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It was one fine day at school, Paco was at the culinary school in Manila together with
his friends, after their class they went to the bar to party. At the same time in Cebu, a
crime was committed. Marijoy and Jacqueline Chiong were killed by anonymous men.
Days have passed paco was arrested at his school by men who were said as “police ''
but when paco called his older sister, as his sister, she looked for an identification card
that may prove this man as police but they gave her an expired police id"do you fear
your life now?" one reporter asked the judge as he came up with his decision of life
imprisonment instead of the death penalty. days later the judge Ocampo was found
dead at the hotel. Paco's sentence has changed from life imprisonment to lethal
injection. to postpone the execution they asked for help from the government of Spain
since Paco is a Spanish citizen. a total of 210,000 signatures have gained and they get
paco from the Bilibid And fly to Spain. But to set him free, he must admit the crime he
didn't commit.

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