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THE ETHER OF SPACE generating too much back-E MF. The ampere- meter and volt-meter and the carbon rheostat (im armature circuit), for regulating the speed, are plainly seen. The smooth pulley on the shaft is for applying a brake. The small disk above it is perforated to act as a syren for es- timation of speed; but other arrangements for this purpose were subsequently added. The two large disks at top were of the best circular- saw steel; they are somewhat thicker at middle than at edge, and are strongly bolted up be- tween iron cheeks, which are attached to the shaft, The lower end of the shaft is a step- bearing of hardened steel in a vessel ofoil. The upper collar is elastic, so as to allow for a steady- ing teetotum action at high speeds. Fig. 13 is a photograph of the optical square, which was ultimately to be placed in position surrounding the disks. The slit and collimator are shown; the micrometer end of the observing telescope is out of the picture. The mirrors on the sides of the square are accurately plane; they are adjustable on geo- metric principles,and are pressed against their bearings by strong spiral springs. They were made by Hilger. A drawing of the arrangement is given in Fig. 14, and here the double micrometer eyepiece is visible. In Fig. 15 the whole apparatus is shown 78

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