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Group or team activities can teach more important skills for life than those activities which are

done alone. Do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

The tasks that we undertake collectively have profound effect in enhancing our personality and skillset as
compared to solo pursuits. I vehemently agree with this notion as not only it gets the job done easily but
also teaches the important skill of collaboration required in every aspect of our lives especially in this
contemporary era.

At the outset, for any task to be completed efficiently it must have necessary resources available at its
disposable and abundance of such resources and their proficient usage yields better and timely gains. A
team is a group of likeminded people in same boat working towards collective goal and they are able to
achieve better and faster results than one person striving for same goal. That is because, tasks and duties
are divided among all team members which reduces stress resulting in maximum efficiency and

Subsequently, collaborating with others allows individuals to tap into a diverse range of skills,
knowledge, and perspectives, leading to innovative solutions and improved outcomes. By pooling
resources and working together towards a common goal, team members can leverage their collective
strengths and overcome challenges more effectively. Moreover, teamwork fosters a sense of shared
responsibility, accountability, and motivation, ensuring that everyone remains focused and committed to
achieving the desired results. Ali Baba an e commerce platform was founded by Jack Ma in 1999 and by
2018 he was the richest person in the world and he dedicated his meteoric rise to team work and
collaboration. When asked how was he able to achieve it all so quickly he simply replied “I had the best

In crux, in this fast-paced and interconnected world, teamwork is essential for success, as it maximizes
efficiency, productivity, and overall effectiveness.

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