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M1 Discussion 2: The Scientific Method, Academic Integrity,

and Science Denial

Outline of logical order why’d why this process has been successful:

The first step would be to come up with a question in which to investi-

gate from observations of the natural world. Then predictions/ a hypothesis

is made about the findings based on previous observations and existing

theories. Needed data is gathered to test the hypothesis and is organized

into graphs, tables or diagrams. This data gets analyzed. The evidence

from the analysis is evaluated and a conclusion is drawn based on that evi-

dence. The observations and data collected by scientists would often lead

to other questions being asked. This process has been successful because

it is able to be repeated, and standardizes the way science experiments are

conducted which improves the results and takes away the possibility of per-

sonal influence (Castillo, 2013) (What is science? - understanding science


Define plagiarism and tell what part of the process of science keeps

plagiarism at a minimum:

Plagiarism is the act of taking someone’s ideas thoughts or work and

using them as your own without giving credit to the original owner. The in-
teractions between the scientific community ensures that the scientific find-

ings go through checks and get tested by multiple members of this commu-

nity which minimizes plagiarism (What is science? - understanding science


Why do you think that some citizens don't seem to trust "science"?

I think that science denial occurs due to unconscious bias based on

a persons political or religious point of view which leads to motivated rea-

soning and drawing a preferred conclusion rather than being open to the

possibility that the evidence can lean to either side (The causes of science

denial and how to Combat it, 2021). A persons social identity also plays a

part in science denial. The algorithms of social media filter through informa-

tion and show you the information that you already agree with, whether it

be correct information or not. This allows for the circulation of misinforma-

tion causing science denial to grow (West & Bergstorm, 2021).

Lack of scientific knowledge and not understanding that scientific findings

can and will change once more/ new evidence is found could lead to dis-

trust in public health or even the science itself.

State what you found most interesting + question:

Castillo, M. (2013, September 1). The scientific method: A need for something better? American
Journal of Neuroradiology. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from

The causes of science denial and how to Combat it. Physics World. (2021, December 16). Re-
trieved September 9, 2022, from

West, D. D., & Bergstorm, C. T. (2021, April 9). Misinformation in and about science . PNAS.
Retrieved September 10, 2022, from

What is science? - understanding science. Understanding Science - How science REALLY

works... (2022, September 9). Retrieved September 9, 2022, from

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