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Thermal Expansion, the Working Principle of the Mercury Thermometer

When the bulb is placed in cold water, the liquid contracts and so it goes down the tube. In physics, this is called thermal
expansion, another effect of heat transfer.

Another change that may occur when heat is added to or taken out from an object is phase change. For example, water
can change from solid (ice) to liquid (water) or from liquid to gas (steam).

Figure 5. The graph shows that the ice absorbs heat as evidenced by the temperature rise; the temperature remains the
same when ice starts to melt and until all the ice has melted; then the temperature rises again until water boils.

The amount of heat needed by a material to increase its temperature by a degree is called heat capacity (C). To be more
specific, the term specific heat capacity (c) is used, and this refers to the amount of heat required to increase the
temperature of one unit mass of a given material by one Celsius degree.

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