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1. People as social animals have behavior and personalities shaped by groups.

2. According to famous poet, John Donne, as quoted, “No man is an island, entire of
itself; every man is a part of the continent, a part of the main.”
3. Group is a unit of people who interact with some regularity and identify themselves
as a unit.
4. In an aggregate, people do not interact and do not feel any shared sense of
5. Primary group is a type of group where members have direct access and interaction
with each other.
6. Out-groups are groups where an individual is not a member.
7. Reference groups are groups that provide a person with a set of standards to check
against and to know if one is doing well or where he or she needs improvement.
8. This is the entirety of social connections an individual takes part in for whatever
purpose (economic, political, etc.) and through whatever means (face-to-face
interaction, virtual, indirect, etc.) Networks
9. Family is the most important social unit in which socialization takes place.
10. Kinship is a network of relatives within which an individual possesses certain mutual
rights and obligations.
11. In a patrilineal descent, children are automatically made members of the father’s
group only.
12. In a matrilineal descent, children are automatically made members of the mother’s
group only.
13. In a Bilateral descent, children can interact with both the members of his or her
parents’ families.
14. Polygyny is often practiced in societies where women outnumber men in the
population. It often occurs in societies with a high incidence of war and violence.
15. Polyandry refers to the condition when a woman is married to more than one man
simultaneously. It is defined as a bond of one woman to more than one man. This is
often practiced so that there may be enough labor for the household that engages in
farming, herding, and trading that are simultaneously done. It happens when two
men are socially recognized as sires (king or lord) and provide some investment to
the same woman and her child.
16. Polygamy occurs when one individual has multiple spouses.
17. The godparenthood complex. Compadrinazgo
18. Ritual linkage between godparents and godchildren. Pandrinazgo
19. Ritual ties binding adults in godparenthood. Compadrazgo
20. Usual purpose of godparenting. To establish link/connection

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