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TERM 1 AY 2023-2024

Course, Yr. & Section: ARC 222

Name: Lim, Niña Mae Grace P.
Student Number: 2023-170451

Plate No. 2

Old denim jeans served as the major material of the work I did. I hand-sewed it, creating
a tote bag out of it using additional materials including an old cotton shirt, thread, and sewing

An old piece of clothing can be quickly transformed into something altogether new with a
pair of scissors, a needle, and some thread. Collecting discarded, outdated clothing is the first
step in the upcycling design process, followed by the production process. First cut four 20 x 40
cm pieces from the denim pants' leg portion. After that, combine two of the 20 x 40 cm pieces to
create two 40 x 40 cm pieces of denim fabric. Third, overlap the 40 × 40 cm denim fabrics over
on top of one another, then flip one of the textiles so that the right sides are now facing one
another. After cutting a 7 x 7 cm at the two bottom edges, sew the two long sides and the
bottom part of the fabric together. Fifth, overlap and sew the two cut edges together. Next, turn
the denim fabric bag right side out. Seventh, cut four pieces of fabric measuring 30 x 10 cm.
Then, sew two of the 30 x 10 cm together to create two 60 x 10 cm fabrics. Ninth, is to sew them
together after folding the 10 cm side in half with the wrong side facing out. the 60 x 5 cm fabrics
are then turned right side out. Eleventh, on the open top of the bag, sew the fabric's 5 cm side in
place. After that, cut two pieces of cotton fabric measuring 40 x 40 cm. Thirteenth, the 40 × 40
cm cotton fabric should then be layered on top of one another, with the right sides of the fabrics
facing each other. The two bottom edges should then be cut to 7 x 7 cm and sewn together.
Fifteenth, the denim fabric bag should be inserted into the cotton fabric bag, and then the two
should be sewn together, leaving a small opening at the cotton fabric. Last but not least, remove
the bag from the small gap, flip it inside out, and sew the opening.

Upcycling, sometimes referred to as creative reuse, is the process of turning

by-products, unwanted, or useless things into new ones. Making a tote bag, the worn-out, tight
denim is now more useful than when it was stashed in the back of my wardrobe. This bag has
the potential to be useful again after being an outdated item that isn't being worn. This bag was
upcycled without the use of any money. Upcycling reduces the quantity of textile wastes that is
dumped in landfills. It lessens the necessity for manufacturing with fresh or raw materials. In the
end, it saves vital resources and lowers greenhouse gas emissions because it requires less
water and energy to make new garments.

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