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Smarter Than Humankind

In today’s world, technology is tremendously developing day by day, and every new

day brings about new advancements. The concept ‘smart city’ is one of these innovations that

you must know to catch up with the new world. Costa and Oliveaira (2021) state that thanks

to a widespread perspective, many urban issues can be solved to make cities smarter and

more efficient. With the help of technological infrastructures, cities can be more habitable

because the smart city requires control over the city and its citizens. It may sound beneficial

for humankind; however, it cannot be denied that smart cities may seriously harm democracy

by restricting the freedom of humans.

When a smart city is established, sensors and cameras are used throughout to city in

order to provide security. For instance, “cars can be directed to the available parking places;

ambulances can be rerouted, avoiding congested zones; unnecessary consumption of energy

can be reduced or prevented; citizens can be warned in advance regarding environmental

conditions, and so forth” (Costa & Oliveira, 2021). In other words, the government can watch

and control nearly every movement of people. Additionally, the systems that are used in

smart cities can collect various data for each person living in the city. It may not sound

harmful at first because this data is actually intended to be used for the well-being of society.

For example, the location or the interests of a person can be reached by these systems, and

they can be used for the prediction of future location or wishes of an individual thanks to

artificial intelligence (Green, 2019). When this viewpoint is taken into consideration, smart

cities can increase the quality of people’s lives in terms of many ways.

On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that serious social problems may arise

because of the vast amount of data sharing. While the systems that a smart city uses can reach

people’s private data, it cannot be assured that this data will not be shared with third parties.
Even there is a possibility that the data can be stolen because the Internet is an infinite source

that many people do have access to. Although the intention of a system is not dangerous,

when the data is shared with others, or when it is stolen, it may be used for unfavourable

plans, and in the end, there may be nobody to accuse of these undesirable actions.

Furthermore, Green (2019) suggests that if smart city infrastructure is completed, there will

be no way to keep away from being watched and control. It is claimed that the smart city

concept is for everyone’s well-being. However, it is quite possible that there may be some

people who oppose smart city systems, but, unfortunately, they will not be able to avoid them

because the infrastructure is for the whole city. Even if they do not support it, they will be

tracked wherever they go and whatever they do. Moreover, the situation is worse for the poor

because they tend to be followed and watched more than the others. For instance, when a

person does not want to be tracked, he or she can deactivate the Wi-Fi systems given by the

government so that his or her data cannot be shared anymore. Nevertheless, every person

does not have a chance to do this because everyone may not have personal Wi-Fi, and they

may have to use the government system. For this reason, they will be much more vulnerable

to tracking by the government. According to Green (2019), this vulnerability of the poor can

create a new social system where the upper class can have options to be or not to be tracked,

but the poor do not have any chance rather than complying with the system given, which can

lead to greater issues in the future.

All in all, a smart city is a new concept trying to provide a better living place for

individuals with regard to many aspects of life. It is an undeniable fact that it may make

individuals’ lives much easier and more qualified when it is properly established. However, it

is also true that it brings about many problems, especially regarding security. Therefore,

while trying to increase the quality of life, a smart city can cause bigger problems such as
class distinction. Consequently, smart cities that can restrict the free will of individuals do not

seem to be a good choice, and it should be thought twice before building a smart city.


Costa, E. M., & Oliveira, Á, D, (2021). Humane Smart Cities. ENG 101 Course Booklet

Reading, Listening & Speaking. 75-83.

Green, B., (2019). The Responsible City: Avoiding Technology’s Undemocratic Social

Contracts. ENG 101 Course Booklet Reading, Listening & Speaking. 45-52.

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