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Orden Religiosa de las Escuelas Pías

Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional


Name: _____________Class: ________ Date:___________

Write into negative the following sentences.

1. They write an e-mail to their friend.

2. She read a book yesterday.

3. He drinks a lot of lemonade after the job.

4. They swam in an international competition.

5. We ran in the stadium last week.

6. I speak two languages easily.

7. She brought some snacks for the party.

8. She thought her students were the best of the high school.

9. He washes the dishes in the house.

10. They fell down and hurt their arms.

11. I was in a museum with my friend.

12.I send a message to my aunt who lives in Spain.

13. I was listening to music.

14. I am writing some sentences.

15. She looks for new books to read.

16. He laughed a lot in class.

17. We were cleaning up the house.

18. He stayed in a hotel for three days.

19. She spends a lot of money in the school.

20. They ate pizza for their birthday´s friend.

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