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In my capacity as an election observer, | am aware that the CCC has secured victories in some wards in Matebeland North, even without having their representative election agents in place. It is interesting how CCC consistently deceives itself by claiming that ZanuPF rigs elections, leading them to adopting irrelevant and completely wrong strategies. | find it puzzling that their entire campaign focused on mapping polling stations that have already been mapped by the ZEC. Seriously, why waste time discussing and planning how to protect a vote that was never intended to be stolen? Meanwhile, your leaders prioritised fancy but ultimately futile digital-based strategies, while ZanuPF invested its time in connecting with its base and winning over some of the previously disenchanted voters. It is wise to note that in Zimbabwe, social media sentiment does not translate into votes. Our internet penetration is limited, and the impact of social media is not as significant as opposition leaders would have you believe. Our strategy in ZanuPF was simply to engage you in irrelevant social media discussions and let you believe that you were winning. The team behind Pachedu was driven by financial gain and nothing more. It is astonishing that a political party with a substantial tech-savvy support base failed to comprehend that the server for ZEC's informational website is technically independent of ZEC's election management system. The whole movement spent months discussing and strangely celebrating this nonsense! Today, CCC is reaping the consequences of these amateurish and misguided actions. ZanuPF is just too connected to Zimbabwe and her people to be shaken by a technically weak CCC. | predict another victory for ZANUPF and its Presidential candidate in 2028.

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