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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫األساتذة المحترمون ‪ .....‬السالم عليكم‬

‫ادناه ‪ 7‬أسئلة بخصوص المحور األول‬

‫س‪--‬ؤال من ك‪--‬ل ن‪--‬وع ( ص‪--‬ح او خط‪--‬أ ‪ , MCQ ,‬املئ الفراغ‪--‬ات ‪ ,‬تع‪--‬اريف ‪ ,‬تع‪--‬داد ‪,‬‬
‫الوصل بين الكلمات ‪ ,‬معاني )‪.‬‬

‫وكل س‪-‬ؤال يحت‪-‬وي على ف‪-‬روع عدي‪-‬دة فل‪-‬و اخت‪-‬ار أح‪-‬د األس‪-‬اتذة في نموذج‪-‬ه المق‪-‬دم‬
‫لالمتح‪--‬ان التنافس‪--‬ي ان يك‪--‬ون س‪--‬ؤال المح‪--‬ور األول فراغ‪--‬ات فبإمكان‪--‬ه ان يخت‪--‬ار ‪ 6‬او عش‪--‬ر‬
‫ف‪--‬روع من الموج‪--‬ودة بحيث ل‪--‬و ان اس‪--‬تاذًا آخ‪--‬ر اخت‪--‬ار أيض‪--‬ا ان يك‪--‬ون س‪--‬ؤال المح‪--‬ور األول‬
‫فراغات فلن يكونا متشابهين لكثرة فروع الفراغات المتاحة‪.‬‬

‫مع خالص احترامي وتقديري لكم‬

‫اخوكم د‪ .‬علي االبراهيمي‬

‫كلية الكفيل الجامعة في النجف االشرف‬

Q1. Read the sentences below and mark them as True or False.

1. HTML is a language for publishing hypermedia on the World Wide Web. T

2. Multimedia system support and networking: network protocols, Internet,
operating systems, servers and clients, quality of service (QoS), and
databases. T
3. Speakers are output devices for video files. F
4. Scanners are input devices for image files. T
5. Hypertext System: meant to be read linearly, by following links that point
to other parts of the document, or to other documents. F
6. WAV is an uncompressed audio file format. T
7. A Multimedia System is a system capable of processing multimedia data
and applications. T
8. In multimedia system, the information they handle never be represented
digitally. F
9. Multimedia may be broadly divided into linear and non-linear categories.
10.Hypermedia can be considered as one type of particular multimedia
application. T
11.A Multimedia System is a system capable of processing multimedia data
and applications. T
12.The World Wide Web (WWW) is not an example of a hypermedia
application. F
13.HyperMedia is not constrained to be text-based, it can include other
media. T
14.Communication Networks are one of Hardware Components of
Multimedia. T
15.Computer Systems are: CD-quality speakers, HDTV, SVGA, Hi-Res
monitors, Color printers. F
16.Creative industries, Commercial & Education are application areas of
multimedia. T
17.HTTP is a multimedia system that was originally designed for transmitting
hypermedia. F
18. (XML) means Extensible Multimedia Language. F
19.Continuous Media is Time independent Media like Video, animation and
audio. F
20.Low pass filter is used to remove the aliases from the sampling. T
21.Text are Storaged 1 bit per character. F
22. Formatted Text: Raw text or formatted text e.g HTML, Rich Text Format
(RTF). T
23.Graphics are usually generated by a graphics editor program (e.g.
illustrator, Freehand) or automatically by a program (e.g. Postscript). T
24.Still pictures which (uncompressed) are represented as a GIF (a grid of
pixels). F
25.Images Stored at 1 byte per pixel (Black and White) or (monochrome). F
26.Audio signals are continuous analog signals. T
27.Audio usually compressed (E.g. MP3, AAC & jpeg). F
28.Raw video can be regarded as being a series of single images. There are
typically 22, 24 or 28 frames per second. F
29.Analog Video is usually captured by a video camera and then digitised. T
30.Graphics are usually selectable and editable or revisable (unlike images). T
Q2. Define only five .

1. Hypertext.
2. Multimedia System
3. Multimedia Application
4. Multimedia
5. Hypertext System
6. HyperMedia
7. HTTP .
8. HTML.
9. Continuous Media
10.Static or Discrete Media.

1. Hypertext is a text which contains links to other texts.
2. A Multimedia System is a system capable of processing multimedia data
and applications.
3. Multimedia Application is an application which uses a collection of multiple
media sources e.g. text, graphics, images, sound/audio, animation and/or
4. Multimedia is the media that uses multiple forms of information content
and information processing (e.g. text, audio, graphics, animation, video,
interactivity) to inform or entertain the user.
means that computer information can be represented through audio,
graphics, images, video, and animation in addition to traditional media.
5. meant to be read nonlinearly, by following links that point to other parts of
the document, or to other documents
6. HyperMedia: not constrained to be text-based, can include other media,
e.g., graphics, images, and especially the continuous media — sound and
7. HTTP is a protocol that was originally designed for transmitting
hypermedia, but it also supports transmission of any file type.
8. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a language for publishing
hypermedia on the World Wide Web.
9. Continuous Media: Time dependent Media is like Video, animation and
audio are examples.
10. Static or Discrete Media: is the media which is time independent like
Normal data, text, single images and graphics are examples.

Q3. What are the following acronyms refer to

1. HTTP 2. WWW 3. (QoS) 4. CBTs 5. W3C

6. URI 7. HTML 8. XML 9. ADC 10. DAC.


1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol

2. WWW The World Wide Web

3. Quality Of Service (Qos)

4. Computer-Based Training Courses

World Wide Web Consortium :)W3C( .5

URI : Uniform Resource Identifier .6

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language .7

XML: Extensible Markup Language .8

ADC : Analog To Digital Converter .9

DAC : Digital To Analog Converter .10

Q4. Choose the correct answer for the following :

1. The multimedia research topic that related to Network protocols projects is:
a) Multimedia processing and coding.
b) Multimedia system support and networking.
c) Multimedia tools, end systems, and applications.
d) None of them.
2. The popularity of the WWW is NOT due to:
a) World Wide Web.
b) The amount of information available from web servers.
c) The capacity to post such information.
d) The ease of navigating such information with a web browser.
3. Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through
a. audio, graphics, image.
b. video and animation.
c. many of traditional media (text and graphics).
d. all of them.
4. A Multimedia system has basic characteristics:
a) Multimedia systems must be computer controlled & integrated.
b) The information they handle must be represented digitally.
c) The interface to the final presentation of media is usually interactive.
d) all of them above.
5. An example Hypermedia Applications is:
a) PowerPoint.
b) Capture devices.
c) Multimedia system support and networking.
d) ADC & DAC.
6. it's not a Components of Multimedia:
a) Capture devices
b) Adobe Acrobat (or other PDF software).
c) Communication Networks.
d) Computer Systems.
7. Example of Multimedia Applications:
a) Video-on-demand.
b) Interactive TV.
c) Computer Games.
d) all of them.
8. The size of a sound file (3 sec. - sample rate = 11025 Hz -stereo - Bit Depth =16
bit - type : WAV PCM signed) is :
a) 1,058,400 Byte.
b) 529,400 Byte.
c) 129.12 K Byte.
d) 1033 K Byte.
9. The size of a sound file (2 minutes - sample rate = 22050 Hz -stereo - Bit Depth
=16 bit - type : WAV PCM signed) is :
a) 176400 Byte
b) 10.1 M Byte
c) 172 K Byte
d) 80.7 M Byte
10.An image of size (640×480) pixels, to store this image as GRAYSCALE IMAGE
a) 307,200 KB
b) 37.5 KB
c) 300 KB
d) None of them
11.One of the main processes that multimedia system has to deal with is:-
a) RGB and SMYK.
b) Shannon Fano Algorithm Coding.
c) Manipulation of Data.
d) none of them.
12. The Multimedia Research Topic that is related to Authoring systems projects is:
a) Multimedia processing and coding.
b) Multimedia system support and networking.
c) Multimedia tools, end systems, and applications.
d) None of them.
13. One of the main processes that Multimedia System has to deal with is:-
a) Storage of data.
b) BMP and JPEG.
c) Huffman Algorithm Coding.
d) None of them.
14. An image of size (600×400) pixels, to store this image as BINARY IMAGE
a) 240,000 Byte.
b) 29.29 KB.
c) 30,000 KB.
d) None of them.
15.The size of a sound file (3 minutes - sample rate= 24000 Hz - mono - Bit Depth =
8 bit -type: WAV PCM unsigned) is:
a) 70.3 K Byte.
b) 562.5 K Byte.
c) 1.1 M Byte.
d) 4.12 M Byte.
16. Static or Discrete Media is time independent like
a) Video
b) animation
c) text
d) none of them
17.Continuous Media is Time dependent Media like
a) Video.
b) HTML.
c) Text.
d) none of them.
18. Anti-aliasing filters (major part of Analog Conditioning) are needed at the input
a) quantizes the continuous input into discrete levels.
b) remove frequencies above the sampling limit that would result in aliasing.
c) removes the aliases that result from the sampling.
d) none of them.
19. Handwritten text could also be digitized by
a) storege divices.
b) electronic pen sensing.
c) ADC & DAc.
d) none of them.
20.the Sources of Text and Static Data are like:
a) keyboard.
b) speech input.
c) optical character recognition.
d) all of them
Q5. Match the items in column A with the items in column B

1. Speakers a) Audio Output Device
2. Digitization b) Analog To Digital
3. Mp3 c) Input Device
4. WAV d) Image File Format
5. DOC e) Audio File Format
6. PNG f) Text File Format
7. Microphone g) Audio File Format
8. JPG h) Hz
9. Mp4 i) Video Input Device
10.Frequency j) Analog Signal
11.Color Resultion k) Image File Format
12.Web Camera l) Video File Format
13.Scanner m) Image Input Device
14.Sound n) Output !=Input
15.Lossy o) CD-Roms.
16.Byte . p) Intranets.
17.Virtual Reality . q) Quality Of Service .
18.Qos . r) 23 Bit
19. Storage Devices. s) Multimedia Applications
20. Communication

Q6. Fill in the following blanks

1. Hypertext is a text which contains links to other texts.

2. Example Hypermedia Applications: (WWW), powerPoint & Adobe Flash.
a. There are a variety of video analog and digital formats.
3. Interactive TV is an Example of Multimedia Applications.
4. Graphics are usually generated by a graphics editor program like
5. Hypertext System: meant to be read nonlinearly, by following links that
point to other parts of the document, or to other documents
6. a 512x512 24 bit image takes 3/4 MB with no compression.
7. HTML is a language for publishing hypermedia on the World Wide Web.
8. HyperMedia: not constrained to be text-based, can include other media,
e.g., graphics, images, sound and video.
9. Analog Video is usually captured by a video camera and then digitised.
10. Computer Games are Example of Multimedia Applications.
11. a 512x512 Grey scale image takes up 1/4 MB with no compression.
12. HTTP is a protocol that was originally designed for transmitting
13. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) identifies the resource accessed,
such as the host name, always preceded by the token ''http://''.
14. (XML) is stands for: Extensible Markup Language.
15. Static or Discrete Media is time independent like text and graphics are
a. 1 Minute of Mono CD quality (uncompressed) audio = 5 MB.
16. Continuous Media: Time dependent Media: Video, animation and audio
are examples.
17. Anti-aliasing filters (major part of Analog Conditioning) are needed at the
input to remove frequencies above the sampling limit that would result in
18. Still pictures which (uncompressed) are represented as a bitmap (a grid of
19. Printed imagery/graphics can be scanned directly to image formats.
20. 1 Minute of Stereo CD quality (uncompressed) audio = 10 MB.
21. Raw video can be regarded as being a series of single images. There are
typically 25, 30 or 50 frames per second.
22. One of basic Multimedia system characteristics is: Multimedia systems are
integrated. And must be computer controlled.
23. A Multimedia System is characterized by the processing, storage,
generation, manipulation and rendition of Multimedia information.
24. Multimedia presentations can be live or recorded.

Q7. List four of the following:-

a) basic characteristics of A Multimedia system.
b) Example Hypermedia Applications
c) Hardware Components of Multimedia
d) Multimedia Research Topics
e) what the Multimedia systems/applications have to deal with
f) Examples of Multimedia Applications

Q8 Answer

Multimedia systems must be computer controlled.
Multimedia systems are integrated.
The information they handle must be represented digitally.
The interface to the final presentation of media is usually interactive.

The World Wide Web (WWW) is a clear example of the hypermedia
Adobe Acrobat (or other PDF software).
Adobe Flash
Capture devices
Storage Devices
Communication Networks
Computer Systems
Display Devices

Multimedia processing and coding
Multimedia system support and networking
Multimedia tools, end-systems and applications
Multi-modal interaction and integration

Generation of data
Manipulation of data
Storage of data
Presentation of data
Communication of information/data


World Wide Web

Multimedia Authoring, e.g. Adobe/Macromedia Director
Hypermedia courseware
Interactive TV
Computer Games
Virtual reality
Digital video editing and production systems
Multimedia Database systems

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