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1. Systems of international relations.

System is used to achieve the objective of theory - building in international relations.

2. The state as a subject of international relations.

Defined through population, territory, government, sovereignty.

3. Non-state actors of international relations

Individuals or groups that hold influence and which are wholly or partly independent of a
sovereign state or corporations, media organizations, business magnates, people’s
liberation movements, lobby groups, religious groups, aid agencies, and violent non-state
actors (paramilitary forces).

4. Civil society as a subject of international relations. https://www.e-

Community groups,non-governmental organizations, social movements, labour unions,

indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, media operators,
academia, diaspora groups, lobby and consultant groups, think tanks and research centers,
professional associations, and foundations.

Important for agenda setting, international law-making and diplomacy. Those ideas can be
spread and then sold internationally. Civil society organisations give voice to the voiceless
influencing political decision-makers.

5. Supra-state actors of international relations

EU is supra-national- above the nations, surrender of nations sovereignty.

Transnational, private international actors which are made of national groups, individuals and
are not officials of any representative of a national government.

Are: nonprofit organizations, international nongovernmental organizations, voluntary

associations, non-governmental organizations or new social movements. Eg. WTO, UN,
World Bank

6. International conflicts and political methods of their resolution.

Diplomatic, bilateral negotiation- cooperation and mutual respect in order to satisfy mutual
interests, control the conflict by themselves without defeating an external power.

Legal, states are trying to create a new international law or submit a conflict to the
international courts or tribunals= states decline all responsibility for the conflict and don’t
keep it under control.

Political, results in establishment of international organization, those have the express

purpose of achieving peace, UN or regional groups such as the African Union or EU.

7. International institutions
International institutions are a central focus of international relations scholarship as well as of
policy making efforts around the world.

The role of international organizations is helping to set the international agenda, mediating
political bargaining, providing a place for political initiatives and acting as catalysts for the
coalition- formation. They facilitate cooperation and coordination among member nations.

8. Modern integration processes

The term “integration” refers to a process whereby the quality of relations among
autonomous social units (kinship groups, tribes, cities, trade unions, trade associations,
political parties) changes in such a way as to erode the autonomy of each and make it part of
a larger aggregate

9. Global problems of the humankind

● clean water.
● climate change & sustainable development.
● energy resources.
● world population.
● pollution& human health.
● global hunger and gap in economy.

10. The concept of globalization

Globalization – the process of continuing integration of the countries in the world – is

strongly underway in all parts of the globe. As a process of interaction and integration among
people, companies and governments of different nations Globalization is a process driven by
the International Trade and Investment and aided by Information technology. This process on
the environment on culture, on political system, on economic development and prosperity,
and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.

11. Military-political processes as a socio-political phenomenon and a factor in world


For that, role of military in politics in developing countries is counted vastly. As a

developing country, Bangladesh has also experienced the military coups and ruled by military
persons. Military coups were occurred mainly for political crisis. We have studied and found
that civilian authority giving the space to military to intervene.

12. Military policy of the Russian Federation.

Russia is pursuing three goals here: it wants to ward off threats, secure its supremacy over the
region and limit the room for manoeuvre of external actors, such as the US, NATO or China.
With the exception of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine (since 2014), all post-Soviet countries
have cooperated with Russia on armaments, training or exercises. However, Moscow can
only develop a hegemonic model of cooperation with those territories and states that depend
on Russia’s military protection and lack alternative partners. This applies to the separatist
territories of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria and to Armenia, Tajikistan and, to a
certain extent, Kyrgyzstan. Even the attempt to assert its own leadership claim through a
military alliance, namely the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), had only
limited success
13. Political and legal aspects of international relations.

focuses on the political issues and foreign affairs affecting the world today. It's an
interdisciplinary subject, touching on history, economics, anthropology and sociology as well
as politics.

14. Economic aspects of international relations.

Among these factors are level of economic development, amount of dependence on foreign
trade, domestic political stability, type of governmental structure, distribution of economic
resources, in- ternational participation, international status, involvement in bloc politics, and

15. Economic crises and international politics.

Peter Steinbrück, then German finance minister, claimed that the U.S. belief in ―laisser-faire
capitalism; the notion that markets should be as free as possible from regulation; these
arguments were wrong and dangerous. This largely underregulated system is collapsing
today.‖ Reregulation, not self-regulation, Steinbrück insisted, would become the new policy
norm, and governments must act to ―civilize financial markets.‖ 1

16. Ideological aspects of international politics.

“Ideology is a cluster of ideas about life, society or government, which originates, in most
cases, as consciously advocated dogmatically asserted social, political or religious slogans or
battle-cries and which through continuous usage and preaching’s gradually become the
characteristic beliefs or dogmas of a particular group, party, or nationality.”

The ideology of liberalism affirms full faith in the rights, liberty and individuality of the
individual as the supreme values.

It classifies states as rich or capitalist states and the poor or non-capitalist states. It seeks to
end the class division between the rich and the poor—the bourgeois and the proletariat

17. Religious aspects of international politics.

It is not necessary that a policy maker’s world-view be completely religious for religion to
have an impact. Most people, including religious people, have complex world-views based on
a number of factors including, but not limited to, their upbringing, education, friends, family,
cultural heritage, political ideologies, and personal history. Even if religion is one among
many influences on a world-view, it is still an influence.

18. Cultural and political aspects of international relations.

In the last century, most Western policymakers presumed that certain ‘universal’ human traits
govern international affairs. Culture was seen only as an incomprehensible ‘wildcard’, of
little relevance to international relations. The behaviour of states was simply individual self-
interest writ large. But how states define their interests, and whether ‘rationality’ is always
the driver, is now being questioned.

Cultural values impact what people, and therefore states, want and think in world affairs,
often subconsciously. It affects what tools of statecraft are used, what national image is
sought and how concepts of peace, freedom and development are valued.

19. The concept of intercultural communication.

intercultural communication is a discipline that studies communication across different

cultures and social groups, or how culture affects communication. ... Aside from language,
intercultural communication focuses on social attributes, thought patterns, and the cultures of
different groups of people.

20. The foreign policy image of the state.

Domestic policy are administrative decisions that are directly related to all issues and activity
within a nation's borders. It differs from foreign policy, which refers to the ways a
government advances its interests in world politics.

21. Geopolitical aspects of international relations

Geopolitics is the art and practice of using political power over a given territory. ... In
academic circles, the study of Geopolitics involves the analysis of geography, history and
social science with reference to spatial politics and patterns at various scales (ranging from
the level of the state to international).

22. The concept of human rights

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality,
ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and
liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to
work and education, and many more.

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