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Institution Name: GCUL

Course Number:Terrorism Economics

Instructor: Sir Hassam Waheed

Due date:15/10/2023
Counter terrorism policy of Spain and its impact on socioeconomic spectrum of


Spain has a long history of dealing with terrorism, primarily from the
Basque separatist group ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna), which officially disbanded
in 2018. However, there are also concerns about international terrorism,
including the threat posed by jihadist groups
It's important to note that the impact of counter-terrorism policy on the
overall socioeconomic spectrum is complex and multifaceted. While security
measures are essential for ensuring the safety of citizens, finding a balance
between security and safeguarding civil liberties while minimizing economic and
social disruptions is a challenging task for any nation, including Spain. For the
most up-to-date information on Spain's counter-terrorism policies and their
impact, it is advisable to refer to recent reports and analyse

2021 Terrorist Incidents: On September 14, a Moroccan national

drove a vehicle into a crowd of people outside a restaurant, killing one bystander
and injuring two others, before stabbing himself to death. Notes left by the
perpetrator suggesting premeditation caused the Guardia Civil to investigate the
crash as a potential terrorist incident.
 Legal Framework: Spain has enacted several legal measures to combat
terrorism, including the Organic Law 4/2015, which addresses terrorism-
related offenses, and the use of specialized courts, such as the Audiencia
Nacional, to handle terrorism cases.
 International Cooperation: Spain collaborates with international partners
and organizations, such as the European Union and Interpol, to share
intelligence and enhance its counter-terrorism efforts.

 Law Enforcement: Spanish law enforcement agencies, including the

National Police and the Civil Guard, play a crucial role in counter-terrorism
efforts by monitoring and investigating potential threats.

 De-radicalization Programs: Spain has implemented programs to

rehabilitate and de-radicalize individuals involved in terrorism or
susceptible to extremist ideologies.

Impact on the Socioeconomic Spectrum:

 Economic Costs: Terrorism can have a significant economic impact on a

nation. Spain experienced this during the ETA years, with bombings,
extortion, and other acts of violence causing economic damage. Counter-
terrorism measures also come with a financial cost, including funding for
law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and security infrastructure.
 Tourism Industry: Spain's economy heavily relies on tourism. Terrorist
incidents or the perception of an increased terrorist threat can deter
tourists, resulting in economic losses for the country.

 Social Cohesion: Terrorism can undermine social cohesion and create fear
and mistrust within society. This can affect the overall socioeconomic
environment by eroding trust in institutions and reducing community

 Investment and Business Environment: A stable and secure environment is

essential for attracting foreign investment and maintaining a healthy
business climate. Persistent terrorism threats can deter investors and harm
economic development.

 Government Spending: The government may allocate significant resources

to counter-terrorism efforts, which can impact public spending on other
critical sectors like education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

 Migration and Border Control: In response to the threat of international

terrorism, Spain has also focused on border control and managing
migration flows. These policies can have implications for the socioeconomic
landscape, including labor markets and social services.
o Ricardo Reeser. "Spanish Counter-Terrorism: Strategy, Law, and the
Basque Exception" - A book that explores Spain's counter-terrorism
policies, with a focus on its experience dealing with ETA.
o Montserrat Castellanos, Carola García-Calvo, & Manuel R.
Torres. "Spanish Counter-Terrorism in Comparative Perspective: The
Case of ETA" - An academic article that provides an analysis of
Spain's counter-terrorism approach in the context of the ETA conflict.
o Daniel S. Leon. "Spain's Struggle with ETA: Counter-Terrorism and
the Rule of Law" - A book that delves into Spain's efforts to combat
ETA and the legal and ethical issues involved.
o Luis de la Corte Ibáñez & Anna Clot-Garrell. "Counter-terrorism
in Spain: Policies and challenges" - An academic paper that discusses
Spain's counter-terrorism policies, including its response to jihadist
o European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-
SAT) - Produced by Europol, this annual report provides an overview
of terrorism trends in the European Union, including Spain.
o Spanish National Police and Civil Guard Reports - These official
reports may provide insights into Spain's counter-terrorism efforts and
their impact.
o Spanish Government's Official Documents - The Spanish
government publishes various documents related to counter-terrorism
strategies and policies, which can often be found on official
government websites.
o Reports by Think Tanks and Research Institutes - Organizations
such as the Real Instituto Elcano and the Barcelona Centre for
International Affairs (CIDOB) often publish research on Spain's
counter-terrorism policies.
o News and Media Outlets - Contemporary news articles and reports
from reputable news sources can also provide insights into Spain's
current counter-terrorism efforts.

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