millennium 322. pedagogue
197. herculean 239. itinerary 281. miniature 323. pedestrian
198. hierarchy 240. jaguar 282. miniscule 324. pejorative
199. holocaust 241. judicious 283. misconstrue 325. pellucid
200. hologram 242. juvenile 284. misnomer 326. penumbra
201. horrendous 243. karaoke 285. missile 327. penury
202. hummus 244. knack 286. momentary 328. percolate
203. hygiene 245. labyrinth 287. monarchy 329. percussion
204. hyperbole 246. lacquer 288. multifarious 330. peremptory
205. hypnosis 247. liaise 289. mystique 331. perfidy
206. hypocrisy 248. languish 290. mysophobia 332. peripatetic
207. hysterical 249. lassitude 291. narcissist 333. permeable
208. iconoclast 250. latch 292. nauseous 334. perquisite
209. ignominy 251. lecherous 293. necessitate 335. persuasive
210. illustrious 252. leguminous 294. nefarious 336. Phlegm


337. picturesque 379. reprieve 421. suede 463. venomous

338. pituitary 380. reservoir 422. supercilious 464. veracity
339. palette 381. resonate 423. surreptitious 465. verbatim
340. plaque 382. resuscitate 424. surrogate 466. veteran
341. plebiscite 383. rhetoric 425. sycophant 467. vicarage
342. plethora 384. rhythm 426. symmetrical 468. vicarious
343. poignant 385. rigorous 427. sympathetic 469. vicissitude
344. polyester 386. roulette 428. synonymous 470. villainous
345. precipice 387. sabbatical 429. taciturn 471. virulent
346. précis 388. sachet 430. taffeta 472. visceral
347. preference 389. sacrilege 431. talisman 473. vivacious
348. pretentious 390. sacrosanct 432. tertiary 474. vociferous
349. pristine 391. sagacious 433. testimonial 475. vogue
350. prodigal 392. sanguine 434. therapeutic 476. waive
351. proliferate 393. scaffolding 435. thesaurus 477. weary
352. promulgate 394. scandalous 436. tranquillity 478. wedge
353. prowess 395. scrupulous 437. transgress 479. whisk
354. pseudonym 396. seismic 438. travesty 480. wither
355. puerile 397. serendipity 439. treacherous 481. wizardry
356. pulmonary 398. serenity 440. tremulous 482. wrangle
357. punctilious 399. sergeant 441. trepidation 483. wreckage
358. quagmire 400. servile 442. triumph 484. wrench
359. qualm 401. shrewd 443. trivial 485. wriggle
360. quantum 402. siege 444. turmoil 486. wrinkle
361. queasy 403. silhouette 445. tycoon 487. writhe
362. querulous 404. sceptical 446. tyranny 488. wrought
363. questionnaire 405. sojourn 447. ubiquitous 489. yacht
364. quinine 406. solemn 448. umpteen 490. yearling
365. quintessential 407. soliloquy 449. unanimity 491. yearn
366. quiver 408. sophomore 450. unscrupulous 492. yeast
367. quixotic 409. souvenir 451. usurp 493. yield
368. quorum 410. spectacle 452. utopia 494. yoghurt
369. raucous 411. sporadic 453. vaccinate 495. zealot
370. reagent 412. squat 454. vacuum 496. zealous
371. recalcitrant 413. squirm 455. valedictory 497. zephyr
372. recuperate 414. squirt 456. vanquish 498. zilch
373. referendum 415. stagnant 457. variegated 499. zillion
374. referral 416. stipend 458. vehement 500. zucchini
375. reiterate 417. subscription 459. veneer
376. relinquish 418. subsidence 460. venerate
377. reminiscence 419. succulent 461. venetian
378. repercussion 420. succumb 462. Vengeance


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