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The Science of Sound has gone all the way from a mere transfer of energy to the creation of tunes and music.

In the field of geology and oceanography, sound is used to determine depths.

The health sciences are also using sound for medical purposes.

Some animals are dependent on sound for movement.

The newest focus of sound science is on ecology where ecological patterns and phenomena are predicted based on

A loud explosive sound is heard on the ground and is called a sonic boom. The aircraft that does this is usually called

Sound Propagation

Sound propagates and travels through air.

Transverse waves cause the medium to move perpendicular to the direction of the wave. Longitudinal waves cause the
medium to move parallel to the direction of the wave.
Reflection of Sound

Reflection is usually described as the turning back of a wave as it hits a barrier.

Echo is an example of a reflected sound.

Reverberation on the other hand refers to the multiple reflections or echoes in a certain place.

Echo sounding is another application of sound reflection. This is used by scientists to map the sea floor and to determine
the depth of the ocean or sea.

Refraction of Sound

Sound is heard better in far areas during nighttime than during daytime. This happens due to what is known as

Refraction is described as the change in speed of sound when it encounters a medium of different density.


The Science of Light has gone all the way from a mere transfer of energy to the creation of colors for entertainment and
other purposes.

Most of our gadgets are light emitting for efficiency when used at night.

In the field of medicine light is used to cut through the skin for surgery as in laparoscopy. The health sciences are also
using light for other medical purposes.

Refraction of Light
Apparent depth is the illusion that objects under the water appear to be nearer the surface than they really are.

This phenomenon is a consequence of the bending of light when light traverses the air-water boundary.

Light exhibits the characteristics and properties of a wave. It is classified as an electromagnetic wave located between
the spectrum of infrared and ultraviolet.

A known indicator of the optical density of a material is the index of refraction of the material.

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