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03 Activity 1


1. Access the virtual laboratories using the following site links:

Water Sampling Virtual Lab -

Water Testing Virtual Lab -

2. Answer the following questions as you go through the whole activity.


Part A: Water Sampling

1. The pond is made of concrete and has a plastic liner. The environment is and the weather is partly cloudy with a
temperature of 25.28°C. A bird is nearby perched,

2.Gather away from the edge of the pond, in the center. Stay away from the pond's edge where microorganisms and
algae can contaminate your sample.

3. Stay away from the pond's edge where microorganisms and algae can contaminate your sample.

4Turbidity, Temperature, and pH

5. List the measured physical properties in the table below:

Temparature turbicity ph
21.89 7.72 7.95
21.39 7.99 7.92
21.61 7.6 7.99

6. a. Getting your pole ready to collect samples first decreases the risk of contamination.

b. Gloves prevent contaminating your water sample with the bacteria On your hands

C. Colleet water by submerging the water bottle and sealing the cap

7. Location, date, and time of collection

8. Store the samples in a coder at 4°c to prevent bacteria growth.

Part B. Water Testing 1. Write the preparation steps for Day 1 of the water testing procedure.

1. a. make dilustions

b Place a pilter in the funnel

C. add dilustions to the punnel

d. Filter dilustions

e. Place filtere on the agar plates

f. Incubate the agar plates.

2. First, prepare a 1:10 dilution by mixing aml 9ml of sterile water with Iml of sample. For the 1:10 dilution; mix aml
9ml of sterile water with 1ml of the 1:10 solution. For the 1:1000 dilution, mix 9ml of sterile water with 1ml of the
1:100 solution.

3. a a select an agar plate

b. Count colonies in ambient light

c. Count Fluorescent colonies under UV light.

d. Analyze the data.

4. 1:100 ml dilution plate.

5. These colonies represent E. coli bacteria growth.

6. fluorescent colonies are coliform bacteria other than E. coli

7. + (35+ 93 ) ÷10 ml ×1280 ml
100 100

(1280 CFU
100 ) ÷ 3=1278

8. Stop growing pood, treat the water, use another water source, and do an environmental assessment.

9. August, september, and October

10: clean the equipment wash the punnel, then dry in the drying rack. Once dry, wrap in foil and place in an
autoclave to sterilize for 20 minutes.

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