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Name: ___________________ Year level/Section:____________________

Age:___ Sex:__

Direction: You are required to rate your level of agreement of the following statement. There are five; Strongly
agree (1) Agree (2) Neutral (3) Disagree (4) Strongly agree (5)

This questioner is adopted from the researcher.

Perception of modular assessment Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. Are you aware of this modular

assessment in learning distance?
2. As a Grade-12 student do you think
this assessment could help you in your
learning process?

3. Does this learning process could be

useful to programs considering the
implementation of DL initiative?
4. As of today , pandemic is now
curable , do you think this learning
could be helpful? As a student?

5. Is there an possible way of learning

better than this?
6. Is Modular Distance Learning is
affects you?
7. Is Modular Distance Learning
stressful to you?
8. Are you confident that you were
able to learn efficiently without any
struggle by doing self study?

9. Do you think modular distance

learning modality is effective in
ensuring learning efficiency?

10. Do you prefer modular assessment

in distance learning rather than Face
to face?

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