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All the countries have a law that indicate the legal age.

Many people claim that you become an

adult at age eighteen or twenty-one. However, some people maintain that your experiences is
what makes you an adult. I feel that the age twenty-one is a good stage for consider to
someone an adult. In this paper I will explain the reason of my view and explain what is the
better age for consider to someone an adult.

First of all, a person from twenty-one years is more independent. There are many moments or
actions that a person with twenty-one years old can to do alone and without the help of
another adult. Moreover, at that age it is easier to seek solutions in difficult situations, there is
also less shyness to make friends. In this age you have more capacity to make mora mature

In addition to the previous point, a person from twenty-one years stops thinking like a child.
For example, at this age begin to think about the future. Such as where they will work when
they finish college, what they will do after their career or if they want to start living on their
own. Thus, they begin to change their thinking to more mature and serious ones.

The last reason is that a person with twenty-one years old begin to live more serious
experiences. Every experience, mistake or situation that they will face from that age, will help
to for them as adults.

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