Panotes, Lovigail, B. - Letter of Intent

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Lovigail Panotes

02 Senatorial Rd., Batasan Hills

Quezon City, Metro Manila, 1126
26 July 2023

Dr. Michelle S. Acomular

Vice President for Admissions and Financial Assistance
Far Eastern University, Sampaloc, Manila

Subject: Letter of Intent for scholarship for Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

Dear Dr. Acomular,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am Lovigail B. Panotes, an incoming diligent student
from Far Eastern University High School under the strand of STEM. I am writing this
letter of intent to express my heartfelt sincerity and ardent desire to apply for the Tuition
Assistance Program offered by the Far Eastern University High School.

I completed my Junior High School at Batasan Hills National High School on the 12th
day of July 2023 with honors. Throughout my entire Junior High School journey, I
consistently achieved academic excellence, which motivated me to delve more into my
educational pursuits. Moreover, I was privileged to be part of the Special Program in
Foreign Language (SPFL), an exceptional initiative created by the Department of
Education. This program is designed to foster communicative competence in a second
foreign language. It has immensely benefited me by enhancing my listening, speaking,
and reading skills. It has opened doors to endless possibilities, not only locally but also
on the international stage, enriching my academic journey with a global perspective.

Beyond my academic achievements, I have actively engaged in various extracurricular

activities that have nurtured my leadership potential. During my 3rd and 4th years in
Junior High School, I had the honor of serving as the Math Club President, Spanish
Club Secretary, Vice President, Acting Committee Chairman. My involvement in these
diverse roles allowed me to develop strong organizational and interpersonal skills,
enabling me to effectively lead and contribute to various projects, conferences, and
philanthropic initiatives within my previous school.
As I reflect on my educational journey, I cannot help but express profound gratitude for
the opportunities I have had while studying in a public school. Being spared from the
financial burden of transportation fares and tuition fees has enabled me to direct my
focus solely on academics, organizational work, and personal development. Now, with
the opportunity to study at a prestigious university, I am more determined than ever to
not let this invaluable chance slip away.

I must candidly admit that my family is currently facing financial constraints, which could
potentially hinder my pursuit of higher education. However, amidst that circumstance,
the Tuition Assistance Program holds immense significance for me and my family. The
prospect of receiving this scholarship would be nothing but a blessing and life-changing
opportunity. It would not only alleviate the burden of worrying about tuition fees and
other related expenses, but it would also grant me the freedom to wholeheartedly focus
on my academic journey without constantly being preoccupied with financial concerns.
With this invaluable financial support, I can take steady steps towards my ultimate goal
of pursuing a degree in medicine after completing my undergraduate studies. Receiving
this scholarship would not only bring me closer to realizing this dream, but it would also
reaffirm my commitment to academic excellence and personal growth.

In conclusion, the Tuition Assistance Program Scholarship from Far Eastern University
would be a transformative experience that would not only open doors for my future but
also instill in me a profound sense of gratitude and responsibility. With the university’s
vision, in the company of fortitude, excellence, and uprightness as my guiding beacons,
I am eager to make the most of this opportunity, striving to excel in my studies
embracing the journey ahead with enthusiasm and dedication.

I sincerely hope that my aspirations and genuine intent resonate with the values and
goals of the Tuition Assistance Program. Your positive response would not only be a
validation of my hard work and dedication but also a beacon of hope for my family and

Thank you for considering my application, and I eagerly await the possibility of joining
the esteemed community of scholars at Far Eastern University.

With profound gratitude and warm regards,

Lovigail B. Panotes

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