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Introduction to International Relations:

 International relations (IR) is the study of interactions between states, non-state actors, and
global institutions on the international stage.

II. Key Actors in International Relations: a. States: - Sovereign political entities recognized by other
states. They play a central role in international affairs.

b. Non-State Actors: - These include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multinational

corporations, and international organizations (e.g., the United Nations).

III. Key Concepts and Theories: a. Realism: - Focuses on power, self-interest, and state-centric behavior
in international relations.

b. Liberalism: - Emphasizes international cooperation, institutions, and the potential for peace and

c. Constructivism: - Examines the role of ideas, norms, and identities in shaping international relations.

d. Neorealism: - A structural variation of realism that emphasizes the distribution of power among

e. International Organizations: - The study of global institutions like the United Nations, World Trade
Organization, and their role in international relations.

IV. Conflict and Cooperation: a. Conflict Resolution: - Examining methods and theories for resolving
international disputes and conflicts.

b. Diplomacy: - The practice of negotiation and dialogue between states to avoid or mitigate conflicts.

V. International Security: a. Military Alliances: - Study of security alliances like NATO and the role they
play in global security.

b. Nuclear Proliferation: - The spread of nuclear weapons and its impact on international security.

c. Terrorism: - Analysis of non-state actors using violence for political purposes and its impact on global

VI. International Law:

 The study of legal principles and treaties governing state behavior in the international arena.

VII. Human Rights:

 Examining the protection of human rights, humanitarian law, and the role of NGOs in promoting
human rights.

VIII. Global Economy:

 Study of international trade, economic cooperation, and institutions like the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Trade Organization (WTO).

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