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Green Dragon Podcast

Tactical Dictionary

“Haven’t looked at it.”

- Nick

“Quite possibly the best SBG Tactical Dictionary written by a group of

Aussies who run a Dragon themed podcast that I have read today.”
- Robert

“Didn’t finish it.”

- Danny

“ ”
- Jeremy

Presented By The Green Dragon Podcast

The Green Dragon Podcast Tactical Dictionary
Version 1.4a
Approved for release 25/01/2019

Issued in Australia for Local and International Use1

Special thanks to Scott ‘the legend’ for ongoing use of the GDP logo.

Under no circumstances swallow this document.

Excluding all regions where circulation is prohibited by international treaty.

ii GDP Tactical Dictionary

Foreword (Version 1.4)
Welcome to the new and improved Green Dragon Podcast Tactical Dictionary, Version 1.4.

So what’s changed between versions?

There have been several updates to correct omissions in the previous version or address new
developments in the game that had not previously been consider worthy of recognition. This
means that Version 1.4 now contains more entries than any of the previous versions of this
exhaustive and definitive guide to SBG tactical terminology.

An additional change is the inclusion of Appendix C, containing all of the current GDP
Flowcharts in one easy to reference place. To commemorate this occasion an additional
bonus flowchart was commissioned using the strategic non-profit reserve. “Critical
Response Tactica 2: Dislodging Entrenched Formations (Version 1.0)” can now be found in
Appendix C.
- David.

GDP Tactical Dictionary iii

Foreword (Version 1.3)
Welcome to the Green Dragon Podcast Tactical Dictionary, your more or less
comprehensive guide to tactical game play in the Lord of the Rings, Hobbit or Middle Earth
Strategy Battle Games.

If you have acquired this document then your first question is an undoubtable ‘why?’. Why
would a group produce such a document? What could inspire madness of this calibre? Well
our reasoning is twofold.

The primary purpose of this document is to aid communication and reduce

misunderstanding in tactical discussion. In fact it is recommended that any true student of
the higher tactical game would have a copy of this document on hand at all times, whether
reviewing old episodes of the GDP or conversing with opponents between rounds at a
tournament. This should not only enable you to more easily follow the technical jargon that
is commonly used in the community, but also give you something to pass the time during
the musical interludes that occur during most episodes. Having this information set down in
a written document should also help to standardise the war gaming accent and prevent the
development of regional dialects and ‘slang’.

The secondary purpose of this document is to generate tactical discussion and facilitate
‘Theory SBG’. So take a look through the tactics listed here and see if there are any that you
can add to your Tactical Tool Box. Note, not all the tactics listed here are good tactics, in
fact many tactics are neither good tactics nor bad tactics, they are simply tactics and their
goodness or badness will be determined by the player in question.

While this is undoubtedly an exhaustive list of all possible tactical options available to a
player, it is possible that it could be more exhaustive than it currently is. To this end if you
can think of a tactic that you don’t see listed, then draw up a diagram and send it in. Your
contribution will be assessed by our impartial reviewers and may or may not be included in
the second print run.
- David.

iv GDP Tactical Dictionary

Additional Praise for Version 1.3
“Straight up Henry Kerr! Beautiful!!!”
- Nils

“Instructions unclear. I swallowed the document.”

- Henry

“This is brilliant.”
- Andreas

“Jeremy’s quote speaks to me.”

- Samuel

“ Had a look through this, and it really is quite incredible. Much to think about. Well done all!”
- Harry

“Where’s the entry for “Utility”?”

- Terry

“”Decision management”! I remember that the “Donout of Death” was introduced in a Mustering an
Army: Harad –episode. Great Read, thankyou.”
- Kalle

“Amazing. Well done really.”

- Joseph

“Looks cool! Giving it a read!”

- Ryan

“ Nice.”
- Andrew

“I guess we have some reading to do!”

- While

Praise for the Draft Version

“You got ‘Burnout’ wrong.”

- Kylie

“Rolling sixes is not a skill but a state of mind.”

- Henry

“Love it (unspecified author), well written and hilarious. Some useful ones too, which is always a plus.”
- Matt

“Fix the font size on ‘Horns of the Bull’.”

- Danny

“ ”
- Jeremy

GDP Tactical Dictionary v

Activation Control - Apparent Focus

Activation Control takes advantage of the Death Ball’s limited

1) Activation Control is the ability to control or Position options and restricted Tempo to
influence your opponent’s Position through the outmanoeuvre the enemy and destroy any portion
use of your own Position. This can frequently be of the opposing army that leaves the protection of
achieved through the presence of concentrated the Double Bubble. This tactic is frequently
ranged units (see Ranged Area Denial) or by summarised by the phrase “just fight where the
stacking one side of the battlefield with your most shade isn’t”.
dangerous troops (see Refused Flank).
2) Activation Control is the ability to control or Anti Shade Stratagem #2
influence your opponent’s Position through the The Anti Shade Stratagem #2 is an offensive
use of Misdirection, Deception, Mind Games and Tempo tactic that is used to counter the Death
or other trickery. Ball tactic that is commonly favoured by shades,
shaman and other Double Bubble style armies.
Actual Priority This is achieved by using powerful heroes to
The Actual Priority is the name for the state of swiftly cut their way through to the critical
affairs in which both sides intend to use heroic components of the enemy army and remove it
actions. Correct recognition of an upcoming before it can overly influence the progression of
Actual Priority will allow you to Position your the game. See Shock and Awe.
force to provide maximum Resource Management
efficiency and maintain Tempo. Anti Shade Stratagem #3
The Anti Shade Stratagem #3 is an offensive
Air Gap tactic that is used to counter the Death Ball tactic
The Air Gap is a defensive Position trick that can that is commonly favoured by shades, shaman and
be used to supplement a defensive Position that is other Double Bubble style armies. This is
threatened from multiple directions. This is done achieved through the application of overlapping
by deliberately forming a clear area in the centre area of effect damage sources that can take
of the defending formation. This space will allow advantage of the Death Ball’s high Unit Density.
your models to back away from lost combats See the Death Wave tactic.
without trapping themselves or others. The Air
Gap is an essential part of all anti Encirclement Anti Flier Guard
strategies. See Halo Defence and the Collapsing The Anti Flier Guard is a defensive Position tactic
Crescent Moon formation. in which areas that have been deemed vulnerable
to Assault from the Air are denied to the enemy.
Air Superiority This is done by liberally spreading models two or
Air Superiority is the happy state of affairs that three deep across the critical area so that the base
occurs when one player has a significant of the enemy flier cannot physically be placed.
advantage in mobility. This is frequently achieved The Anti Flier Guard is most commonly deployed
using fliers but cavalry and high move infantry behind Fortified Lines, Shield Walls or
can also be involved. surrounding valuable support pieces, big heroes
and or objectives.
Air Supremacy
Air Supremacy is the extension of the mobility Anvil
advantage offered by Air Superiority to such a The Anvil is the name applied to a static
point that the opponent is powerless to engage defensive formation that is used to disrupt the
your force. A player with Air Supremacy can opponent’s Tempo. This is achieved by placing a
easily control the Initiative of the game and play defensive formation in a Position where the
at the Position and Tempo of their choosing. enemy must break through the formation before it
can achieve its own plans. This restricts the
Ambush movement of enemy Resources and reduces the
The Ambush is an offensive Position tactic that opponent’s Tempo. The Anvil strategy is
can be used in Maelstrom of Battle style frequently used to buy Tempo for other strategies
deployment. In this tactic your warbands are such as the Hammer. See the Hamer and Anvil.
deployed either side of the target enemy
formation to achieve an instant Pincer Movement. Apparent Focus
Apparent Focus is a Psychological Warfare and
Anti Shade Stratagem #1 Deception tactic in which one player seeks to
The Anti Shade Stratagem #1 is an offensive draw the opponent’s attention towards an
tactic that is used to counter the Death Ball tactic irrelevant section of the battlefield and leave them
that is commonly favoured by shades, shaman and blind to all else that moves. To achieve this a
other Double Bubble style armies. This tactic player must convince their opponent that their

2 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Assassin - Big Hero Burnout

own focus is direct towards the Decoy location or playstyle in the face of significant enemy shooting
model. This can be done through the use of assets.
careful and deliberate measurement and by asking
highly specific questions that are disguised as Avoidance Bubble
general clarifications (such as “hey would you say The Avoidance Bubble is a defensive Position
these models are within 3”, just hypothetically?”). tactic for countering large heroes with restricted
This tactic is normally always combined with the movement. See the Halo Formation.
Hidden in Plain Sight tactic to form a combined
Deception no Deception strategy. Baiting
1) Baiting is an offensive Resource Management
Assassin and Position tactic in which a portion of your
An Assassin is the Tech term that is applied to army’s Resources are sacrificed to lure a greater
any unit that specialises in removing specific portion of the enemy’s Resources into a Position
enemy heroes or Resources. This can be achieved where they can be dealt with. This tactic is
through powerful combat, deadly shooting, traditionally used as a setup for a second, more
sneaky magic weapons or other similar abilities. aggressive tactic such as an Assassination Run,
the Jaws of Victory or the dreaded Donut of
Assassination Death.
Assassination is an offensive Resource 2) Baiting is a defensive Position and Tempo
Management tactic that relies upon reducing the tactic used to either delay slow moving enemy
enemy’s available resources by killing key heroes or distract enemy heroes with a
characters. A proper Assassination normally compulsion to charge. See the Halo Array.
involves isolating the target first (either through
magic or Baiting) to allow overwhelming force to Bait and Switch
be brought to bear (see Macro Trap), but this is The Bait and Switch is a further refinement of the
not always necessary. Baiting tactic in which provision is made to
rescue the bait before it can be slain. This can be
Assassination Run done by either using bait that is tougher than it
The Assassination Run is an offensive Position looks, withdrawing the bait through the use of
tactic that utilises the Assassination tactic at a heroic combats or suchlike or by reinforcing the
range beyond which the opponent though likely. bait faster than your opponent though likely.
This is traditionally done by either extending the
movement of your assassinating heroes through Barbarian Chieftain
heroic combats or other trickery or by convincing The Barbarian Chieftain is an offensive Meta
the target to unwittingly move closer through the Game and Energy Reserve Management strategy
use of magic, Baiting or using Deception to that seeks to inflict the Running on Empty
mislead your opponent as to your army’s true condition upon their opponent through favourably
Tempo. trading Energy Reserve expenditure. This is done
by inviting your opponent to join you in some
Attrition form of Decision Management or Energy
Attrition is an offensive or defensive Resource Management compromising activity in the hope
Management strategy in which one player directly that the negative effect upon your opponent will
matches their opponent’s tactic but with greater be greater than the negative effect upon yourself.
Resources. This tactic accepts that the enemy will Examples include eating contests, drinking
inflict proportional damage upon your Resources contests and push up/chin up contests. This tactic
and should only be used in situations where you is not without personal risk. This tactic is named
have a clear advantage in all of the Relevant after the traditional stereotyped barbarian “let’s
Resources. invite them for a feast and slaughter them when
they’re drunk” approach to warfare. See Day One
Avoidance Aftermath.
Avoidance is a Position and Tempo playstyle that
attempts to use an army with superior Beater
manoeuvrability to mitigate an opponent’s A Beater is the Tech term that is applied to any
advantage in combat by indefinitely avoiding unit that specialises in dealing large amounts of
combat. If done correctly an Avoidance playstyle damage in combat. See Bruiser.
can provide a player with potentially infinite
rounds of shooting with which to apply the Big Hero Burnout
Whittling tactic. See Anti Shade Stratagem #1, 1) The Big Hero Burnout is a defensive Resource
Kiting and the Crescent Moon Formation. Care Management tactic directed against a single
should be taken before applying an Avoidance enemy character of exceptional power. This is

GDP Tactical Dictionary 3

Blaze of Glory - Breakthrough

done through the focused application of the powerful enemy hero who has the option to call a
Burnout tactic to reduce the hero’s Heroic heroic strike and then calling a heroic combat. At
Resources. this point the enemy hero can chose to call a
2) The Big Hero Burnout is an offensive Resource heroic strike. If they do so then the Bolging hero
Management tactic that uses a single powerful will simply charge someone else and the might
hero to rapidly inflict damage upon the enemy’s point is wasted. If they do not call the strike then
Resources. This is a more focused application of the Bolging hero will charge and slay them in
the Shock an Awe tactic. which case all of the hero’s remaining Heroic
Resources are wasted. Regardless of which choice
Blaze of Glory the opponent makes your subsequent actions will
The Blaze of Glory is the term that is applied to demonstrate that their choice was wrong, thereby
the situation in which one player suffers a providing you with the Perceived Confidence
stunning, crushing, even humiliating defeat in the Advantage.
final round of a competitive series of linked
games (tournament) but still achieves a podium Bordering
placing. This doesn’t happen frequently, but when Bordering is an offensive Position and Tempo
it does it is glorious. mistake that can occur when an attacking force
encounters the opponent’s defensive strategy. In
Blunting this situation the attacking player is unwilling to
1) Blunting is a defensive Resource Management enter the opponent’s prepared Kill Zone but is
and Position tactic which is used to mitigate the unwilling to withdraw and concede the field
effect of a powerful enemy hero. This is done by unfought and so the attack grinds to a halt in a
placing a highly survivable model or series of Position with no tactical, strategic or defensive
models in the path of the enemy hero. See value. Bordering is a mistake for two reasons.
Burnout. Firstly this grants your opponent firm control over
2) Blunting is a defensive Position tactic in which the Initiative and the Perceived Confidence
the defending army chooses a Position that will Advantage in the game. Secondly, any enemy that
hopefully reduce early casualties. This can be choose to adopt a static defensive Position
achieved through use of terrain against cavalry, probably has superior ranged capabilities and as
line of sight obstructions against shooting and or such the attacking force will fall victim to
positioning models to place the correct defence Whittling and the Death by a Thousand Cuts
values against the correct strength values. tactics for as long as it continues to hesitate.
3) Blunting is a defensive Resource Management
tactic in which a magic user is tasked with Bradbury
reducing the damage output of an enemy 1) The Bradbury is a desperate counter tactic in
character. See Shutdown. which a player adopts a strategy that relies upon
their opponent’s misfortune to achieve victory.
Bodyguard Duty This is frequently seen in situations where one
Bodyguard Duty is a defensive Position tactic that player is narrowly lacking the Resources to adopt
utilises an adapted form of the Buddy System to a desired tactic but they chose to attempt the
protect a powerful hero from Assassination. In strategy in the hope that fortune will favour the
this situation a moderate to powerful hero is brave.
assigned to accompany the powerful hero. In 2) A Bradbury is the term that is used to refer to a
addition to the regular benefits of the Buddy player that through luck, chance and bizarre
System, should the powerful hero be threatened occurrences finds themselves competing in a tier
by assassination the hero on Bodyguard Duty will above their inherent skill level during a
attempt to heroic combat into the Assassination competitive series of linked games (tournaments).
combat to contribute extra attacks or remove key This can sometimes be caused by strength of
enemy models through Pealing Combats. schedule.

Bolging Breakthrough
1) Bolging is an offensive and defensive counter Breakthrough is an offensive Position and Tempo
tactic that seeks to solve a problem through the tactic in which one player seeks to overcome an
application of Bolg. Preferably on warg. enemy formation by cutting a hole through the
2) Bolging is a cunning offensive Resource middle of it. This tactic relies upon the theory that
Management and Psychological Warfare tactic in most formations are established with a facing in
which the enemy is forced to make difficult which they are most combat efficient. Since
Resource Management choices. This is done by achieving Encirclement against such formations
charging a large, powerful hero (preferably Bolg takes turns that are not always available, the
on warg) into a model next to a slightly less Breakthrough tactic achieves a similar result by

4 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Bruiser - Charging the Dice

cutting the enemy formation in half and Burying is Similar to Flooding but it is applied to
surrounding them from the inside. characters rather than locations.

Bruiser Can Opener

A Bruiser (also known as a Beater) is the Tech A Can Opener is the Tech term that is applied to
term that is applied to any unit that specialises in any unit that specialises in wounding high defence
dealing large amounts of damage in combat. This targets. This can be achieved through the use of
can be achieved through a combination of high high strength, two handed weapons, blades of the
strength, multi attacks, magic weapons or other dead or other similar abilities. This term is
similar abilities. generally applied in a relative sense so that a Can
Opener in a goblin list will be different from a
Buddy System Can Opener in a berserker list.
The Buddy System is a Resource Management
tactic in which one player attempts to optimise the Catch 22
use of their Heroic Resources. This is done by Catch 22 is a Mind Game tactic in which one
parring your expensive combat heroes with player presents their opponent with a decision in
smaller characters that can call marches and which all of the available alternatives will prove
moves that anyone can call successfully, thereby to be the wrong choice. See Double Blind.
saving the big hero’s might for the big heroic
combats that only they can call. Sometimes Circling the Wagons
moderate to large heroes can be assigned to Circling the Wagons is a defensive Position tactic
accompany large heroes, see Bodyguard Duty. that is used to mitigate a crushing numerical
inferiority in situations where Tempo is not
Burnout required. See the Halo Defence.
1) Burnout (also known as Shock and Awe, Big
Hero Burnout or Heroic Slaughter) is a Resource Changing Horsemen
Management tactic that focuses upon accelerating Changing Horsemen (or to give it its full name,
the Tempo of the game beyond the point at which Changing Horsemen mid apocalypse) is a
the enemy can redeploy in response to the defensive mistake that frequently occurs when a
changing situation. This is achieved by rapidly player miss reads the opponent’s Tempo while
spending Heroic Resources to inflict maximum trying to adjust their Position as part of the Tempo
damage upon the enemy in minimum time. This Change or Reform the Line tactics. In this
tactic is particularly favoured by armies with situation the player is panicked by a new
multiple mounted combat heroes. development and attempts to adjust their Position
2) Burnout (also known as Big Hero Burnout) is a without considering the number of turns that are
defensive Resource Management tactic that can required to Reform the Line. This mistake results
be used to mitigate the effect of powerful enemy in the defending player being caught between
characters that cannot be killed in a resource Positions leaving them unable to effect either
efficient manner. This is achieved by placing the strategy. This frequently occurs when an
offending hero into positions in which they will inexperienced player is faced with an opponent
be encourage to spend their Heroic Resources that possessed the Perceived Confidence
without inflicting critical damage upon your list. Advantage and who is employing a strategy that is
Once the enemy’s Heroic Resources have been not within their Tactical Tool Box. This situation
deplete they can be safely handled by your can be avoided by carefully considering the
characters. This is frequently achieved by either relative Tempo of both forces.
applying low cost threats, such as lance or stun
wielding warriors, or by dropping a captain with Charging the Dice
shield in front of the character (also known as Charging the Dice is the technical term for
Blunting). Burnout can be applied against single attempting to manipulate a dice roll by appealing
characters or against the enemy’s characters in to powers greater than that of simple chance.
general. Common examples include appeals to theme
(shouting “come on, you’re Aragorn, you will not
Burying die to one little goblin”), aesthetics (choosing dice
Burying is an offensive Resource Management of the correct colour), fate (“look, this will work, I
and Tempo tactic that is used to limit the can feel it”), tradition (“this is my lucky captain,
influence that an enemy character can have upon he never lets me down”) or beer (“well looks like
the wider strategic game. This is achieved by I’m losing, better have more beer”). Other players
sending overwhelming numbers of expendable prefer to use more physical means of
troops to surround and inconvenience the hero. manipulation and this can take the form banging
the dice on the table to wake them up before

GDP Tactical Dictionary 5

Charge of the Light Brigade - Corner Case

rolling, rolling the dice off the table a few times to then they will be free to employ Harassment,
sneak in a few practice rolls and or rolling as Encirclement and Strategic Raid strategies.
many dice as possible at the same time since even
dice need the positive reinforcement provided by Collapsing Crescent Moon
their friends. The Collapsing Crescent Moon is a transitional
defensive Position tactic that is used when the
Charge of the Light Brigade enemy’s numerical superiority has proven two
The Charge of the Light Brigade is an offensive vast to be handled by the Inversed Crescent Moon
Tempo strategy in which one player attempts to Formation. In this case, as the enemy attempts an
mitigate the effect of a vastly superior shooting encirclement of your formation, the swept wings
force on a board with no meaningful terrain and of the Inversed Crescent Moon are drawn further
an objective that requires them to close with the back until the two extreme tips meet, thereby
enemy. This is done by rushing at maximum forming a defensive circle. See the Halo Defence.
speed in a straight line directly towards the
enemy. This will minimise the number of turns in Corbomite Manoeuvre
which the opponent will be able to utilise their The Corbomite Manoeuvre is a defensive Position
shooting advantage. and Tempo strategy that utilises Resource
Management and Psychological Warfare elements
Classic Kirk to convince the opponent to delay their own
The Classic Kirk is a Temporal Manipulation and offensive strategy. This is done by declaring to
sportsmanship strategy that seeks to optimise the your opponent that the dictates of sportsmanship
use of the Warp Slingshot Effect. This is done by require you to inform them of a particularly nasty,
approaching the use of the Warp Slingshot Effect expendable source of area of effect damage (such
in a jovial and enjoyable manner in the hopes that as a urikahi bomb or magic elvish hat) that you
if the opponent is enjoying the game then they have at your command. Every time the enemy
will be more likely to forgive the occasional moves to threaten the formation that contains this
temporal inconsistency in your game plan. ability you should remind them of your warning
and describe in graphic detail the level of damage
Closing the Air Gap that it can inflict. This will hopefully convince
Closing the Air Gap is an offensive counter anti your opponent to delay any serious offensive
Encirclement strategy that can be used to remove action against that formation until after you have
the defensive benefit of the Air Gap from a used the expendable ability. To achieve maximum
defensive formation. This is done by simply Resource Management efficiency with this
filling in the clear space with models so that the strategy relies upon gauging the correct time to
enemy models can no longer push back to escape use the area of effect ability, thereby switching
being trapped. This in turn can be accomplished from the Corbomite Manoeuvre to the Death
either by forcing the defending units inwards from Wave tactic.
all sides until they meet in the middle or by
placing additional units into the enemy formation Corner Case
(fliers, teleporting wraith or watchers in the water 1) The Corner Case is a Position mistake in which
do nicely) to form a retroactive Donut of Death. a formation that had previously been employing
an Avoidance strategy is pinned against not one
Cole Protocol but two board edges by an advancing enemy
The Cole Protocol is a defensive Resource force. A formation caught in such a Position will
Management counter tactic that seeks to trade be unable to evade the approaching enemy and
your Resources to delay the opponent’s Position will be force to engage in combat.
and Tempo in response to an opponent’s initial 2) The Corner Case is a defensive Position tactic
success. This tactic is used in situations where the that is frequently employed by armies that are
enemy has overrun an outlying formation and it faced with the risk of Encirclement by a
will take time to readjust your Position to counter numerically superior opponent. This is done by
this development. When this occurs the remainder securing both flanks of the defending formation
of the overrun force is not withdrawn towards against adjacent board edges. This should only be
your main formation as this would encourage the done if the defending force has superior shooting
enemy to pursue them at maximum speed. Instead Resources and the nature of the victory conditions
the surviving units are sent off in a random are such that the player can afford to entirely
direction. If the enemy pursues this force then surrender the Initiative and Tempo of the game.
they will be lead away from the critical areas of 3) The Corner Case is a Decision Management
the battle field, costing them both Tempo and term that is applied to situations that fall outside
Position. If the enemy does not pursue this force the usual range of events that would be expected
to occur in a standard game. This can include

6 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Counter Attack - Day One Aftermath

unusual model combinations, strange scenery Crash and Burn

pieces or unexpected vectors that provide unique The Crash and Burn is the term that is applied to
risks and opportunities. The correct identification the situation in which a player that had previously
of a Corner Case is of vital importance as the been doing well suffers a sever defeat that
unusual circumstances that pertain to these prevents them from achieving a podium during a
situations are frequently sufficient to invalidate competitive series of linked games (tournament).
much of the traditional wisdom that dictates This is frequently linked to Energy Reserve
standard Decision Management practices. In these Management or Day Two Fade.
situations the application of Standard Combat
Procedure is frequently unwise and other Crescent Moon Encirclement
strategies that would not normally be considered The Crescent Moon Encirclement is an offensive
become viable. The use of Theory SBG to Position tactic that represents the final stage of the
develop pre-planned responses for these Corner offensive use of the Crescent Moon Formation.
Case is recommended to strengthen a player’s See the Crescent Moon Formation.
Tactical Toolbox.
Crescent Moon Formation
Counter Attack The Crescent Moon Formation is a Position tactic
1) The Counter Attack is an attempt to recover that can be used either offensively or defensively
control of a game after the enemy has achieved by armies with a significant shooting advantage.
superior Position, Tempo and has firm control To do this the army adopting this formation will
over the Perceived Confidence Advantage and the deploy in a concave crescent formation with the
Initiative of play. This is most frequently done by wings extended toward the opponent. When used
gathering whatever resources you have left and offensively the army will use their shooting, the
throwing them against the enemy in the vague terrain and the relative position of the armies
hope that something will happen. during deployment to bring the enemy into the
2) The Counter Attack is a devastating offensive centre of the crescent so that the wings can
Position, Tempo, Psychological Warfare, envelope and trap the attacker in an Encirclement
Resource Management and Perceived Confidence (also known as Crescent Moon Encirclement).
Advantage tactic that can be used in situations When used defensively the army deploys in the
where the opponent has reason to doubt the same manner but instead of encircling, the wings
competence of the commanding general. This is and centre pull back when threatened to avoid
achieved by convincing the opponent that they are combat while the rest of the crescent pours fire
firmly in control of the game without sacrificing into the enemy’s exposed flanks. See Avoidance.
your position, Tempo or too many of your Both the offensive and defensive elements of this
Resources. Once this has been achieved you can tactic are particularly effective against Death Ball
lure your over confident opponent into over formations.
extending their lines and leaving critical areas of
their formation lightly defended. At this point Damage Mitigation
your Counter Attack can slice through these 1) Damage Mitigation is a counter tactic in which
lightly defended areas and inflict massive damage a player accepts that they are unable to win a
upon your unsuspecting enemy. This tactic game and instead adjust their strategy to
requires a detailed understanding of the principles maximise the points that they can still achieve.
of Deception no Deception and can be considered This is traditionally done as part of a competitive
Baiting or Misdirection on a grand scale. series of linked games (tournaments) in an
attempt to salvage some points from an otherwise
Counter Charge lost game.
1) The Counter Charge is a defensive Position 2) Damage Mitigation is a defensive counter
tactic in which Resources are placed to discourage tactic in which one player determines that they are
an attack upon a nearby formation. This is done unable to fully counter their opponent’s tactic
by ensuring that the Counter Charge is in Position given the Resources that they have available. In
to Encircle or otherwise inconvenience any enemy this situation the player instead choses to mitigate
force that charges your primary formation. the enemy’s tactic and improve the exchange of
2) The Counter Charge is an anti-cavalry tactic Relevant Resources. See Blunting.
that seeks to reduce the combat effectiveness of
the opponent’s mounted resources. This is done Day One Aftermath
by holding your own cavalry in reserve to counter The Day One Aftermath is an offensive Meta
any attack from the enemy cavalry by charging Game and Energy Reserve Management strategy
them. that seeks to inflict Day Two Fade upon other
players at a multiple day competitive gaming
event. This is done by inviting people to hang out

GDP Tactical Dictionary 7

Day Two Fade - Decoy

after the end of the first day of gaming and then Deception
attempting to trade favourably on Energy Reserve Deception is the basic principle of Psychological
expenditure. This tactic is not without personal Warfare. The term Deception can be used to
risk. describe any activity that has the intention of
convincing your enemy that your intentions are
Day Two Fade different than they are. This can be done by
The Day Two Fade is a Energy Reserve moving surplus resources into nonsensical
Management mistake in which a player positions, careful measuring irrelevant distances,
overestimates the energy boasting potential of a asking detailed questions about terrain features
single night’s sleep at a multiple day competitive that you have no intention of entering or making
gaming event and finds themselves forced to play idle comments that would suggest that you are
the second day while Running on Empty. This can more or less aggressive than you actually feel.
sometimes be mitigated through the use of various
consumables. Deception no Deception
The principle of Deception no Deception is the
Death Ball key to maximising the effect of the Deception
The Death Ball is an offensive Position tactic that element of the Psychological Warfare strategy.
is favoured by armies that loose effectiveness This maximisation is based upon the
when spread out. To this end the Death Ball tactic understanding of the limits of the Deception
involves gathering all of your strength into a strategy in any given situation. This is because if
single mighty formation and throwing it straight you always apply the same Deception tactic your
into the opponent’s teeth. Due to the limited adversary will eventually catch on. However if
manoeuvring options available to such a large you vary your Deception tactics then your
concentration of troops the Death Ball is prone to opponent’s belief that they have seen through
being out manoeuvred by its more agile your Deception can be used to further disguise
opponents. This tactic is normally favoured by your intent. In a properly managed Deception no
army’s using the Double Bubble style of force Deception strategy the opponent should never be
construction as the high Unit Density of the sure if what they see is real or if it is merely what
formation allows for greater overlap of the you wish them to see. If you hear the phrase, “but
relevant radiuses, but it can also be used by pike what if they know that I know that they have
blocks or particularly cautious opponents. determined that I suspect that…” then the
Deception no Deception plan has succeeded.
Death by a Thousand Cuts
The Death by a Thousand Cuts is an offensive Decision Management
strategy that depletes enemy Resources through Decision Management is the meta strategy that
the repeat application of individually insignificant refers to the process by which a player selects the
losses. This is most frequently used by Avoidance strategies and tactics that they will apply to a
armies that can use their superior mobility to given situation. This can be competitively focused
control the Initiative and Tempo of the game and (see Objective Based Strategy), theme based (see
provide a large to indefinite number of turns for WWGD) or influenced by personal bias (see
its shooting units to gradually reduce the enemy’s Standard Combat Procedure). Gaining insight into
Resources. The Death by a Thousand Cuts can be an opponent’s Decision Management process is a
considered an army wide application of the vital part of the Deep Deception Tactic.
Whittling tactic.
Death Wave The Decoy is a Resource Management or
The Death Wave is an offensive army selection, Psychological Warfare tactic that is used to divert
Resources and Tempo tactic that involves the use enemy Resources away from critical locations or
of multiple sources of area effect damage that can venerable Resources. To achieve this the player
remove enemy Resources with a minimum of uses the principle of Misdirection by sending
interaction with your enemy. A well-executed portions of their force to secure multiple
Death Wave will leave the opponent’s army objectives, some real, some imagined. Your
devastated without allowing the opponent to roll opponent must then identify which detachments
dice or otherwise influence their fate. Examples are pursuing true objectives before they can plan
included Mumakil, targeting warriors with their response or they risk diverting their
channelled area effect magic and or massed camel Resources in the pursuit of your Decoy forces. In
damage. some situations a Decoy force can be sent in
pursuit of a real objective so that even if the
enemy realises that you intend the move as a
Decoy, they must still respond in force.

8 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Deep Deception - Double Blind

Deep Deception Dog Piling

The Deep Deception is an additional layer to the Dog Piling is an offensive Position tactic where
Deception no Deception principle in one player attempts to remove an isolated enemy
Psychological Warfare. The Deep Deception asset through the application of overwhelming
operates by identifying your opponent’s existing force. See the Macro Trap.
prejudices and their favoured strategies and
counter strategies (see Decision Management) and Donut of Death
adopting a Deception that presents the opponent The Donut of Death is an offensive Position tactic
with a situation in which they are shown what that focuses upon manipulating enemy movement
they wish to see in such a manner that they choose to trap a portion of the enemy’s Resources. See
to do that which they already wish to do. By the Halo Trap.
presenting a Deception that is consistent with
your opponent’s beliefs you reduce the chances Doom Box
off the opponent identifying the Deception before The Doom Box is and offensive Position tactic
it is too late. that can be used by a numerically superior force
that is faced by a concentrated and aggressive
Defeat in Detail enemy force (such as a Death Ball). This is done
Defeat in Detail is an offensive Position and by assuming a Position with an apparently
Resource Management tactic that attempts to vulnerable centre portion. As the enemy advances
bring localised overwhelming force to bear upon this perceived weakness the centre
against successive elements of a dispersed enemy. withdraws and the two flanks of your force push
To successfully apply this tactic requires the forward and wheel to catch the enemy in a three
enemy commander to split their force either by sided trap. An additional force is frequently used
choice or necessity. Once this division occurs the to complete the Encirclement and form the Ring
player must seize the Initiative by concentrating of Death. See Sealing the Doom Box. This tactic
their Resources against smaller pockets of the is a more ridged variant of the Crescent Moon
enemy’s Resources. Encirclement.

Digging In Doorway Manoeuvre

Digging In the term for the defensive Position The Doorway Manoeuvre is an offensive Position
decision in which a defending commander choses strategy that can be used by shooting armies to
to attempt to hold a critical area of the battlefield lure an enemy out of cover using Deception. This
against a superior enemy assault. If a commander is achieved by advancing with the combat
choses this approach they will maximise the portions of the army while the ranged component
defensive use of terrain and then wait for one of remains stationary in such a way that your own
three occurrences, either the game will end (see army restricts your own arcs of fire. The enemy
Glorious Last Stand), the position will be will see that your army is split and will hopefully
reinforced or the enemy will be forced to redeploy seize the opportunity to isolate your combat
their Resources to respond to other developments. resources and apply the principles of Defeat in
If none of these events occur the defending Detail. Once the enemy has left cover open a gap
Resources must be eventually withdrawn or they in your lines and pull back to where the archers
will be lost. are waiting. The enemy is then forced to pursue
while your stationary archers fire through the gap.
Dissipation is a defensive Position and Tempo Double Blind
mistake in which one player concedes the The Double Blind (also called Catch 22) is a
Initiative entirely to their opponent and withdraws Mind Game tactic in which one player presents
their force to defend the absolute minimum their opponent with a decision in which all of the
number of objectives necessary for victory. available alternatives will prove to be the wrong
Although on the surface this manoeuvre appears choice. This situation will undermine the
similar to the Glorious Last Stand tactic it remains opponent’s confidence and help secure the
a mistake for two reasons. Firstly by entirely Perceived Confidence Advantage. An example of
conceding the Initiative while attempting to this situation would be the inclusion of a
defend multiple objectives you present your sorcerous blast in a shooting army when facing
opponent with the ideal situation in which to mounted heroes. If the enemy hero leads the
employ Defeat in Detail tactics. The second charge then you employ the Halo Tactic. If the
weakness is that since you are defending the mounted hero adopts the Wait and See then you
absolute minimum number of objectives required blast their own models into their hero.
for victory, if the enemy can contest even one of
your objectives then they will be victorious.

GDP Tactical Dictionary 9

Double Bubble - Flanking

Double Bubble control zones, Pealing Combats and providing ‘in

The Double Bubble is an army selection and the ways’ for shooting.
Position strategy that utilises overlapping area of
effect modifiers to achieve a compounding Final Place of Conflict
benefit. This strategy is frequently built around an The Final Place of Conflict is a term that is used
initial aura model such as the shade or Malbeth to describe the area of the board where the two
the Seer with additional auras chosen to enhance army’s will meet in final decisive combat. This
the initial effect, such as shooting mitigation, will be affected by the relative movement speed
shaman and banners. Double Bubble army lists and chosen tactic of the two armies. The benefit
frequently favour high Unit Density tactics, such of correctly identifying the Final Place of Conflict
as the Death Ball, to ensure that a maximum is that it allows a player to manoeuvre their
portion of the army’s Resources can benefit from formations ahead of time to optimise their
the auras. Position in the decisive combat. Incorrectly
predicting the Final Place of Conflict can result in
Encirclement your formations being out of Position (see Fort
Encirclement is a generic name for a range of Zindernuef).
offensive Position strategies in which the enemy’s
Resources are surrounded by your own. See Fire Nest
Crescent Moon Encirclement, Doom Box and Hit The Fire Nest is a Position tactic in which archery
and Wrap. units are deployed in an area with good cover and
arcs of fire. This is done to minimise the loss of
Energy Reserve effectiveness that archers suffer when moving and
A player’s Energy Reserve represents their shooting. This is commonly used with the Ranged
physical and mental ability to continue playing Area Denial strategy.
the game with their usual level of strategic insight
and Decision Management. Over the course of Fix Bayonets
multiple games, potentially over multiple days, Fix Bayonets is a Tempo Change tactic in which a
correct Energy Reserve Management becomes a player with a formation that had previously
vital element of the Meta Game. The Energy applied Hunkering Down or Fortified Line tactics
Reserve is a Resource. is forced to break cover and close with the enemy.
This occurs in situations where the Tempo of the
Energy Reserve Management game is such that the defending player can no
Energy Reserve Management is one of the key longer win while remaining stationary and must
strategic principles when attending a multi game leave their terrain feature. This is done by moving
or multi day gaming event. By remaining aware out of cover and rushing directly towards the
of the necessity of spending their Energy Reserve enemy at maximum speed.
wisely a player can mitigate or avoid Day Two
Fade or Running on Empty. Flack Fire
The tactic of Flack Fire is a desperate offensive
Erratic Fist Tempo tactic that can be used by a player on the
The Erratic Fist is a Decision Management receiving end of a mounted attack that enjoys
strategy that seeks to avoid the appearance of either Air Superiority or Air Supremacy. In this
predictability through the introduction of a tactic the slower army uses their ranged troops to
random element into the process. To do this a try and dismount a portion of the enemy army
player identifies several options available to them (similar to the Halo Tactic) so that it can now be
and randomly selects one. The intention with this caught by the slower ground troops. Once the
strategy is that your opponent cannot predict your enemy is dismounted the mobile army is forced to
strategy if even you don’t know what it is. either leave the unfortunate model to its fate or
make a stand when or if the slower army succeeds
Fabled Movement Trick in bring the dismounted model to combat.
The Fabled movement Trick is an offensive
Position and Tempo strategy that uses Deception Flanking
to move forward by moving backwards. See the Flanking is an offensive Position tactic that seeks
Zen of Movement. to overcome the strongest portion of an enemy
Position by attacking from a weaker direction.
Fighter Escorts This is achieved by moving around the enemy
Fighter Escorts is the technical name for a small formation until a less imposing avenue of attack
group of fast moving troops sent to accompany a can be found. This may require the use of
Strategic Raid. The purpose of Fighter Escorts is Deception or Hamer and Anvil tactics to
to run interference for the main raid, intercepting encourage the enemy force to stay in position

10 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Flash Kill - Full Bradbury

while the Flanking units reach the correct developing game. Dividing their forces in this
Position. This tactic is most commonly used manner weakens the player’s Tempo and leaves
against Shield Walls, defended obstacles, and the rest of their army vulnerable to Defeat in
other formation with a clear intended facing. Detail tactics. This mistake is most commonly
seen when one player miscalculates the Final
Flash Kill Place of Conflict.
The Flash Kill is a Resource Management tactic
that seeks to reduce the effect of the enemy’s Fortified Line
Heroic Resources upon the developing game. This The Fortified Line is a defensive Position
is done by identify the key heroes that are stratagem that involves forming a Shield Wall in
carrying the Heroic Resources and killing them or around an already defensive terrain feature,
before they can impact the game. A proper Flash such as a hedge, obstacle or ruin. The use of
Kill should remove a hero that was at full stats at defensive terrain greatly increases the staying
the beginning of the phase, though the term can power of the Fortified Line beyond that of the
sometimes be applied to the death of mostly fresh regular Shield Wall and as such a Fortified Line
heroes. cannot normally be broken without
disproportional Resource expenditure. The
Flat Lining weakness of the Fortified Line is that it is a
1) Flat Lining is the term applied to the stationary Position that therefore completely
unenviable situation in which a player finds surrenders the Initiative of the game to the
themselves facing the prospect of scoring zero opposition and is vulnerable to Flanking and
points in a game. This can occur through poor Encirclement tactics.
fortune or incorrect strategy selection. A player
who is Flat Lining has a choice between initiating Forward Observers
Damage Mitigation strategies or attempting a Full Forward Observers is the name given to the initial
Bradbury. warband drops that are positioned early in the
2) Flat Lining is the term applied to the situation deployment phase to observe and report upon the
in which a player has scored no points after enemy’s deployment. Correct use of reliable
several rounds of a competitive series of linked Forward Observers can provide a significant
games (tournaments). At this stage the Player Position advantage.
must decide whether they wish to employ the
Matt Sportsmanship Manoeuvre or try for the Full Full Bradbury
Bradbury. 1) The Full Bradbury is a tactic of desperation in
which a player with a significant disadvantage in
Flooding Resources, Tempo, Position and victory points
Flooding is an offensive Position tactic that is carries on in the hope that fortune will cripple
used to secure control of vital areas of the battle their opponent. Examples can included hopping
field that the enemy is attempting to contest. This wizards will fail courage tests or that significant
is achieved by applying overwhelming numbers to portions of the enemy force will drown. To
the desired position. Flooding is similar to achieve the Full Bradbury the losing player must
Burying but it is applied to a location rather than a Position their army in such a way that it can take
miniature. advantage of this hoped for misfortune. Due to the
exposed Position required to adopt this low
Flying V Formation probability of success tactic, this tactic frequently
The Flying V Formation is the offensive use of ends with the losing player in an even worse
the usually defensive Inversed Crescent Moon situation.
Formation. In this formation a player places their 2) The Full Bradbury is a tactic of desperation in
high powered combat Resources forward and which a player realises that, during the course of a
moves rapidly toward the enemy. The rest of the competitive series of linked games (tournaments),
army is placed upon the flanks of this centre that they are no longer in traditional contention
thrust, deployed in a swept back manner normally range for the podium. In this situation the player
associated with the Inversed Crescent Moon refuses to back down and carries on in the hope
formation, to cover the flanks of the initial point that the players above them will wipe each other
of contact and be present to exploit any breaks out in a series of nil all draws, rage quite due to
that form in the enemy line. sportsmanship issues, fail to return from lunch or
fall victim to Day Two Fade.
Fort Zinderneuf
Fort Zinderneuf is a defensive Position mistake in
which one player dedicates Resources to defend
an area of the board that is irrelevant to the

GDP Tactical Dictionary 11

Glorious Last Stand - Harassment

Glorious Last Stand restricted movement. This tactic consist of

The Glorious Last Stand is an offensive Position keeping as much of your army as possible outside
and Tempo tactic that utilises the Last Stand tactic the enemy hero’s charge range. The enemy cannot
to end the game after one player has secured kill what they cannot catch.
several objectives but before the enemy can
mount an effective effort to reclaim them. This Halo Tactic
tactic is generally employed in situations where The Halo Tactic (also known as the Spray and
one player if faced with a severe disadvantage in Pray) is a defensive Tempo management tactic
terms of Relevant Resources and are therefore that is used for mitigating the effect of large
unable to defend their objectives using mounted heroes. This tactic consist of pointing
conventional tactics. See Digging In. every available bow, throwing spear, rock or other
ranged weapon at said hero and hoping something
Going Dark succeeds in removing the hero’s steed. This loss
Going Dark is a Position and Psychological will reduce the hero’s speed and damage output
Warfare tactic in which one player utilises gaps in and in turn damage the opponent’s Tempo.
the opposing player’s arc of vision to generate
uncertainty surrounding the exact Position of their Halo Trap
Resources. This is done by moving into areas The Halo Trap (also known as the Donut of
where the opponent’s line of sight is obscured by Death) is an offensive Position tactic that focuses
intervening terrain. Ideally the opponent should upon manipulating enemy movement. This tactic
be left unsure if this obstruction was intentional, consist of leaving a seemingly vulnerable section
and thereby part of a cunning plan, or if is simply of your army in a seemingly exposed position.
a coincidence and you never realised that you had When the enemy attempts to surround this bait,
enter their blind spot. This doubt will hinder your the rest of your army surrounds them in an
opponent’s ability to plan strategically and the Encirclement manoeuvre. At which point you
relief at seeing the formation later emerge from have them surrounded from both the inside and
the blind spot can be leveraged by tactics such as outside. See Baiting and Activation Control.
Perceived Confidence Advantage and Shadow
Force. This tactic is only effective against seated Hammer
opponents. The Hammer formation is the name applied to the
offensive portion of a player’s army that is
Halo Array intended to provide the majority of the army’s
The Halo Array (also known as Seeding Decoys damage output. This term is normally applied
or Baiting) is a defensive Position tactic that is only when the offensive and defensive
used to manage either slow moving enemy heroes components of the army are deployed separately.
or enemy heroes with a compulsion to charge. See Hammer and Anvil.
This tactic consist of deploying the Halo
Formation with the following exception. One Hammer and Anvil
model remains within the enemy’s charge range The Hammer and Anvil is a two part offensive
to present the opponent with a choice. They can Position, Resource Management and Tempo tactic
either not reach combat this turn or they can that is used to manipulate the enemy’s Position
charge in the direction of your choosing (further and Tempo prior to the main combat. This is done
weakening the army’s Position and Tempo). through the use of an Anvil formation to pin the
enemy’s Resources in a place of your choosing
Halo Defence while a Hammer formation manoeuvres to exploit
The Halo Defence (also known as Circling the any vulnerabilities in the enemy Position.
Wagons) is a defensive Position tactic that is used
for mitigating crushing numerical inferiority in Harassment
situations where Tempo is not required. This Harassment is the defensive use of Whittling and
tactic consist of forming your models into a ring Yoyo Attack style tactics to disrupt enemy
shape with spears, banners and support pieces on formations without exposing your Resources to
the inside of the ring and the enemy on the losses in return. This is done to inflict small but
outside. It is vitally important to leave an Air Gap annoying amounts of damage to the enemy
when forming the Halo Defence. See Collapsing Resources to either force them to reform their
Crescent Moon. formation and manoeuvre to counter these losses,
thereby reducing the opponents Tempo and or
Halo Formation provoking them into attacking before they are
The Halo Formation (also known as the ready in an attempt to prevent the Death by a
Avoidance Bubble) is a defensive Position tactic Thousand Cuts strategy.
that is used for countering large heroes with

12 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Henry Kerr - Initiative

Henry Kerr by making initial contact with an enemy

The Henry Kerr is a counter strategy that can be formation to keep it in place but then taking every
deployed against almost any tactic and can be opportunity in subsequent turns to move around
used to recover from most initial setbacks or early the enemy formation. This is similar to Flanking
losses. This is achieved by simply rolling more but the intention of the lateral movement is to
6’s than the opponent has dice. Successful achieve a Position from which you can disengage
implementation of this strategy can only really be with the enemy, rather than manoeuvring to
countered by the use of Death Wave tactics or by increase your combat potential.
pure movement objectives.
Horns of the Bull
Heroic Resources The Horns of the Bull is the technical term for the
1) Heroic Resources are the expendable attributes two forward elements used to encircle the enemy
that a hero has that can be used to influence the Position during the Crescent Moon Encirclement.
ongoing game. This can include but is not limited This term can sometimes applied to the leading
to might, fate, will, smoke bombs, magic hats and elements of other symmetrical Encirclement
other limited use abilities. The correct strategies.
management of Heroic Resources is critical to the
Resource Management aspect of the game. Horse Shoe Formation
2) Heroic Resources are the key heroes that form The Horse Shoe Formation is a generic term for
the core of your army’s ability to perform as any of the curved formations, such as the Crescent
intended. This can be because these heroes are Moon, Inversed Crescent Moon and Flying V
equipped with large quantities of Heroic Formations. The term Horse Shoe Formation can
Resources, but the designation can also be applied also be applied to smaller formations down to and
in situations where the hero has other powers, including single warband size.
items, abilities or stats that are vital for the
ongoing plan. Hunkering Down
Hunkering Down is a defensive Position tactic
Heroic Slaughter that is used to counter unexpectedly deadly
Heroic Slaughter is a Resource Management shooting. This is done by heading towards the
tactic that focuses upon accelerating the Tempo of nearest patch of terrain that can provide either
the game beyond the point at which the enemy cover or, preferably, block line of sight all
can redeploy in response to the changing together. Note, Hunkering Down does not deal
situation. See Shock and Awe. with shooting, it merely buys time for you to
develop a new plan.
Hidden in Plain Sight
Hidden in Plain Sight is a Psychological Warfare Initiative
and Deception tactic in which one player seeks to Initiative is the term that is used to describe the
draw the opponent’s attention away from a vital balance of Position, Tempo, Resources,
section of the battlefield and leave them unaware Psychological Warfare, army selection and
of a developing situation. To achieve this a player Perceived Confidence Advantage that allows a
must convince their opponent that their own focus player to control the pace of the game. This can
is elsewhere and that the critical location is not be achieved through the application of any
worth considering. This is achieved by being seen combination of the afore mentioned elements
to pay minimum attention to the important area. providing that your selected combination is
The Hidden in Plain Sight tactic is frequently sufficient to counter your opponent’s chosen
combined with the Apparent Focus tactic to form combination. As the player who holds the
a unified Deception no Deception strategy. Initiative controls the pace of the game, they have
effective tactical control of the game and can
Hit and Wrap instigate the tactic and strategies of their
1) The Hit and Wrap is an offensive Position choosing. This includes deciding when and where
tactic in which a numerically superior army combat will be reached, which sections of the
attempts to maximise their advantage through board will be used and how the overall game will
employing Encirclement tactics. This is done by be played. The player who has lost the Initiative
moving excess models around the enemy will have no choice but to respond to the first
formation to attack the vulnerable sides and rear. player’s decisions and play the game of their
See Flanking. opponent’s choosing.
2) The Hit and Wrap (also known as Lightning
War) is an offensive Tempo strategy that seeks to
bypass enemy formations during missions with a
pure movement based objective. This is achieved

GDP Tactical Dictionary 13

Inversed Crescent Moon Formation - Leapfrogging

Inversed Crescent Moon Formation movement and shooting to stay mobile and avoid
The Inversed Crescent Moon Formation is a enemy Flack Fire.
defensive Position tactic that is used against
opponents with a vast numerical superiority. An Kylie Special
army deployed in this formation will have a The Kylie Special is an offensive or defensive
strong centre that will make initial contact with Position, Tempo and Resource Management tactic
the enemy but the flanks of the formation will be in which one player sacrifices their long term
swept back away from the enemy to increase the mobility to achieve a once off Position and
distance that the opponent must move if they wish Tempo advantage. This is done by voluntarily
to encircle you. Depending upon the extent of the dismounting a hero. While the dismounting hero
enemy’s initial numerical advantage and the loses their steed, they gain an extra inch of
effectiveness of your first contact group to reduce movement and a smaller base size. Under the
this advantage, it is usually necessary to begin right circumstances this can allow the hero to
transitioning to the Collapsing Crescent Moon. A access areas of the board more rapidly than the
variant of this formation can be used offensively, opponent through likely.
see the Flying V Formation.
Jaws of Victory The Lasso is an offensive Position tactic in which
The Jaws of Victory is an offensive Position one player Positions their opponent’s models so
strategy in which a formation attempts to that it can be caught by a Macro Trap. This is
envelope an enemy formation while the enemy usually achieved through the use of magic but
formation attempts to withdraw. See Pincer some monsters have other Lasso abilities. The
Movement, Hit and Wrap and Crescent Moon Lasso is a common Assassination technique.
Last Stand
Kill Zone The Last Stand is an offensive Tempo and
The Kill Zone is an aggressive Position tactic that Resource Management tactic in which a player
establishes a formation or army sized Mega Trap sacrifices their Resources in an attempt to rapidly
in the hopes that the enemy will stumble into it. end the game. This is done by placing your own
This is done by placing your formations into models into a Position where they are likely to be
Positions where there is an area of the board that killed (see Place of Death) in quantities sufficient
you can rapidly surround and from which the to satisfy the end condition of the game. This is
enemy cannot withdraw. Then simply convince generally done when one player would receive an
your opponent to enter this pre-prepared trap. This advantage from an extended number of turns and
is frequently seen in Doom Box, Crescent Moon the other player would not (see Glorious Last
Encirclement and Hamer and Anvil style Stand), but it can sometimes be seen at events that
Encirclement strategies. impose severe penalties for failure to finish
Kite Eating Tree
The Kite Eating Tree is an offensive Position Layered Probability
tactic that can be used to bring a Kiting or Layered Probability is a pre-emptive counter
Avoidance army to combat. This is done by strategy that is used to mitigate the effects of ill
approaching the enemy Position from a direction fortune. This is done by recognising areas where
where they will end up being caught between the poor dice rolling could cause significant
Hammer of your forces and the Anvil of terrain. disruption to your plans and identifying additional
The successful application of the Kite Eating Tree strategies that could mitigate this failure. Layered
tactic requires a detailed understanding of vectors Probability is about creating redundancy in
and the relive Tempo of the two forces. This tactic strategy and developing plans within plans so that
can also utilise board edges in situations where when one plan fails another plan takes its place.
there is no suitable terrain features. Under no
circumstances attempt to pin an army against a Leapfrogging
terrain feature that provides the unit with benefits Leapfrogging is a defensive Position tactic that
(I.E. cavalry and shallow water, wood elves and utilises terrain to minimise damage from enemy
woods, mountain dwellers and mountains). shooting while conducting a separate offensive
strategy. This is done by choosing a route for the
Kiting offensive manoeuvre that allow the formation to
Kiting is an offensive Position and Tempo benefit from cover during as much of their trip as
strategy in which one force uses Avoidance practical without sacrificing too much Tempo.
tactics to inflict Whittling damage to the entire
enemy force. A Kiting force requires superior

14 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Leroy Jenkins - Micro Warbands

Leroy Jenkins through the application of overwhelming force.

The Leroy Jenkins is the term that is applied to This is done by the simple expedient of
the situation where one player adopts the Fix surrounding the stranded enemy with as many
Bayonets tactics but the majority of their models as possible for as many turns as necessary.
formation is delayed while attempting to exit the
terrain feature in which they were sheltering. This Macro Warbands
results in having a small number of models that Macro Warbands is an army selection strategy
could advance one or more turns ahead of the that focus upon maximising the model count. A
main formation, should you wish. This is Macro Warbands army will most likely attempt
sometimes done against powerful shooting forces numbers based tactics such as Flooding, Burying
to try and reach combat a turn earlier and remove and Encirclement.
a turn of enemy shooting.
Magic Suppression
Lightning War Magic Suppression is a defensive Resource
1) Lightning War is an offensive Tempo strategy Management tactic that attempts to mitigate the
that seeks to bypass enemy formations during effect of the enemy’s magic users through the
pure movement objective mission. See Hit and application of magic users. This can be done by
Wrap. directly targeting the enemy magic users or by
2) Lightning War is the technical term for any targeting the area of the field that the enemy was
army strategy that requires a minimum of 3 elven targeting. Ideally this tactic should be
storm callers. accompanied by the cry of “Aiiee-yaaaahh! Magic
must defeat magic!!!”.
Lone Wolf
The Lone Wolf is an offensive Initiative trick that Mega Trap
can be used to pin key elements of an enemy force The Mega Trap is a scaled up combination of the
while holding the bulk of your army to respond to Macro Trap and Micro Trap offensive Position
the enemy’s actions. The Lone Wolf tactic relies tactics. The Mega Trap involves surrounding
upon including an allied Wild Warg Chieftain in entire enemy formations and driving them
the army that can call heroic moves without inwards until you can pin the enemy models
effecting the bulk of the player’s Resources. In against the combats on the other side of their
theory this trick could also be applied by any hero formation. See Encirclement and Closing the Air
that chooses not to call with me with its heroic Gap.
move, but this is rarely seen. The Lone Wolf is
most frequently used in situations where a low Meta Game
courage enemy army is required to test courage The Meta Game is the term that is applied to any
for being broken, in this case the Lone Wolf(s) element of the game that is not strictly part of the
would move first to pin the enemy hero(es) and game. This includes Energy Reserve
prevent them from providing a stand fast while Management, identifying the opponents Decision
avoiding combat with the enemy’s low courage Management practices and some levels of the
warriors. In this way the Lone Wolf forces the Psychological Warfare strategy. The Meta Game
enemy to take the maximum number of courage can be described as ‘play the player, not the
tests. game’.

Matt Sportsmanship Manoeuvre Micro Trap

The Matt Sportsmanship Manoeuvre is an The Micro Trap is an offensive Position tactic
interesting tactic in which a player sacrifices in where one player attempts to remove an enemy
game advantage in exchange for the gratitude of asset from a crowded section of the board through
their opponent. To do this a player gives their the application of the minimum necessary force.
opponent ongoing tactical advice to correct errors This is done by trapping the enemy model against
in the opponent’s strategies and provides detailed the surrounding combats to achieve a one on one
instructions for the most effective way to destroy fight in which the enemy is trapped.
their own force. In extreme cases a player may
sometimes chose to adopt a deliberately flawed Micro Warbands
Position in return for additional gratitude (see Micro Warbands is an army selection strategy that
Place of Death). seeks to maximise the army’s Heroic Resources
without fully compromising the army’s model
Macro Trap count. This is done by hiring a small number of
The Macro Trap (also known as Dog Piling) is an warrior to accompany each hero to serve as
offensive Position tactic where one player Fighter Escorts and be used for Screening and
attempts to remove an isolated enemy asset Pealing Combats. A Micro Warbands army is well

GDP Tactical Dictionary 15

Mind Games - Perceived Confidence Advantage

suited to Shock and Awe manoeuvres and an action now it will kill one enemy warrior but if
strategies that require high Resource Density. you use it five turns from now you can engineer a
situation where it kills three. However if that one
Mind Games enemy model kills four of your models during the
Mind Games is the generic term applied to all of intervening turns then delaying the attack
the intellectual elements of Psychological produces a lower Net Present Value. Calculation
Warfare. This includes the Voice of Saruman and of Net Present Value should consider Position,
Deception no Deception. Tempo, Initiative, the potential for Psychological
Warfare and the balance of Relevant Resources.
Minimum Safe Distance
1) Minimum Safe Distance is a defensive Position Objective Based Strategy
and Tempo tactic that seeks to prevent an enemy Objective Based Strategy is a competitive
model or formation from inflicting damage upon Decision Management tool that focuses upon
your Resources at a given time. This is done achieving mission objectives with maximum
through calculating the maximum distance at efficiency. This is done by assessing the relative
which the identified threat can inflict damage points breakdown of points per objective as well
(including the potential for Lasso and Picard as the end conditions of the game to determine the
Manoeuvre tactics) and simply remaining outside optimum strategy that will result in a winning
this range. See Halo Formation. situation at the end of the game.
2) Minimum Safe Distance is a Decision
Management tool that can be used to identify Path Less Travelled
which areas of the board the enemy’s army is in The Path Less Travelled is a Decision
Position to threaten or defend and with what Management tactic that seeks to deliberately
portion of their army they can do so. Unlike the unbalance the opponent through selecting an
Position and Tempo tactic variant of Minimum uncommon strategy or tactic. In this scenario the
Safe Distance, the Decision Management variant player attempts to identify a tactic that the
is less of a hard and fast distance and more of opponent is unlikely to have encountered recently
something to be aware of. and therefore will be unsure of the correct counter
strategy that they should employ. This tactic is
Misdirection frequently used by experienced players who have
Misdirection is a Psychological Warfare tactic in developed extensive Tactical Tool Boxes.
which one player uses the Position of their
Resources to convince the opponent that their Pealing Combats
plan is different than it is. This can be done by Pealing Combats is defensive trick used to rescue
deploying leaders in a sacrificial force (in the valuable Resources from multiple combats in the
hopes that the VP gained through the misdirection enemy’s favour. This is done by charging
will be greater than those lost by the death of the additional models into the enemy’s multiple
leader) or by deploying a large cluster of archers combat to split it into several smaller combats.
to convince the opponent that you intend to use a This is particularly useful in situations where the
Rolling Arrow Storm or Fire Nest strategy. counter charge can remove the enemy’s fight
value advantage from the main combat. Pealing
Multi Tech Units Combats also works on spearmen.
Multi Tech Units is a descriptive term that is
applied to units and formations that can perform Perceived Confidence Advantage
in multiple specialised Tech roles. This multi The Perceived Confidence Advantage is an
specialisation is usually gained at the price of important element of Psychological Warfare, in
reduced generic effectiveness for their given which one player displays strong confidence in
points cost. See Tech Units. the inevitability of their victory. The player who
enjoys this advantage can use it to control the
Net Present Value Initiative of the game through forcing the
Net Present Value is a Decision Management tool opponent into a conservative or reckless approach
that enables player to make effective Resource by convincing them that that tactic is their only
Management decisions when comparing chance. This tactic can also be used against a
alternatives with a significant temporal difference. player by convincing them that their victory is
This can occur when a player must decide if they assured as part of a long term Deception plan. See
wish to spend Heroic Resources, commit reserves Deception no Deception.
or deploy ambushing forces now or hold them for
later. This is done by comparing the relative value
of the current event with the discounted relative
value of the future event. For example if you take

16 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Picard Manoeuvre - Red Flag

Picard Manoeuvre Deception, the Perceived Confidence Advantage

1) The Picard Manoeuvre is an offensive Tempo and the Deception no Deception game.
and Deception tactic that seeks to convince the
opponents subconscious that a mounted hero is Rally Point
slower than it really is. This is done by moving A Rally Point is the Tech term that is applied to
the mounted hero in a group with a selection of any hero or other unit that specialises in
slower troops. The hero must always be seen to be preventing their surrounding units from fleeing
moving faster than the troops but must never use once a force is broken. This can be achieved
its full speed. Once the enemy sees the hero through the use of high courage heroes, extended
outpace the slower troops they will assume that stand fast ranges, furious magic or other similar
the mounted hero is displaying their full speed abilities.
and this will affect the enemy’s ability to judge
the Tempo of your hero should they attempt to Ranged Area Denial
eyeball (guess) their threat range later in the Ranged Area Denial is a defensive Position and
game. Tempo tactic that utilises massed shooting to
2) The Picard Manoeuvre is an offensive Tempo achieve Activation Control. This is done by
and Deception tactic in which one player attempts deploying an army’s ranged resources early in a
to disguise the intended Tempo of their army. concentrated mass with good arcs of fire covering
This is done by not using heroic marchers or other one area of the battle field and poor to no arc of
movement enhancing abilities on turn one when fire for another section. This will encourage the
your opponent is trying to gauge your army’s enemy to advance through the blind spot in your
overall strengths and weaknesses. This initial ranged fire, following a predictable and pre-
show of sluggishness at this impressionable stage determined route. This tactic is used to setup other
will cause your opponent to underestimate your tactics that require the enemy to adopt a
army’s mobility and adjust their strategy based predetermined Position.
upon this flawed data.
Reconnaissance in Force
Pincer Movement The Reconnaissance in Force is an offensive
The Pincer Movement is an offensive Position Position and Tempo tactic in which one player
tactic in which a player attempts to trap enemy seizes the Initiative but does not have a plan
Resources between two portions of their own beyond this initial move. This is done in situations
army. This is done by approaching the enemy where one player believes that they have a larger
Position from two directions in an attempt to trap Tactical Tool Box than the opponent and are
the enemy against the other force. therefore confident that they can adapt faster to
the changing game. Based upon this knowledge
Place of Death the player applies maximum early pressure to
1) The Place of Death is the name applied to any their opponent, forcing them to respond and
Position from which it is difficult if not allowing the player to respond to the opponent’s
impossible to withdraw resources from without response, hopefully exploiting any errors that the
the incurring heavy or complete losses. Once a opponent may make.
formation is caught in a Place of Death the
controlling player has little choice but to Red Flag
commence Digging In. 1) The Red Flag is a term that is applied to a unit,
2) The Place of Death is an offensive Tempo formation or combo that is present in your
tactic in which one player adopts a Position that opponent’s army list that will inflict a
will maximise losses. This can be done by disproportionate Resource Management exchange
allowing the enemy to employ Encirclement, upon your force unless it is properly dealt with.
Defeat in Detail and Macro Trap tactics. The The identification of a Red Flag must be achieved
Place of Death is most commonly used in at the earliest possible opportunity (hopefully
conjunction with Last Stand tactics, but it can before deployment) to provide the greatest
sometimes be combined with the Matt possible range of tactical and strategic options for
Sportsmanship Manoeuvre. mitigating or removing the threat. See Blunting,
Shutdown and Assassination.
Psychological Warfare 2) The Red Flag is a subconscious Decision
Psychological Warfare is the overlying factor that Management mistake that streamlines the overall
effects all other elements of the game. This term strategic process by developing an array of
refers to the interaction between the two players predetermined responses to counter specific in
in an attempt to gain advantage outside the strict game situations. This can be a positive situation if
dice game. This can be done through the use of your subconscious identifies the correct response
but this is generally dis-advantageous as anything

GDP Tactical Dictionary 17

Reform the Line - Rolling Arrow Storm

that reduces your strategic options will weaken Resource Density

your Tactical Toolbox and leave you vulnerable Resource Density is a Position term that is used to
to Deep Deception strategies. Examples include refer to the magnitude of Resource within a given
players that will always avoid concentrated area. This differs from Unit Density in that Unit
archery (see Ranged Area Denial) or who will Density refers to the concentration of your models
always throw everything they have into an while Resource Density refers to the
Assassination Run if confronted with a shade. By concentration of your killing power. Resource
identifying your own Red Flags you can launch an Density is a key component in Defeat in Detail
even deeper Deep Deception strategy against your and other strategies that require concentration of
opponent (provided that you know that they know force.
your red flags).

Reform the Line Resource Management

Reform the Line is a transitional Position tactic in Resource Management is the underlying principle
which one player decides that their current of any successful battle plan. This principle
Position is untenable and a new Position must be understand that both sides have finite Resources
adopted. A formation preforming a Reform the with which to secure victory points and therefore
Line transition will generally experience a victory will belong to the player who makes best
moment of vulnerability after they abandoned the use of what they bring to the table. To this end
remaining benefits of their current formation but Resource Management tactics can be either
before they gain the benefits of the new defensive or offensive in nature. Defensive tactics
formation. aim at conserving your resources while the
opponent is forced to spend theirs. See Blunting
Refused Flank and Burnout. Offensive tactics aim to spend your
1) The Refused Flank is a Position and Tempo resources in such a way that they secure a
tactic in which one player attempts to use their disproportional return. See Shock and Awe,
mobility to change position faster than the Burnout and Yoyo Attack.
opposition can keep pace. This is done by
deploying the army in two separate formations. If Resources
the enemy splits their own army to match your A players Resources represent all of the assets
deployment you then recombine your force and that a player has available to them with which
engage their force before it can recombine. they may attempt to influence the outcome of the
2) The Refused Flank is a Position and Tempo game. This includes but is not limited to Heroic
tactic in which one player has identified a Resources (might, fate and will), model count,
weakness in their opponent’s deployment and banners, powerful heroes, turns remaining (see
deploys their own force to exploit this. This is Tempo Advantage), time remaining, level of
achieved through the use of Forward Observers to alertness and knowledge of relevant movie
gain an overview of your opponent’s layout. Then quotes. Since the Resources available to each
deploy your formations in a concentrated block player are finite, the correct and efficient
and rush the weaker flank, hopefully using your application of these Resources is vital to
higher Resource Density to apply Defeat in Detail achieving victory. See Resource Management.
tactics before the enemy can recover their
Position. Ring of Death
3) The Refused Flank is an offensive Misdirection The Ring of Death is an offensive Position tactic
and Position tactic in which one player attempts to in which an enemy position is entirely surrounded
influence their opponent’s deployment by using by the assaulting forces. This Position normally
an asymmetric deployment strategy. In this case acts as the final stage of other offensive Position
the player concentrates their most power units on tactics. See Jaws of Death, Crescent Moon
one flank of their deployment zone (see Resource Encirclement, Flanking, Doom Box and Hit and
Density) and their weaker units on the other flank. Wrap.
The enemy will then hopefully seek to exploit this
by deploying the bulk of their army against your Rolling Arrow Storm
weaker flank to employ Defeat in Detail tactics. The Rolling Arrow Storm is a tactic used by
This can be viewed as Baiting on an army wide massed archery formations in which the player
scale and is frequently employed as part of a decides to sacrifice some of their ranged
wider Activation Control strategy. effectiveness for greater control of the Tempo of
the game. This can be used to either increase your
Relevant Resources army’s tempo by moving forward with the archers
Relevant Resources is the name given to those so that they are closer to where they will need to
resources that are relevant to a given situation. be later or decrease the enemy’s Tempo by

18 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Rule of N Plus One - Shell Game

moving backwards and creating additional to a contested objective. This is done by pushing
distance that the enemy will need to cover. past the objective so that during the ensuring fight
your forces are in range of the objective while
Rule of N Plus One their forces are not.
The Rule of N Plus One is an offensive Position,
Tempo and Resource Management counter Sealing the Doom Box
strategy that serves as a hard counter to the Rule Sealing the Doom Box is an offensive Position
of Three strategy. It does this by exceeding the tactic in which a rapidly moving formation is used
Resources that the opponent commits to a given to transform the Doom Box tactic into a Ring of
function by one. If the enemy sends three models, Death. This is done by placing these units into
you send four. If the enemy deploys five Position behind the enemy formation once the
warbands, you deploy six. This will allow you to Doom Box has achieved a three sided trap. This
engage the enemy Resource for Resource while force provides the fourth side of the trap.
you pursue the mission objectives with your
surplus Resources. Seeding Decoys
Seeding Decoys is a defensive Position, Tempo
Rule of Three and Resource Management tactic used to manage
1) The Rule of Three is an army selection either slow moving enemy heroes or enemy
guideline that establishes a minimum level of heroes with a compulsion to charge. See Halo
redundancy that should be built into critical Array.
functions. This rule states that if three models are
included in a force to achieve a given task then Separation Protocol
the enemy will neutralise one at range, another in Separation Protocol is a defensive Position and
combat, but the third will get the task done. Tempo trick that is occasionally utilised by
2) The Rule of Three is an offensive Position, avoidance forces that are in risk of being engaged
Tempo and Resource Management strategy that by enemy forces. In this situation the avoiding
can be used to move a significant portion of your player separates their individual models so that no
resources deep into the enemy’s territory with one enemy model can charge more than one of
minimal opposition. See the Shell Game. your models. In this case even if the enemy
secures the Actual Priority the avoiding player
Running on Empty still has a portion of their force that is free to
Running on Empty is the Energy Reserve manoeuvre, either to counter attack or withdraw.
Management mistake that refers to the situation in Separation Protocol is only effective in situations
which a player has depleted their Energy where there are more avoiding models than there
Reserved and is forced to play at below optimum are models in range to engage them.
efficiency. In this situation the player is left with
insufficient mental energy to properly consider Shadow Force
their tactics and strategies, and insufficient The Shadow Force is a Position, Tempo,
physical energy to remain standing. This situation Deception and Psychological Warfare tactic in
should be avoided where possible. which one player encourages their opponent to
forget that a portion of the players resources are
Scroll Caddy on the board. This is done by deploying or
The Scroll Cady is a defensive Position tactic that moving a formation out of the enemy player’s line
is used to mitigate the effects of area of effect of sight (see Going Dark) and then in a
magic. This is done by identifying a low cost subsequent turn moving most of the formation
model with the ability to resist this magic and back into their range of vision. While this
assigning it to accompany any high value weakens the initial formation it does allow the
formation. player to adopt a Position that the enemy is
entirely unaware of and this opens other tactical
Screening options such as Encirclement and Strategic Raid.
1) Screening is a defensive Position and Tempo It is vitally important to do nothing that will draw
tactic that seeks to prevent enemy forces from attention to the Shadow Force once it has
accessing vulnerable areas of your larger disappeared. This is generally only effective
formations. This is done by assigning a small against seated opponents.
group of models to physically stand in the way of
said enemy forces. This is a more general Shell Game
application of the principles developed in the Anti 1) The Shell Game is the tactical situation that is
Flier Guard. found at the beginning of most scenarios that
2) Screening is a offensive Position and Tempo include random search objectives. In most
tactic in which an army denies the opponent entry published random search scenarios the objective,

GDP Tactical Dictionary 19

Shield Wall - Spray and Pray

artefact or other unclaimed item of a valuable deployment zone without appearing to care about
nature will is unlikely to be found from the the Position of spears, shields, banners or heroes.
randomised rolls and therefore an auto find option This can be done either to establish a mindset that
will be included in the rules. This strategy relies accepts that every model is its own formation and
upon correctly reading the probability to can manoeuvre independently or as a Deception
determine ahead of time where to Position your tactic to convince the opponent that your army
Resources to maximise your Tempo. does not wish to fight in combat.
2) The Shell Game is a Psychological Warfare
tactic that utilises Deception and Decoy principles Slow Play
to engineer a Catch 22 situation. This is done by 1) Slow Play is the term for the deliberate, well
deploying your Resources in three distinct groups. thought out, carefully measured playstyle in
When your enemy attempts to employ Defeat in which one player refuse to be rushed into a
Detail tactics against one formation that formation mistake by the opponent’s Tempo Advantage.
will act as an Anvil while the second formation 2) Slow Play is the term for the selection of a time
serves as a Hammer and the third launches a consuming playstyle by a player that is currently
Strategic Raid to claim objectives and secure in the lead in situations with time pressure. This is
victory. See the Rule of Three. done in the hopes that the opponent will not be
able to overcome the player’s defensive
Shield Wall stratagems before time is called. Under no
The Shield Wall is the fundamental formation. circumstances should non-game based tactics be
The Shield Wall can be used offensively or used to stall time. See Tempo Advantage.
defensively to control Position or Tempo. The
Shield Wall generally trades effectively in terms Smaug on Base
of Resource Management against most other Smaug on Base is a Psychological Warfare tactic
formations. This is done by forming a double line that can be used by or against large monsters with
of infantry, with shield or other combat models in detachable bases. When playing against the
front and spears behind. This creates a situation monster you can demand that the monster be left
where your individual models are well supported on its base for aesthetic reasons. The extra weight
and difficult to trap and it provides a safe area of moving the full model around will rapidly tire
behind the formation to store your support figures. your opponent. If playing with the monster you
can insist that the monster remain on its base for
Shock and Awe aesthetic reasons. The opponent will then be
Shock and Awe (also known as Burnout, Big overawed by the presence of a giant monster
Hero Burnout or Heroic Slaughter) is a Resource moving around the board.
Management tactic that focuses upon accelerating
the Tempo of the game beyond the point at which Smaug Somewhat on Base
the enemy can redeploy in response to the The Smaug Somewhat on Base is a Psychological
changing situation. This is achieved by rapidly Warfare tactic in which a player with a monster
spending Heroic Resources to inflict maximum on a detachable base attempts to artificially inflate
damage upon the enemy in minimum time. This the perceived Resources that they have available.
tactic is particularly favoured by armies with To do this the player must claim that precise
multiple mounted combat heroes. measurement is required and remove the monster
from its base. Once this is done the monster is
Shooting the Moon placed near its base for aesthetic reasons. In your
Shooting the Moon is the term applied to the opponent’s subconscious you will now have two
attempt to kill your opponent’s biggest piece with monsters on the board and this will affect your
shooting. opponent’s decision making.

Shutdown Sniper
The Shutdown is a defensive Resource A Sniper is the Tech term that is applied to any
Management tactic in which a magic user is unit that specialises in removing specific targets at
tasked with removing the influence of an enemy range. This can be achieved through deadly
character entirely from the game. The Shutdown shooting, long range magic or other similar
tactic is an extension of the Blunting tactic.. abilities.

Skirmish Formation Spray and Pray

The Skirmish Formation is a lose deployment The Spray and Pray is a defensive Tempo
formation in which a player declares their intent management tactic for mitigating the effect of
to play an Avoidance or Kiting game. This is done large mounted heroes. See the Halo Tactic.
by generally spreading your troops around your

20 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Stacking the Wolves - Sunk Cost Theorem

Stacking the Wolves some form of Air Superiority or Air Supremacy.

Stacking the Wolves is the defensive use of the The exact nature of the raid will depend upon
Hit and Wrap tactic to reduce the Tempo of the what Resources the enemy has left in the back
opponent’s reinforcements during an offensive field but this can included horn blowers, body
action against an enemy Position. This is achieved guarded heroes or lightly defended objectives.
by moving away from the approaching
reinforcement while still remaining in combat Striping the Willow
with the defenders. This increases the distance Striping the Willow is a defensive Position tactic
between your forces and the additional enemy that is used to rescue threatened heroes from
resources and has the added advantage that the multiple combats. See Pealing Combats.
movement of the arriving reinforcements will be
obstructed by your enemy’s own troops. This Submarining
tactic is particularly effective against opponents Submarining is a high risk strategy that seeks to
on large bases without spears or banners, such as weaken a player’s strength of schedule during a
warg armies. multi game competitive event. This is done by
deliberately failing to win the first game of the
Standard Combat Procedure event and thereby lowering your position entering
Standard Combat Procedure is the term applied to the second round. From this point onwards the
a players preferred style of play. This will include submarining player hopes that the added victory
factors such as army selection, mission type, points that they can score against the weaker
tactics, strategies and gambits. A player who opponents are sufficient to offset this initial loss.
deploys Standard Combat Procedure is playing This tactic should not be attempted at events when
the game their way, as such they will have the player count to number of rounds ratio is such
maximised their own personal strengths and will that multiple contestants can finish on full wins. It
be leveraging heavily upon their past experience. is sometimes possible to accidently submarine.
Under no circumstances should you allow your
opponent to utilise their Standard Combat Surprise
Procedure unless it is part of an elaborate Deep 1) Surprise is one of the five fundamental
Deception strategy. elements of existence and is responsible for the
interactions and progression of the other four
Straight Up Henry Kerr (citation needed). The correct recognition of the
1) The Straight Up Henry Kerr is a refinement of uncertainty that Surprise introduces into
the traditional Henry Kerr tactic that is used to probability and chance is a vital part of any
counter specific enemy stratagems. This is done successful Theory SBG or Decision Management
by identifying the critical contested roll that the based strategy.
opponent cannot afford to lose and has therefore 2) Surprise is what occurs when a player
dedicated significant Resources into guaranteeing. mistakenly believes that they have identified their
Once the critical roll has been identified it is then enemy’s intentions and plans accordingly. This is
secured through the simple means of rolling most frequently seen as part of a Deep Deception
higher. Ideally this should be done with a single strategy but can it can also occur when one player
six off a single dice, without re-rolls or utilises a tactic that their opponent was previously
modification. For maximum effect the player unaware of (see Tactical Tool Box).
should appear unconcerned by this against the
odds win and should act surprised that anyone Sunk Cost Theorem
should find this unusual (explosions encourage The Sunk Cost Theorem is a Decision
but not required). Management tool that seeks to optimise Resource
2) The Straight Up Henry Kerr is a term that is Management decisions when responding to
used to describe the successful execution of an enemy aggression. The Sunk Cost Theorem
impressive, high damage, high risk, low recognises that it is not always possible to save
probability manoeuvre through the simple everyone every time. This means that by the time
expedient of rolling the required number of sixes. you have recognised your opponent’s offensive
3) The Straight Up Henry Kerr is the successful intention and begin to formulate a response some
adoption of the Henry Kerr counter strategy as an of your Resources may already be beyond saving.
initial strategy. In this situation the mistake of committing extra
Resources to support a formation that is already
Strategic Raid dead will simply increase the losses that you take
The Strategic Raid is an offensive Position tactic without returning any substantial reward. It is
in which one player sends a small fast moving therefore vital to carefully consider how your
force to eliminate key strategic Resources deep in Resources can be best spent to recover as many
the opponents back field. This is usually requires

GDP Tactical Dictionary 21

Tackle Box - Tempo

assets as possible without throwing good troops threats, but it can be used against a wide range of
after bad. offensive strategies.

Tackle Box Tech

The Tackle Box is a cut down version of the Tech is an army selection term that is used to
Tactical Tool Box that a player keeps close at describe to the specified functionality of different
hand. This Tackle Box will contain the tactics and profiles and formations. This functionality refers
strategies that are most commonly employed by to the unit’s ability to perform a given task
the player, including fundamental playstyles and beyond that which would be expected from a
favourite tricks, Mind Games and Deceptions. more generic choice. For example, a model with
The Tackle Box can be viewed as the middle Can Opener Tech should perform better when
ground between Standard Combat Procedure and wounding high defence opponents than a unit that
the full Tactical Tool Box. has not be described as having that Tech. If a unit
has Tech that is relevant to a given situation, such
Tactical Tool Box as anti-magic Tech in a magic rich environment,
The Tactical Tool Box is a term that is used to then they are said to have good Tech. If a unit has
refer to the tactical and strategic options available multiple Tech capabilities then they can be
to a player in a given situation. The extent of a described as having plenty of Tech. See Tech
player’s Tactical Tool Box is dependent upon the Units.
available Resources, Position, Tempo, mental
flexibility and the relative skill difference between Tech Units
them and their opponent. Having a larger Tactical Tech Units is a descriptive term that is applied to
Tool Box than the opponent will aid a player in highly specialised units and formations that trade
controlling the Initiative of the game and can be general battlefield effectiveness for competence in
used in Deception battle plans if you have a tool their designated Tech area. In general terms a
that the opponent did not realise was available to Tech Unit will have been optimised to fulfil its
you. Tech role to such an extent that it will not perform
with adequate Resource Management efficiency if
Tag Teaming employed in a generic capacity. For this reason
Tag Teaming is a Resource Management tactic in Tech Units generally require some finesse to use
which two heroes of roughly even power (such as effectively. Some Tech Units can be described as
the elven twins) are kept together to provide having plenty of Tech, see Multi Tech Units.
mutual support (see Buddy System and
Bodyguard Duty). Tempo Shift
The Tempo Shift is a transitional strategy that is
Tank used when a player decides that the current
A Tank is the Tech term that is applied to any unit Tempo of their army is no longer acceptable. In
that specialises in being disproportionally difficult this situation the player abandons their current
to wound for its cost. This can be achieved strategy in favour of one with a higher or lower
through the use of high defence, large shields, Tempo. This is frequently done towards the end
blubbery mass or other similar abilities. This term of games with time pressure or to match an
is generally applied in a relative sense so that a opponent’s change in Tempo. The Tempo Shift
Tank in a dwarf list will be different from a Tank does include an element of risk as the adoption of
in a hobbit list. a new strategy will frequently require the
adoption of a new Position and this can create a
Target Oversaturation window of vulnerability (see Reform the Line).
Target Oversaturation is a counter strategy that Examples of a Tempo Shift include switching
seeks to mitigate an opponent’s offensive or from Wait and See tactics to a Shock and Awe
defensive strategy through the application of approach or transitioning from one Burnout
multiple potential targets. This is done by strategy to the other Burnout strategy.
identifying the maximum number of threats that
the opponent’s army can effectively deal with and Tempo
applying a greater number of simultaneous 1) The Tempo of an army is the term used to refer
threats. This will overwhelm the enemy’s to the integral of the army’s velocity towards its
resources and leave them unable to effectively objectives, namely their position relative to time,
respond to your attack. This is most commonly with time in this war game measured in turns,
seen against wizards that can Shutdown or Lasso rather than minutes. This means that to understand
one threat per turn but rely upon additional an army’s Tempo a player is forced to consider
support to protect them from any additional not only ‘where’ their troops are but ‘when’ they
are, how long it will take them to be where they

22 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Tempo Advantage - Tiger Claw

should be and what is likely to occur during the within their rights to refuse this request it is
intervening turns. Tempo based tactics can be frequently necessary to leverage their cooperation
used to generate a Tempo Advantage through through other means. This could include
either offensive means, decreasing the number of capitalising on the gratitude generated by the Mat
turn required for your army to fulfil and objective Sportsmanship Manoeuvre or jollying the
(E.G. Shock and Awe), or defensively, increasing opponent along with the Classic Kirk. See the
the number of turns that the opponent will require Warp Slingshot Manoeuvre.
to achieve their objective (E.G. Blunting). The
understanding and control of Tempo is one of the Theory SBG
fundamental aspects of the game. Theory SBG is the technical name for conducting
2) The Tempo of a game refers to the speed at a TEWT (Tactical Exercise Without Troops). The
which two players can make decisions, move purpose of such an exercise is to examine the
troops, roll dice and generally play the game. If merits of given tactics and counter tactics without
the Tempo of a game falls too low in a the distraction of actually playing the game. The
tournament setting then it is unlikely that the ability to rapidly conduct Theory SBG during the
game will finish. brief period between seeing an opponent’s army
and rolling for deployment is vital if you intended
Tempo Advantage to deploy in a way that will support your ongoing
1) The Tempo Advantage refers to an army’s strategy in the rest of the game. When conversing
ability to achieve a desired outcome in less turns with the wider gaming community it is not
than their opponent can. For example if a model is uncommon to hear this idea referred to as
three turns away from an objective but the enemy ‘Theoryfaux’, ‘Theory Hammer’ or ‘Theory K’.
can reach it in one then the enemy has a two turn
Tempo Advantage in securing that objective. Three Deep
Likewise if two armies are attempting to break Three Deep is a modification of the defensive
one another and one army can achieve this is three Position and Tempo counter tactic Two Deep, in
turns but the other requires ten then one side has a which one player attempts to prevent
seven turn Tempo Advantage. See Shock and Breakthrough tactics through the establishment of
Awe. redundant lines of troops. In the situation where
2) The Tempo Advantage refers to one player you believe that the enemy intends to call a heroic
being comfortable playing at a faster tempo than combat (see Shock and Awe), then the two lines
their opponent. By keep the tempo of the game of troops recommended by the Two Deep tactic
fast the more experience player seeks to become insufficient to provide security against the
encourage their opponent into make rushed Breakthrough. This is because a heroic combat
decisions and ultimately mistakes. Light use of can punch through the first line of troops and kill
the Tempo Advantage is to be encouraged as it the second in a single turn, at which point the
help players develop their critical reasoning skills Breakthrough will succeed if the player can win
but heavy or forceful use of this advantage is an Actual Priority. To mitigate the risk of this
sportsman like and should be avoided at all costs. actual priority, place a third line of troops behind
3) The Tempo Advantage refers to the situation your second line. This third line will catch the
where one player takes an early lead in victory enemy hero and provide your Position with the
points and therefore will win if time is called. A Tempo necessary to respond to your opponent’s
player with the Tempo Advantage can afford to Breakthrough attempt.
utilise more time consuming tactics, such as
Turtling Up, as they are no longer forced to seize Tiger Claw
the initiative. Unfortunately some unimaginative The Tiger Claw is an offensive Tempo and
players are unable to devise genuine ‘in game’ Research Management tactic which utilises the
time consuming tactic and are forced to go grab a principle of Baiting to disperse enemy Resources.
drink, mysteriously receive urgent phone calls, To do this one player detaches small groups of
attempt to distract their opponents with humorous troops from their main formation and sends them
anecdotes or otherwise ‘Slow Play’. Slow Play is away from the main action. At this point the
sportsman like and should never be considered opponent has a choice, they can either ignore
under any circumstances. these detachments or respond in kind. If they do
nothing then the detachment is free to conduct
Temporal Manipulation Strategic Raids or effect an Encirclement. If the
Temporal Manipulation is a counter tactic that can opponent responds with a force that is smaller
be used to attempt to recover from a grievous than your detachment, you can employ Defeat in
tactical error. This is done by simply asking your Detail. If they send a larger force then your
opponent if they wouldn’t awfully mind if you detachment avoids combat thereby removing a
took back the mistake. Since the opponent is well disproportional portion of the enemy’s Resources.

GDP Tactical Dictionary 23

Touch Wood - Walling Off

Touch Wood Utility

Touch Wood is a defensive Position and Tempo Utility is a Resource Management and army
tactic that can be used to mitigate the effect of selection consideration that is used to measure the
enemy cavalry formations. This is done by flexibility of a given Resource. This is done by
moving your formations as rapidly as possible determining which tactics and strategies a given
towards the nearest wood, forest, area of bushland Resource can support and how swiftly the
or stand of trees. This is most frequently seen in Resource can change from one strategy to
situations where an infantry army has the ill another. An army with a high Utility content will
fortune to be set against an all cavalry army. This have a larger Tactical Tool Box available to
tactic can be considered a specialised variant of counter their opponent’s strategies.
the Digging In tactic.
Voice of Saruman
Trawling The Voice of Saruman is a Psychological Warfare
Trawling is a variation of the Baiting tactic in tactic that uses the principles of Deception no
which bait is placed before an opponent without a Deception to establish the conditions in which a
specific objective or outcome in mind. This is key Deception tactic can be performed. This is
done to test your opponent’s reaction to the bait, done through providing the enemy with helpful
thereby improving your knowledge of your tactical advice throughout the game under the
opponent and facilitating further Baiting efforts. guise of keeping the game moving (such as “well
from there you can either do X or Y”). See the
Trolling Matt Sportsmanship Manoeuvre. Once the enemy
1) Trolling is an offensive tactic that seeks to has come to trust your advice you can begin to
overwhelm enemy an enemy Position through the seed careful miss information. It is important to
application of trolls. never lie to your opponent as this is un-sportsman
2) Trolling is a Psychological Warfare tactic in like, however you can miss represent the likely
which a player makes deliberately nonsensical consequences of employing certain tactics or
tactical decision to disguise their true genius (if formations (such as “well if you try and swing
any). round that forest theirs a chance that I’ll catch you
in the open, but if you can make it their you will
Turtling Up be in a strong position moving forwards”). This
Turtling up is a defensive Position tactic in which tactic can be used to slowly warp your opponent’s
one player concentrates their force in response to perception of the strategic layout of the game and
ongoing loses. This is done to reduce the size of prevent them from making informed tactical
the formation in proportion to the suffered decisions.
casualties, thereby maintain the desired Unit
Density. Wait and See
The Wait and See is a defensive Position tactic
Two Deep that sacrifices early Tempo to conserve Heroic
Two Deep is a defensive Position and Tempo Resources. This is done by assuming a Position
counter tactic in which one player establishes a with your heroes sheltered behind your formation.
secondary line to prevent Breakthrough tactics This will protect your heroes from ranged
from reaching their critical support pieces. To this weapons and reduce the likelihood of your
end a second line of models is placed behind the opponent employing Assassination or Flash Kill
front line of your formation (spear equipped tactics. The Wait and See also allows a player the
models work well for this) so that if the front line opportunity to see how the opponent choses to
is killed the second line can prevent Position their heroes as combat is reached,
Breakthrough. Against sustained enemy thereby allowing them to optimise their own hero
aggression the Three Deep tactic is sometimes dispersal.
Walling Off
Unit Density Walling Off is an adaption of the Screening tactic
Unit Density is a Position term that is used to that relies upon the same principles and objectives
refer to the number of models within a given area. but applies a greater portion of the army’s
This can be used offensively (see Flooding or Resources to achieve a higher Unit Density. Due
Burying) or defensively (see Screening or Walling to the increased Resource allocation, Walling Off
Off). Once the unit density of most formations is generally used in situation where the critical
drops below a certain point the effectiveness of nature of a given area is such that the protection
that formation will generally be reduced. offered by Screening is insufficient.

24 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Warp Slingshot Effect - Zen of Movement

Warp Slingshot Effect by establishing a rally point around the centre

The Warp Slingshot Effect is a Temporal objective. This is done by instructing all units to
Manipulation and Psychological Warfare counter converge on this area at best speed, thereby
tactic that can be used to mitigate the effect of a bringing the components back into mutual support
grievous tactical error if it is identified in a timely range and Flooding the objective at the same time.
manner. The Warp Slingshot Effect takes into The Wolf 359 tactic is frequently employed
consideration the reality that if you ask if your alongside Last Stand strategies.
opponent is okay with you taking back a move,
the answer could be no. Therefore, rather than WWGD
simply trying to back pedal from a mistake, the WWGD is an acronym for the theme based
player embraces the magnitude of their overall Decision Management tool What Would Gandalf
mistakes to make it clear to the opponent that this Do (or sometimes What Would Gothmog Do)?
is just one of a chain of mistakes, the gravity of This tool is based upon the understanding that
which has firmly ensnared your army and is now theme does not end at army selection and that the
drawing you in. Once the enemy has been primed themy-ist list in Middle Earth turns to cheesy
with this tale of woe the request can be made to garbage if not played in a manner consistent with
take back the most current mistake. Since you are its theme. To this end the player makes a
only asking to withdraw one of your many conscious decision to select tactics, strategies and
mistakes your opponent is more likely to allow playstyles that are consistent with their chosen
the take back (sometimes). army. The obvious example is to not power up
Gandalf or Bard with Alfred the Councillor as it
Wedge Formation beyond all belief that either of these individuals
The Wedge Formation is an offensive Position would ever trust Alfred’s advice. The prime
tactic in which powerful heroes are used to force a benefit of adopting WWGD over other Decision
breach into the enemy line while the flanks of the Management tools is the knowledge that,
army are swept back to channel into the breach regardless of the actual outcome of the game, in a
once it is formed. The Wedge Formation is a thematic sense (which is the most important
slower moving variant of the Flying V Formation. sense) you have already won.

Whittling Yoyo Attack

Whittling is defensive tactic in which a powerful The Yoyo Attack is an offensive Position, Tempo
enemy formation is reduced to a less powerful and Resource Management tactic that is used in
enemy formation through the application of the situations where a hero wishes to engage a target
Death by a Thousand Cuts principle. This is done that is protect by a potential next turn Counter
by applying small amounts of damage across Charge. This is achieved by calling a heroic
multiple turns to reduce the effectiveness of the combat and using the extra move generated by the
formation until it can be dealt with by successful kill to withdraw beyond the range that
conventional means. See Avoidance. the potential Counter Charge can reach. This
tactic is most often used by characters with
Window replenish-able Heroic Resources such as Aragorn
Window is a Position tactic that uses Deception to or by well-constructed Rohan lists, but it can
disguise the intended target of a Strategic Raid. sometimes be considered Resource efficient for
This is done by detaching models from the raid to other armies should the enemy attempt a Baiting
threaten additional targets. If done correctly this strategy using sufficiently valuable bait.
will cause the opponent to redeploy their
Resources to support areas that you do not intend Zen of Movement
to attack, thereby decreasing your opponents The Zen of Movement (also known as the Fabled
ability to reinforce the real target in a timely Movement Trick) is an offensive Position and
manner. See Decoy. Tempo tactic that uses Deception to remove
enemy forces from a critical but otherwise
Wolf 359 unremarkable area by moving backwards to move
Wolf 359 is a specialised Position tactic that has forwards. This tactic is used when the enemy has
been developed to recover from poor initial assumed a Position with their troops in an area
reinforcement rolls in the Start at The Edge, Run that is not of obvious strategic value but that you
to The Middle mission type (see Appendix A). In need to control to allow your troops access to
this situation a player begins with both a widely other areas. To achieve this the forces threating
dispersed force that is unable to offer its that area withdraws from the enemy in the hope
components adequate mutual support and a that the enemy will pursue. If the enemy leaves
centralised objective that must be held at all cost. the area your other troops, if any, can slip in
This tactic seeks to solve both of these problems behind the enemy formation, or if other troops are

GDP Tactical Dictionary 25

Zen of Movement - Zen of Movement

not available your retreating troops reverse

direction to perform the Hit and Wrap technique.

26 GDP Tactical Dictionary

Appendix A – Mission Identification Guide - Appendix C – Current Flowchart Catalogue

Appendix A – Mission Identification Guide

# Name A.K.A.
1 Domination The Good One
2 To The Death The Banner One
3 Hold Ground Start at The Edge, Run to The Middle
4 Lords of Battle Kill Points
5 Reconnoitre Cross The Board The French One
6 Ill Met By Moon Light The Night Fight The Shakespeare One
7 Seize The Prize The 50-50 Roll Off The Auto Win
8 Contest of Champions The Other 50-50 Roll Off The One Turn Game
9 Capture And Control Weird Domination
10 Heirloom of Ages Past Vanishing Domination The Other Banner One
11 Fog of War The Fun One The Mystery Mission
12 Storm The Camp*
*Storm The Camp does not appear to have a nickname.

Appendix B – Army List Identification

Armoured Company – An Iron Hills dwarf list with two or more chariots.
Bash Brothers – A Gondor list with both Boromir and Faramir (any versions).
Divine Wind – An elven army with a minimum of two Storm Callers.
Filth List – Any list that uses troops from different list for mutual support without developing a justifying
Fish of Fury – A double bubble Lake Town hoard army.
Gunline – Any army with more ranged weapons than mobility.
Magic Hat List – Any army lead by Thranduil.
Rhino Rush – Any army with a minimum of two Great Beasts of Gorgoroth.
Shade List – Any army that includes one or more shades.
Smaug List – Any army that includes models from the Desolator for the North army list.
True Hoard – Any army with at last 10 models per 100 points 2.
Will No One Think Of The Children – Any army that contains one or more random warbands of Hobbits.

Appendix C – Current Flowchart Catalogue

Gondor Tactica (Version 2.0)
Gondor List Construction: Step 1 Army Leader (Version 2.0)
Critical Response Tactica 1: Breach in Your Line (Version 1.1)
Critical Response Tactica 2: Dislodging Entrenched Formations (Version 1.0)
Mission Guide: Seize the Prize (Version 1.2)
Mission Guide: Heirlooms of Ages Past (Version 1.2)

Note, this ratio was established prior to the inclusion of warbands. Update pending…

GDP Tactical Dictionary 27

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