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PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTH 3 may be used to determine the kind of

exercise that should be included in your

WEEK 1 plan.
Fitness and Lifestyle F.I.T.T.
STEP 5. Lifetime Activity
Fitness is the condition of being physically
fit and healthy. - This implies you’ve discovered WHY
physical exercise is important, WHAT your
Lifestyle is the way in which a person or fitness requirements are, and HOW to
group lives. create a lifelong program.

Weight management includes nutrition, STEP 6. Lifetime Fitness

physical exercise, and rest.
- The level of fitness that you maintain
Lifestyle illness are those that are caused throughout your life through the
by unhealthy lifestyle, excessive intake of development of a habit of participating in a
junk food and processed food, inactivity regular fitness program, evaluating, and
and stress. monitoring your fitness status, and the
ability to adjust your physical activities to
LADDER TO LIFETIME FITNESS meet your fitness needs.

STEP 1. Doing Activity and Exercises FITT is an exercise program where an

individual is free to plan fitness according
- As in the case of adolescent your age, to his/her own design.
you will find that majority of your physical
activities will take place at school or in the F – FREQUENCY refers to the number of
community, such as physical education times you do and exercise.
class, or participation in a varsity team or
dancing company. I – INTENSITY or difficulty level of the
STEP 2. Getting Fit
T – TIME is the length of time you do the
- Fitness is something you never intended exercise.
when you where younger, it develops
instinctively as a result of physical activity T – TYPE or the t kind of exercise you
during play games, and household task. choose
These experiences improves when you
joined school and began exercising under Health Related Components of
a teacher/coach who planned and shared Physical Fitness
the same scientific approach.
Body Compositions- refers to the
STEP 3. Self – Assessment relative amount of muscle, fat, bone, and
other vital parts of the body. It is also
- The Last step toward developing the important to manage body weight.
ability to judge one’s own fitness level is
to participate in the various fitness testing Flexibility= is the range of motion in the
programs provided in physical education body. It is the ability to stretch, bend, and
and sports training. twist.

STEP 4. Self – Planning Muscular Endurance- is the ability of the

muscle to continue to perform without
- You’re ready to plan your own program. fatigue.
Always keep in mind that no two
individuals will have the exact same Muscular Strength-is the ability of the
program. The result of your fitness testing muscle to exert force during an activity.
Cardiovascular Endurance- is the ability WEEK 2
of the body’s circulatory and respiratory
system to supply fuel during sustained EATING HABITS & MANAGING
physical activity. STRESS

Skill-Related Components of Physical Food- provides the energy our body

Fitness needs to function. Food is also intrinsically
linked to custom and culture. Changing
Agility – is the ability to move quickly and dietary habits is very difficult for many
change direction indifferent levels. individuals. You may have followed certain
dietary habits for such a long period of
Balance – refer to the sense of time that you are unaware they are
equilibrium in the body. The weight of the harmful. Families eating patterns in
body rests in the center of gravity. today’s society are based on lifestyle
Coordination – is the ability to use body
parts and senses together to produce 4 Types of Eating
smooth, efficient movements that are vital
in sports. (e.g. hand-eye coordination in FUEL Eating – it occurs when you
racket sports.) consume meals that are beneficial to your
body and its requirements. This is what
Reaction Time – is how quickly your brain healthy eating is all about.
responds to a stimulus and initiates a
response. FUN Eating – It’s consuming any meal
you love that doesn’t necessarily offer you
Power – performing a task quickly and anything back. In other words, food that
forcibly. tastes wonderful and enjoyable but has no
actual nutritional value.
Speed – is the ability to reach a distance
in the shortest period of time. FOG Eating – It is whenever
you consume without consciousness.
Some Benefits of Physical Fitness Munching on chips without even tasting
them, munching on peanut butter and jelly

It makes the body strong and healthy. crusts while preparing lunch, finishing a
bag of sweets before you even know how

It helps the body to be in good shape. much you ate and recall what it tasted.

It avoids cardio and respiratory illness. STORM Eating – It’s binge-eating out of

control. You know you’re eating and you
It improve health and skill-related want to stop, but you feel you can’t stop or
components of fitness you can’t control yourself. Storm eating

typically follows remorse and guilt. Many
It makes the body more flexible and times, in secret or hidden.
less susceptible to sickness.

Food Pyramid- is a pyramid-shape
It enables one to do different activities diagram representing the optional number
and still have reserve energy. of servings to eaten each day from each

of the basic food groups
It helps the body to adapt to different
physical exertions or activities. STRESS MANAGEMENT- Stress is a
natural human response that everyone
experiences. The human body is built to
sense and respond to stress. Stress
reactions assist the body to new
circumstances. Stress may be beneficial

in that it keeps us attentive, focused, and Stomach or digestive problems.
prepared to escape danger.

Weak immune system

Stress becomes an issue when
stressors persist without providing respite Some Strategies for Stress Relief:
or opportunities for relaxation.

Exercise when you feel symptoms of

Stress is subjective not measurable stress coming on. Even a short walk can
with tests. Only the person experiencing it boost your mood.
can determine whether it is present and

how severe it feels. At the end of each day, take a moment
to think about what you’ve accomplished-
2 Types of Stress not what you didn’t get done.

Acute Stress – this is short-term stress Set goals for your day, week, and
that goes away quickly. You feel it when month. Narrowing your view will help you
you slam on the brakes, have a fight with feel more in control of the moment and
your partner, or ski down a steep slop. All long-term tasks.
people have acute stress at one time or

another. Consider talking to a therapist or a
member of the clergy about your worries.
Chronic stress – this is stress that lasts
for a longer period of time. You may have Some ways to prevent Stress:
chronic stress if you have money

problems, an unhappy marriage, or Try relaxation activities such as
trouble at work. Any type of stress that meditation, yoga, tai chi, breathing
goes for weeks or months is chronic exercises and muscle relaxation.

Take good care of your body each day.
Stress can lead to emotional and Eating right, exercising, and getting
mental symptoms like: Anxiety, enough sleep help your body handle
Depression, and Panic Attacks. stress much better.

The body’s automatic nervous system Stay positive and practice gratitude,
controls your heart rate, breathing, vision acknowledging the good parts of your day
changes and more. Its built-in response, or life.
the “fight-or-flight response”, helps the

body face stressful situations. Accept that you can’t control
everything. Find ways to let go of worry
When a person has long-term (chronic) about situations.
stress, it’s physical symptoms are:

Learn to say “no” to additional

Aches and pains. responsibilities when you are too busy or

Chest pain or a feeling like your heart is

racing Stay connected with people who can
keep you calm, make you happy, provide

Exhaustion or trouble sleeping. emotional support and help you with
practical things.

Headaches, dizziness or shaking.

High blood pressure.

Muscle tension or jaw clenching.
dance, which makes use of the basic
locomotor and axial movements.
Creative Dance – The highest form of
Rhythm and Dance Folk and Ethnic dance for the purpose of entertainment. It
is the end product of exploration and
Dance Banga Dance improvising movements as the
choreographer or dancer expresses
Dance - is a type of art in which the body feeling emotions, ideas, and
moves rhythmically, often in time with the interpretations.
music. Dance enables you to express your
feelings and connect with others. Gymnastic Dance – with inspirations
from gymnastics floor work and rhythmic
Elements of Dance gymnastics, this dance style incorporates
acrobatic movement into elegant flowing
BODY – dance is comprised of various routines, with creative, expressive lifts and
body motions that expresses feelings and poses.
emotions. Our bodies move in ways to
express ourselves using locomotor and Social/Ballroom Dance - Ballroom
non-locomotor movements. dancing is a partnership dance where
couples, using step patterns, move
ENERGY – it is the force at which we rhythmically, expressing the
express our body motion. Are you moving characteristics of music. Ballroom dancing
with hard or gentle motions? consists of two styles: the Smooth, or
Standard, and the Rhythm, or Latin. The
SPACE / LEVEL – to show variation and Smooth, Standard style focuses on the
movement, we need to use our elegance, grace and fluidity of movement.
surrounding well. We zig, zag, move high Dancers rotate in a counter-clockwise
and low. We use the entire space around direction, moving around the entire floor.
us and below us.
Modern Dance – A dance discipline
RELATIONSHIP – in dance, we often retaining some ballet technique,
dance with one other person or with a expanding upon it and freeing it to
group. Just like with conversation, we encompass the exciting world of total body
communicate and react using our bodies. involvement and creative expressions.
TIME – Timing is key to any dance. We Recreational Dance – This include dance
follow the rhythm or beat to match our mixers, square dance, and round or
actions with the sound of music. When couple. Many of these dance have simple
working with others, we sometimes mimic dance patterns based on combination of
another using time. walking steps.
Phases of Dance Singing Dance – The combination of
movement and singing that is done in
- Folk Dance rhythm.
Phases of Dance Fundamental Dance Position – Arms
National Dance – This refer to the type of - Bend both arms at chest level, elbows
folk dance found most widely done in a rounded, fingers slightly pointing
specific country. downward.
Natural Dance – This refer to a type of - Open both arms sideward, elbows
rounded, finger slightly pointing

- Raise the right arm sideward, elbow

rounded and left arm upward, elbow FOLK DANCE
slightly bent.
- These are dances that have
- Raise the left arm upward, right arm in incorporated traditions and ethic aspects
front. into their framework throughout the course
of their lengthy history. It is often
- Raise both arms upward, elbow performed during social events.
- Folk dances are not all ethnic dances.
Fundamental Dance Position – feet For instance, ceremonial dances or
dances derived from rituals are not
- Place heels together, toes of both feet considered folk dances. Due to the
turned out religious nature of ritual dances, they are
often referred to as “ Religious dances”.
- Place the right foot sideward in line with
the heel of the left foot - Folk dance deals with the usual
traditions of the past by which a multitude
- Draw the heel of the right foot to the of natural characteristics in music steps,
instep of the left foot and costumes are preserved

- Place the right foot obliquely forward Characteristics of Philippine Folk

right toes pointing outward dance

- Draw the heel of your right to the toes • In general, dancers stand apart.
of your left
• There is little if any, body contact.
• Most of the dancers are done by pairs
- It is simply a dance that is characterized or couples.
by a particular cultural group. This is a
dance that is indigenous to a certain race • Hand movements play an important
or country. The term ethnic is used to part.
distinguish religious dances, and designed
as hymns of praise to a god, or to bring on • Most dances are in long formation.
good fortune in peace and war.
• Most dances begin and end with
Types of Ethnic Dance “saludo” (bow)

Ritual Dance – connects the material • Dances from the lowland have more
world to the spiritual. Example: foreign elements than those found in the
Pagdidiwata ( Palawan) upland.

Life-cycle Dance – celebration of one’s • War dances are found among non-
birth, baptism, courtship, wedding, and Christian tribes.
demise. Example: Salip ( Apayao )
Occupational Dance – transforms Kalinga:
defense and livelihood activities to
celebratory performances. Example: BANGA Dance
Mananagat ( Cebu )
- “Banga” literally translates as “pots.”
The Banga, or pot dance, is a modern
performance by the Kalinga people of the

Mountain Province.

- This dance exemplifies the languid

elegance of a culture well-known for its
ferocious warrior.

- Seven or eight heavy clay pots are

balanced on the heads of maidens as they
walk to the beat of the “gangsa” or wind
chimes, demonstrating their endurance
and strength as they go about their daily
jobs of collecting water and balancing the


is a traditional Filipino dance style in which
participants imitate the “duck motions” by
Lubang Island, Mindoro: Pandaggo sa wading, flying, taking small steps, and
Ilaw splashing water on their backs, much like
- A highly popular traditional dance ducks do.
in the Philippines. - This “imitated”folk dance is
- According to legend, it originated believed to have originated in the
in Mindoro.
province of Surigao. This form of
- This light dance resembles fireflies
at dusk and at night. dance was apparently very popular
- The term“pandanggo” derives from in places like Carrascal, Cantilan,
the Spanish fandango, a ¾-time Lanuza, and Carmen.
dance. The term sa ilaw translates - According to popular Filipino
as in “in light” and alludes to the legend, this dance was invented by
three oil lamps that a dancer must
a young Filipina maiden-dancer
balance – one on each hands and
head. called Kanang from Surigao del
- The oil light is referred to as Norte, Who was regarded as the
tinghoy. Occasionaly, candles in finest dancer in Surigao region.
glasses are used for an oil lamp. - According to reports, she was
Col. Antonio R. Buenaventura, a invited to perform the Sibay –
National Artist for Melody and a native of another famous Filipino Dance-
Bulacan, created the music to which the
during a baptism ceremony owing
pandanggo sa ilaw – rondalla is frequently
danced. He composed the music in the to her dancing ability. While
early 1930’s while teachingat University of performing the Sibay, she got
the Philippines Conservatory of Music. inspired by the music and decided
to improvise the dance steps
Leyte: TINIKLING borrowing from the movement of a
- This is a popular dance form in the duck.
Visayan Islands, particularly in the
- This unique dance was then
province of Leyte.
- The “Tikling” is a long-legged bird named “Itik-Itik” since Itik means
with a long neck. Thus, the duck in local Tagalog language.
“Tinikling” dance imitates the
“tikling” birds motion as they stroll
between grass stalks or sprint
across tree branches. Typically,
the spectacular dance is
accompanied by a song.
- Two dancers beat, tap, and slide
bamboo sticks on the ground to Lanao del Sur: SINGKIL
execute Tinikling. - To the rhythmic clapping of
- The bamboo doubles as a bamboo poles, the dancers,
percussion instrument and an skillfully weave their way through
integral element of the dance. crisscrossed bamboos, the women
- Tinikling may be challenging due dressed in beautiful Muslim robes
to the fact that both main dancers waving large fans and the men
must move rapidly in order to avoid
being caught by the fast moving
flipping colorful handkerchiefs to 4. Escort Position – Similar to couple’s
an right. position except that the man bends his
- The dancers, with solemn elbow and places the forearm across the
expressions and a dignified waist and the lady holds the arm of the
stance, begin with a slow tempo man.
that quickly builds to a quicker 5. Varsovienne Position – Also known as
speed. “Skating or Cuddle position”. The lady is at
- The colliding bamboos and the man’s right side both facing the same
spinning dancers create an direction. Man has one arm across the
amazing mix of color and music back of his partner while the right hand
that mesmerizes the viewer. holds the left arm of the lady.
- It is a dance that originated in 6. Reverse Varsovienne Position – The
Lanao del Sur, Mindanao and is lady is placed on the man’s left side.
considered to be a regal dance for 7. Open Position – Man’s right hand
Muslims. holds the lady’s back of waist. Lady’s left
- According to legend, SINGKIL hand rest on man’s shoulder. Free hands
began when the diwatas teased are held out about shoulder height with
Princess Gandingan while she was palms turned down. Partners are opened
out on a walk in the woods. out to form a V.
- The diwatas triggered an 8. Right Reverse Open Position – The
earthquake, causing trees to shake lady is placed to the man’s left side.
and rocks to roll and collide. 9. Left Reverse Open Position – The
- Princess.Gandingan skipped lady is placed on the man’s right side.
nimbly from place to place, never 10. Swing out Position or Flirtation
letting a tree or rock touch her little Position – Partner face each other, Man’s
feet. left hand hold lady’s right hand with his
left, freehand on first position.
WEEK 5 11. Facing Position – Partners face each
other, both hold hands.
BALLROOM DANCE 12. Butterfly Position – Partner face
Different Ballroom Dance each other, arms are held about shoulder
Positions/Holds height with palms facing each other.
1. Back Cross Position – The lady is at 13. Shoulder-Waist Position – Partner
the man’s right side both facing the same face each other. Lady places hands on
direction. The Man’s right arm behind the man’s shoulder and man places his hands
waist of his partner holds the right hand of on partner’s waist.
the girl while the left hand is extended 14. Star Position – Partner face each
behind holding the girls left hand. other and stand with their right shoulder
2. Closed Position – Also called “Waltz facing each other. Both join right hands
Position”, partners face each other, man’s bend at the elbows.
left hand and lady’s right hand clasped. 15. Wrap Position – It has the same
His right hand is placed behind her waist; position as the varsovienne except that
her left hand rests lightly on his right the right arm of the man is behind the
shoulder. lady’s waist holding her left hand and his
3. Couple Position – Partners in a side left hand holds the woman’s right hand in
by side position face same direction and front.
join the inside hands with elbows flexed at 16. Conversation Position – Partners
shoulder level. are side-by-side. The lady’s left-hand rests
on the man’s right shoulder. His right at 5. A gentleman or lady must accept their
lady’s waist. Man’s left hand and lady’s partners gracefully.
right are not clasping. 6. Smoking or chewing gum while dancing
17. Promenade Position – Often is impolite.
assumed in preparation for making side 7.The gentleman should take the lady's
step, man’s right hip and the lady’s left hip hand, arm, or hold his arm out for her to
are near or on contact and the opposite grasp, guiding her onto the floor. The
sides of the body open out to form “V”. gentleman should then accompany the
Lady’s right hand and man’s left hand at lady out of the crowd.
clasped. 8. After dancing, a gentleman should
18. Reverse Open Position – Similar to always thank the lady, and she will
close position, the lady is placed strongly reciprocate politeness.
to the man’s right shoulder. 9. A lady never refuses to change partner
when a gentleman “cuts in” for “cutting in”
General Rules in Leading is permitted in the dance.
1. Hold partner firmly but not tensely. 10. A lady would never refuse to dance
2. Listen to the music to get the beat unless she has a very good reason. If she
before starting to step out on the accented declines an invitation, she will not accept
beat. another dance partner for the same
3. Start with a new step with a left foot dance.
leading. 11. Partners should not dance
4. Give the lead for the new step or continuously for the whole of the evening.
direction just before stepping out of it. He also organizes numerous partner
5. Start with the easy steps before going exchanges, making the evening into a
into variations, be sure that partner can social event.
follow. 12. When colliding with one’s partner or
6. Try not to anticipate the partner’s lead other dancers, one should apologize.
but move with the action. 13. When a lady stands or enters a room,
7. Become familiar with the basic steps a a gentleman always rises.
partner is likely to lead. 14. One should not forget to always bring
8. Give careful thought to proper body along a smile
alignment and good posture.
Social Etiquette in Dancing The Cha-Cha is described as a "Cuban
1. Personal grooming, including suitable dance that developed from the Mambo...
attire for the occasion, enables an (coming) to fame in the mid-1950s." Latin-
individual to feel comfortable and American dance is the most popular. It is
confident in their look. the easiest to learn due to the music's
2. Giving a partner enough attention helps distinct and unmistakable rhythm.
the partner feel happy. Rather than
boredom or peering about at strangers,
security arises from a kind smile, a Dance Position (Cha Cha Cha)
pleasant remark, or an attentiveness
toward a partner. Closed Position
3. Encouragement builds confidence. - Partners face each other in
4. Cooperation fosters a sense of working conventional dance position;
together. shoulders parallel, a woman
slightly to man’s right, elbow away
from the body, man’s right hand
below woman’s left shoulder blade.
The man holds the woman’s right
hand in his left, and the woman’s
left palm rests on his right
Open Promenade Position
- Partners are about one step apart,
opened out so their bodies form a
wide “V” opening to the man’s left,
with the man holding the woman’s
left hand in his right.
Arch Turn
- A turn to the right for the woman
and to the left for the man
individually or together, through an
arch formed by joined hands
(woman’s right and man’s left

The tango is a Spanish dance. During the
nineteenth century, it was known as “baile
con corte”, meaning a dance with a halt.
To provide a dreamier impression, the
original beat was replaced with a
habanera rhythm. It was introduced in
France around the start of the twentieth
century and in 1912 in England. Today’s
Tango is written in 4/4 time.

Characteristics of Tango
1.A graceful progressive dance with a
basic rhythm of slow -slow-quick-quick-
2.The hold is unique, with partners in
close contact and “no daylight” between
them. The man’s right arm is farther
around the woman and his left arm closer
to the body.
3. It is a staccato dance.

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