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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Julie R. Ingelfinger, M.D., Editor

Mast Cells, Mastocytosis, and Related

Theoharis C. Theoharides, Ph.D., M.D., Peter Valent, M.D., and Cem Akin, M.D., Ph.D.​​

ast cells, which are present in most tissues, mature in situ from From the Molecular Immunopharmacol-
hematopoietic progenitors and acquire unique features of local effector cells. ogy and Drug Discovery Laboratory, De-
partment of Integrative Physiology and
These features vary, depending on the tissue microenvironment. This article Pathobiology, and Department of Inter-
provides an overview of recent developments concerning the physiology and pathobiol- nal Medicine, Tufts University School of
ogy of mast cells. We discuss current diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to mast- Medicine, Tufts Medical Center (T.C.T.),
and Mastocytosis Center, Brigham and
cell disorders, with an emphasis on mastocytosis. Women’s Hospital, Department of Medi-
cine, Harvard Medical School (C.A.) —
both in Boston; and the Department of
Ph ysiol o gy a nd Pathoph ysiol o gy of M a s t Cel l s Internal Medicine I, Division of Hematol-
ogy and Hemostaseology and Ludwig
Mast cells develop from hematopoietic progenitors in response to stem-cell factor (KIT Boltzmann Cluster Oncology, Medical
ligand), which is the ligand of the CD117 transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor, University of Vienna, Vienna (P.V.). Ad-
dress reprint requests to Dr. Theoharides
encoded by KIT. CD117 regulates the growth, migration, survival, and effector func- at the Department of Integrative Physiol-
tions of mast cells. Progenitors subsequently migrate from the blood into various tis- ogy and Pathobiology, Tufts University
sues, including the skin, lungs, and mucosal interfaces, where they acquire their tissue- School of Medicine, 136 Harrison Ave.,
Suite J304, Boston, MA 02111, or at
specific phenotype. The phenotype is influenced by the local microenvironment, ­theoharis​.­theoharides@​­tufts​.­edu.
especially blood vessels and nerve endings.1
N Engl J Med 2015;373:163-72.
Mast cells, which are major effector cells of allergic reactions, are activated through DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1409760
exposure to an antigen (allergen) that cross-links allergen-specific IgE, which is al- Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society.

ready bound to the high-affinity Fc epsilon receptor 1 (FcεRI).2 Mast cells can also be
activated by many other triggers (Fig. 1), including anaphylatoxins (C3a and C5a), ag-
gregated IgG, certain drugs, venoms, and physical stimuli (pressure and temperature
changes), as well as cytokines and neuropeptides such as corticotropin-releasing hor-
mone, neurotensin,3 stem-cell factor,4 and substance P5,6 (Fig. S1 in the Supplementary
Appendix, available with the full text of this article at Mast cells express
receptors for diverse ligands,7 including toll-like receptors that can be activated by
bacterial and viral products.8 Mast-cell activation can be enhanced by stem-cell factor
and interleukin-33, which augment allergic activation9 and, in synergy with substance
P, induce the release of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).5 Stem-cell factor
and interleukin-33 act as “sensors of cell injury.”10 Interleukin-33 requires costimula-
tion with stem-cell factor for maximal cytokine release.11
A video
Allergic activation of mast cells leads to degranulation (see the video, and Fig. S2 showing real-
in the Supplementary Appendix) and secretion of numerous vasoactive and proinflam- time activation
matory mediators that are thought to contribute to the multiple symptoms observed of a mast cell
in patients (Fig. 1).6 Preformed molecules stored in secretory granules include hista- is available at
mine, serotonin, proteases (e.g., tryptase, chymase, and carboxypeptidase), and tumor
necrosis factor (TNF)12; TNF then participates in T-cell activation.13 In addition, mast
cells secrete mitochondrial DNA, which carries out autocrine and paracrine stimula-
tory actions.14 Mast cells also release exosomes15 that are considered to be capable of
delivering DNA and microRNAs to other cell types.16 Mast cells release newly synthe-
sized leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and platelet-activating factor, as well as many cy-
tokines (including interleukin-6, interleukin-9, interleukin-13, and TNF) and chemo-
kines (CXCL8, CCL2, and CCL5). Experimental data show that mast cell–derived
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Mast-Cell Activators
Allergens, bacteria, cytokines, drugs,
fungi, peptides, toxins, and viruses

Cardiovascular CRH, chymase, Systemic

histamine, interleukin-6, CRH, histamine,
Hypotension PAF, renin, TNF, tryptase interleukin-6, TNF Fatigue
Syncope or near syncope Generalized malaise
Light-headedness Mast cells Weight loss

Cutaneous CRH, histamine, interleukin-6, Respiratory

interleukin-8, interleukin-33, Histamine, interleukin-6, Nasal congestion
Flushing PAF, PGD2, TNF, tryptase CysLTs, PAF, PGD2
Pruritus Nasal pruritus
Urticaria Shortness of breath
Angioedema Throat swelling
CRH, histamine, Wheezing
interleukin-6, neurotensin,
CRH, histamine,
PAF, PGD2, serotonin, TNF, interleukin-6, neurotensin,
tryptase, VIP PAF, PGD2, TNF

Digestive PGD2, RANKL, Neurologic
TNF, tryptase
Abdominal cramps Anxiety
Diarrhea Depression
Esophageal reflux Decreased concentration
Nausea and vomiting Musculoskeletal and memory
Aches Migraines
Bone pain

Figure 1. Clinically Relevant Mediators Released from Mast Cells and Putative Effects.
The most clinically relevant mediators released from mast cells, the corresponding organs and systems, and potential associated symp-
toms are shown. CRH denotes corticotropin-releasing hormone, CysLTs cysteinyl leukotrienes, PAF platelet-activating factor, PGD2 pros-
taglandin D2, RANKL receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand, TNF tumor necrosis factor, and VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide.

interleukin-6 and transforming growth factor β this hormone.23 Even though neuropsychiatric
can induce the development of Th-17 cells through symptoms appear to be more common in patients
dendritic-cell maturation.17 Furthermore, interleu- with mastocytosis than in the general population,24
kin-17 is secreted by mast cells themselves.18 the exact contribution of mast cells in the brain
Mast cells can secrete some mediators selec- remains elusive.
tively.19 For example, one study20 showed that they Taken together, available data suggest that mast
secrete interleukin-6 in response to interleukin-1; cells are capable of releasing a panoply of mole-
another study21 showed that they secrete VEGF in cules that may participate in many physiologic and
response to corticotropin-releasing hormone. Cor- pathologic processes such as innate immunity,1
ticotropin-releasing hormone acts synergistically autoimmunity,25 and neuroinflammation,6 but they
with neurotensin to augment VEGF release, in- may also have immunomodulatory26 and antimi-
creasing skin vascular permeability.3 crobial8 functions.
Emotional stress is the most common trigger of
symptoms in patients with systemic mastocyto- M a s t Cel l s a nd Hum a n
sis.22 The mechanism is incompletely delineated, Disor der s
though some data suggest that corticotropin-re-
leasing hormone, secreted under stress, activates The diagnosis and treatment of mast-cell disorders
mast cells. For example, one patient whose symp- are challenging because of the complexity of the
toms worsened with stress had elevated serum symptom profile and the frequent presence of co-
corticotropin-releasing hormone levels, and her existing conditions in patients with these disorders
bone marrow mast cells expressed receptors for (Table 1). Symptoms that have been associated

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Mast Cells, Mastocytosis, and Related Disorders

with mast-cell disorders are protean and include Table 1. Conditions That Can Mimic Mast-Cell
flushing, hives, urticaria, angioedema, itching, Disorders.
nasal congestion, shortness of breath, chest tight-
Cardiac conditions
ness,27 tachycardia, hypotension or hypertension,
fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, osteoporosis, nau- Coronary hypersensitivity (the Kounis syndrome)*
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
sea, vomiting, diarrhea,28 migraines, and neuro-
Endocrine conditions
logic problems29 such as difficulty concentrating,
loss of memory,30 and other neuropsychiatric is- Fibromyalgia
Parathyroid tumor
sues24 (Fig. 1). Pheochromocytoma
Traditionally, mast cells were considered to be Carcinoid syndrome
reactive to a variety of external factors such as al- Digestive conditions
lergens or other inflammatory or physical stimuli. Adverse reaction to food*
However, knowledge of a more active role of mast Eosinophilic esophagitis*
cells has emerged, largely owing to observations in Eosinophilic gastroenteritis*
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
patients with disorders that involve clonal expan- Gluten enteropathy
sion of mast cells in the bone marrow. In particu- Irritable bowel syndrome
lar, anaphylaxis to stings from insects of the order Vasoactive intestinal peptide–secreting tumor
Hymenoptera and episodes of idiopathic anaphy- Immunologic conditions
laxis appear more likely to develop in patients with Autoinflammatory disorders such as deficiency of inter-
systemic mastocytosis (see below) than in the leukin-1–receptor antagonist*
Familial hyper-IgE syndrome
general population.31-33 Vasculitis*
Sensitive assays to detect KIT mutations and to
Neurologic and psychiatric conditions
characterize the mast-cell phenotype by means of
flow cytometry and immunohistochemical analy- Anxiety
Chronic fatigue syndrome
sis34 have been used to identify a subgroup of pa- Depression
tients who previously had received a diagnosis of Headaches
idiopathic anaphylaxis, and these assays have re- Mixed organic brain syndrome
Somatization disorder
vealed evidence of clonal mast-cell populations in Autonomic dysfunction
their bone marrow.33 Such associations suggest Multiple sclerosis
that intrinsic (molecular) defects in mast cells may Skin conditions
regulate susceptibility to anaphylaxis. The magni- Angioedema*
tude of response to IgE-dependent stimuli may be Atopic dermatitis*
greater when the burden of mast cells in such pa- Chronic urticaria*
tients is high. However, since there is not a direct
correlation between the mast-cell burden and the * Localized mast-cell activation can occur.
actual risk of anaphylaxis,32,35 there may be addi-
tional explanations. (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix) and
It is not known how the presence of clonally those defined by mast-cell activation. An individual
expanded mast cells might lead to increased sus- patient may have evidence of both a clonal mast-
ceptibility to anaphylactic reactions to certain trig- cell disorder and coexisting mast-cell activation.
gers, such as hymenoptera venom. Perhaps perivas-
cular mast cells can rapidly deliver vasoactive Pr im a r y Cl ona l M a s t- Cel l
mediators into the intravascular compartment, Disor der s
venom may have direct effects on clonal mast cells,
or dysregulated signal-transduction pathways Mastocytosis is defined by abnormal clonal mast-
downstream of mutant KIT molecules may be in- cell expansion and accumulation in various tissues,
volved in mast-cell activation. such as the bone marrow and skin.36 The World
Various disorders are associated with an in- Health Organization (WHO) classification of mas-
creased number of mast cells, activation of mast tocytosis includes seven different categories (Table
cells, or both. On the basis of clinical findings, as S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). The actual
well as on the histologic features and clonality of prevalence of mastocytosis is unknown, but an
mast cells, these disorders are broadly divided into estimate from a recent population-based study is
those defined by expansion of clonal mast cells approximately 1 case per 10,000 persons.37

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Cutaneous Mastocytosis tes, malabsorption, cytopenias, and large osteo-

The most common form of mastocytosis in chil- lytic lesions with pathologic fractures may ulti-
dren, cutaneous mastocytosis, is diagnosed in the mately develop in these patients. Patients with
first years of life. It is commonly characterized by systemic mastocytosis and associated hematologic
multiple hyperpigmented macular or maculopapu- disease often have evidence of an additional myelo-
lar lesions that become urticarial when rubbed or proliferative or myelodysplastic syndrome. The di-
scratched (Darier’s sign).38 In most children with agnosis of mast-cell leukemia is based on the
cutaneous mastocytosis, the condition resolves or presence of more than 20% atypical mast cells in
improves by puberty. Three major variants of cuta- bone marrow–aspirate smears or more than 10%
neous mastocytosis have been defined — maculo- immature mast cells in the peripheral blood; bone
papular mastocytosis (also termed urticaria pig- marrow–biopsy specimens typically show a high-
mentosa), diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis, and grade involvement (>50%) of the medullary space
mastocytoma of skin38 (Table S1 in the Supplemen- with sheets of atypical mast cells.
tary Appendix). Almost all patients with indolent systemic mas-
Patients with cutaneous mastocytosis do not tocytosis and approximately 80% of all patients
fulfill the criteria for the diagnosis of systemic with systemic mastocytosis have a somatic “gain-
mastocytosis.39 However, cutaneous mastocytosis of-function” mutation in KIT, most commonly in
is occasionally associated with symptoms such as codon 816 (D816V), where a valine is substituted
gastrointestinal cramping or anaphylaxis, even in for an aspartate.44,45 The D816V mutation renders
the absence of disease involving the bone mar- KIT constitutively active, independent of stem-cell
row.40 Such symptoms are generally triggered by factor, resulting in autophosphorylation, which
physical irritation of the involved skin or by stress leads to autonomous mast-cell differentiation and
or exercise. They may also occur in association survival. The mutated KIT allele burden correlates
with fever. with the subtype of systemic mastocytosis.44 How-
Cutaneous mastocytosis is associated with ever, progression from indolent systemic mastocy-
gain-of-function KIT mutations in approximately tosis to more aggressive forms is rare.
60 to 80% of cases.41 Children with typical cutane- In a given patient, the KIT mutation may be
ous lesions usually do not require a bone marrow restricted to mast cells or it may be present in
biopsy if hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, other hematologic lineages,46 in which case it is
or peripheral-blood abnormalities are absent42; regarded as a risk factor for progression.47 Muta-
however, systemic mastocytosis often is present in tions in addition to KIT D816V may be present in
adults with skin lesions. In contrast, skin lesions other genes such as TET2 (tet methylcytosine di-
may be absent in many patients with aggressive oxygenase 2) or ASXL1 (additional sex combs–like
systemic disease. 1), but their contribution to the pathogenesis of
disease is not clear.
Systemic Mastocytosis
The categories of systemic mastocytosis, which is M a s t- Cel l Ac t i vat ion
characterized by mast-cell infiltration of various
internal organs (most commonly bone marrow), Patients with increased numbers of mast cells, as
are indolent mastocytosis, aggressive mastocyto- is the case in systemic mastocytosis, may not al-
sis, mastocytosis associated with a hematologic ways have symptoms of mast-cell activation. Con-
non–mast-cell-lineage disease,39 and mast-cell leu- versely, mast-cell activation is often seen in patients
kemia (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). in whom the mast-cell burden is normal, as in
Among patients with indolent systemic mastocyto- patients with allergic rhinitis48 or those presenting
sis, which is the most common variant, life expec- with anaphylaxis in whom serum tryptase levels
tancy is similar to that in the general population.43 reportedly increase during the attack but later re-
Most such patients have mast-cell mediator–related turn to normal values.49 However, mast-cell activa-
symptoms. tion and severe anaphylactic reactions are more
Aggressive systemic mastocytosis, which is common in patients with systemic mastocytosis
characterized by specific tissue damage associated than in healthy controls. The symptoms may be
with mast cells, is most commonly identified in subtle in a patient who has a less severe form of
the bone marrow, liver, gastrointestinal tract, mast-cell activation. Serum tryptase levels that
and cortical bone. Portal hypertension and asci- increase by 20% above the baseline level plus an

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Mast Cells, Mastocytosis, and Related Disorders

additional 2 ng per milliliter if measured within (Fig. 3B), or both in an extracutaneous organ, com-
4 hours after the onset of the acute event suggest monly the bone marrow.39 Minor criteria include
mast-cell involvement. Other mast-cell mediators abnormal morphologic features of mast cells
such as the urinary histamine metabolites and (e.g., spindle shapes with cytoplasmic projections
11-β-prostaglandin F2α (11β-PGF2α) may be poten- and sometimes bilobed and multilobed nuclei),
tial biomarkers of mast-cell activation, since these the presence of the KIT D816V mutation, expres-
are increased with mast-cell activation.50 sion of CD2 or CD25 on mast cells (Fig. 3B), and
In some patients with primary severe mast-cell an increased basal serum tryptase level (≥20 ng
activation, there is evidence of mast-cell clonality (a per milliliter).39
KIT mutation or CD25+ mast cells) that may fulfill A bone marrow biopsy, which should be consid-
the diagnostic criteria for systemic mastocyto- ered in all adult patients with typical skin lesions
sis.33,51,52 In other patients, there is evidence of (Fig. 3C), is also recommended for patients with
clonal mast-cell expansion, but the criteria for unexplained hypotensive episodes, syncope, or
systemic mastocytosis are not met and these both, especially when basal or event-related serum
patients are known to have monoclonal mast-cell tryptase levels are clearly elevated (Fig. 2).39 A bone
activation,33,53 which is increasingly recognized in marrow biopsy and aspirate should also be consid-
patients with hymenoptera-induced or idiopathic ered in patients with even a slightly elevated serum
anaphylaxis. Reactive hyperplasia of nonclonal tryptase level (11.5 to 20.0 ng per milliliter) if the
mast cells in the absence of mast-cell activation patient has typical clinical findings such as unex-
may be identified in tissue-biopsy specimens plained osteoporosis (especially in male patients)
obtained from patients with chronic inflamma- or unexplained episodes of hypotensive syncope;
tion, thrombosis, or cancer.54 splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, or both; or blood-
count abnormalities. In addition, measurement of
total and allergen-specific serum IgE to rule out
Di agnos t ic Te s t s
the presence of an allergic disease should be
Figure 2 shows a diagnostic algorithm. We suggest performed if a patient’s history is suggestive of
that the total serum tryptase levels be measured in an allergic trigger (such as hymenoptera stings),
all patients with suspected mastocytosis of any regardless of the presence or absence of sys-
severity.42,55 If the tryptase level is elevated during a temic mastocytosis.
symptomatic event, it should be measured again at Other entities may have overlapping symptoms.
least 24 hours after symptoms resolve. In the case Therefore, serum gastrin, parathyroid hormone,
of anaphylaxis, the basal tryptase level increases and calcitonin levels should be considered to rule
during the event and returns to the baseline level out gastrinoma, parathyroid tumors, or medullary
after the event (Fig. 2). If the basal tryptase level is thyroid tumors, respectively. Serum complement
also elevated, the likelihood of systemic mastocy- C4 and C1 inhibitor levels may be helpful in ruling
tosis is high. out hereditary and acquired angioedema, but urti-
For patients with unclear symptoms that are not caria is absent in those conditions. In addition,
attributable to another disease entity or for patients 24-hour urinary levels of the metabolites of sero-
with slightly elevated serum tryptase levels, screen- tonin (5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid) and catechol-
ing with highly sensitive polymerase-chain-reac- amines (including vanillylmandelic acid) can be
tion techniques for KIT D816V transcripts in used to screen for carcinoid syndrome and pheo-
peripheral-blood leukocytes44,56 has been intro- chromocytoma, respectively.
duced to the diagnostic algorithm for suspected
mastocytosis. For patients in whom the KIT T r e atmen t A pproache s
mutation is detected in peripheral blood, a bone
marrow evaluation is indicated. It is important for patients with mastocytosis to
The diagnosis of systemic mastocytosis is based avoid substances and environments that may pro-
on the presence of one major and one minor crite- voke mast-cell activation. If an acute anaphylactic
rion or three minor criteria established by the episode occurs, it should be treated aggressively
WHO.39 The major criterion is multifocal clustering with intramuscular epinephrine (adrenaline) at a
of mast cells (>15 mast cells per cluster) identified dose of 0.3 mg of 1:1000 solution in adults and
by means of tryptase immunohistochemical analy- 0.01 mg per kilogram of body weight in children,
sis (Fig. 3A), KIT immunohistochemical analysis not to exceed a total dose of 0.3 mg. This treatment

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Patients with symptoms consistent with mast-cell activation

Obtain thorough medical history that includes reactions to foods,

medications, radiographic contrast mediums, insect stings, latex,
temperature, and stress; assess patient's response to exercise
and perform skin examination

Basal tryptase level ≥20.0 ng/ml, event- Basal serum tryptase level normal or slightly elevated
related tryptase level increased by 20% (11.5–20.0 ng/ml), increased with a symptomatic
above baseline level plus 2 ng/ml, or both event, or both

Measure total and allergen-specific serum Skin lesions present

IgE if patient has history of:
Anaphylaxis to hymenoptera stings
Hypotensive anaphylaxis with or
without angioedema or urticaria

Screen for D816V KIT mutation

in peripheral blood Perform skin biopsy

Perform bone marrow biopsy and screen Cutaneous mastocytosis;

for D816V KIT mutation consider bone marrow biopsy
in adults and rarely in children

Systemic mastocytosis No systemic mastocytosis

Obtain 24-hr urinary

Define subtypes
Increased methyl histamine
Increased PGD2 level
Increased 11-β-prosta-
glandin F2α level

Mast-cell activation

Figure 2. Algorithm for Evaluation of Possible Mastocytosis.

Steps that may be followed to diagnose mastocytosis and mast-cell activation are shown.

may be repeated twice within 5 to 15 minutes. methylprednisolone (which are often used as ad-
Intravenous diphenhydramine (25 to 50 mg in junctive treatment) at a dose of 1 mg per kilogram
adults and 1 mg per kilogram to a maximum dose to a maximum dose of 125 mg in adults and 0.25
of 40 mg in children) or glucocorticoids such as to 1 mg per kilogram, not to exceed 60 mg, in

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Mast Cells, Mastocytosis, and Related Disorders


10 µm

50 µm 100 µm

Figure 3. Photomicrographs of Bone Marrow–Biopsy Specimens Obtained from a Patient with Indolent Systemic
Mastocytosis and Skin in a Patient with Urticaria Pigmentosa.
Panel A shows two clusters of mast cells stained light brown with anti-CD25 antibody. Panel B shows another two
clusters of mast cells stained with an antitryptase antibody. Images in Panels A and B are courtesy of Jason L. Horn-
ick, M.D., Ph.D. Panel C shows the flank of a patient with diffuse urticaria pigmentosa; the insert shows a transmis-
sion electron micrograph of two skin mast cells obtained from a biopsy specimen of one urticaria pigmentosa le-
sion. Few intact (dark) secretory granules are located at the periphery, and the rest of the granules (light gray) have
already secreted their contents (degranulated).

children may be administered according to pub- doses [alternatively, 2 mg per kilogram orally, in
lished guidelines.57 Systemic glucocorticoids do not divided doses every 6 to 8 hours, not to exceed
have an immediate benefit, and some patients can- 50 mg per day] in children younger than 6 years of
not receive them because of side effects. age; 50 to 100 mg orally daily in divided doses in
children 6 years of age and older) can also be used.
Drugs That Interfere with Mast-Cell Hydroxyzine is also an anxiolytic agent, and its se-
Symptoms dation is usually reduced after daily administration.
There is no treatment that results in permanent The dual H1- and serotonin-receptor antagonist
resolution of the skin lesions associated with cuta- cyproheptadine (starting dose in adults, 4 mg
neous or systemic mastocytosis. Common symp- orally three times daily; 2 mg orally two to three
toms of cutaneous or systemic mastocytosis are times daily, not to exceed 12 mg a day, in children
usually addressed through administration of non- 2 to younger than 6 years of age; 4 mg orally two
sedating and longer-acting histamine (H1)-receptor to three times daily, not to exceed 16 mg a day, in
antagonists such as loratadine (starting dose in children 6 to 14 years of age) may be considered for
adults, 10 mg orally daily; 5 mg orally daily in patients with diarrhea, flushing, or headaches.
children younger than 6 years of age; 10 mg orally Histamine H2-receptor antagonists such as famoti-
daily in children 6 years of age or older), cetirizine dine (starting dose in adults, 20 mg orally once or
(starting dose in adults, 5 to 10 mg orally daily; 2.5 twice daily; 0.5 mg per kilogram two times daily,
mg orally daily in children younger than 6 years of not to exceed 40 mg per dose, in children 1 to
age; 5 to 10 mg orally daily in children 6 years of 16 years of age) and ranitidine (starting dose in
age or older), and fexofenadine (starting dose in adults, 150 mg twice daily; 4 to 10 mg per kilo-
adults, 180 mg orally once daily with water; 15 mg gram daily administered in two divided doses ev-
orally twice daily with water in children 6 months ery 12 hours, not to exceed 300 mg orally daily, in
to 2 years of age; 30 mg orally twice daily with children 1 month to 16 years of age) are also help-
water in children older than 2 to 12 years of age). ful in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms
Hydroxyzine (starting dose, 25 mg orally three such as heartburn, nausea, abdominal cramping,
times a day in adults; 50 mg orally daily in divided and diarrhea.

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Cysteine–leukotriene-receptor antagonists such Drugs That Interfere with Mast-Cell

as montelukast (10 mg orally daily in adults; 4 mg Proliferation and Survival
orally once daily in children younger than 6 years Cytoreductive therapy is indicated in aggressive
of age; 5 mg orally daily in children between 6 and systemic mastocytosis and mast-cell leukemia,
14 years of age) or the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor though data are lacking from large clinical trials.
zileuton may be useful when used in conjunction The tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib has been
with H1- and H2-receptor antagonists.58 Acetylsali- reported to reduce mast-cell burden in a small
cylic acid (81 to 325 mg orally once or twice daily percentage of patients with systemic mastocytosis
in adults) may be beneficial in some patients who who lack the KIT D816V mutation.69 In vitro studies
have flushing and angioedema (with high levels of have shown that the multikinase inhibitor PKC412
urinary prostaglandin D2 or 11β-PGF2α) if the pa- (midostaurin) inhibits the growth and survival of
tient’s ability to receive nonsteroidal antiinflamma- mast cells (including cells bearing KIT D816V) as
tory drugs without adverse effects is known. Tricy- well as IgE-dependent mast-cell activation.70 The
clic antidepressants (e.g., amitriptyline or doxepine) orally bioavailable Src-family and BCR-ABL inhibi-
(25 to 100 mg orally daily depending on side-effect tor dasatinib is active against KIT D816V–express-
profile in adults) and prochlorperazine (5 to 10 mg ing mast cells in vitro, although clinical findings
orally three or four times daily in adults) may be have been largely disappointing.71
useful because they have both histamine H1-recep- In small studies involving a subgroup of pa-
tor antagonism and mast-cell inhibitory proper- tients with aggressive systemic mastocytosis, the
ties,59 but sedation and weight gain decrease pa- mast-cell burden and symptoms were reduced with
tient adherence. 2-chloro-2′deoxyadenosine (cladribine).72,73 Inter-
Psoralen and ultraviolet A or narrow-band ultra- feron alfa also reduces mast-cell growth and acti-
violet B therapy may alleviate itching and help fade vation in some patients. Bone marrow transplanta-
lesions temporarily.60 Topical glucocorticoids are tion has recently been reported in a small series of
generally not recommended, since the lesions typi- patients with advanced forms of mastocytosis.74
cally involve large body-surface areas. Several drugs under development target various
surface receptors, signaling molecules, or both,
Drugs That Interfere with Mast-Cell such as PI3 kinase, AKT, or the mammalian target
Activation of rapamycin (now known as sirolimus).75
Ketotifen61 (1 to 2 mg orally twice daily in adults;
0.5 mg orally twice daily in children 6 months to Sum m a r y a nd F u t ur e Dir ec t ions
3 years of age; 1 mg daily in children 3 years of age
or older) and rupatadine62 (10 mg orally twice Pathologic conditions involving mast cells appear
daily in adults; 2.5 mg orally in children with a to be more common than once thought. The diag-
body weight of 10 to 25 kg; 5 mg orally daily in nosis and treatment of such disorders are challeng-
children with a body weight of 25 kg or more) are ing, given protean symptoms and the presence
H1-receptor antagonists, but they are also reported of coexisting conditions. In patients with severe
to have blocking effects on mast-cell activation. symptoms or those with allergies to hymenoptera
Disodium cromoglycate (cromolyn) (200 mg orally venom, the investigation of mast-cell monoclonal-
three or four times daily in adults; 100 mg orally ity may provide the diagnosis. Identification and
three or four times daily in children between 2 and avoidance of triggers, including emotional or
12 years of age) reduces gastrointestinal symp- physical stress, may be helpful.
toms,63 though it is a weak in vivo inhibitor of Most symptoms can be managed with hista-
mast-cell activation.64,65 The structure of cromolyn mine-receptor antagonists or other drugs that in-
resembles that of the natural flavone luteolin and terfere with mast-cell mediators, along with block-
its more potent analogue, tetramethoxyluteolin, ers of mast-cell activation. Patients with aggressive
both of which have antiinflammatory actions and mastocytosis may require additional drugs to in-
inhibit secretion of mast-cell mediators.66 Case re- terfere with the proliferation and survival of mast
ports suggest that the anti-IgE monoclonal anti- cells. Data are lacking to identify reliable biomark-
body omalizumab, which is approved for the treat- ers of mast-cell activation, signaling steps through
ment of asthma and chronic urticaria,67 may which many triggers converge, drugs with dual
prevent recurrent anaphylactic episodes.68 inhibitory activity against mast-cell proliferation

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Mast Cells, Mastocytosis, and Related Disorders

and mast-cell activation, and methods for deliver- is licensed to Algonot. Dr. Valent reports receiving grant support
from Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Celgene, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
ing drugs specifically to mast cells. Pfizer, Novartis, and Blueprint Medicines. Dr. Akin reports re-
Dr. Theoharides reports receiving royalties from a patent (US ceiving consulting fees from Novartis, Patara Pharma, and
8,268,365 B2) related to an antiinflammatory composition for Blueprint Medicines and royalties from a patent (WO2003065986
treating brain inflammation, licensed to Algonot (a portion of A2) related to the Laboratory of Allergic Diseases 2 mast-cell
the proceeds is given to Tufts University under an agreement line. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this arti-
and another portion is given to to AutismFreeBrain, a nonprofit cle was reported.
company for autism research). He also reports holding a patent Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
(US 7,906,153 B2) related to mast cells, antiinflammatory the full text of this article at
agents, multiple sclerosis, central nervous system disorders, and We thank Smaro Panagiotidou, M.A., for her graphic-design
a mixture of flavonoids and olive extracts, a patent (US 7,799,766 and word-processing skills and Philip W. Askenase, M.D. (Yale
B2) related to the treatment of hormonally dependent cancers, University), Valerie M. Slee, R.N., and Julia M. Stewart, R.N.
and a patent (US 6,689,748 B1) related to a method of treating (both from the Mastocytosis Society,, for
mast-cell activation–induced diseases with a proteoglycan that providing comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.

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