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ESS learner portfolio

| |
| +-------------------+ |
| | Sunlight | |
| | | |
| +-------------------+ |
| | |
| | |
| v |
| +------------------+ |
| | Chloroplasts | |
| | <---------------------+
| | |
| +------------------+
| |
| v
| +------------------+
| | Stomata |
| | |
| +------------------+
| |
| v
| +------------------+
| | Xylem |
| | |
| +------------------+
| |
| v
| +------------------+
| | Phloem |
| | |
| +------------------+
| |
| v
| +------------------+
| | Mesophyll |
| | |
| +------------------+
| |
| v
| +------------------+
| | Epidermis |
| | |
| +------------------+
| |

- Sunlight: Input of light energy from the sun.
- Chloroplasts: Organelles responsible for photosynthesis.
- Stomata: Small openings on the leaf surface for gas exchange (CO2 in, O2 out).
- Xylem: Vascular tissue responsible for transporting water and nutrients from the roots.
- Phloem: Vascular tissue responsible for transporting sugars produced in photosynthesis.
- Mesophyll: The tissue where photosynthesis primarily occurs.
- Epidermis: The outermost layer of the leaf, serving as a protective barrier.

Arrows represent the flow of materials, energy, or information. For example, sunlight
energy is absorbed by chloroplasts, water and nutrients flow through the xylem, and sugars
move through the phloem.

Title: Predator-Prey Population Dynamics: An Experimental Simulation

Hypothesis: If the reproductive rate of the prey is increased, then the predator population
will also increase to maintain equilibrium in the ecosystem.


1. Acceptance or Rejection of Hypothesis:

• We accept the hypothesis that if the reproductive rate of the prey is increased,
then the predator population will also increase to maintain equilibrium in the
2. Explanation of Experiment Outcomes:

• During the simulation, we adjusted several variables, including the

reproductive rates of both the prey and predator, as well as the number of prey
eaten by predators. The following observations were made:

• When the reproductive rate of the prey was increased:

• Initially, the prey population showed a rapid increase.

• As the prey population grew, it provided more food for the predator

• Consequently, the predator population also increased, following the

abundance of prey.
• This increase in predator population led to a subsequent decrease in the prey
population, as predators consumed more prey.

• The experiment demonstrated that the predator population responded to

changes in the prey population, as expected. When prey became more abundant, the
predator population increased to capitalize on the available food source. However,
this increase in predation pressure led to a decline in the prey population, ultimately
regulating the ecosystem.

3. Application to Real-Life Populations and Predator-Prey Cycles:

• The simulation provides valuable insights into real-life predator-prey dynamics

and population cycles. In natural ecosystems, the interaction between predators and
prey plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance.

• Energy flows through ecosystems as prey are consumed by predators, and this
energy transfer is essential for the survival and reproduction of both species.
Equilibrium in predator-prey populations is vital for the stability of ecosystems.

• Feedback mechanisms, as observed in the simulation, help prevent extreme

fluctuations in populations. When prey populations surge, predators respond by
increasing their numbers, which eventually leads to a decrease in prey numbers. This
decrease in prey numbers, in turn, allows the prey population to recover.

• These predator-prey cycles are critical for maintaining biodiversity and

ecosystem services. For example, predators help control herbivore populations,
preventing overgrazing and habitat degradation.

In conclusion, the simulation experiment confirms the hypothesis that changes in

prey reproductive rates influence predator populations, highlighting the delicate
balance of nature. Understanding these dynamics is essential for ecological
conservation and management, emphasizing the importance of maintaining healthy
predator-prey relationships in natural ecosystems.

Anaerobic -

Growth of algae, algae bloom.

Organic matter

Dissolved oxygen –
Zoo plankton

The oxygen levels might increase

They are also getting elevated oxygen levels
Digesting the nutrients and bacteria’s
Algae will also die.
A huge deficit of oxygen
Aquatic oxygen go down the animals die


BOD – biological oxygen demand.


Conifers trees

Cold dessert – le Ladakh

Coral ecosystem

Ecotone – toning the forest or the grassland – slow change – gradual – gradient

Niche partition when two closely related species of different species chose to avoid
competition by feeding at different levels of a habitat.

No two species can have the same ecological niche.



WW2 study in TOK.

Iran/ Iraq war

The Water cell

This can be differentiating occurrence between the said and the unsaid
Organic farming, when defined in terms of Environmental Systems and Societies
(ESS), refers to a holistic and sustainable approach to agriculture that considers the
interactions between environmental systems and human societies. In this context,
organic farming can be defined as:

"Organic farming is an agricultural practice that prioritizes the integration of

ecological principles and societal well-being. It emphasizes the use of natural
processes and resources to cultivate crops and raise livestock while minimizing the
negative environmental impacts associated with conventional agriculture. Organic
farming aims to enhance ecosystem health, promote biodiversity, conserve natural
resources, reduce the use of synthetic chemicals, and support the social and
economic sustainability of local communities."

This definition highlights the interconnectedness between organic farming and the
environment (ecological principles, biodiversity, natural resource conservation) and
the positive impacts on society (social and economic sustainability, reduced chemical
use). It underscores the role of organic farming in addressing environmental
challenges and contributing to the well-being of human societies within the
framework of ESS.

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