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The Easiness Of Today’s Life For Young Generation

Whether life is easier for young people today than in the past or not has been a debate topic
for decades. While some believe that it is much easier now with regard to the convenience of life,
others believe that every new day brings about a new challenge with which people living in the past
do not have to deal. I strongly agree that life is easier for young people today compared to the past.

Firstly, the quality of education has greatly increased compared to the past. Previously,
education was based on lectures and books; therefore, learning something used to take time while
looking through books. However, with the great development of technology, today’s generation has
unlimited access to information within seconds thanks to the Internet. Consequently, it can be said
that people living in the past could not get the same quality of education in contrast to today’s

Secondly, the relationships between the old generations were much harder in the past.
There was not mutual trust since the conditions of life were harder, people had to make a living
somehow. Therefore, to earn one’s keep, cheating and lying were common in many fields of life, and
it was hard to understand these due to the ignorance of people.

On the other hand, the opponents claim that earning money was easier in the past because
of the requirements of a job, and population. However, it is a clear fact that life is much easier today
with regard to money. Even if there were less population, and the qualifications which employers
are looking for a job were basic skills, right now, there are much more job opportunities for every
unique individual. Also, in the past, since there were not many opportunities to improve oneself,
employment cannot be compared to the current one.

In conclusion, although many people claim that life is harder when we think about the
previous generations, in today’s world, the quality of life has been inevitably increasing in all aspects
such as education, relationships, and money. Taking all of those into consideration, it cannot be
denied that life is a lot easier for young people than in the past.

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