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Weldegebriel Abreha

Compass Engineering PLC
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Saris-Addisu sefer
Ethio-China School
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa,
Subject: Memorandum of Agreement for Collaboration in Automation Training

Dear Sir,

I am writing to propose a collaborative partnership between Compass engineering PLC and

Ethio-China School to enhance the automation training provided to your esteemed institution's
students. We recognize the outstanding reputation and superior infrastructure of Ethio-China
School, and we are eager to contribute our expertise and resources to further enrich the learning
experience of your students.

This memorandum of agreement outlines the key areas of collaboration and the benefits that our
partnership can bring to your students and your institution.

 Industry Standard Training:

We are committed to providing automation training that aligns with industry standards and
practices. Our highly qualified trainers possess extensive industry experience and expertise. By
partnering with us, Ethio-China School can ensure that its students receive training that is up-to-
date and relevant to the current industry requirements.

 State-of-the-Art Laboratories:
While we acknowledge that Ethio-China School already boasts superior laboratories, we are
confident that our collaboration can enhance your existing facilities. Our company will
contribute additional equipment, software, and infrastructure, thereby providing students with
access to cutting-edge technologies and hands-on training that closely replicates real-world
industry scenarios.

 Job Opportunities:
One of our primary goals is to bridge the gap between education and industry. We will actively
engage with our industry network to identify job opportunities for students who successfully
complete the automation training program. Through our collaboration, Ethio-China School
students will have an advantage in securing internships and employment with reputable
companies in the automation sector.

 Site Visits and Industry Exposure:

To provide students with practical insights into the automation industry, we propose organizing
site visits to our completed projects. This will allow students to witness firsthand the application
of their training in real-world scenarios. Additionally, we will facilitate guest lectures and
workshops by industry experts to expose students to a variety of perspectives and broaden their
understanding of the field.

 Customized Training Programs:

Recognizing that each institution has unique requirements, we are prepared to tailor our training
programs to align with Ethio-China School's curriculum and objectives. We will work closely
with your faculty members and administrators to develop customized modules that integrate
seamlessly with your existing courses.

 Knowledge Sharing and Research Collaboration:

We believe in the power of collaboration and mutual growth. Our partnership will facilitate the
exchange of knowledge, resources, and research findings between our organizations. By
fostering an environment of continuous learning and innovation, we can collectively contribute
to the advancement of automation education in the region.

 Terms of Collaboration:
a) Duration: This memorandum of agreement shall be effective for a period of [Specify
Duration], commencing from the date of signing.
b) Responsibilities: Both parties agree to fulfill their respective responsibilities as outlined in this
c) Intellectual Property: Any intellectual property developed jointly during the collaboration will
be shared equally, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
d) Confidentiality: Both parties shall maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information
shared during the collaboration.
e) Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement with a written notice of [ Specify
Notice Period].
f) Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of [Specify Jurisdiction].
We believe that this collaboration will mutually benefit both our organizations and, most
importantly, empower the students of Ethio-China School to excel in the field of automation.

We kindly request a meeting to discuss the details of this memorandum of agreement and
address any queries or concerns you may have. Please let us know your preferred date and time
for the meeting.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We eagerly look forward to the opportunity to work
with Ethio-China School and make a positive impact on the education and future careers of your

Yours sincerely,

Weldegebriel Abreha
Compass Engineering PLC

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