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An Action Research

Conducted by


Through the Financial Support Provided by the


of the Department of Education

Region VI Western Visayas


MARCH 2021


This humble scholarly work would not be as successful as it did without the

valuable and commendable help from others; hence, the following people are indeed

worthy of grateful acknowledgment:

To the Almighty God, my refuge all throughout this study and whose constant

blessings be it in wisdom, family, friends, colleagues, financial, physical or moral were

enormous and pouring;

The main actors of this scholarly work, the Grade 7 – Ceres learners , who

unselfishly shared their valuable time and efforts for the success gathering of data during

the duration of the study;

The Department of Education Region VI-PPRD for providing the

orientation seminars and research format that guided the researcher for this

paper to be possible;

Basic Research Fund (BERF) for encouraging DepEd personnel to

conduct research and for providing financial assistance;

The Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Salvador O. Ochavo, Jr. for

allowing to conduct this study;

The Special Education Program Specialist, Dr. Marggie A. Obligacion for her

enormous guidance and accommodating help for the success of this study;

To the Principal of Capiz NHS, Ma. Rita F. Villareal for her resounding support by

providing physical and human resources during the implementation of the study;

Mrs. Aileen C. Borbon, my loving wife, adviser and supporter; my children: Joy,

Nene and Noynoy, whose immense and unconditional love and support were


May God always grant all the desires of your heart.






March 2021

Through the Financial Support Provided by the

Basic Education Research Fund (BERF)
of the Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of BETUMATH Game in
teaching Mathematics among the Grade 7 students for the School Year 2020-2021. The
researcher utilized quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design of research. The thirty
Grade 7 students from Capiz National High School, Roxas City were taken as
respondents. The researcher used the BETUMATH Game in teaching Mathematics to
improve the Academic Performance of the students. The researcher constructed a
pretest and posttest to evaluate the Mathematics Performance of the selected
respondents. Online class was conducted in the implementation of the study and
supplemented with modular approach to exhaust the gathering of reliable and valid data.
Results show that there is a significant difference between the mean score of the
respondents in the experimental and control group. The mathematics performance of the
respondents who are using the BETUMATH game in instruction is significantly higher
than those who did not use the game. It was also found out that the individual scores of
the learners who are using BETUMATH Game were less dispersed which implies that
the individual scores of the respondents were closer to the mean score, and this shows
a positive response of the students to the use of BETUMATH game as instructional
device in teaching Mathematics especially on integers.

Table of Contents


Title Page …………………………………………………………………….. i

Acknowledgment ……………………………………………………………. ii

Abstract …………………………………………………………………….. iii

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………. iv

List of Tables …………………………………………………………………….. v

List of Appendices……………………………………………………………….. vi

Context and Rationale ……………………………………………………. 1

Innovation, Intervention and Strategy ………………………………….. 2

Research Questions ………………………………………………….… 5

Action Research Methods …………………………………………………… 6

Participants and other Sources of Data …………………………. 6

Data Gathering Methods …………………………………………… 7

Ethical Issues ……………………………………………………. 9

Discussion of Results and Reflection …………………………………. 10

Results ……………………………………………………………. 10

Summary ……………………………………………………………. 13

Conclusions ……………………………………………………………. 16

Recommendations …………………………………………………… 16

Reflections …………………………………………………….……… 17

Action Plan …………………………………………………………………….. 19

References …………………………………………………………………….. 20

List of Tables

Table Page

1 Sample of BETUMATH Game Scoresheet………………………. 5

2 Means Score and Verbal Description from the scale used

in the study ………………………………………………………. 9

3 Level of Academic Performance in Mathematics of the BETUMATH

Users and Non-Users in Pretest and Posttest……………………. 11

4 The Difference between the Academic Performance of the

Respondents in Mathematics in Pretest and Posttest……………. 12

5 The Difference between the Pretest and Posttest Scores of the

Respondents in BETUMATH User and Non-User Group………. 13

List of Appendices

Appendix Page

A Letters/Requests for Permission to Study ……………….………… 22

B Parental Consent for Child Respondent Participation …….………… 27

C Pretest Grade 7 Math: Operations of Integers………………………… 29

D Pretest Table of Specifications ………………………………………… 34

E Posttest Grade 7 Math: Operations of Integers………………………. 36

F Posttest Table of Specifications ………………………………………… 41

G Sample Lesson Plan in Operations of Integers ……………………….. 43

H Documentation of the Implementation Statistical ……………………... 47

I Statistical Computations/Results………………………………………….. 52

J Action Research Work Plan & Timeline ……………………………… 57

K Certificate of Acceptance …………………………………………. 60

L Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………………… 62

M Financial Report ………………………………………………………. 64


Context and Rationale

Mathematics is perceived by many as challenging among all learning areas. It is

the learning area where teachers are heavily challenged on how they can improve the

performance of the learners. They are confronted even during the normal times where

face-to-face instructions were still allowed, of what pedagogy to apply so that they can

improve the mathematics performance of the learners. But how much more in this time

of the new normal, this might be more difficult for them to do so. It is a big question on

what remedy can be done in order that learners will still be able to succeed in learning

mathematics though they are at home. Can the learners use available materials in their

homes to support mathematics learning? Will they be motivated to learn math when they

are introduced to game-based learning tools? Would the classroom mathematics

continue despite these limitations and obstacles brought by this pandemic? These

questions seem very difficult to answer but as teachers, the notion ‘surrender’ is not in

their vocabulary. Surely, they can do something about it to somehow address this

concern as much as they could, all for the love of the teaching profession.

To address these challenges, the teacher must be resourceful and creative in

making his teaching methods and instructional aids favorable to the learners. Something

that must be enjoyable so that when they do mathematics, they will not find it boring and

hard as they go along with different learning activities. This can be referred to as an

activity that brings fun and eliminates boredom in learning mathematics which is the

integration of mathematical game.

Mathematical games, according to Oldfield (1991) as cited by Way (2011), are

challenging activities, usually played by one or more players; are governed by a set of

rules and have a clear underlying structure; normally have a distinct finishing point; and

have a specific mathematical cognitive objective.


The new normal in our educational system brought different modalities where

learners must school from home with no physical assistance of their teachers. As a

result, they tend to become more aversive in learning Mathematics. To ease these

challenges, DepEd through the Regional Office 6, has issued a memorandum to

encourage teachers to conduct research relative to this problem on learning modalities

and what teaching and learning strategies can be used to address such specifically on

the contextualization of learning in the new normal (DepEd 6, 2020). Thus, the

researcher has decided to conduct research which aimed to develop, validate, and

evaluate a mathematical game suitable for math learners as a complementary material

to support the delivery of the lesson. Young children are very much fascinated with

games thus mathematical game can be introduced as a response to this problem. This is

also supported by Game-Based Learning theory that it is an interactive pedagogy that

has its foundation the tenet that games, by their very nature, increase learning through

positive emotional experience (Offenholley, 2012, p.79).

BETUMATH game was developed with the belief that it can help in facilitating

math learnings while learners play this at home with their siblings or parents. Even at

home because of the emergency protocols imposed by the government, learners can

productively use their time to learn math while having recreation. Aside from the fun and

enjoyment the learners will derive from this game, it likewise allows them to perform the

four fundamental operations of mathematics.

Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

This study has developed a mathematical game known as BETUMATH and its

effectiveness in improving basic abilities in mathematics was tried to Grade 7 learners.

This game was used as an intervention to the current problems that our learners in this

new normal in education are facing. Learners who are studying from home might feel

bored, so they need to be motivated and energized through games integration.

Since this game BETUMATH was the result of the convergence of color game in

Peryahan, DAMATH and Mathematics, the researcher assumed that the learners would

enjoy it because of the fun and leisure it provides as it is played in most Peryahan during

barangay or town fiestas.

This game can be played by the learner together with his siblings or parents or

guardians at home during their free time as a sort of family bonding or during their

scheduled class in Mathematics for the whole duration of the topics on integers. Most of

the learners, if not all, have confusions on how to deal correctly with the operations of

integers that is why they need to do continuous practice through drill exercises. Drill

exercises can be done through games so that they will not find it boring as what game-

based learning theory tried to assert. Thus, this game can give fun to the Grade 7

learners while learning at the same time, in other words, it is like hitting two-birds with

one stone. To play BETUMATH game as shown in Figure 1, the following materials

and mechanics were used: (1) BETUMATH Board with rolling board where the dice are

to be rolled, and a landing board with 64 signed boxes, (2) three dice – one for operation

and two for the numbered dice, and a coin for toss.


1. This game requires two players only.

2. To start the game, a coin will be tossed to decide
which player will have to roll the dice first.
3. The first player rolls the three dice (2-numbered &Figure 1: BETUMATH
1-operation) in the Game
rolling board and will wait for the dice to fall on the landing board with 64

signed boxes. The signed box landed by the 2-numbered dice would be
their sign and whatever will surface on the operation dice that would be
the mathematical operation to be performed.
4. Only the opponent player will record the score and vice versa.
5. To operate the surfaced number dice, these will be read from left to right
horizontally or from top to bottom vertically.
6. Rules in operation of integers are applied for scoring.
7. The result of the operation will be the score of the player which will be
recorded using the scoresheet until the duration of the game as agreed by
the players. For instance, if the dice will be rolled 10 times, the two players
will have five times chance each.
8. When the dice would land outside the landing area upon rolling, the player
must roll the dice again.
9. The two players will alternately take turn in rolling the dice. To pass is not
10. Once a player rolls the dice and is already counted, his opponent will take
the next roll.
11. The player can strategize in rolling the dice on the board by varying the
inclination or position of the dice in the starter. In the landing area, there
are signed boxes like doubling, tripling, squaring and cubing which are
tagged as bonuses.
12. Since this game is for integers, if the result upon rolling is non-integral this
will be rounded off to the nearest whole number.
13. The score of each player will be summed up at the end of the game and
whoever got the highest score wins the game.
The scoresheet to be used is shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Sample of BETUMATH game Scoresheet

R First Player Second Player

ol C C C
l oordin oordin oordin
ates ates ates
O and and O and
Surfac S S
perati Surfac Surfac perati Surfac
ed core core
on ed ed on ed
Numb Numb Numb
er of
er of er of er of
1st Die
2nd Die 1st Die 2nd Die
1 r 1 = 2
(4,3) - - (6,5) - 1 (2,1) - + (6,6) 2
4 5 5 4Tripl
(doubl e
2 x 8 ÷ 3
(3,8) - x (1,5) - 8 (4,4) 3 (5,5) 3 3
2 4 cube squar
____Wi 9 ____ 55
nner_ 9 Winne
___Lo r____
ss Loss
Total Total

After the implementation of the game, the learners who were both users and non-

users of BETUMATH were assessed on the extent of knowledge they learned during the

discussion of the topics on integers. Then the test scores of the game users and non-

users were compared to check whether the game is effective or not.


Action Research Questions

The main objective of the study was to develop BETUMATH as a mathematical

game to improve student’s basic abilities in mathematics in the new normal of education.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of academic performance in Mathematics of the BETUMATH users

and non-users during the pretest and posttest?

2. Is there a significant difference between the performance in Mathematics of

BETUMATH game users and non-users in terms of pretest and posttest?

3. Is there a significant difference between the pretest and posttest of the respondents

who are BETUMATH game users and non-users?

4. How do Grade 7 learners find BETUMATH as a mathematical game during the


5. What actions should be done after the study has been conducted?

Action Research Methods

This study used the quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design to determine the

effectiveness of the BETUMATH game to Grade 7 learners since random assignment of

the respondents is not possible due to pre-existing school class arrangement and

current setup of new normal learning modalities. This is supported by Fraenkel, Wallen

and Hyun (2012) that a study can use such design if random assignment to treatment

conditions is not possible and respondents can be matched on certain variables in an

attempt to make them more equivalent.

Participants & Other Sources of Data

The respondents of the study were randomly chosen from twenty-two (22)

sections of Grade 7 year level of Capiz National High School in Roxas City. The thirty

(30) randomly chosen Grade 7 students were grouped into two (2) through match-pairing

of their final grade in Mathematics 6 to attain equivalency of the characteristic of each

group. The two groups were called experimental and control groups. The experimental

group was consisted of 15 respondents who were subjected to the intervention called

BETUMATH game and the control group was composed of the other 15 respondents

who were not subjected to the said intervention.

Data Gathering Methods

Upon securing permission from authorities, the study was then conducted. The

following procedure was employed, and the gathering of data was done online because

of the absence of a face-to-face setup caused by the pandemic.

Development of the Game. Since BETUMATH is a new mathematical game, this

must first undergo validation from the experts. These reliable experts were the EPS in

Mathematics, Mathematics Department Head, Grade 7 Math Coordinator and two

Master Teachers. After the validation, revision was done to the game’s design and

mechanics based on the findings and recommendation of the experts. The validation tool

was adopted from Ocampo et al. (2015, p.183).

Game Testing of Effectiveness. To evaluate the game’s effectiveness, it was

tried out to the experimental group composed of 15 Grade 7 learners called the

BETUMATH game users and the other 15 Grade 7 learners who belonged in the control

group called the BETUMATH game non-users. However, prior to the implementation of

the game, the experimental and control groups were first pretested via online using

google forms. After the implementation of the game, a posttest was given to the

respondents still via online using google forms to check whether the game has improved

their Mathematics performance or not. This data gathering procedure is supported by


Gall et al. (2007) in Reneski (2019, p. 81) that researchers often use web-based

questionnaires for academic research. The results of the posttest will determine the

differences in the performance of Grade 7 learners who are users and non-users of


A 30-item multiple-choice type test was utilized for the pretest and posttest. A

minimum of 30 test items were recommended to attain an acceptable degree of reliability

and validity. The topics in the test were problems about operations of integers. Prior to

the utilization of the test, it was first subjected to a validity and reliability test. Initially, the

test was 50 items and were submitted to 5 jurors for content validation. These jurors

were the EPS in Mathematics, Mathematics Department Head, Grade 7 Math

Coordinator and two Master Teachers. The suggestions, recommendations and

comments of the jurors were used as the bases for the revision of the test. The revised

version was then pilot tested to twenty (20) non-participant Grade 7 learners via online

using google forms. The split-half method was utilized to determine the reliability of the

instrument. This method assumes that, if a test is reliable, a student should score

equally as well as or as poorly on two random halves of the test (Downie & Heath,

1984). According to Rudner and Schafer (2002) in Quaigrain & Arhin (2017, p.4), a

teacher-made assessment needs to demonstrate reliability coefficients of approximately

at least 0.50 or 0.60. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.89 which

possessed a high degree of reliability.

During the implementation for the duration of 10 days, both control and

experimental groups underwent online classes which were pre-arranged with their class

adviser, held for 3 to 4 sessions for control group and 4 to 5 sessions for the

experimental group. Those who have financial difficulties to buy mobile data load were

given loads to make sure that everyone will attend the classes until the duration of the


Since the game was new, the researcher made a tutorial video in Hiligaynon on

how to use the game and was provided to the game user group. The said game is to be

played by two, so their parents or siblings would serve as their playmates or opponents.

Whenever they play, pictures and videos were taken and sent to the researcher every

day, as one of the monitoring schemes. Scoresheets were also submitted daily for the

researcher to check their scoring applying their knowledge on operations of integers.

Lectures on operations of integers were done during the online class as scheduled for

both BETUMATH users and non-users. SMS and phone calls were also used as

monitoring scheme to closely assist learners in the implementation of the study with the

help of their parents or guardians.

Prior to the implementation, learners from the game user group were informed

that whoever wins in their game against their parents or siblings at the end of the

implementation period will receive a prize.

For the qualitative question about how the game has brought impact to the

students, an open-ended question was given to the students via online using google

forms and phone/messenger in-depth interview.

To interpret the mean score of students’ performance, arbitrary scales were used

as shown in Table 2.

Table 2
Mean score and verbal description from the scale used in the study.
Mean Score Description

20.01 – 30.00 High Performance

10.01 – 20.00 Average Performance

0.00 – 10.00 Low Performance

Ethical Issues

The researcher, prior to the conduct of the study, had secured first a permit from

the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent and School Principal. Furthermore, a

parental consent was secured from the parents of the respondents since they were


Since face-to-face setup is discouraged during this pandemic, a digital procedure

or electronic version of securing informed consent letter was followed as stated by

Reneski (2019), where they have to provide their consent by printing, signing, and

returning a digital copy of the letter. The consent contained agreements that ensure win-

win benefits of both the researcher and the learners. Utmost respect and considerations

were manifested to the respondents as well as their children’s right. It is understood that

if there were respondents who would back out in the middle of the data-gathering period,

they will not be forced to continue as respondents. Their refusal to participate will not

affect the results of the study because there will be reserved respondents who will take

their place. Furthermore, the respondents were given code names for the anonymity of

their identity.

Discussion of Results and Reflection

The analyzed data were presented through tables, and below each table is the

researcher’s discussion and interpretation.


The Level of Academic Performance in Mathematics of the BETUMATH Users and

Non-Users in Pretest and Posttest


The academic performance in the pretest of both game users (M=16.47,

SD=5.82) and non-users (M=14.00, SD=6.21) is average as shown in Table 3. The

individual scores of the respondents in each group vary as revealed by the standard

deviation of 5.82 and 6.21 for game users and non-users, respectively. This means that

some students scored high and others got low scores.

In the posttest as shown in Table 3, the academic performance of the game

users (M=22.20, SD=4.25) is high. This indicates that the individual scores of the

respondents were more précised compared with their pretest scores. However, the non-

user group (M=22.20, SD=4.25) has an average performance. Their standard deviation

implies that the individual scores of the students in this group were more dispersed than

that of the game users.

Table 3

Level of Academic Performance in Mathematics of the BETUMATH Users and Non-

users in Pretest and Posttest
Group Frequency Weighted Standard Interpretation
Mean Deviation
Game User
Pretest 15 16.47 5.82 Average Performance
Posttest 15 22.20 4.25 High Performance
Game Non-user
Pretest 15 14.00 6.21 Average Performance
Posttest 15 16.93 6.34 Average Performance
Scale: Mean Score Description
21.00 – 30.00 High Performance
11.00 – 20.00 Average Performance
0.00 – 10.00 Low Performance

The Difference Between the Academic Performance in Mathematics of the

BETUMATH Users and Non-Users in Pretest and Posttest

Prior to the implementation of the study, the performance of the respondents was

tested, and the results are reflected in Table 4. The performance in the pretest of

experimental group is not significantly different to the control group (t=1.123, df=28,

p=.271). This means that before the intervention, their scores were statistically similar, or

they have the same level of performance in mathematics.

However, as revealed in Table 4 the posttest results show that there is a

significant difference between the mathematics performance of the respondents from

game user group and non-user group (t=2.673, df=28, p=.012). The academic

performance of the respondents from game user group was significantly higher than the

game non-user group. This implies that the learners who are using BETUMATH game

perform better in mathematics than those who are not using the game.

Table 4

The Difference between the Academic Performances of the Respondents in Pretest and
Test N Mean t df p
Game User 15 16.47
2.47 -1.123 28 .271
Game Non-user
15 14.00
Game User 15 22.20
5.27 -2.673* 28 .012
Game Non-user 15 16.93

Note: p<.05

The Difference Between the Pretest and Posttest of the Respondents who are

BETUMATH Users and Non-Users


Table 5 revealed that the academic performance of the respondents in the

posttest (M=16.93, SD= 6.34) from the BETUMATH non-user group was higher than

their mean score in the pretest (M=14.00, SD=6.21). This shows that the non-user group

performed significantly better in posttest than in the pretest (t=2.652 df=14, p=.019). It

implies that learners who did not use the BETUMATH game increased their Mathematics

performance after teaching them in the traditional way.

However, the academic performance of the respondents in the posttest

(M=22.20, SD=4.25) from the BETUMATH user group was higher than their pretest

(M=16.47, SD=5.82). This shows that the game user group performed significantly better

in posttest than in pretest (t=6.999 df=14, p=.000). It implies that these learners who use

BETUMATH game increased their Mathematics performance with a mean difference of

5.73 which is higher than that of the non-users which is 2.93. This can be attributed to

the effectiveness of the BETUMATH as mathematical game that motivates leaners to

perform better.

Table 5

The Difference Between the Pretest and Posttest Scores of the Respondents in the
BETUMATH User and Non-User Group
Group N Mean Mean t df p
Game Non-User
Pretest 15 14.00
2.93 -2.652* 14 .019
Posttest 15 16.93

Game User
Pretest 15 16.47 5.73 -6.999* 14 .000

Posttest 15 22.20

Note: *p<.05

Grade 7 Learners on BETUMATH as a mathematical game during this Pandemic


The BETUMATH game was found to be effective in increasing the mathematics

performance of the learners because of the fun and learning they get from it. One

respondent said “…manami ang BETUMATH game nag-enjoy gid kami upod akon nga

utod kag nag-learn sang operations in integers […BETUMATH game is nice and

enjoyable when my sister and I played it, and I also learned the operations in integers]”.

It gives them motivation to learner better in mathematics rather than exposed to non-

game-based learning tasks. Another respondent also shared “Gapasalamat gid kami sir

sa imo kay nag antigo kami sang math dahil sa imong BETUMATH kag pati amon

bonding with our parents manani [We are grateful to you sir because we learned math

through BETUMATH and our bonding with our parents was improved].”


This study on the development of BETUMATH game to improve students’ basic

abilities in Mathematics aimed to answer the following specific problems: (1) level of

academic performance of the respondents in terms of Pretest and Posttest; (2)

significant difference between the academic performance of the two groups of

respondents in terms of Pretest and Posttest; (3) significant difference between the

Pretest and Posttest of the respondents who are using BETUMATH game and those

who are not; and (4) attitudes toward the BETUMATH game.

This study used quasi-experimental pretest–posttest design as method of

research. It was conducted at Capiz National High School, Roxas City for School Year

2020-2021. It involved the thirty (30) heterogenous learners of Grade 7 which were

randomly grouped utilizing the lottery technique.

The gathering instruments used were the researcher-made tests which were

validated by experts and tested its reliability to non-research participants before its

implementation. Since face-to-face teaching is not possible in the new normal, the

implementation was closely and strictly monitored during the remote teaching activities

both to experimental and control groups to ensure the reliability of the study with the

supervision of the special education program specialist of the Capiz Division. Online

class was held where all the participants must attend class via google meet. Those

learners who have financial difficulties were provided a free mobile data load for them to

attend. All tests were given via google forms and recitations were done on google meet.

When the students played the game with their parents or siblings, they took photos or

videos as proofs. Every day, the students would send the score sheets to the researcher

to monitor their progress in performing operations on integers. For BETUMATH non-

users, they were given traditional drill activities sent via messenger and oral recitation

was done during online class. Parents were also involved as partners in the

implementation of the study to strengthen monitoring schemes.

The data collected were subjected to descriptive and inferential tests using the

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistical tools used were

frequency, mean and standard deviation while inferential statistics used was t-test for

dependent and independent samples set at 0.05 level of significance.

In the pretest, the mean score of the BETUMATH users was 16.47 while the

mean score of non-users was 14.00 with a mean difference of 2.47. The mathematics

performance of the learners from both users and non-users of BETUMATH was not

significantly different as shown by the t=1.123, df=28, p=.271 which only shows that

before the intervention was implemented, the respondents’ performance was similar.

However, the standard deviation of the game users and non-users was 5.82 and 6.21,

respectively which means that the individual score of the two groups vary.

The mean score of the BETUMATH non-user group in the posttest was 16.93

which is 2.93 higher than the mean score in their pretest which was 14.00. This shows

that the non-user group performed significantly better in the posttest than in the pretest

as shown by t=2.652 df=14, p=.019. It implies that these learners also improved their

Mathematics performance after teaching them using the non-game -based approach.

The BETUMATH users’ mean score in the posttest was 22.20 which was 5.73

higher than the mean score in their pretest which was 16.47. This shows that learners

from this group performed significantly better in the posttest than in the pretest as shown

by t=6.999 df=14, p=.000. It implies that learners who used BETUMATH game increased

their Mathematics performance.

In the posttest, the non-user group has a mean score of 16.93 while the user

group has 22.20. The mean difference was 5.27 which implies that BETUMATH users

performed significantly better than non-users (t=2.673 df=28, p=.012). The use of the

BETUMATH game in teaching mathematics particularly on operations of integers is

effective in increasing students’ performance.

As revealed by the standard deviations, game users got 4.25 where their

individual scores were less dispersed than non-users who got 6.34. Furthermore, the

individual scores of BETUMATH users were much closer to their mean score compared

with that of the non-users.


Based on the findings, the researcher arrived at the following conclusions:

1. There is enough evidence showing that the mean scores in the posttest of

BETUMATH users were higher than that of the non-users. Thus, it is concluded that

the use of this game can really improve the mathematics performance of the

learners. It gives them motivation to learn Mathematics more than the traditional

way of learning.

2. There is a remarkable difference in the standard deviation obtained by the

BETUMATH game users compared with the non-users. The standard deviation of

the users is lower than that of the non-users. This means that the individual scores

of the respondents in the users’ group were closer to each other and nearer to the

mean score. Therefore, it is concluded that the students could comprehend well and

master the rules in operations of integers using the BETUMATH game as drill.


Mathematics is a discipline that almost everyone hates, if not all, but

unnoticeably the most widely applied or used in one’s daily living. From all walks of life

up to the entertainment aspect, Mathematics is dominantly present just like in games.

The fun that one can get in the Peryahan (fun-fair) during fiesta where varied games are

present manifested mathematical realms. If these contexts are ventured through

research like this, the Department of Education would certainly not fail on its goal to

equip every learner with quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education.

It is important that authorities and teachers in this agency should perform these

written ideals and put them into action to make every learner a champion on their own by

providing them the opportunity to discover their full potentials and contribute

meaningfully to building the nation. Hence, the following recommendations are


1. This BETUMATH game is recommended to be used by teachers to their

students as drill activity especially with lessons on integers and rectangular

coordinate system. This game gives motivation and enthusiasm to learners as

they learn the lesson through the fanfare-like ambiance that it brings.

2. Mathematics teachers shall provide mathematically rich environment which

gives learners enjoyment and satisfaction like what a game brings. They shall

be creative in designing teaching device that encourages students’ maximum

participation towards meaningful learning.

3. Learners shall be given ample opportunities to enhance their mathematical

abilities through game-based learning tasks, even allow or encourage learners

to discover learning styles which they can use to easily learn mathematics.

Sometimes learners have an emerging technique in solving math problems

through game and this should be properly taken cared of.


This new normal has really brought a lot of positive and negative implications in

the lives of the humankind. It is like the very nature of BETUMATH game that you will

score a negative or positive upon rolling the dice. Leaners were also confronted with

challenges on adjustments to the negative impacts of this new normal to their

educational quest in life. The delivery modalities that are used in the school have

affected much the quality of education given to them due to non-face-to-face teaching.

The students need alternative strategy to support their learning especially in

Mathematics which is the hardest subject to be taught even in the old normal setup.

They need an activity that lessens their stress and difficulties brought by this pandemic

like game-based tasks so that they will not feel uninterested in Mathematics.

The researcher was lucky enough to have been given an opportunity to attend

post-graduate studies in Mathematics where he has learned pedagogy that can be used

in devising teaching aids for math classes. Hence, the researcher thought of innovating

mathematical game that combined fun-fair and mathematics to produce a game called

BETUMATH. This acronym stands for Borbon’s EThno-understanding of Mathematical

Game (BETUMATH Game). Since the researcher’s advocacy is ethnomathematics as


research endeavor, this game came into fruition. One of the features of the game is

similar with the numbered color game in Peryahan, a Filipino recreational culture during

fiesta, where the rolling of the colored dice is observed. This cultural activity gives

inspiration to the invention of the game that can be used by learners in learning

mathematics aside from the fun that they can get from this one.

During the implementation, it was self-fulfilling to the researcher seeing his

students enjoyed playing the game while learning mathematics even at a remote manner

of teaching. They do not limit playing the game because of the addictive fun they get as

a result they were able to master the rules in operations of integers.

The experience of conducting this study has given a lot of realizations, that even

in these difficult times of teaching and learning, still the researcher managed to deliver

successfully the expected math learning competencies to the students through this

innovative mathematical game. Once the students are able to assimilate the lessons

through games, it will surely result to a meaningful learning.

The researcher’s challenge now to the mathematics teachers is to create

innovative teaching strategies that will make Mathematics both enjoyable and enriching

while learning at home. Make a difference in your mathematics pedagogy that would

generate enthusiasm among learners as they continue to unravel their hidden potentials

in mathematics. Help bring out the heart of a champion in every Filipino learner, well-

equipped and ready to compete globally.

Action Plan

In the 21st century era, the learners are considered the central figure in the

education platform. Thus, it is very important to unfold students’ potentials and

psychological characteristics so that appropriate ways and strategies can be made to

improve their abilities for worthwhile learning.


It is the researcher’s utmost desire to share what the school heads and

mathematics educators imparted through INSET and LAC sessions. Through this, the

researcher hopes to inspire other educators to innovate devices for mathematics

teaching and add more colors to the realms of mathematics.



DepEd 6 (2020). Regional Memorandum 141, s. 2020: Regional Research Priority

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Downie, N.M. and Heath, R.W. (1984). Basic Statistical Methods. New York: Harper &


Fraenkel, J., Wallen, N. & Hyun, H. (2012). How to Design and Evaluate Research in

Education. New York: McGraw-Hill

Ocampo, R. O., Ancheta, G., Baddo, J. M., & Dugay, W. (2015). Development,

Validation and Summative Evaluation of Card Pairing Games for Selected Math

8 Topics. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(5), 179–186.

Retrieved from


Offenholley, K. H. (2012). Gaming Your Mathematics Course: The Theory and Practice

of Games for Learning. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 2(2), 79–92.

Quaigrain, K., & Arhin, A. K. (2017). Using reliability and item analysis to evaluate a

teacher-developed test in educational measurement and evaluation. Cogent

Education, 4(1), 1–11.

Reneski, J. (2019). A quasi-experimental study of synchronous content and learner

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Way, J. (2011, February). Learning Mathematics Through Games Series: 1. Why

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Appendix A

Letters/Requests to Conduct Study


November 9, 2020
Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division of Capiz
Banica, Roxas City


I will be conducting my approved Action Research proposal to be funded by
BERF titled “Development of BETUMATH Game to Improve Students’ Basic
Abilities in Mathematics in the New Normal in Education”. This will be conducted to
test the effectiveness of the BETUMATH as mathematical game to Thirty (30) Grade 7 -
Ceres learners at Capiz National High School for S.Y. 2020-2021 from November 2020
to April 2021.
In this regard, your permission is respectfully requested to conduct the
abovementioned study. Rest assured that research protocols will be highly observed
during the conduct of the study such as securing parental consent from the learners and
compliance to Data Privacy Act for the data gathered.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,

Master Teacher II


SEPS, Planning & Research



Schools Division Superintendent

November 9, 2020
Principal IV
Capiz National High School
Roxas City
Attention: Allen O. Aguirre
Head Teacher VI, Curriculum Chairman Grade 7

Rowena F. Luza
Head Teacher VI, Mathematics Department

Digna B. Angelias
Class Adviser Grade 7-Ceres/Math Teacher

I will be conducting my approved Action Research proposal to be funded by
BERF titled “Development of BETUMATH Game to Improve Students’ Basic
Abilities in Mathematics in the New Normal in Education”. This will be conducted to
test the effectiveness of the BETUMATH as mathematical game to Thirty (30) Grade 7 -
Ceres learners at Capiz National High School for S.Y. 2020-2021 from November 2020
to April 2021.
In this regard, your permission is respectfully requested to conduct the
abovementioned study. Rest assured that research protocols will be highly observed
during the conduct of the study such as securing parental consent from the learners and
compliance to Data Privacy Act for the data gathered.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,

Master Teacher II


Assistant Principal II, SHS

Recommending Approval Approved:


Assistant Principal II, JHS Principal IV

November 9, 2020
Master Teacher II, Mathematics
Capiz National High School
Roxas City



I will be conducting my approved Action Research proposal to be funded by

BERF titled “Development of BETUMATH Game to Improve Students’ Basic

Abilities in Mathematics in the New Normal in Education”. Prior to full

implementation of the study, the game’s materials, rules, and mechanics together with

the test instrument must underwent validation from mathematics experts like you. This is

to ensure the validity of the game before it will be used by the learners, and the test

instrument to be answered by them should be valid as well.

In this regard, may I request your expertise to validate my BETUMATH Game

and Test Instrument.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

Master Teacher II



Assistant Principal II Principal IV


Master Teacher II, Mathematics

November 9, 2020



I will be conducting my approved Action Research proposal to be funded by
BERF titled “Development of BETUMATH Game to Improve Students’ Basic
Abilities in Mathematics in the New Normal in Education”. This will be conducted to
test the effectiveness of the BETUMATH as mathematical game to Thirty (30) Grade 7 -
Ceres learners at Capiz National High School for S.Y. 2020-2021 from November 2020
to April 2021.
In this regard, your permission is respectfully requested to allow your
son/daughter,___________________________________ to participate in the conduct of
the abovementioned study. Rest assured that research protocols will be highly observed
during the conduct of the study and any data gathered from your son/daughter will be
kept with utmost confidentiality.
Kindly sign the attached parental consent in two copies (your copy and
researcher’s copy) if you allow your child to participate. Your child is free to withdraw
his/her participation even in the middle of the study if he/she is not comfortable.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,

Master Teacher II


Assistant Principal II, SHS Principal IV


Signature over Printed Name of Parent

Appendix B

Parental Consent for Child Respondent Participation


I hereby give consent to my child ______________________________________

to participate in the action research study of Jonathan O. Borbon titled “Development

of BETUMATH Game to Improve Students’ Basic Abilities in Mathematics in the

New Normal in Education” as funded by DepEd BERF.

I understand that everything my child says will be kept confidential. He or she will

not be identified directly or indirectly in any oral report or written publication on the

research. I also understand that the data gathered will be destroyed once the information

has been incorporated into the research report. I also understand that my child will be

free to withdraw from the study or terminate his/her participation at any time, and that he

or she may refuse to answer any particular question if he or she so desires. I also

understand that if my child withdraws from the study period there will be no

consequences or penalties.

______________________________________ _______________
Signature of Parent over Printed Name Date

Note: If you have any questions concerning this study contact Jonathan O. Borbon,

Senior High School, Capiz National High School, Roxas City, or Mobile Number:

09483394130, or email address:


Appendix C

Grade 7 Math: Operations in Integers

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Sex: _____ Score: ______

Direction: Read and analyze each item. Choose only the letter that corresponds
to your answer.
1. When multiplying or dividing both negative numbers, the result would be?
a. positive
b. negative
c. depends on which number is negative
d. depends on which number is positive
2. To add integers if the signs are different you are going to_____
a. Add the numbers
b. Subtract the numbers
c. Multiply the numbers
d. Divide the numbers
3. The product of -8 and 9 is ____
a. 72
b. -72
c. 17
d. -17
4. Which of these has a quotient of -6?
a. 24 ÷ 4
b. -24 ÷ -4
c. -24 ÷ 4
d. -24 ÷ -4
5. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
a. - 4 + (-6) = -10
b. -7 + 1 = -6
c. 12 + (-1) = 13
d. 10 + (-9) = 1
6. What number should be added to -7 to get 10?
a. 17
b. -3
c. -17
d. 3

7. What is the value of 6 ̶ ( ̶ 3)?

a. -3
b. 3
c. -9
d. 9
8. The value of -39 ÷ 3 is equal to
a. 13

b. -13
c. 36
d. -36

9. Choose appropriate number for blank: -7 ̶ ( __ ) = 2

a. -5
b. 5
c. 9
d. -9
10. The quotient of – 6 ÷ ( ̶ 3 ) is
a. -2
b. 2
c. 9
d. -9
11. The product of 15 and -3 is equal to
a. 12
b. -18
c. 30
d. -45
12. Which of the following represent pair of integer (a, b) such that a ÷ b = 2
a. ( -8 , -4 )
b. ( 2 , -1)
c. ( ̶ 10 , ̶ 5 )
d. (8, 4 )
13. In dividing a negative integer by another negative integer, the quotient will
a. always negative
b. always positive
c. either positive or negative
d. 1
14. The product of two negative integers is always
a. always negative
b. always positive
c. either positive or negative
d. 0
15. Which pair of integers are factors of -54?
a. 9 and 6
b. -9 and 6
c. 54 and 1
d. 0 and 54
16. 18 __ -7 = 25
a. +
b. –
c. ÷

d. ×
17. The value of (7)(-8) is
a. 15
b. -1
c. -56
d. 56
18. 144 ÷ -12 =____
a. 12
b. -12
c. 156
d. 132
19. Which pairs of integers have a difference of -16?
a. 50, 36
b. -40, 14
c. 18, 2
d. -30, 14
20. Which expressions is equivalent to -2 + (-9)?
a. -7 + (-4)
b. 2 + (-9)
c. 20 – 9
d. 9 – (-2)
21. ( ̶ 50 ) ÷ ___ = -1,what number should be in the blank?
a. 25
b. 49
c. 50
d. ̶ 50
22. -7 + (-5) =
a. 2
b. -2
c. 12
d. -12
23. (16)(-12)=
a. -28
b. 4
c. 192
d. -192
24. Which is the same as -10 – (-6)?
a. 10 – 6
b. -10 + 6
c. 10 + (-6)
d. -10 – 6
25. To the right of zero in the number line means
a. Negative
b. Positive

c. Zero
d. Undefined
26. The product of zero and nonzero integers is always
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Zero
d. Nonzero
27. The numbers to the left of zero in number line is
a. greater than zero
b. equal to zero
c. less than zero
d. cannot be determined
28. What should be the value of n to make this equation n – 7= -13 correct?
a. -6
b. 20
c. 6
d. -20
29. The product of -120 and 30 is
a. 3600
b. -3600
c. -150
d. -40
30. Complete the statement: 3 – (-5) = __ + (-5)
a. 20
b. 15
c. 13
d. 12

Appendix D

Table of Specification

Number Item Placement

MELCs and Percenta of Items Knowled Proces Under
Content of
Objectives hours
ge (%) ge s or standi
Skills ng
The learner
operations on
integers (M7NS-
1. Identify and 13.33% 4 2,25 22 20
use the 1
rules in
2. Add 6.67% 2 6 5
3. Identify and 6.67% 2 30 28
use the 1
Numbers rules in
and subtracting
Number integers.
Sense 4. Subtract 20% 6 7,27 9,24 16,19
5. Identify and 6.67% 2 1 14
use the 1
rules in
6. Multiply 23.33% 7 3,17,29 11,23 15,26
7. Identify and 6.67% 2 13 12
use the 1
rules in
8. Divide
16.66% 5 4,18 8,10 21
Total 5 100% 30 11 10 9

Appendix E


Grade 7 Math: Operations in Integers


1. Which of the following is NOT true?

a. 0 ÷ 2 = 0
b. –25 ÷ 5 = ̶ 5
c. 20 ÷ 0 = 12
d. 5 ÷ 1 = 5

2. Which of the following represent pair of integer (a, b) such that a ÷ b = 2?

a. ( -8 , -4 )
b. ( 2 , -1)
c. ( ̶ 10 , ̶ 5 )
d. (8, 4 )

3. In dividing a negative integer by another negative integer, the quotient will

a. always negative
b. always positive
c. either positive or negative
d. 1
4. Which statements is true?
a. 1 ÷ 0 = 1
b. 1 ÷ 0 = 0
c. 1 ÷ 0 = 0 ÷ 1
d. 0 ÷ 1 = 0

5. The product of two negative integers is always

a. always negative
b. always positive
c. either positive or negative
d. 0

6. Which pair of integers are factors of -54?

a. 9 and 6
b. -9 and 6
c. 54 and 1
d. 0 and 54

7. 18 __ -7 = 25
a. +
b. –
c. ÷
d. ×

8. The value of (7)(-8) is


a. 15
b. -1
c. -56
d. 56

9. 144 ÷ -12 =____

a. 12
b. -12
c. 156
d. 132

10. Which pairs of integers have a difference of -16?

a. 50, 36
b. -40, 14
c. 18, 2
d. -30, 14

11. Which expressions has a greater value?

a. -67 – (-20)
b. -80 ÷ 20
c. (-4) (100)
d. -4 + 4

12. Which expressions is equivalent to -2 + (-9)?

a. -7 + (-4)
b. 2 + (-9)
c. 20 – 9
d. 9 – (-2)
13. ( ̶ 50 ) ÷ ___ = -1,what number should be in the blank?
a. 25
b. 49
c. 50
d. ̶ 50
14. -7 + (-5) =
a. 2
b. -2
c. 12
d. -12

15. (16)(-12)=
a. -28
b. 4
c. 192
d. -192

16. Which is the same as -10 – (-6)?

a. 10 – 6
b. -10 + 6
c. 10 + (-6)
d. -10 – 6

17. To the right of zero in the number line means

a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Zero
d. Undefined

18. Subtract 12 from -19, what is the difference?

a. 7
b. -7
c. 31
d. -31

19. The product of zero and nonzero integers is always

a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Zero
d. Nonzero
20. The numbers to the left of zero in number line is
a. greater than zero
b. equal to zero
c. less than zero
d. cannot be determined
21. When two negative integers are multiplied or divided the result is?
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Zero
d. Always 1

22. The temperature drops below 0oC means

a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Equal to zero
d. Undetermined
23. Josh has PhP 100. He gave PhP 40 to John and John returned PhP20 to
Josh after few days. The amount of money Josh has altogether is
a. PhP 60
b. PhP 160
c. PhP 80

d. PhP 100

24. What should be the value of n to make this equation n – 7= -13 correct?
a. -6
b. 20
c. 6
d. -20
25. How far is -7 to the left of 2?
a. 7 units
b. 8 units
c. 9 units
d. 10 units
26. The product of -120 and 30 is
a. 3600
b. -3600
c. -150
d. -40
27. What does it mean in integral notation when a certain obese losses 30
pounds of his weight?
a. +30
b. -30
c. -60
d. +60
28. Complete the statement: 3 – (-5) > __ + (-5)
a. 20
b. 15
c. 13
d. 12
29. Complete the statement: 3 – (-5) = __ + (-5)
e. 20
f. 15
g. 13
h. 12

30. Complete the statement: ___ – (-5) < 13 + (-5)

a. -20
b. 15
c. 13
d. 12

Appendix F


Table of Specification

Number Item Placement

MELCs and Percenta of Items Knowled Proces Under
Content of
Objectives hours
ge (%) ge s or standi
Skills ng
The learner
operations on
integers (M7NS-
1. Identify and 10% 3 29 28 27
use the 1
rules in
2. Add 17% 5 14,30 12 11,17
3. Identify and 17% 5 18,25 22 20,23
use the 1
Numbers rules in
and subtracting
Number integers.
Sense 4. Subtract 13% 4 7 10 16,24
5. Identify and 7% 2 19 5
use the 1
rules in
6. Multiply 13% 4 6,15 8 26
7. Identify and 10% 3 21 4 3
use the 1
rules in
8. Divide
13% 4 13 9 1,2
Total 5 100% 30 10 8 12

Appendix G



I. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the learning period, 100% of the students with at least 75%
proficiency level should be able to:

a. identify and use the rules in performing operations with integers.

b. performs operations on integers.

c. use BETUMATH proficiently in drill exercises.

II. Developmental Tasks:

A. Topic

Operations on Integers

B. References

Mathematics 7 Quarter 1 – Module 3: Absolute Value and Operations on

Integers pp.3-22

C. Materials


Desktop Computer/laptop, Mobile Phone

III. Development of the Lesson:

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Motivation: Have a video presentation of real-life situations where concepts of

integers are used

2. Review

Perform the indicated operations on the following whole numbers.

a. 20 + 12 b. 15 – 3 c. 12 x 4 d. 34 ÷ 17

B. Presentation:

- Introduce the concepts of integers.

- State the rules in performing operations with integers.

- Give example for each rule in a step by step manner

- Ask the learners to perform the indicated operation on the following:

1. 1 – (-4) = 2. -8 + (-5) = 3. 4 x (-6) =


4. 9 ÷ -(3) = 5. (10) (-2)= 6. 15 – 7=

- Introduce to the learners the rules and mechanics on how to play BETUMATH

- Share the Tutorial Video on how to play

- Ask the learners to demonstrate

- Ask other learners to perform the operation in the scoresheet for scoring

C. Activity:

Playtime: Learners will play together with their parents or siblings at home.
After they made a score, scoresheet will be sent to the chat box to check if they
perform correctly the operations on integers.


D. Application:

The scoresheet is given below with no score yet. Your task is to get the score
and determine who is the winner by solving the total score of each player. Who won in
the game?

IV. Evaluation:

Perform the indicated operation.

1. 19 – (-14) = 2. -28 + (-55) = 3. 7 x (-6) =

4. 20 ÷ -(5) = 5. (10) (-5)= 6. 10 – 17=

V. Assignment:

A roller coaster at the theme park takes fans on an exciting ride. In the first 20
seconds, it carries its passengers up a 30-meter hill, plunges them down 30 meters, and
takes them back up a 15-meter rise. How much higher or lower from the start of the ride
are they after these 20 seconds?

Appendix H

Documentation of the Implementation


Preparation and Distribution of BETUMATH Boards


Online Classes for BETUMATH Non-Users (Control Group)


Online Classes for BETUMATH Users (Experimental Group)


Appendix I

Statistical Computations/Results

Grou Mea Devi
p N n ation Std. Error Mean

Pret BET
est UMA
14.0 6.21
NON 15 1.60357
000 059

16.4 5.81
TH 15 1.50196
667 705

Postt BET
est UMA
16.9 6.34
NON 15 1.63726
333 110

22.2 4.24
TH 15 1.09631
000 601

Gain BET
2.93 4.28
NON 15 1.10612
33 397

5.73 3.17
TH 15 .81921
33 280

Independent Samples Test


Levene's Test t-test for

for Equality of Equality
Variances of Means

F Sig. t df

Pr Equal -
et variances 1.
.826 .371 28
e assumed 12
st 3

Equal -
variances 1.
not 12
assumed 3

P Equal -
o variances 2.
1.272 .269 28
st assumed 67
te 3
Equal -
variances 2.
not 67
assumed 3

G Equal -
ai variances 2.
1.081 .307 28
n assumed 03

Equal -
variances 2.
not 03
assumed 4

Independent Samples Test

t-test for Equality of Means

Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error

tailed) Difference Difference

Prete Equal variances

.271 -2.46667 2.19711
st assumed

Equal variances not

.271 -2.46667 2.19711

Postt Equal variances

.012 -5.26667 1.97042
est assumed

Equal variances not

.013 -5.26667 1.97042

Gain Equal variances

.052 -2.80000 1.37645

Equal variances not

.052 -2.80000 1.37645

Independent Samples Test

t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference

Lower Upper

Pretest Equal variances assumed -6.96725 2.03391

Equal variances not assumed -6.96811 2.03478

Posttest Equal variances assumed -9.30288 -1.23045

Equal variances not assumed -9.32942 -1.20391

Gain Equal variances assumed -5.61952 .01952

Equal variances not assumed -5.63036 .03036

Paired Samples Statistics

Std. Std. Error

Mean N Deviation Mean

Pair PreNonuser 14.0000 15 6.21059 1.60357

PostNonuser 16.9333 15 6.34110 1.63726

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

Sig. (2-
Mea Std. Std. 95% Confidence t df tailed)
n Deviati Error Interval of the


on Mean Lower Upper

P PreNonuser -
- -
ai PostNonuser 4.2839 -
2.93 1.10612 -.56095 2.65 14 .019
r 7 5.30572
333 2

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N on Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 PreUs 16.466 5.8170

15 1.50196
er 7 5

PostUs 22.200 4.2460

15 1.09631
er 0 1

Paired Samples Test

nces t df

Confid Sig. (2-tailed)
Std. l of the
Deviati Differe
Mean on Std. nce
Mean Lower Upper

Pair 1 PreUs
- - -
er - 3.1728
5.7333 .81921 7.4903 3.9762 -6.999 14 .000
PostU 0
3 7 9

Appendix J

Action Research Work Plan & Timeline


Activities Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

1. Drafting of the
2. Proposal
revision by the
Senior Education
Program Specialist
in Research

3. Proposal
Approval by the
4. Courtesy Call to
the Division Office

1. Identifying
2. Development
of the
3. Validation of the

4. Online
Administering of
Pretest to
respondents to
determine their
level of knowledge
before the

5. Implementation

6. Online
Administering of
Posttest to
respondents to
determine their
level of knowledge
after the
7. Online Interview

for Triangulation
8. Data
Analysis and

9. Refinement of
the Manuscript

10. Submission of
Final Output

11. Share the

results and
recommendation of
the study to fellow
educators through
LAC Sessions or
INSET (School,
District, Division,
Regional, National)

Appendix K

Certificate of Acceptance

Appendix L


Personal Data

Name : Jonathan Opalla Borbon

Parents : Eugenio S. Borbon and

Leonora O. Borbon

Address : Pinesville 1, Bato, Roxas City

Mobile No. : 09483394130

Spouse : Aileen C. Borbon

Occupation : Teacher

Children : Christhaleen C. Borbon, Chryzia Nathaleen C. Borbon &

Christhan Jacov C. Borbon

Educational Background

Elementary :Camanci Elementary School

Camanci, Batan, Aklan

Secondary :Camanci National High School

San Miguel, Jordan, Guimaras

Tertiary :Aklan State University

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Mathematics)

Masteral Degree :Filamer Christian University

Master of Arts in Teaching (Mathematics)

Doctoral Degree :West Visayas State University

Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education (Mathematics)

Work Experiences

June 2016 to date - Master Teacher II, DepEd, Division of Capiz, Capiz NHS

March 2014 – June 2016 -Teacher II, DepEd, Division of Capiz, Capiz NHS

June 2013 – March 2014 - Teacher II, DepEd, Division of Capiz, Capiz NHS

September 2010 – June 2013- Teacher I, DepEd, Division of Capiz, Lonoy NHS

Appendix M

Financial Report

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Duran Street, Iloilo City


Basic Education Research Fund

Granted 11,325.00


Date Particulars O.R No. Amount

Materials 1303 3,852.00
12/09/2020 Labor and Dice 4,500.00
Painting and Lettering of
BETUMATH Boards 014761 2,250.00
12/21/2020 Internet 04049940 1,299.00
03/08/2021 Supplies 63642 540.00

Balance (1,116.00)

Prepared by:


Master Teacher II

Capiz NHS, Roxas City, Capiz

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