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Arce, Ma. Isabella B.

ABM 12 – B

Implementing a No Private Transport Policy for Two Days a Week in Metro


Metro Manila's traffic congestion causes daily problems for transportation

users and affects economic growth. To reduce the problem, implementing a no
private transport policy for two days a week along major highways in Metro Manila
should be promoted.

Eighty percent of vehicles in our major highways are private modes of

transport. The heavy usage of personal vehicles worsens traffic congestion, air
pollution, and time waste for everyone. Temporary restrictions on private
transportation can encourage public transport, carpooling, and cycling. This
approach would reduce traffic and promote environmental sustainability.

The volume of traffic is heavy from Mondays to Saturdays. Implementing the

no private transport policy for two days a week can help distribute the traffic load
more evenly, making it easier for commuters to get to their destinations on the
remaining days. There are also several public works projects in these major
highways. Private vehicles on major highways delay development, risking workers
and delaying projects. By limiting private transport, we can continue these necessary
projects and improve road conditions faster. Some say that these rules could
inconvenience private vehicle owners and reduce their level of freedom. The
inconvenience is little compared to the long-term benefits of less traffic, improved air
quality, and faster infrastructure development.

In conclusion, two days a week no-private-transport regulation on Metro

Manila's major highways might reduce traffic, promote sustainability, and speed up
infrastructure development. The short-term difficulties can be justified by the long-
term benefits for our city and its citizens. We must work together to improve Metro
Manila's efficiency and safety.

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